Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 165: Holographic simulation

Chapter 165 Holographic Simulation

“The box is made of special materials and is designed to test the power of newcomers.”

Li Biyue pointed to the quirky box and explained, "There are a lot of arrays on it, which is a magical instrument for repairing. You can try it with all your strength, no problem."

Liu Yufan held his arm on the side and couldn't help but interrupt.

"The test of this power is the initial test of your strength. What level of strength do you have? You will know when you test it."

He said, he walked proudly to the front of the box, put out his fist and punched it on the box.

The box did not split, revealing a box of white wine.

A dashboard on the side of the box, suddenly turning.

The above pointer keeps moving, with twenty-eight scales on it. The pointer moved up seven grids and finally stayed close to the eighth grid.

"Seeing no, this is my strength!"

Liu Yufan said proudly, "The strength of the Seven Stars B+ will soon become A!"

"B+ and A also have a big gap."

Li Biyue spoke on the sidelines. "It is useless to have only strength to reach A. Level A requires more than strength."

"I will reach it one day sooner or later!"

Liu Yufan looked back at Li Biyue. "You wait!"

"What are you waiting for, what level do you like?"

Li Biyue did not appreciate it, holding his arm and said.


Liu Yufan wants to blow up.

This Li Biyue is really hot and cold!

I still have no way to take her?

It’s a hell!

I said Liu Yufan is also the dragon of the people, or the head of the Beilong City headquarters, how can not even get a Li Biyue!

Li Biyue, Li Biyue, you are waiting for me... you will be my person sooner or later!

"it's your turn!"

Liu Yufan said, walked aside and gave the box to Liu Yi.

"Let me see, you newcomer, there is a bit of strength in the end. It doesn't matter if you can't move it. A lot of new people can't even get out of a scale. Newcomer, huh, huh..."

A scale should represent a star.

Liu Yi has already seen it.

However, he couldn't help but curious, reaching out to the palm of his hand and taking a test shot on the box with a little bit of strength and feeling the touch.


The box rang with a clear sigh.

There is a heavy and metallic feel at the beginning, and Liu Yi can still feel the slight rebound force from the box.

The pointer on the dial moved slightly toward a scale.

"Ha ha ha!"

When Liu Yufan saw this scene, he couldn’t help but laugh.

"Sure enough, it is really a pink newcomer! Li Biyue, Li Biyue, your brother, how can you not even have the power of a star, even the E-level hunters are not counted, how to assign tasks to him?"

Li Biyue frowned slightly and did not speak.

My brother is not this strength... but how can I only play such a value?

It was very uncomfortable to be joke by Liu Yufan.

Jokes themselves will be forget, joke her younger brother... Li Biyue began to have a fire.

The horse flower handed over half a bottle of liquor.

"Kid, do you want to take another bite?"

"It's useless to give him a **** medicine."

Liu Yufan sneered at him. "This kid is simply a waste wood..."


At this time, Liu Yi suddenly raised his palm high, and the palm of his hand burst into the sun, and then fell on the box.


The box made a dull buzzing sound.

Together with the table, I trembled.

The pointer on the box suddenly wandered, turned directly to the three scales, and finally stopped at the position close to the fourth scale.

Liu Yufan was dumbfounded, his mouth was long like a scorpion, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

"Hey, good boy, there are three stars, and it's close to the fourth!"

The old man couldn’t help but clap his hands. "Li Biyue, how big is your brother, this power is there. It seems that your family is really abnormal."

"Let's say a little, you won't die."

Li Biyue repaired his nails with a small black dagger, and the old man did not say anything at once.

Her heart was also secretly happy, and she did not look away.

When the younger brother is young, he already has the strength of nearly four stars.

I remember that when he first saw him, he was only two stars.

In the blink of an eye, progress is fast. This shows that his future is limitless.

But at the same time, Li Biyue is a bit complicated inside.

This situation also proves that the younger brother and the legendary person are getting closer and closer...

Hey...why would it be him...

God, you really will torture people...

The most surprising thing is Liu Yufan. He can't believe it. The younger brother of Li Biyue has the strength of three stars!

Three stars, that can basically be regarded as a D-level hunter!

As long as he can pass the next round of assessment, the D-level hunter identity did not run!

It’s a hell... I really don’t want this kid to come in smoothly!

It seems that the next round of assessments... must be more hands-on!

"Ma old man, prepare for the second round of assessment!"

Liu Yufan said very uncomfortably.

"Oh, why bother to be so anxious, it is better to sit down and have two drinks, supervisor."

"Drink your uncle! Hurry!"

Liu Yufan is going to be mad.

This horse's attitude is always unhurried and mad.

This old man is an old employee who was in the position of his former supervisor, and his qualifications seem to be very old. Even some people in the Presbyterian Church know him.

It is not that easy to expel him.

So sometimes the old man makes himself angry, and he can only endure and punish the old man in a manipulable range.

Such as deduction of wages.

"The supervisor is still so tempered, well, this will start."

Ma Hua reluctantly put down the bottle, while touching his bald head, while walking to the door next to the door, press a few buttons on the door.

Suddenly, the wall slowly opened, revealing a huge glass wall.

Opposite the glass wall is a large, spacious room that looks as big as a basketball court. There are white walls inside, which look a little weird.

"This is the test room, you go in."

Ma Laotou gently pushed Liu Yi.

" do you do it?"

Liu Yi is somewhat confused.

Which is this test?

“This room is a high-tech product, plus the help of cultivation technology.”

The old man is like a child, and he proudly said, "After you enter, you will encounter virtualized enemies. But don't underestimate these enemies, they are all blessed with the spirit wall around this room. It has the same strength as the actual demon. Kid, although the power is good, but it does not mean everything. Some people have strength but will not use it. Can you successfully become a D-level hunter, depending on whether you can go well Through this virtual combat!"

"Well, I will try."

Actual combat?

Fortunately, I am not fighting for the first time.

Fox fairy sister really helped herself a lot.

"Come on, my sister believes in you."

Li Biyue cheered Liu Yi on the side.

And after Liu Yi entered the room, Liu Yufan put the old man to the side and said, pressing down the voice.

"Give me a four-star enemy for him."

Four stars?

Ma Laotou suddenly burst into surprise and looked at his leadership strangely.

"Is it right to make an enemy of Samsung?"

"Rely, let you do what you do, who is the leader!"

Liu Yufan suddenly blinked.

If he was not afraid that Li Biyue would turn his face on the spot, he really wanted to make a bunch of five-star enemies to give him a game.

"But... this is not reasonable... I am a straight person..."

"I will send you a red envelope this month."

"Well, you should give the new person a test, lead, and give it to me."

Ma Laotou immediately operated a few times on the next instrument.

Li Biyue frowned at the side and only felt that it was not quite right.

What the **** are these two people doing? God is mysterious.

Liu Yi stood in the room at this time and only felt a curiosity.

The original inside of the hunting artificial club is like this, is there such an interesting test room?

Holographic simulation room?

If it is used to play games, is it not cool?

How much is it to get such a set of equipment!

Liu Yi couldn't help but began to envy.

At this time, the room suddenly darkened, and Liu Yi was followed by a black person.

However, the Yaozu had the ability to night vision. Soon he adapted to the darkness in front of him and could see clearly what was changing on the wall.

And soon, the room lit up again.

Liu Yi was surprised to find that he was already standing in a desolate desert.

The top of the head is a tall, glaring sun, all over the ground is yellow sand, hot and hot.

There is no one in the surrounding area, no people, no vegetation, no breath of life.

I am rubbing it... it’s so real...

Liu Yi has a little hot feeling.

This holographic simulation room, really against the sky!

The sound of the old man was heard in the room.

"Ten steps of milk, this time the environment for you is desert. There is a desert killer in the desert, it is also a terrible monster. You must be careful, come out, I invite you to drink... oh..."

After that, I also played a wine cellar, completely destroying the atmosphere of the desert.

Liu Yi couldn't help but shook his head and said that the old man was too funny.

However, it is more pleasing than Liu Yufan.

Just when Liu Yi guessed what strength Mahua would have, he suddenly felt that something seemed to be flowing under his feet.

Liu Yi hurriedly looked down and suddenly found that the sand under his feet was constantly flowing.

This is not a good sign!

A huge sense of pressure was born underneath, and Liu Yi subconsciously stepped on the ice skates, and the whole person slipped several meters.


Wherever it stood, the sand suddenly collapsed and formed a black sandstorm.

In the sandstorm, a huge cockroach-like giant worm, with a pair of terrible gums, plunged into the sky.

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