Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 513: Teenager in the ward

Chapter 513 teenagers in the ward

I don't know when I fell asleep, and Liu Yi suddenly woke up with a small bang.

"Master, Wang Yuzhen calls!"

The phone has been ringing, so Xiaoyan is also urging.

Liu Yi sat up and found that the brothers in the bedroom seemed to have gone, so he did a breathing exercise, woke up, and then connected the phone.

"My God, you can get up! Come check it out, something big!"

"What a big deal?"

Liu Yi is a bit strange. What can make Wang Yuzhen so hot?

"You have a professional who wants to jump off the building! Go see it!"

"Ah? Where?"

"Just on your biology teaching building! I am here too, come on!"

"I know, I will go!"

Liu Yixin said, which big brother of his own professional can't think so, would he have to jump off the building?

He jumped out of bed, washed his face, went out of the bedroom, and walked all the way toward the biology building.

Sure enough, there have been a lot of people around here, Chen Cai, they are also here, seeing Liu Yi say hello.

"Boss, you are here too, you look at it, Huang Dianxiang can't open it!"

"Huang Dianxiang?"

Liu Yi looked up, and sure enough, a professional boy was sitting on the edge of the roof, his eyes filled with desperate taste.

"Little game, here!"

Wang Yuzhen waved to Liu Yi, and Liu Yi immediately separated the crowd and squeezed into his girlfriend's side.

"What is going on in your profession? The psychological quality is too crispy. How can anyone jump off the building?"

"I don't know, I remember that this buddy seems to be the top scorer of the year!"

Liu Yi did not know what happened.

In front of the crowd, Liu Yi found Zhang Meixin's figure.

This beautiful teacher is shouting loudly at the top of the building. "Huang Dianxiang, what can you say to me? I am a guide, but your sister..."

"Shut up!"

Huang Dianxiang was crazy and roared. "You guys, these are liar, all are liar!"

Huang Dianxiang really collapsed.

In junior high school, he has always been the pride of the sky!

His homework results are the first, and both parents and schools regard him as a god!

The person who is praised the most every day is him, and the person whom the students admire most is him!

How many little girls will like themselves, and they are the dragons and phoenixes among them!

But when I got to the university, I got, how did everything change?

What kind of Liu Yi, isn’t that just two punches? Why are you so much more famous than yourself?

When a girl sees him, her eyes glow, and she sees herself without feeling, and some even feel sick!

You yourself, you are obviously the pride of the sky!

Why do all people look at their own eyes, just like watching an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary!

This is not scientific! Huang Dianxiang really can't figure out why, why?

Isn't it good to learn, is it better to go to college?

Not to learn well, the future life will be full of applause and flowers!

But why, why is everything going to be like this!

I obviously like her so much, why is she not willing to say a word to herself?

Liars, all liar, are cheating on me...

In the mind of Huang Dianxiang, I couldn’t help but come up with a scene just now.

He pleaded with the girl to be able to associate with herself, but was ruthlessly rejected.

"As long as you want to socialize with your aging mother, don't scatter your urine and look at your face!"

As a result, the other party directly refused himself and went to a second-generation sports car.

Huang Dianxiang really collapsed, and his last hope was to leave him.

Dead... really only dead. This world is full of lies, all hypocrisy, what do you mean by living?

"You want to open up... your future is still bright..."

Zhang Meixin is definitely not a qualified negotiator. Liu Yi listened to some of the fires.

So to say, that Huang Dianxiang can promise to blame.

"The liar, you all live! I have had enough!"

"Huang Dianxiang, don't do this, have something to say... What are the conditions, you come up..."

"I, I want to see Wang Lingling!"

Huang Dianxiang’s eyes flashed with a hint of hope, and then he said.

"Wang Lingling...Who is Wang Lingling..."

"Wang Lingling of the Fine Arts Department!"

Liu Yi's mouth, this Huang Dianxiang's eyes are quite high... Art Department, that is a place where beautiful women come out! And all eyes are very high, the school gate often has a row of luxury cars, are the beauty of these art departments.

Huang Dianxiang's family does not seem to be very good. He is very ordinary and can be seen as a miracle.

"Who has Wang Lingling's phone number?"

Zhang Meixin remembers asking for help.

"I have got……"

A girl who seems to be an art department came out. The girl’s two big earrings, a very geek dress, and a smoked fire jacket...

However, it was very enthusiastic and gave the phone to Zhang Meixin. Zhang Meixin immediately dialed Wang Lingling's phone and specially opened a hands-free.

This creature building is not very tall, four floors, the sound can be passed up, but it is true that it can also fall to the dead.


There was a voice of a lazy **** the phone.

"Hello, are you Wang Lingling?"

Zhang Meixin asked cautiously.

"I am, who are you?"

"Ah, I am Zhang Meixin, a teacher of the Department of Biology... That, Wang Lingling, can you please you?"

Zhang Meixin did the final effort, and Huang Dianxiang also raised his ears and wanted to hear it clearly.

Fortunately, the following people are quietly listening to the phone, which makes the voice in the phone clear.

"What? I am still busy!"

"Just a little busy... Can you go back to school now?"

"Now back to school? What is it? I am very busy now!"

"That... Huang Dianxiang’s classmates have to jump off the building and want to see you..."

Zhang Meixin said quickly.

"Ha? Jumping, how does he jump from the building to the aging mother!"

I didn't expect the voice of Wang Lingling's sneer to come from the phone. "As he does, love and die, who cares for him!"

Zhang Meixin took a breath, and she did not expect Wang Lingling to say so.

And a man’s voice came from the phone.

"Baby, I have showered... Who are you calling with?"

"Ah, no one, a neuropathy, let's continue..."

After that, I hang up the phone directly.

Zhang Meixin was stunned. She didn't expect it to be the result. The crowd was also amazed.

Then, a burst of exclamation from the crowd, Zhang Meixin turned around and saw that Huang Dianxiang had jumped from the fourth floor and fell to the ground.

Liu Yi squinted his eyes and considered to secretly rescue the guy.

At this time, a burst of demon came out, and then Huang Dianxiang’s body suddenly stopped in the air, as if it had been blown by a sinister wind, and the body directly slammed into the window on the third floor.

"Oh la la!"

The glass fell off, but Huang Dianxiang’s life seemed to be saved!

"God bless!"

Zhang Meixin patted the huge chest and then rushed into the teaching building.

However, Liu Yi frowned and looked at the direction of the crowd.

"Little game, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing... let's go, it seems that things have been solved. Let's go eat."

"Oh, yes, it’s just a little hungry."

Wang Yuzhen nodded, and Liu Yi took her and found Chen Cai, who was in the bedroom, and went to eat together.

Liang Mengyao sneaked out of the crowd and then let out a sigh of relief.

Just in a hurry, I accidentally applied the demon method, but fortunately I was not found.

She sorted out her clothes and walked toward the hospital in the school.

Like Qingbei, HKUST also has its own medical school. Liang Mengyao looks ordinary, his face is still freckled, and the place where he walks has no way to attract the attention of the surrounding boys.

She was so quiet, walked all the way to the hospital, then went to the third floor, went to one of the wards, knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

There was a boy’s voice inside, which made Liang Mengyao’s eyes more energetic.

She opened the door and went in.

The ward was not very big. There were three beds, two empty ones, and one on the side of the bed was sitting on a pale teenager.

Although this boy is bloodless and looks weak, but the length is very handsome.

He looked out the window and his eyes were a little lonely.

"Tang Bin, how are you?"

"It’s still like that."

The boy smirked, "Yao Yao, you will come to see me every day. Think about it...the people around me are really..."

"They are not your friends, but I will accompany you to the end."

Liang Mengyao sat at the bedside of Tang Bin and opened a lunch box filled with steaming meals.

"Come to dinner."

"Forget it, no appetite."

"This is not a hospital meal, it is my own!"

Liang Mengyao knew that Tang Bin did not like the hospital's meals and deliberately began to learn to cook.

"Forget it, then there is no appetite, you can eat."

Tang Bin shook his head and continued to look out the window.

Liang Mengyao was somewhat lost and silently collected the lunch box. She has several band-aids on her fingers, which is very eye-catching.

"Yao Yao, thank you for coming to see me every day. So many girls have said that they love me... actually they are cheating on me."

Said, Tang Bin took Liang Mengyao's hand and grabbed it in his hand, slowly getting rid of it.

Liang Mengyao's face was red, and he bowed his head and did not dare to speak.

"When I am sick, I am discharged from the hospital. I will tell the family, "You are the wife of our Tang family..."

"Really, really?"

Liang Mengyao was shocked and his eyes were filled with surprise eyes.

"Of course it's true... but I am sick, it's too hard to get better... and my family is also don't want to abandon me, I am satisfied..."

"I won't dislike you... Tang Bin... You believe me, your illness will be all right, sure... maybe you will get a good night's sleep, tomorrow will be fine."

"Oh, Yaoyao, don't tease me."

"Maybe... I believe..."

In the eyes of Liang Mengyao, there is some kind of firm light shining. She seems to have made up her mind.

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