Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 366: 啥 is karate

Chapter 366 is the karate

provocative! Absolute provocation!

Lai Junwen really couldn’t sit still, and rushed directly to the ring.

"Husband! Come on!"

Xiaoya sat on the side of the stands, yelling at the door and scaring the people next to her back.

Our sister paper in the northeast is really awkward.

Liu Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Lin Zhuoyi and Yu Haitao are also sitting in the front row, and both of them are a little nervous.

After all, this can be said to be a war between the martial arts community and the karate community!

After winning, the reputation of the martial arts club will be lifted. If you lose... then it will be terrible. After the martial arts club is in school, there is no need to mix it.

"Lai Junwen, today is your unlucky day."

Wu Jingjun sneered and slammed his finger at Lai Junwen.

Lai Junwen took a deep breath and set the starting style of his own Luohan boxing.

Lai Junwen’s eighteen hands of Luo Han seem to be simple, but in fact there are endless changes.

"Let you see what it is called real martial arts!"

Wu Jingjun said, three or two steps to the front of Lai Junwen, while a hand knife waved to Lai Junwen's neck.

Karate is quick and accurate. Every time you make a move, you will be able to subdue the enemy with the cleanest moves in the shortest time!

Lai Junwen was not in a hurry, standing there, suddenly protruding his right hand in a lightning bolt, grabbed the wrist that Wu Jingjun hit.

At the same time, the lower body sank, the strength of the elbows to catch the left leg slammed on the chest of Wu Jingjun.

The dragon hand in the hands of Luo Han 18!

This move was carried out by Lai Junwen. The face of Wu Jingjun was white and he took a few steps back.

There was a buzz on the field and it was noisy.

The people in the Wu Jingjun community also changed their faces one by one, and their hearts were uneasy.

President, won't lose!

"Good boy!"

Wu Jingjun rushed to keep his footsteps, screaming at the chest, loudly, "Let you make a move, the next time you can come true!"

Said, he suddenly went forward to bully further, then kicked his left foot to Lai Junwen's next plate.

Lai Junwen quickly evaded, and the two men began to fight in an instant, playing more than ten strokes in a row.

Oh, the sound is constantly ringing in the ring, so it’s wonderful.

Many people even forget to breathe, this is the battle between the masters! The Thai kid who went up before, weakly exploded, is just going out to go out!

The strength between Lai Junwen and Wu Jingjun seems to be comparable. Two people are playing with you, and no one is allowed.

Liu Yixin understands that Lai Junwen’s foundation is relatively shallow.

He is not like Wu Jingjun, he should have been immersed in karate for many years. Lai Junwen just learned some rough work with the old monk. Although there are also cultivations, there should be no hard work for Wu Jingjun.

But the victory in his past always do farm work, strength, physical strength, plus this Luo Han 18 hands really mysterious, this is a tie with Wu Jingjun.


Wu Jingjun suddenly won a trick, and Lai Junwen hit the body.

This Wu Jingjun suddenly appeared in the eyes of the radiant, immediately turned to one leg, ready to end this battle with his most powerful foot!

At this time, Lai Junwen made a fuss, his eyes were red, and he was kicked dangerously. The body greeted him, and then his hands recorded the most common bimodal ears, and he slammed into Wu Jingjun's temple.

Wu Jingjun was shocked. He seemed to kick this out. I am afraid that I will be kicked in Lai Junwen and my own temple will be hit!

He quickly regained his foot subconsciously and stepped back.

This is the step, Lai Junwen has stepped on, turned to the right hand and pulled out, rounded his arm, and a hammer hit the face of Wu Jingjun.


Wu Jingjun's body suddenly flew out and flew directly under the ring.

Lai Junwen stood on the edge of the ring, panting, and all kinds of luck in his heart.

Fortunately, I finally made a fuss and scared Wu Jingjun back.

Otherwise, it will be your own!

The audience was a bit quiet, watching Wu Jingjun lying under the ring.

The president of this karate community lost to a freshman!

"Jun Wen, Jun Wen, you are so handsome!"

Xiaoya directly cheered, and Lin Zhuoyi and Yu Haitao were excited to scream again and again, drinking lightly for victory.

"Bhasa Road!"

At this time, a thunderous roar exploded in the audience.

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the sound, only to see a gloomy man coming out of the audience, stepping on the side of the railing, and then jumping into the field.

The front row of the auditorium was also three meters high from the ground. He fell heavily on the ground, and the ground on the ground shook, but the people were safe.

Xia Yoko, who was sitting in the corner of the audience, saw him, his face was pale and his blood was gone.

"You are also called karate, it is a shame to us!"

The man said, stepping on the platform and standing in front of Lai Junwen.

"My name is Tie Gangyi, a freshman student, please advise."

The iron Chinese language is also relatively blunt, obviously an island nation!

Liu Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a little bit wrong.

"You want to fight with me?"

Lai Junwen could not help but ask.

"Yes, I want to talk about the karate of our island country. The man below is a waste. I will be your opponent!"

As he said, his arms sank in front of him, and a burst of anger suddenly spread out.

Lai Junwen was challenged. As a national inheritor, it is impossible to refuse.

"Good! Then fight! Take the move!"

As he said, he rushed toward the iron one, and at the same time he also took a fierce hammer and shot at the face of Tie Gangyi.

Lai Junwen is also a little tired, and is anxious to push this iron to the downfall.

Who knows, the iron did not move in one step, feet on the ground, stepping on the horse, let Lai Junwen's hammer hit the cheek.

His head trembled slightly, but his body was not shaken.

At the same time, his right hand directly hit a straight punch and hit Lai Junwen's lower abdomen.


Lai Junwen directly spewed out a blood, his body was like a broken kite, flew out, crossed the platform more than ten meters away, and then squatted on the edge of the ring.

"Jun Wen!"

"Big brother!"

A group of people ran up to see Lai Junwen's injury.

"Take him to the hospital."

As soon as he recovered his fist, Tie Gang said coldly, "It will be fine for half a month."

"Is it too embarrassing to start?"

Liu Yi saw Lai Junwen fainting in the past, his face pale, and suddenly he could not help but frowned.

"There is no eye in the fist."

Iron Gang sneered, "Since you have fallen into the ring, you don't have to be lucky. I don't kill him. It's already a lover. The person who smears my karate will die."

"Is it?"

Liu Yi also sneered and squeezed his fist. "Since you said so, I will use your old Chinese saying to return to you. Those who commit my Chinese Tianwei, though far away!"

"What does it mean?"

Liu Yi reached out to the iron, and then hooked it. "You will know right away."

"Challenging me? You have to be awake for a month. And, I haven't seen you fight, I don't know if you are worthy of my iron. You are too weak to fight against my karate."

Iron Gang held his arm and looked at Liu Yi, and his eyes were a bit contemptuous.

I have to say that if I was just one, I couldn’t help but scream at all Chinese students.

"Fuck, the small island country is too crazy!"

"Liu Yi, go, do what he wants!"

"Liu Yixing can't do it, don't lose face again! Lai Junwen is shameful!"

A group of students, saying everything.

Iron Gang completely ignored the voices of the people around him, still standing there like a tower.

"I am not qualified enough, you see it yourself."

Liu Yi said, slowly walking toward Iron Gang.

Every step he takes, stepping on the ground, will step out a slab of slabs under his feet.

One pit was left behind Liu Yi, clearly visible, the thickness of three or four centimeters, the iron that I saw was slightly raised, and all the audience around it were silent.

This is what power!

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. The stadium was quiet and terrible for a while, and only heard the snoring of Liu Yi's feet falling on the ring.

This freshman... is he a monster?

The eyes of Nishikawa Yoko are slightly blurred, and looking at Liu’s line of sight, some are ecstatic.

"Good, it seems a bit interesting."

Tie Gangyi did not fear, but shook his neck and his joints creaked.

"Come on, let me tell you what is called karate!"

Said, he stepped on the horse, his hands gathered around his waist, and then stepped on the ground, the whole man rushed toward Liu Yi.

Liu Yi brows slightly wrinkled and stood aside.


The iron just slammed on the ground and pulled the ground directly out of a pit, which scared the audience.

After the Olympics, a terrible power!

Is this man really playing iron?

"This punch is for my big brother."

Liu Yi’s figure took the opportunity to look forward and appeared in front of Tie Gangyi, punching him on his chest.

Who knows, Liu Yi’s fist feels like it’s on the iron board, and the other party doesn’t move.

"Oh... but that's it."

Iron Gang sneered, it seems that he just deliberately sold a flaw to Liu Yi.

"Lie down!"

When Iron Gang said, his right hand suddenly slammed out and beat him on the belly of Liu Yi.


A sigh of relief emerged from behind Liu Yi, pushing his body and sliding back two meters.

"Hey? Didn't it fall?"

Iron Gang was a little surprised. "Yes, but it fell a little happier. Because of the next punch, I will be heavier."

Said, he went to Liu Yi, his fists creaked.

"Liu Yi..."

Wang Yuzhen sat there worriedly, and his palms were cold and sweaty.

"Lie down!"

As soon as he arrived in front of Liu Yi, Tie Gang slammed down.

At this time, his fist was pinched in the palm of his hand.

Liu Yi lifted his hand and said slowly.

"It's you who lie down."

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