Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 464: You can come back

Chapter 464, you can come back

The sturdy auditorium enchantment, under the impact of the fire dragon, instantly began to collapse!

And the body of Jiang Yan was also burned to the ashes by the roaring fire dragon in an instant, flew with the wind.

"God... so terrible..."

"Help... this is the devil..."

A group of cultivators in the audience were scared to escape, and they were so weak that they could not compete with the devil who killed Jiang Yan.

"Well, you are a demon girl! I am so bold, I dare to kill people under our eyes!"

Mo Tian suddenly became furious and burst into a burst.

"let me do it!"

Zhang Boyi directly waved his hand, and a huge ice sword of more than 20 meters was suddenly suspended on the top of the screaming head, and fell to the head of the screaming man.

"The false positive way."

The smell of people is just a chuckle, not moving.

The red fire dragon suddenly flew back, the tail twisted and pulled directly on the ice sword.

Suddenly, this huge ice sword was instantly smashed into pieces, and the ice was flying around.

"A great demon girl!"

"There is nothing like the palm of the door of Xian Xuefeng..."

"No, it seems to be a skill!"

Seeing the level of mana that smells people, these heads are all amazed.

It’s all about them, even Liu Yi himself can’t understand.

How can the smell of mana suddenly rise so much? I have experienced the five hundred years of cultivation of Shura Road, and I have the adventures of Tian Yuan Dan and Dragon Gene, which made the strength soar to the current level.

How to smell people's strength is how horrible...

Could it be that this is also related to the leader of the great gods...

Even a king who he cultivated is so powerful... What should he fight with him!

"Everyone goes together and kills this demon girl!"

"Yes, we have so many heads, we can't kill her a devil's demon!"

A group of heads suddenly rushed forward, each performing their spells, and then attacked the people.

"Do you deceive more? But this is the means that you are used to."

Smelling people sneer, no fear on his face, continue to control his own fire dragon, and these doors are smashed together.

The power of Shenhuolong is really high-strength. At one time, it is played with hundreds of heads, and it does not fall into the wind. It even burns several heads with flames!

Mo Tian looked at this scene and couldn't help but tremble.

"Let the demon girl be so arrogant in my world..."

He said, he sent his daughter back to the rostrum, then flew down and joined the battle.

Zhang Bojo, they can't get their hands at this time, because the strongest dozens of heads are suppressing Liu Yi in the force!

As Mo Tian joined the war, the situation changed immediately.

The Shenhuolong finally began to reveal the defeat, especially in front of Mo Tian’s double-minded king, being screamed and screamed.

He is also a repair of 18 stars, and is a mid-eighteen star, a powerful one!

After several fights, he found that the mana of the great goddess is only the peak of seventeen stars. Just with this magical fire dragon, you can not fall for a while!

"Eat me!"

Mo Tian was a black armor, like the **** of war. In the blink of an eye, he blasted the fire dragon, came to the front of the singer, and then flew a palm to her body.


The smell of people snorted and then flew up and took it.

With her movements, the huge fire dragon also extended a flame dragon claw, instead of smelling the white palms of the human hand, pressed against the palm of the hand.


One person and one dragon, the palms collided together, and suddenly a storm of power was set.

The smell of a person's face was white, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but shed blood.

And Mo Tian looks a little better, but can't help but frown.

"A miraculous fire dragon, see if I am a certain person who is not moving, or your dragon is powerful!"

Said, Mo Tian has increased his mana, and it is hard to support people.

Just when the two people were deadlocked, a figure suddenly sneaked close to the smell, and then a sword was directly pierced into the back of the unsuspecting man.

"Wolf girl, eat me a sword!"

I don't know which martial art is the head of the sect. I sneaked over and gave the deadly sword.

The sensation in the eyes of the people suddenly dissipated, but soon they condensed.


She snorted, and suddenly a layer of circular fire broke out in the body, and she slammed out.

It was hit by the fire wave to the body, and all the heads could not help but regress a few steps.

The head of the sneak attack was even weaker, and it was bombarded by a dozen meters.

"Shot hot!"

He burned a flame on his body and screamed on the ground.

A few of the heads of the side hurriedly cast various water spells, and they could not extinguish the flame on the head.

Finally, he could only watch as he was burnt into coke.

"A good demon girl, it is really poisonous to start!"

Zhang Boyue looked over there and gritted his teeth.

"Is it poisonous, or are you mean?"

I heard people licking their wounds and sneer at the corners of their mouths. "I will remember the hatred of today, we will have a period later."

As she said, she began to run some kind of method. At the foot of her and Liu Yi, there was a red flame array immediately, and the inexplicable power was radiated from the circle.

"Oops! She wants to run away with some sort of transmission!"

A well-investigated head of the law array immediately anxiously reminded.

This demon woman not only made a big noise in the world, but also killed so many righteous heads!

If she is to take Liu Yi so safely and safely, then it will become a joke in the right way! Since then, the world’s right way has no face! Wherever you go, you will be ridiculed by other sectarians!

So, no matter what, you can't let the wicked man escape this enchantress!

"Leave her!"

As the owner of the Tianxia Villa, Mo Tian was the first to jump forward in the direction of smelling people.

But in midair, he was blocked by a sudden red enchantment.


Mo Tian took a fist on this enchantment, and the dazzling red enchantment did not move.

"Attack together!"

Zhang Boyue’s man’s mana suppression of Liu Yi was also broken because of this enchantment.

Hundreds of heads together to launch a spell, the scene is very dazzling.

But behind the dazzling, there is a hidden murder!


Although these spells are very fierce, they fall on the red enchantment, but they are blocked.

"This is the **** fire shield!"

A head suddenly exclaimed, "You can support the defensive defensive shield within ten minutes! Our attack is ineffective, but it will be absorbed by the sacred shield and become the power of the sacred shield! Only ten minutes later, this fire The shield will be automatically released!"

"Ten minutes, ten minutes is enough for them to run several times!"

Looking at the people's footsteps, the law is getting clearer and clearer, and Mo Tian can't help but swear.

"Damn, is it necessary to let this demon girl run?"

These heads are all anxious like the ants on the hot pot.

"I, I think of a way, how to crack the fire shield, I seem to remember that there is such a record..."

The head that had thrown the name of the sacred shield before began to search for his own memory.

At this time, Zhang Boyue suddenly turned his eyes and then said to Liu Yi in the fire shield.

"Liu Yi, I believe in the eyes of my disciples. Since she said that you are a person of justice, then I am willing to give you a chance to return to the decent."

Liu Yi was recovering from the internal injuries that were suppressed by these heads. Suddenly he heard Zhang Boyo’s voice and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

And the heads of all righteousness, also looked at Zhang Boyo with surprise.

After all, Zhang Bo is still the first sect of the world, and his speech is very weighty.

"Even if you are demon, I am kind and kind, and I am willing to give you this opportunity to forgive."

Zhang Boyue continued to use his inductive voice to say, "You have worked hard to win the first place in the temple, so you are being exiled from the temple by the Yangxian Temple. It must be very unwilling. It doesn't matter, as long as you like, We still welcome you back to the right path."

A lot of people are strange. Just now, Zhang Boyue, who was yelling and killing, just changed his mouth in a blink of an eye.

"The only thing you need to do is kill the demon girl next to you! She has no other strength, and it is easy for you to kill her!"

Then Zhang Boyue’s words made everyone realize.

The face that smelled people was pale and pale.

Before Liu Yi... It was a fool who was somewhat paranoid for justice... Will he start to fight for himself in order to return to the right path...

Speak up... you should be his enemy...

But no matter what, I have never regretted it.

If Liu Yi killed himself, it was his own life.

I hope that in the afterlife, don't be an enemy with Liu.

"How, you only need to move your hands, you can go back to our right path! You come back, the world is yours first, and the Yangxian Temple will become the first martial art in the world. Who do you like, Ai Wei? Or Miss Moran, I am willing to do the media for you, one... or both of them will be fine. But Miss Laner is the daughter of the world, she must not be small. Let Ai I am doing a little better, so how do you look?"

Even Mo Tian couldn't help but brow and jump, Zhang Bojo this guy... Even his own daughter was squatting... This old fox, why not count his baby apprentice!

However, if this kid is really willing to return to the right path, it would be fine. Keeping him in the world, he will be able to let him completely give up the demon power, and re-cultivate the pure fairy power!

At this point, everyone's eyes are on the body of Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi also slowly stood up and looked at Zhang Bojo on the opposite side.

"Zhang Zhangmen, what you said in your mouth, can it be true?"

"Of course, I am Zhang Boyue, the head of Xian Xuefeng. When did you say anything?"

Zhang Boyue looks happy, there is a secret road!

"if it is like this……"

Liu Yi’s mouth is slightly raised.


This month, the bumpy ticket is actually the sixth! For the first time, thank you for the wool!

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