Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 278: Fireball

Chapter 278 Heavenly Fireball

school starts!

If you ask the students what is the most painful thing every year, then there is no doubt that these three words!

school starts!

If you ask students what is more painful than starting school, it is a sentence.

After school, Nima's homework has not been finished yet!

Sometimes Liu Yi even forgot that he was still a student. During this holiday, he was busy practicing, and he was taking care of the Red Scarf Army. A bunch of bad things, let Liu Yi forget a big thing, that is to write homework.

At this time, the commander of the Red Scarf Army, already in Beilong City, is standing at the door of the class.

Because he did not hand in his homework, Liu Yi was punished.

"Liu Ge!"

"Liu boss!"

This class time, students who can also be seen in the corridor, are those who do not learn to skip classes or smoke in the toilet.

These students saw Liu Yi, and one of them did not dare to say hello!

Although Liu Yi hasn't been to school for a long time, his older brother's identity is unquestionable!

Even his good friend Chen Cai, now has several younger brothers, who are good at school.

Liu Yi did not shun as before, and all of them nodded.

He has already adapted to such a thing.

"Oh, you are already a cultivator, you have to be punished!"

Lin Biao was holding his arm uncomfortably and floating in front of Liu Yi. "Go in and let the vulgar teacher know your identity!"

"forget it……"

Liu Yilian even shook his head. The teachers in other subjects said that the math teacher is now in it...

Anyway, the math class can't understand, it's better to stand outside.

Occasionally, some young girls who don’t learn well are still very eye-catching.

Liu Yi, while standing in the penalty, did not forget to run the heart of the body.

Since the last time I ate Dragon Ball, Liu Yi obviously felt that the demon power in the body had changed a little bit.

The current demon power seems to be more pure, and there is also something that I can't touch.

Liu Yi couldn't figure out what this thing was, but he could feel it was a good thing.

Because Liu Yi found that his physique began to grow!

In the past, Liu Yi was practicing demon power, fairy power, and magic.

These three forces, Xianli and Magic are more like the magic in the magic novel, and can not enhance the physique of Liu Yi. The demon power has improved the physical condition of Liu Yi, but more of it is the resilience of the powerful.

Now it is different. Liu Yi feels that his body is strong and does not know much.

He feels that he is now like a humanoid monster. The bones in the body are more optimized and denser. And every muscle in the body is also like a reorganization, full of strength.

At the same time, the height of Liu Yi also grew a little longer. Even when Wang Yuzhen saw Liu Yi at first sight, he was surprised to say that Liu Yi’s holiday seemed to be a long one!

Indeed, now Liu Yi should be one meter tall.

"Then you take the opportunity to digest your Dragon Ball."

Lin Biao also didn't like the environment of the classroom, which made her feel very depressed and very dull.

"You have absorbed 10% now and found that there is a significant change in your body! When you completely absorb the Dragon Ball, I believe that you can really become a dragon! And your body, It can be as strong as the dragon! The human body is still too weak."

Yes, the human body is indeed somewhat fragile, but the human body is also very magical.

The various organs in the human body are perfectly matched, and the proportion of the body is also the most standard golden ratio.

In particular, the twenty-eight stars are all perfect, and in the cultivation of immortals, human beings also have unique advantages.

And Liu Yi now has the human cultivation talent, and has the strong body of the dragon!

This kind of good thing, but the envy of others is not envious.

"Yu Yi, come in for the exam!"

Just when Liu Yi silently operated the inner body of the mind, the voice of the math teacher suddenly came from the classroom.

I rub? Also exam?

Liu Yi’s face was reluctant, but he couldn’t run, and he had to push the door.

"To test the questions of the last semester today, see if you have reviewed mathematics during this holiday. If you fail, go back and do ten sets of simulation rolls."

The math teacher is a veteran old man in his fifties. He holds a large number of papers and distributes the class representatives.

All the students screamed, and the most feared is this.

Liu Yigang sat back to Wang Yuzhen, and the old mathematician opened his mouth.

"Liu Yi, you got to the podium."


Liu Yi was slightly surprised. Wang Yuzheng next to him was also surprised to see the teacher. I don’t know why there was such a proposal suddenly.

"The last time you scored a high score, it made me very surprised. I want to see if it is your true result."

The old man of mathematics speaks.


This teacher is too despised!

Although I did cheating, the feeling of being looked down on so much made Liu Yi feel very uncomfortable.

"Master, give it to Otaru!"

Xiao Yan didn't do it either. "Small scorpion is part of the master, and the little singer will be the master!"

Indeed, this artificial intelligence is part of your body.

Liu Yi is ready to surprise the math teacher!

He walked over to the podium and kneeled on it to start answering questions.

The above math problem, Liu Yi still does not know one.

These math problems can be understood without relying on good memory. They also need a lot of logical reasoning skills, as well as computing power...

In terms of computing power, Liu Yi is really bad.

But he just took a look at these questions, and Xiao Yan easily listed all the answers.

What Liu Yi has to do is one thing, and it will be described once.

Such a thing can be much simpler. Liu Yi took a pen and ran a pen on the test paper. The old mathematician looked awkward.

Is this Liu Yi’s head a machine? Don't think about it, the speed of calculation is so fast?

Is it written by Hu?

The old man of mathematics couldn't help but get together and watched the test paper of Liu Yi's answer.

After reading it, he was shocked, this is not a slap in the air!

Each of Liu Yi’s answers is very correct. Even one of the questions has gone wrong. Liu Yi also marked it with a pen!


Is he a genius?

But why haven’t you found out before, isn’t the performance of this kid always bad?

Could it be that Liu Yi was overtaken by the Thunder and opened up?

In addition to such a mysterious answer, the old man of mathematics really can't think of other possibilities!

Liu Yi’s answer speed is still fast, and even the math teacher feels that he can’t exceed this speed!

In a blink of an eye, Liu Yi has already answered half of the questions, and there are still some questions left on the paper.

Little and hard, list every step of the answer.

Liu Yizhao fills in, this is not fast enough!

Soon, the results of the first big question were answered. What shocked the mathematician was that Liu Yi used calculus and some professional mathematics knowledge that the university could learn!

This Liu Yi...what did he learn from him, did he go out to make up his class during the holidays?

The old man of mathematics can't keep up with the rhythm of Liu Yi, and only feels that his head is a precursor to some crashes.

Liu Yi is proud of his heart, and his heart says that you can look down on me. Now I know that... Oh, no, I know that Xiaoyan’s is amazing!

Xiaoyan can even make a big problem with more than ten solutions, but Liu Yi wants the most convenient one, at least it is faster to copy!

Just when Liu Yi was ready to answer the next question, he suddenly frowned.

There was a feeling of depression that passed through and instantly hit his nerves.

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, as if danger is coming!

Liu Yi suddenly raised his head and said to the old man of mathematics.

"Teacher... Sorry, my stomach hurts... I want to go to the toilet."

"You, go..."

The old man of mathematics is still in shock, but just waved his hand and let Liu Yi release it.

Liu Yi immediately turned away from the classroom and ran outside the corridor.

When Liu Yi came out of the corridor, he immediately felt that the threat seemed to be directed at himself!

No... I have to leave the school building...

Liu Yi glanced at the bathroom at the end of the corridor. He accelerated his run. The whole person was like a quick cheetah, and he ran into the bathroom.

There are three students in the bathroom who are smoking cigarettes and sneaking around, and seeing Liu Yi suddenly coming in.

"Get out!"

Liu Yi swears unceremoniously.

The three students just wanted to swear, and the person who looked at it carefully was Liu Yi. They were all scared when they were scared. They even fled the toilet and escaped from the bathroom.

Liu Yi saw that the three of them ran away, and then they returned to the bathroom and quickly changed their clothes.

With a little bang, the dressing has become easier.

Soon, a black suit appeared on Liu Yi's body, and the red scarf slowly fluttered in the wind.

The white mask obscures the true face of Liu Yi, giving him a mystery.

"Who is it... let me see and see!"

Liu Yi said, one by one, jumped directly from the window of the bathroom on the fourth floor.

At this time, in the sky outside the window, a reddish fireball suddenly broke through the sky, falling from the sky and falling directly on the playground outside the window.


A huge storm suddenly slammed up, and the entire teaching building, accompanied by the exclamation of the students, the glass of the multi-level classroom was directly shattered.

Liu Yi was shocked in the heart, who is it?

He flew over the top of the building and looked down.

The smoke scattered on the playground, leaving a huge deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground.

A woman in a red dress with a long skirt is slowly standing up from the deep pit.

Who is this woman?

Liu Yiyi thought it was awkward at first, but he soon felt that it was wrong!

This woman has a feeling like the same bloodline as herself.

Moreover, there are strong threats from the woman's body.

"You are my brother?"

The woman slowly raised her head and looked at Liu Yi, who stood above the roof.

For a moment, Liu Yi saw the face of the woman.

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