Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 192: Underground base


Chapter 192 Underground Base

The elevator door slowly opened and two ninjas in black costumes came in.

I am embarrassed between two people, I don’t know what to say.

At this time, Liu Yi, who had been hanging above the elevator, suddenly fell down and patted the shoulders of two people from behind.

At the same time, the two ninjas turned back and saw Liu Yi. They were shocked and subconsciously touched the knife at the waist.

But Liu Yi’s movements are faster than them, and the left and right chapters have been shot at the same time, hitting the chest of two people.

"Sealing the pulse!"

The seal pulse without any attributes directly causes the two ninjas to stop the blood and stop moving.

At the same time, Liu Yi left the left side of the Ninja's knife and directly penetrated into his heart.

Then Liu Yi took back his hands and pressed them on the head of the ninja on the right.


The neck of the ninja was twisted by a hundred and eighty degrees, and the eyes looked at him with amazement and a scream.

Liu Yi is not the first time to kill, especially this time it is the running dog sent by the right wing of the island country, it is even more unambiguous.

"This is for you."

Liu Yi squatted, then picked up the bodies of two ninjas and got out of the elevator.

Outside the elevator is a long corridor. Liu Yi looked around and there is a big waste disposal box at the right hand side.

He threw the bodies of the two ninjas in, and took off the clothes of the former ninja, and let Lin Biao deal with them.

A black ring appeared in the palm of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi intends to sneak into this underground base, and his own body is definitely not good.

But the two ninjas are all dwarfs. They are now taller than one meter and seventy-eight. In these ninjas, they are the same height as giants. Their clothes must not be worn directly. More faster chapters please come.

It is very magical to change the clothes.

After Lin Biao handled it, Liu Yi turned the clothes into layers of black light and wrapped them on his own body.

Sure enough, it’s just right now.

Put on the clothes of the ninja, Liu Yi went down the corridor to the depths.

He bent slightly, avoiding too much of the island nation's ninja to be vigilant.

Hey, playing a ninja is not easy.

Liu Yi went all the way and soon came to a spacious underground experimental center.

A lot of people in white coats are busy here.

There are all kinds of instruments in front of him, and Liu Yi, who is watching, is dazzled.


Underneath the country, Kojima has such a technological laboratory that goes beyond this!

What do they want to do?

Liu Yi suddenly rushed to a horror.

No matter what you do, there is definitely no good thing!

Find out what is being done here, then ruin it here...

Liu Yi found that there are still several doors at the end of the laboratory, and different star prints are engraved on the door.

One of them is printed with five stars.

Is this the most important place in the lab?

Liu Yi couldn't help but walked over and stood in front of the five-star gate.

But the password lock on the door is difficult for Liu Yi.

I am not a hacker... I can't open this door.

"Stupid, direct hard destruction!"

Lin Biao reminded.

"Use your mysterious ice, directly internal damage. Update first time"

"Okay, I try..."

Liu Yi reached out and posted it on the password lock.

Xianli surged and gathered on the right hand of Liu Yi.

A force of frost continued to emerge, leaving Liu Yi's right hand slightly emitting white light.

Xuan Bingqi quickly poured into the password lock, and the internal structure of the entire password lock was immediately destroyed by the frost lock.

Soon, the password lock lost its effect.

High-tech things are not necessarily able to withstand the cold.

There is no one around to pay attention to the action of Liu Yi. It is estimated that no one will believe that someone can open the one hundred and thirty-two password locks with empty hands.

After Liu Yishen opened the five-star door unconsciously, he walked in.

Inside is a deep corridor, and Liu Yi can't see the end at a glance. More faster chapters please come.

"I rub...the tunnels where the island country devils dug for a long time!"

Liu Yi couldn't help but marry her.

He stepped on the ice skates under his feet and slid in the corridor.

The long corridor seems to have no end, but Liu Yi is very fast, and soon stopped in front of a big iron gate.

"It seems to be some kind of protection."

Lin Biao looked at the big iron gate and said with emotion.

Liu Yi suddenly became evil.

"I go in and see first."

Lin Biao said, the body turned into a red light, and did not enter the iron gate in the blink of an eye.

It’s really convenient to have a sorcerer’s sister. She is a spiritual body and is not obstructed by these walls.

Think of it, it seems like the flame beauty under the Red Blood Code!

Damn, another person seems to have a lot more useful abilities than himself!

This unscientific!

If you can use the Red Blood Code flexibly, it is a pity that you have to get another permission.

"Want to use my spell?"

At this time, another sound came from Liu’s mind.

"As long as you do things as I want, my spells can be used casually."

This voice is tempting to confuse yourself.

"no way!"

Liu Yi did not hesitate to refuse.


The other one seems to be too lazy to scream.

"Liu Yi! There are six iron gates here!"

Lin Biao’s singer sounded at the moment of Liu Yi’s spiritual emptiness. “Every road is twenty centimeters thick! With your current strength... it’s hard to beat!”

"Rely! This protection measure is too powerful! Six layers of protection, but unfortunately there is no pleasure!"

Liu Yi is a big man.

"I'll try."

He didn't want to give up, he went to the iron gate and put his hands on the iron gate.

"The mysterious ice!"

The blue-and-white frost is full of iron gates.

But the iron gate is really terrible, and the power of Liu Yi is not enough to destroy it.


Liu Yi couldn't help but stumble. Is there no way?

"If you use my strength..."

At this time, in the mind of Liu Yi, another voice came. More faster chapters please come.

"My strength... can easily penetrate this door..."

"Crap, your red blood magic is not a magma, can you burn this iron door?"

"The magic of the flame, you don't understand at all."

In Liu’s mind, another voice of his own voice is constantly coming in. “If you don’t believe me, you will give up... If you can’t complete the task, you won’t get the money. Anyway, I can’t get any money, huh, huh...”


Another one is actually ridiculed!

Liu Yi is depressed.

However, thinking of the bonus of this task, Liu Yi could not help but heart.

Hey, isn’t it really a financial fan?

The construction of the Red Scarf Army is imminent!

Right, right...

Liu Yi squinted his head and suddenly remembered that Grandpa had said that the big event was not a bark!


Even if you switch your personality temporarily, there should be no big problem...

I also want to eliminate the underworld of Beilong City!

Oh, I am too sacrificed!

"If you want to help, come on!"

Liu Yi put down his hands and took a deep breath, standing in front of the door. "If you let me down... you don't have a chance to appear for the second time..."

After that, he suddenly burst into a red flame and wrapped his body.

When the flames dissipated, the costumes of Liu Yi had been replaced with black coats.

Silver-white long hair was left behind him, and a red scarf floated on his chest.

"Oh... this kid is strong, and his speech is getting more and more arrogant."

Liu Yi opened his eyes and revealed the golden scorpion.

"But I like it very much."

After that, his body suddenly turned into a red flame, and the whole person seemed to be the same spiritual state as the flame beauty.


This flaming spirit instantly crossed several thick iron gates and came to the other side of the iron gate in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the power of the Red Blood Code faded, and Liu Yi, who wore a black suit, reappeared.

"I wipe, this ability is really convenient."

Liu Yi stood up and couldn't help feeling.

But when he saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was stunned.

"I am rubbing...not..."

In front of Liu Yi, there are a series of nutrition breeding troughs.

Among the nutrient-growing tanks, there are people who seem to be sleeping.

These people only have underwear coverings, soaking in certain liquids.

"Weird... what these island people are cultivating..."

Liu Yi went forward and went to the front of a breeding trough to take a look.

I saw the label on the incubator with a lizard graphic.

What is this stuff……

Some of Liu Yi can't figure it out.

These nutrient troughs are spread over both sides, and in the center of the room, there is a robot with several wires attached to it.

"I have to say... very handsome..."

Liu Yi looked at the two-meter-high robot in front of him.

This robot is made of a certain metal material, silver body, with a metal and technology atmosphere.

When I was young, the toy I wanted most was a handsome Transformer!

It is a pity that the family is also poor, and Transformers is a high-end toy. The family can't afford it.

The robot that is now placed in front of it, but let Liu Yi have seen the addiction.

This stuff has to be bought as a toy, it must be handsome!

Liu Yi couldn't help but reach out and wanted to touch the big toy.

His hand touched the arm of the robot, and the metal touch made Liu Yi very cool.

"So a good thing... how much money..."

When Liu Yizheng was feeling the emotion, the robot that was quietly hanging there suddenly moved.

Its head was lifted up, and the position of the eyes was lit with red light, as if there was a warning.

"I sense the intruder and the defense mechanism starts."

The mechanical sound of the robot mouth can not be heard as male or female.

"Enemy analysis... combat power analysis... marked as a dangerous creature!"

At the same time, the robot waved out one arm and hit the chest of Liu Yi with lightning.


Liu Yi’s body suddenly flew out and directly hit the big iron gate behind.

The internal organs are rolling...

Liu Yi felt that the bones in his body were like broken.

I rub... this robot is so fierce!


In the previous chapter, Liu Yi’s family background was incorrectly introduced. It has been modified and cannot be synchronized... The friends of the mobile station can come up...


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