Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1303: Recapture power

Chapter 1303 regains power

The flame broke out immediately, burning the surrounding drones and patrolmen.


"This guy is a nightmare!"

The remaining patrolmen fled, and the drones were all detonated and turned into scrap iron, scattered around.

"let's go."

Liu Yi fell down, reached out and sucked Aisha out from behind the door, then hugged her in her hands and held her in her arms.

"I, where are we going?"

"Back to the base."

Liu Yi squeezed his eyes at Aisha.

"But there are already armed fighters chasing it!"

Aisha looked at the distant sky and saw one after another armed fighter flying over here, could not help but say.

“Reassured, we will take a faster ride.”

"What is that? Shuttle machine?"

Aisha asked involuntarily.

"Little Tai Chi!"

Liu Yisheng shouted, and a silver-white sword immediately condensed from his body and floated in front of him.

Liu Yi reached out and gently stroked the Taiji sword.

Since the moment of demonization, Xiao Taiji has been fully integrated into his body. Now that Liu Yi is awakened, the little Tai Chi is also released.

Xiao Taiji also trembled in front of Liu Yi, seemingly very excited.

"Long time no see, old man, how about carrying me?"

Liu Yi whispered, as if he was really seeking the advice of his partner.

The little Tai Chi made a sound of dragons and screams, then rotated a circle in the air.


Several drones that had just flown in were immediately pierced by the little Taiji and exploded in the air.

Xiao Taiji stopped at the foot of Liu Yi and was very stable.

"We walked."

Liu Yi said, jumping and jumping to the top of the little Tai Chi.

"Ah, this, can this thing work?"

Aisha is very suspicious.

Xiao Taiji immediately swayed a few times, almost smashing Aisha from the arms of Liu Yi.

"It doesn't like you saying this."

Liu Yi said, comforting the road, "Come on the old man, go back and play with you, then we should depart."

Liu Yi said that Xiao Taiji was quiet, and then suddenly accelerated, turned into a silver lightning, stuck to the ground, with Liu Yi to gallop in the distance.

"Good, good... fast!"

Aisha was shocked. Fortunately, Liu Yi held her, otherwise she must have fallen.

Yu Jian flying, Liu Yi has not used such a method for a long time. He is directly using the momentary movement, but now the sun has only opened one, and the mana that moves instantly is not enough. In contrast, Yu Jian is more labor-saving and faster.

They stepped on the sword and flew a few hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and the speed of the armed aircraft was also very fast, chasing from both sides.

"They are catching up!"

Aisha shouted at the scorpion.

"I don't know!"

Liu Yi’s voice is low, but it is very clear, and Aisha’s listening is clear.

"Little Tai Chi, don't let people look down on."

After Liu Yi finished, Xiao Taiji made a sound of dragons and screams with two people.

The armed fighters in the back immediately struggled to catch up. In the blink of an eye, the speed of the small Tai Chi was raised several times, and soon a picture was taken and flew in the air.

"Hurry... I, I can't stand it..."

Aisha clung to the back of Liu Yi, breathing a little difficult.

"Nothing, there is me."

Liu Yi used a dark force to condense a helmet and directly buckled it on Aisha’s head.

With this helmet, Aisha is much better, at least it can breathe normally.

"You are really a magician..."

Aisha can also speak normally. She looked at Liu Yi’s eyes with envy and said, “I’m the first time I saw you... What kind of person are you in your original world? ?"

"If you want to see it, I can take you to our world."

"No way……"

I did not expect Aisha to refuse directly. "I belong to this world. Another world is novel, but it is not my home after all."

This makes Liu Yi a bit touched, yes, even if the world is better, it is not as good as his own.

You must find the chick as soon as possible, then save her back and bring it back to his own world!

Chick, you are waiting for me!

Liu Yi accelerated the little Tai Chi. He and Aisha were like meteors. They disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

"Reporting, they have lost their signal!"

"Damn, what kind of transportation they are riding, so fast!"

These judges really can't think of it.

"Sir, they ran!"

A patrolman reported to his chief.

"Hey, they ran today and can't run tomorrow."

A judge sat in an armed fighter, looking at the radar screen, sneer, "The sky has been laid, we are waiting for this kid to cast a net!"

"Does he really come?"

The patrolman did not understand it. "This kind of thing... I think that even ordinary people can understand the mystery."

"He is different, even if only one in ten thousand is possible, he will come."

The judge said, "This is his weakness, he will die for this weakness!"

"The sergeants are far-sighted and the villain is really admired."

"You have to learn more."

The judge said triumphantly.

"You have escaped from there!"

In the rebel base, Anda looked at Liu Yi and Aisha, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

"I didn't think of it, I saw the news, I thought you would die there."

"I thought I would die there... but Liu Yi brought me out."

Aisha looked at Liu Yi’s eyes with some little worship. Carter frowned at the side. He also doubted that the two men could escape! It is incredible!

"It seems that you have completed your first goal."

General Anda understood it. He laughed. "It seems that you have the strength to challenge the judge."

"Arrange me to go to the cold hell."

Liu Yi immediately put forward his own requirements, and he can't wait to save people.

"I am afraid that you are in a cold **** and you will not see you."

General Anda shrugged his shoulders.

"Why? Has she been killed?"

When Liu Yi suddenly had a red eye, his body suddenly burst into a terrible temper, making the whole room a cold.

That Carter is almost scared of urine, lying trough... What is this power!

Is this the original face of the invaders!

"No, no, don't guess."

Anda is also a bit nervous. He hurriedly said, "Your person is not in the cold and hell, but is sent to the trial city to accept her trial. If you want to save people, judge the city, it is better than the extremely cold hell. More convenient."

"Then why are we still not leaving?"

Liu Yi asked.

"You are too anxious, and it is easy to get into the enemy's plan."

Anda said, "The reason why I didn't tell you right away is that I am worried that this is a trap that the enemy deliberately set for you! They know that you want to save people, so set this up and lead you to the hook!"

"What if it is a bureau?"

Liu Yi has long established his belief that "for my chick, even if it is a dead end, I am willing to jump in!"

"He is such a stubborn person."

Aisha followed Liu Yi for a few days and already understood the temper of Liu Yi. "We can only help him."

"Okay, if this is the case, then I will immediately arrange for you to go to the trial city! Although it is not as cold as hell, the trial city is also the place where the judges are strictly guarded! If it is a trap, I am afraid that the network has been waiting for you. !"

"I won't be foolish enough to jump directly into the trap."

Liu Yi smiled. "They want to catch me, it's not that easy. This time, I want them to lose their wife and lose their soldiers."

"Well, Liu Yi, whether you are an intruder or not, whether you can succeed, I am admiring you!"

General Anda laughed and said, "If you are willing, I can also give you a position in this rebel army and give you a deputy general!"

General Anda’s words are amazing, but no one refutes.

Now this intruder...he does have the strength of being a deputy commander.

Moreover, they feel that the generals seem to be...not just the strength of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi himself thought that he had a chill and said quickly, "I still forget, I saved the chick and took her back to my world. Although the world is not bad, it is not my place. In my world, there are still many people waiting for me, they need me. Just like, your rebel army needs you."

"Then I understand, it is really regrettable."

Anda sighed. "If you can come back alive this time, I will arrange a celebration party for you. If you die, I will erect a tombstone for you in the Resistance."

"I won't die."

Liu Yi smiled again.

"Oh? Why are you so confident?"

Anda asked.

"I said it because someone is waiting for me to go back."

Liu Yi squeezed his eyes at Anda.

"Well, Aisha, this time, you are still assisted by Liu Yi to go to the trial city. Remember, in the trial city, you will hit the name of our rebel army!"

"Ah, really?"

Everyone listened and was shocked. The Rebels have been low-key and are unwilling to attract the attention of government forces.

But this time, Anda seems to be planning to show up completely.

"When Liu Yi went to the trial city, our rebel army attacked the Blackwater area at the same time!"

Anda gave the order, "You are not afraid of it!"


These rebel forces are all a little excited, and finally they have to start the battle. Can you overthrow the judge's rule, just look at this one!

"Liu Yi, I promise you to be the vanguard of our rebel army!"

Anda patted Liu Yi’s shoulder. "I hope you can fire this first shot for our rebel army!"

"Bag on me!"

Liu Yi did not hesitate to take it down, and he silently recited in his heart.

Chick, are you okay now... Hold on, Grandpa, I will save you right away...

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