Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 33: Fairy is also a trick

Chapter 33 Fairy is also a trick

Liu Yi hurried down the floor, taking his mother and leaving his meal for lunch at noon tomorrow.

It seems that I have to go hungry at noon tomorrow. It seems that God wants him to lose weight.

It’s already thin enough, and it’s okay to be hungry.

But no one is going east, Ma Yuanyuan would actually ask for the head of his Liu Yi.

This is the first time in thousands of years!

Liu Yi went to the Xiaocang downstairs to buy it.

"Boss... Where is the sanitary napkin..."

Liu Yi has never bought a sanitary napkin, and she does not know what it looks like.

He squinted at the warehouse and didn't know which one he was buying.

"That line is all."

The aunt who sold things looked at Liu Yi eccentrically, then reached out to the side of the shelf.

Liu Yi quickly sighed and walked over.

Colorful above, a large number of brand-name band-aid, suddenly let Liu Yi dazzled.

He took a random one and rushed to the counter.

Aunt took a look at the Dongdong in the hands of Liu Yi.

"This is a pad, not a sanitary napkin."

"Amount, this..."

Liu Yi was in a circle.

"Buy it for the first time."

Aunt snorted and looked at Liu Yi’s eyes. It was a surprise, and Liu Yi really wanted to sneak into the seams.

"Use this, seven degrees, my daughter also uses this brand."

"How much money..."

Liu Yi looked at the purple delicate packaging and couldn't help but ask.


"This... yes, is there any cheaper..."

Aunt looked at Liu Yi with a contempt, and then took out a package of cards that Liu Yi did not know and threw them in front of him.

"This, three."

"Is there a less expensive one……"

"Young man, you are not right!"

Aunt suddenly couldn’t help but count down. "Girls need protection! This kind of thing is used once a month. You should buy a little to protect the girl!"

Nima... I have ten dollars in my pocket.

Liu Yi couldn't help but bitter face.

In the face of the aunt's embarrassment, he blushes and asks.

"Really... isn't it cheaper..."

"Get it!"

The aunt screamed and threw out a half-volume toilet paper.

"The old lady sent you! Take it back and make use of it!"

"Alright, give me those three pieces..."

Liu Yi’s face is going to be red.


Not for Laozi!

It is the little witch of Ma Yuanyuan!

He turned the sanitary napkin and paid the money, and he walked out the door.

What kind of luck is this?

Stimulated by Ma Yizhen, she was tossed by her sister.

But what do you say... I also touched Ma Yuanyuan’s hips... Hey, it looks like it’s not a loss!

Liu Yi, while thinking about it, went out to buy the door of this small warehouse.

He just walked out two steps and suddenly there was a strange feeling.

On the side of the building next to it, it seems that there is a line of sight watching myself...

Liu Yi suddenly looked up and looked at the direction of the head.

A round of bright moon hangs on the corner of the building, the night is good, and nothing is different.


Is it your own heart?

Liu Yi shook his head and said that he was really suspicious today.

When he turned his head to prepare to leave, there was a white figure in front of him!


Liu Yi screamed, and the sanitary napkin in his hand was thrown away, and he subconsciously stepped back two steps!

The white figure on the opposite side reached out and firmly caught the pack of sanitary napkins and cried curiously.

With the moonlight, Liu Yi only saw the figure in front of him!

Lip red teeth white, black hair fluttering!

Where is the female ghost, clearly a beautiful little girl!

This beautiful woman can also look like a 17-year-old age. A long black hair hangs down like a waterfall. It is erected with a silver ribbon at the tip of the hair. It looks like a long hair in the middle, very dignified and good looking.

But the fly in the ointment is her chest... It seems that there is so little...

And she was wearing a white long dress, clean and neat, not contaminated with dust.

In her watery eyes, it seems as if she is wearing a touch of scent, not contaminated with a trace of all the dust, and in a moment let Liu Yi almost fall into it.

At this time, the watery eyes were watching the pack of sanitary napkins that Liu Yi bought.

"What is this... how to use it... Is it right?"

When I heard the little girl, Liu Yi suddenly had some waterfall sweat.

How to eat this stuff!

Still not dying!

Liu Yi was afraid of a life, and immediately grabbed the sanitary napkin to take it back.

At the same time, his heart is still strange, such a big girl, why do not know the sanitary napkins...


Liu Yi’s hand was caught in the empty space. The beautiful woman seemed to be weak, but the movement was flexible. After a slight delay, she escaped the hand of Liu Yi.

"How come you are so embarrassed, everyone who eats deliciously... I have said that my master is not as happy as everyone!"

"Khan! This is not eating!"

"The one that looks at your nervousness is definitely delicious!"

The little girl was more curious and wanted to reach out and tear the packaging of the sanitary napkin.


How is this going!

Three dollars!

I have to buy it again!

Old paper is poor!

Liu Yi suddenly anxious, quickly reached out and grabbed together.

However, the little girl did not move in her footsteps, but her arms continued to hide from the left and right, and she easily escaped the various snatches of Liu Yi.

"You forced me!"

Liu Yi was in a hurry, and the red airflow in his body suddenly accelerated slightly, stimulating the power and speed of Liu Yi.

The opposite little girl was shocked, so she looked at Liu Yi so slyly, and she didn’t even know if she was snatched away.

"you you……"

"What happened to me, is it that you grab me something!"

Liu Yi thinks that this little beauty is good everywhere, that is, the spirit is a bit abnormal.

However, she always felt her voice, and the smell of the fragrance on her body, especially familiar...

Where did you know each other...

Where is it...

"I said... Why is there a demon in the east today... It turned out that you really exude it... God, the trouble here is big..."

The opposite little girl bitterly looked at her, so she looked at Liu Yi, and looked like a pair of hairpins.

Demon... Does it mean yourself?

Just kidding, I am obviously a cultivator! Where is the demon!

But who is this little girl... How do you know so much?

Is it also a man of cultivation?

Liu Yi couldn't help but be alert.

"It seems that the enchanting is doing something in your body! No, I will take her out!"

Said, the eyes of the little girl suddenly fell on the right hand of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi suddenly subconsciously hid his right hand behind him.

This little girl... What is she going to do?

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The little girl saw that Liu Yi was still covering her face and couldn’t help but swear.

"This lady is helping you! This kind of thing is not something that mortals like you can cultivate!"

"What is not our mortal cultivation?"

"You don't want to think about it. You are an ordinary mortal. You have lived your mortal life! Is this something that you can cultivate? Just kidding!"

Liu Yiru thoroughly understood.

This little girl must be a man of cultivation, but it seems to look down on herself!

"How is this person like you, what do I cultivate with you?"

Liu Yi was a little unhappy, so he said.

"Whoever said that mortals can't cultivate! Who said that I must live a normal life! I, Liu Yi, must live alive to give you those who look down on me!"

"Who looks down on you!"

The opposite little girl said as if she had been stunned.

"You didn't look down on me?"

"Of course! I don't even know who you are. I meet people, I look down on you, why are you! Who are you?"

The words of the little girl suddenly made Liu Yi sadly.

Is there anything more hurtful than this?

"Oh... how do you feel your own words are strange... Hey! Don't go! Give the guy in your hand!"

The little girl was anxious. She originally wanted to save people, but she did not expect that there was a slight deviation.

The boy in front of him actually cultivated the demon power!

And it is still a very powerful big demon!

This had to make her anxious.

If you let this develop... then what will happen, she does not know it!

Because in history, no one has ever been able to cultivate the power of the demon!

This... It’s impossible to think about it!

But why... The teenager in front of him has just practiced it!

"what are you doing!"

Seeing that the little girl was unwilling to start thinking about her right hand, Liu Yi quickly evaded her and asked with vigilance.

"What are you doing to me?"

"You are just a mortal, you can rest assured, I will not do it for you."

The little girl said solemnly.

"I just grab the things in your hand and then abolish your power that doesn't belong to you, let you be a mortal."

"Why! This power is mine, no one can take it away!"

Liu Yicai did not want to pay attention to this seemingly faulty pretty woman. He held a sanitary napkin in his left hand and turned and ran.

But as soon as he turned around, the little girl in a white dress was standing in front of him.


What is the speed!

When did she come over!

Liu Yi’s horror is not good. He only feels a little numb in the whole body.

He stepped back a few steps, and the little girl shot.

She extended her left hand and grabbed the right hand of Liu Yi.

"Let me take this enchanting out... come..."

The moment that I held the right hand of Liu Yi, the little girl suddenly became soft and her eyes were spring.

There were a lot of water in her big eyes, and the lower body suddenly became a little damp.

There is a little itching feeling...

This...the immortality is so long... This feeling is the first time...

The little girl suddenly pinched her legs and couldn't help but sit on the floor!

This girl is recruited!

Liu Yi was overjoyed, and when the little girl was soft, she ran away.

The little girl sat on the floor, her body trembled slightly, but she said reluctantly in her mouth.

"Well... damn... I dare to count... I counted it... let... let me catch the rain... catch you... absolutely not... let go of you..."

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