Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 321: Black head

Chapter 321 Black Head

In order to show how passionate the senior schoolmaster is, Wang Zhanfeng ran around for Wang Yuzheng.

Liu Yi and Chen Cai both naturally followed the light. When Wang Zhanfeng wanted to talk with Wang Yuzhen, Chen Cai would immediately pick up, and Dong Laxi said a bunch.

And Wang Yuzhen did not say aloud all the time, bowed his arms and took Liu Yi’s arm, and followed him, watching Wang Zhanfeng gnash his teeth and screaming.

No, which one is better than that kid! I am talented, or the Minister of the Student Union Organization Department, maybe next year is the President of the Student Union! And my family's condition is good, the length is much more handsome than that kid!

These two people must have come out of the small city. This school girl has never seen the market, so he was deceived by this kid!

After she has seen the big world, knowing that she is the real rich and handsome, she will abandon this fool!

Yes, I should let her know!

Yes, that's right... The eyes of Wang Zhanfeng suddenly turned on.

"School girl, after a while, the seniors will take you to a big meal. You are a mathematics department, I am also a mathematics department, how clever, it is worth celebrating."

Wang Zhanfeng decided to show his identity when he was eating.


Wang Yuzhen subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Liu Yi stopped him and gave Chen Cai a look.

Chen Cai suddenly took the lead and said immediately.

"Zhen? Master, you are really good, and I am willing to invite three of our new classmates to eat... Hey, singer, you see the people in this big city are different. How handsome is this Wang Xuechang? Don't scan the goodwill of others, you will agree."

Wang Zhanfeng suddenly looked blue and green, and his face was very unsightly.

Nima, when did you say that you are pleased, obviously only ask the school girl!

This next time, it has become a few people to ask! Lying in the trough, that is a big meal, so many people, how much money!

"If this is the case... then okay..."

Wang Yuzhen saw that Liu Yi also handed himself a look and agreed.

I don't know when it started. The relationship between Wang Yuzhen and Liu Yi is so good.

I remember that I hated Liu Yi before, because I felt that Liu Yi was very bad. It was no different from Lin Huayang and Yuan Shaozhen.

But later, with the slow contact, it was discovered that Liu Yi is a very responsible boy, and dare to be dare to be completely different from the imaginary little punk.

The longer you contact, the stronger your dependence on Liu Yi...

Especially the temple fair that made Wang Yuzhen feel more warm. Therefore, Wang Yuzhen wants to fight for it!

I have already won the opportunity of the last good university, and now I should try to fight for a good man.

Murong Butterfly has had such a good family... Liu Yi, it should be his own!

When I heard Wang Yuzheng agree, then Wang Zhanfeng could not change his mouth again.

Mother, it feels like being put together!

After everything was arranged, Wang Zhanfeng reluctantly led several people to go to a Pizza Hut outside the school.

Liu Yi swears, this is also called a big meal, Pizza Hut.

Really, we have not seen the world before, have not eaten a big meal.

"Oh, mom, boss, Pizza Hut!"

Chen Cai was very alive and screaming, "Oh, I have never eaten such a high-level place in my life... It’s worth it to be in my life... Master, you are so handsome, it’s a big meal!"

Wang Yuzhen couldn't help but laugh, and many people next to him also looked at each other. Wang Zhanfeng's face was slightly unspeakable.

"That... we are still students after all, Pizza Hut is not bad, haha, right..."

Wang Zhanfeng laughed twice and didn't know what to say.

"Wang Xuechang waits, there is a phone call."

Liu Yi suddenly heard Xiao Xiao’s notice and quickly took out his mobile phone and took a call.

Seeing the domestic mobile phone that Liu Yi took out, Wang Zhanfeng sent a contemptuous look.

"Dead Liu Yi, I am not busy! I have done it with Lele, I am hungry, die and invite us to eat!"

"It’s busy, but we have a kind-hearted senior here, please eat..."

Liu Yi said, looking at Wang Yuzheng, "Yingzhen, they are Xiaodie, saying that they want to eat together."

"Ah, let's come together..."

"Oh, but the seniors are asking for help. How can you add people up? It’s a pain to learn so much money."

Liu Yi smirked twice.

"How come... Come on, have friends, come..."

Wang Zhanfeng’s distressed blood, the heart said, this time the girl lost a big loss, may have bleeding.

"We have a great student, and promised, come and eat! The Pizza Hut at the door of our school!"

"Is Pizza Hut? I know, this is it."

Murong Butterfly hangs up the phone cleanly.

"Let's go in and wait!"

Wang Zhanfeng saw that the people around him looked at their own eyes and it was a bit weird, and said quickly.

"Okay, everything goes to the seniors!"

Chen Cai was still pretending to be excited, licking his lips and said, "I can finally eat a big meal, I am so excited!"

Looking at Chen’s hunger and thirst, Liu Yi’s hair was covered.

This guy is not too exaggerated... but the effect is quite good, it is disgusting to the Wang Zhanfeng.

I want to have a sister paper by Pizza Hut... Is this guy thinking too good?

At least a Western-style feast, I opened a 82-inch one by the way, slaughter this guy.

It’s a pity that Pizza Hut has nothing to suffocate.

After entering, I chose a sofa to sit.

Liu Yi sat on the sofa and Wang Yuzhen sat next to him. Wang Zhanfeng seems to want to sit next to Wang Yuzheng, but Chen Cai sat down first, and with Liu Yi, one side, the sofa was blocked on both sides.

"Schoolmaster, don't hesitate, sit!"

Seeing Wang Zhanfeng standing there, Liu Yiyi pointed to the opposite chair and said politely.

Fuck! Where to sit!

Anyway! Take the sofa and give it to you!

Wang Zhanfeng’s heart really wants to vomit blood!

Can these two people not be used as light bulbs? Are you catching up with the two lighthouses!

In particular, what is the relationship between Wang Yi and Wang Yuzhen?

Said that it is not a boyfriend or a friend, Wang Yuzhen is so attached to him!

Said to be a relationship of love, the two people lack the kind of relatives!

Really, the heart is dead!

"That... ask... are you a few friends coming over?"

After sitting in the chair, Wang Zhanfeng thought of his own purse problem and asked a little embarrassedly.

"There are two more."

Liu Yi smiled. "Do not worry, the senior, will not slaughter you."

Liu Yi’s smile looks like a human and animal harmless appearance.

Wang Zhanfeng nodded gratefully, and counted in the heart, six people to eat, probably have to eat five or six hundred...

Uh... just when there is a good piece of equipment in the game.

Fortunately, I have four or five thousand living expenses in one month, otherwise this girl can't really afford it.

"It doesn't matter, don't hesitate, just pick it up."

In order to make Wang Yuzhen admire himself, Wang Zhanfeng waved his hand and laughed. "Don't look at the things here is more expensive, but it is nothing to me. Usually, I am here to eat in the cafeteria."

"The seniors are polite, we are all younger generations, how can we slaughter the seniors?"

Liu Yi smile seems so innocent, then he handed the menu to the waiter, said, "The same on the menu."


Wang Zhanfeng’s head was directly on the table.

Lying in the trough, this is also called not to slaughter Laozi!

"This, so much, have you eaten?"

Wang Zhanfeng was shaking, and asked palely.

"Ah, I am sorry to be a senior, my brother can eat."

Liu Yi took a shot on Chen Cai’s shoulder and said.

"Yeah, senior, let's take care of the money for you, don't eat three copies, one I have to deal with two."

Said, still licking his lips.

Lying in the trough, eat one and deal with it! Are you a reincarnation of pigs!

I don't believe you can eat so much! You didn't mean to play with Lao Tzu!

"But... so much is it really delicious?"

"Oh, the senior may be worried about spending too much money!"

Liu Yi suddenly realized that "If you want to eat and eat, don't let the seniors waste too much."


Wang Yuzhen nodded and reached for the wallet.

"Don't! I said, please, please..."

Wang Zhanfeng also has to show his identity, how can Wang Yuzhen save money.

He rushed his hand and said, "I will come!"

Yes, I will see you can't eat it! Don't blame Laozi for worry!


The waiter is also a one-on-one, the first time I saw such a la carte.

However, since people are willing to spend money, they are responsible for serving.

Soon, the restaurant's door was pushed away again, and two pretty figures came in.

"Rely, you have all eaten, it's not enough!"

Murong Butterfly snarled directly.

"Yeah, don't wait for me and Xiaodie's sister..."

Wang Lele licked his stomach. "Busy for a morning... The chest is hungry..."

Wang Zhanfeng heard the voices of the two girls, and couldn’t help but look back.

From this point of view, the eyeballs almost could not be recovered.

Beauty... all beautiful!

A noble and generous, a ****...

Ok, it seems that **** is not so useful!

Anyway, it is indeed the best sister paper!

These two are Liu Yi's friends?

How do you know so many beautiful women?

"Two school girls, how are you!"

He quickly stood up, reached out and made a self-introduction.

"My name is Wang Zhanfeng, the organization minister of the student union, and the two are also the beauty of our school. I received a day. Why didn't you find you?"

Wang Zhanfeng’s smile is called a splendid, just waiting for the favor of the beauty.

Unexpectedly, Murong Butterfly, who walked in front, directly ignored Wang Zhanfeng’s hand and walked straight to Liu’s front. “Sit inside and leave a place for Miss.”

"I want to, I want to... sit in it again..."

Wang Lele also squeezed in the past. Wang Zhanfeng, like a sculpture, stood there and was at a loss.

"Two beautiful women, don't just hang out with others, but people who want us to eat!"

Liu Yi said.

"Oh, hello, rich man."

Murong did not lift the butterfly head. "Give me the shrimp cup."

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