Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 467: Liu Haisheng shot

Chapter 467 Liu Haisheng shot

Looking at the pile of bones that fell on the ring, everyone looked at each other.

Just before the gates of these famous gates, Liu Yi easily killed half of the people, solved the peak, and took away his woman, just like entering the uninhabited territory.

"This is really terrible..."

Mo Tian finally picked it up. "I am afraid that we are not his opponent..."

Malone is a monster, but his apprentice is also a monster...

"Damn... this **** demon!"

Zhang Boyue squeezed his palms. "There was such a sinister evil! Such a deep hatred, I will wait for the righteousness to pay for the blood!"

"The reason why Liu Yi is like this is not what you guys are compelling."

Moran stood on the rostrum and wondered when he had woke up and sneered twice, speaking in a caric voice.

"Mo Zhuang, manage your Missy."

Zhang Boyue’s mood was really uncomfortable, and he was ridiculed by Moran, and there was a tendency to go wild.

"Molan, you say a few words!"

Mo Tian screamed, "Now is not when you interject, do not understand the rules!"

"The things we have to discuss now are how to reorganize the majesty of the right path and then avenge the kid."

At this time, there are other head suggestions, "While Liu Yi is stronger, it is not without weakness. As long as we find the right method, we can definitely remove him."

"I think it's better to grab the family of this kid..."

A head said in a gloomy manner.


This suddenly caused a loud explosion. "We are righteous people. Even if it is a grudge, it should not be a disaster for the family! How is this different from the demon?"

"Yes, yes, I am wrong... Mozhuang’s master’s lesson..."

That person is just the head of a small martial art, and he dare not do it right with the owner of this world.

"Don't say this kind of idiot next time, otherwise, don't blame me for expelling your participation in the world!"

As the owner of the world, this right is still there.

"Several people don't quarrel anymore. The urgent task now is to discuss what should be done below."

The other head sighed. "There are so many corpses of friends lying here... at least let them be buried first..."

"Today is the shame day of the World Congress."

Zhang Bo’s teeth bite, "I must, let Liu Yi pay the price!"

"Oh, funny, it’s funny."

It was at this time that there was a sneer in the distance.

The crowd quickly looked over and saw the position in the east. There were about a hundred people wearing black and red robes, and they came to the vastness.

Headed by a man with a flame embroidered on a robe, the dragon is walking, and the mouth is still sneering.

"I didn't expect that the righteousness of the people has actually become a guilt. Now it has become a dog. It is really a **** to help me, hahahaha!"

"Great God!"

"God, this guy!"

"Hey, a bunch of people!"

The remaining fifty heads in the ring, and those who saw these great gods, couldn’t help but anger.

"Oh, huh, now there are so many leaders in the right way here... How do you say something? Oh, yes, get together! It’s just like I’m doing it.”

He said, waving a hand.

Suddenly, a scarlet enchantment rose and trapped the entire tortoise.

And all the Protestants interpret the law to supplement the scarlet enchantment.

"What is this stuff?"

A palm frowns, reaching out and gently touching the enchantment.

Suddenly, he screamed, burning from the palm of his hand, the red blood fire, burning his palm into a fly ash!


The head of the Tibetan swordsman took the initiative and cut off the arm of the head directly!

The broken arm fell to the ground and was all swallowed up by blood.

"What is this enchantment! So weird!"

Mo Tian and Zhang Bojo could not help but be surprised.

"Oh, this is the **** enchantment of my great gods. I can only enter, can't go out. And with the mana that you have left now, it is not enough to break this enchantment from the inside. If you are not afraid of wasting power, you can try it."

Duanmu's face is full of smiles.


Zhang Boyue had just tried it, and this **** enchantment could not be broken.

Just fighting with Liu Yi, their mana cost is not light!

The array of replenishing spirits is outside, and they can't get out.

This seems to be caught in a dead knot.

"When I am in the right way?"

Moran, who had been standing on the rostrum, suddenly fell to the front of the tortoise, and painted in the hands of Fang Tian, ​​facing the people of the Great God.

"A woman in a district wants to block the footsteps of my great gods?"

Duanmu Hao ha haha ​​smiled, "I really want to be a car, not self-reliant!"

"Less nonsense, come on!"

Moran squatted on Fang Tian's paintings and instantly entered the state of the double-minded Ming Wang.

The black lightning arc continually wanders around her, demonstrating her extraordinary power.

"This woman is too much trouble... send her in."

Duanmu's vast gap out of Moran's mana, his brows wrinkled and opened his mouth.

Hundreds of Great Gods in the back suddenly joined hands.


In an instant, a huge red arm flew out from the Great Gods and was photographed directly on Moran.


Moran exclaimed, and did not expect the power of the great gods to gather hundreds of people so powerful!

Her body was suddenly shot and flew out, and then directly slammed into the **** enchantment behind.


Mo Tian hurriedly helped his daughter to check her daughter's injury and found that there was no injury, so I was relieved. Sure enough, this enchantment can only enter, can't come out...

"The most powerful thing in the Great God is the false gods that many people call."

A well-studied head said quickly, "They each have a summoner called a ghost baby. When two ghosts are combined, they can summon the power of the so-called great god... and the more ghosts The baby gathers together... can summon more power of the gods... So, although Miss Moran is a strong man, she is not the opponent of so many gods."

"Oh, there are such strange exercises!"

Moran is very reluctant.

"Think about other ideas... how can you break this **** enchantment."

Mo Tian frowned and said.

"Ha ha ha, your sister has no way, just wait to be destroyed by my great gods here!"

Duanmu Haoxiao’s smile is a happy one, and his mouth must be smashed.

"We have specially prepared the most sophisticated weapons for you now, let them open their eyes."

Said, there was actually a missile car slowly coming over.

"This car is loaded with a nuclear bomb, enough to make you all become slag!"

"As an assistant, there are still five minutes to complete the assimilation of the soul of the engineer."

One believer said.

"Well, it seems that you still have five minutes of life, so enjoy it."

These days, the great gods have been synchronizing the engineers of the guided missile vehicles. As long as the soul of this engineer is assimilated, they will be able to launch nuclear bombs and wipe out the heads of these rightways. At that time, the world is their great god.

"This bunch of jumping clowns..."

A group of people trembled.

"Don't we be destined to die here today..."

Hearing that he would use nuclear bombs to level himself, many of his heads began to fall into despair.

Zhang Boyue and Mo Tian and others also frowned, not knowing what to do.

But at this time, Liu Haisheng, who had never been snoring, suddenly walked two steps forward and said with a smile.

"It seems that only my first sect in the world can save you."

"Liu Haisheng, what are you kidding?"

The head of the Tibetan swordsman frowned. "Although Liu Yi won the game, he turned into a demon after all! Do you want this kind of achievement to be effective? Entering the deciding game with him is the person who I am hiding in the world. The first is when I am a sword!"

"Oh... this is the first in the world, you can't be."

Liu Haisheng’s mouth has been hanging with a smile. “Otherwise, there will be life and worry.”

"Fart, the people who raise the temple are really arrogant enough! No wonder there will be a demon like Liu Yi!"

The head of the Tibetan swordsman screamed. "You said that you are the best in the world, we will not admit it!"

"Yes, we don't recognize it!"

"When is it time to raise the temple to sit in the first place in the world, it’s ridiculous."

A group of heads originally hated Liu Yi’s hateful death, and now he has been a person who raised the temple, and even Liu Haisheng hated them together.

"Oh, you heard that there is no place for you to talk here. As for the world, you still have a dream to get it."

The head of the Tibetan swordsman sneered twice.


Chen Keqing could not help but worry about seeing his master suffer such a big insult.

Now there is no Liu Yi to help him out... Hey, it’s also what his master made...

Liu Haisheng stood there, and suddenly there was a deep murder in his eyes.

At the same time, a tall figure stood up from behind him!

Tongtian sword method, Jianqi incarnation!

A giant man over ten meters tall bent down, and a finger was crushed on the head of the Tibetan swords. He directly slammed him in the ring and threw out a huge pit.

The tortoise has a painful scream.

The other heads were horrified and looked at Liu Haisheng incredulously.

Liu Haisheng, who has been bullied and bullied, has always been the leader of the Tibetan swords club.

And it is a trick to win!

This...this...What happened to the Yangxian Temple?

"From today on, the people who insulted me to raise the temple, are regarded as the enemy of my breeding temple."

The giant elephant behind Liu Haisheng is amazing, and he is also full of momentum. His voice reveals a cold murder, and slowly said.

"Now, who is the best in the world for me?"

When this sentence is said again, all the heads are facing each other, no one dares to say no words.

Because they found that the once-soft persimmon-like nourishing temple... is different now.

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