Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 519: Penglai Island

Chapter 519 Penglai Island

Zhang Jiashuang is a younger disciple of Penglai Island, but his talent is good and he is favored in the division.

This time, Master said that the northeast side has a demon and evil spirits. Probably in the area of ​​Beilong City, she and the two brothers came out together to demon and demon, and by the way saw the world.

"The original mortal world is so interesting!"

Zhang Jiashuang stepped on his magic weapon, a master gave him the grace of the law, flying in the air, and like a soil bun into the city, excitedly looking down and looking down.

"Sister, don't just look at the chaos, be careful to fall down. When you don't see the monster, you will fall into the meat, then it becomes a joke."

A brother and sister ridiculed his sister.

"Haha, five brothers, you are too small to see me!"

Zhang Jiashuang heard the words of his five brothers, could not help but giggled, the sound is like a silver bell, "I am already a master of the ground, how can it fall down!"

"Sister, you have been eating medicinal herbs since childhood, and you have grown up with Xianlu, so when you are young, you will be trained in a strong position. Master didn’t tell you earlier, you lacked tempering and actual combat. Too proud."

Another older, seemingly old-fashioned brother said, "This time I went to Beilong City to drop the demon. It is extremely dangerous. You have to be more vigilant, be careful, hear it?"

This line of four people, while flying, is still talking.

"Hey, Master, you have also looked down on me. A monster, I have a shot, it’s not a hand to come! Master doesn’t say it. In the younger generation of Xiu Xianjie, I forgive my star. !"

"Yes, yes, the sister is amazing! Master's words can prove it!"

Another male cultivator also quickly groaned, he looked at Zhang Jiashuang's eyes with a hint of love.

"The high star rating does not mean that fighting is powerful!"

The master stunned the spoiled little girl. "Not to mention, after this world meeting, Master's words can't be taken seriously."

"Why can't you be serious?"

Zhang Jiashuang said dissatisfied.

"Yes, Master, the star of the sister is there. Now the younger generation will be her opponent! I see, including the rain of the fairy snow peak, and the peak of the Tibetan swords. Shangyu Xiaoshimei!"

"That is, hey, or the three divisions know how to know the beads! How can the cabinets of the Xiusian sects compare to our cabinets!"

"You two are enough!"

The master has always been calm, and he is the leader of this mission. When he saw the two teachers and sisters so impetuous, they immediately screamed, "Master has said that the present cabinet is not the one that was a thousand years ago. The forces are very big, and there are many big masters. Especially this time, the world's best, there is a famous young master Liu Yi, who is facing the world with the power of one person. The strength is terrible. Although he is rejected by the world. But many people still call him the best in the world."

"Cut, what is the best in the world, it’s all children."

Zhang Jiashuang pouted, "What is the difference between the cabinets that our cabinet martial art never participated in, and the children's family. The people who choose the best in the world, I don't know, I don't know how to do it. I will see this one day. What is the best in the world, this girl will defeat him personally, let him know what is the real cultivator!"

"Yes, that’s right, Shimei, let’s teach him a good time!”

The three brothers followed and said good things to their sisters.


Zhang Jiashuang seems to have seen his victory, can not help but smile and open the flowers.

Seeing that the two younger brothers and sisters are still so confident, the master can't help but sigh.

"Master, I think you really want more."

The five brothers also advised, "Even if the cabinet has indeed been a lot stronger in recent years, there is still a certain gap between us and the cabinet in the essence of Xiuxian. Moreover, the younger sister and sixteen stars, and the master gave How can she be defeated by the younger generation of her masters!"

"makes sense."

The master thought for a moment, and couldn't help but nod. "I have to worry about it. But when you get to Beilong City, when you fight with the monster, don't be so impetuous. Be careful, you know?" ”

"Oh, I know, Master!"

Zhang Jiashuang not only has no vigilance, but is even more excited.

This time, I can finally make a big impact! In one fell swoop, the monsters in Beilong City, let their names sensational!

The four people flew very quickly and soon came to the top of Beilong City.

"Sure enough, there is a heavy demon!"

The master took out a compass and the pointer above turned wildly.

"It's in the position of Songjiang!"

"Well, Master, let's go!"

"Oh... don't worry, let me observe it first..."

The master is about to observe it carefully, and then consider the tactics, and Zhang Jiashuang has stepped on the wish, depressed the body and went straight to the Songjiang.

"Haha, sister, she is in a hurry!"

"Or the teacher is brave!"

"Hey, this girl!"

The remaining three people saw it, and they quickly pressed their respective instruments and chased them up.

Zhang Jiashuang was eager to kill the demon, so he flew very fast, and he came to the riverside of Songjiang in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a roar almost scared her to fall from her wish.

"Hey summer, you are the Malang Gobi! There is something special to get out!"

day! Who is this cultivator, what is it here? The sound is too big, right?

Zhang Jiashuang fell on the riverside and immediately saw a teenager wearing a blue-black coat. He was standing on the edge of the river, pulling the scorpion and drumming the scorpion.

Her three brothers also fell to the side and watched the teenager stunned.

"Hey summer... you are hiding a JB..."

Liu Yi snorted again and suddenly frowned, seeing three men and a girl flying from the sky.

"who are you?"

"Below is the 15th generation of Penglai Island, the great disciple Gong Zhenlin, these two are my younger brother, the third division Zhao Yu, the five divisions Tu Can. And this is my little sister of Penglai Island, Zhang Jiashuang."

"Master, what is so polite with him, our Penglai Island is a cabinet faction, unlike these vulgar people who only know how to yell!"

The girl named Zhang Jiashuang was dissatisfied with a grin, and she looked at Liu Yi.

"Sister, it’s going to be a mess!"

"Oh, I am telling the truth!"

After hearing the three words of Penglai Island, Lin Biao apparently shook his body.

"I didn't get it wrong, it turned out to be the cabinet man! Did the cabinet start to come out?"

"What about the cabinet?"

Liu Yi is completely ignorant.

"You don't know, this sect of the celestial world is divided into the cabinet of the cabinet. The sects of the cabinet are relatively old, and the cabinets are relatively new, probably before the millennium, when the war with the Yaozu, the same as the Yangxian Temple The martial art was established. The cabinet was established very early, but these people are all guys who practiced one heart and never asked the worldly things. Even when the demon people invaded the human world, they never appeared, still kept in the martial art, and cultivated themselves. The practice of the world. For the sake of them, it is the real ants."

"There is still such a martial art!"

Liu Yi is even more strange. "So how did they get here?"

"Who knows, ask."

When I heard this, Liu Yi also shook hands and said to the grandfather Gong Zhenlin who had greeted him before.

"Under the name of Liu... Two! I don't know how many cabinets are actually running here?"

Liu Yi almost said his name, and he said a second in the chaos. But when the words are exported, they regret it.

Nima, isn't this cursing yourself? Forget it, anyway, these guys who are self-sufficient can't understand.

"Cut, are you asking us?"

Zhang Jiashuang grinned. "What do we do in the cabinet, when are the guys of your turn to manage it? Say, which martial art are you, and where is Liu Yi?"

This girl, regardless of her brother’s blockade, snarled at Liu Yijiao.

When Liu Yiyi heard it, he wanted to be happy. Looking for Liu Yi? That is not far from the horizon, close to the eyes. However, he will not be stupid to say his name, he himself knows, now the two sons of Liu Yi, what it means for the cultivation of the world.

"What are you looking for in Liu?"

"Well, I heard that he was the best in the world will the world road, this is the girl to beat him! Tell him what should be the real best in the world!"

I have a mad madness.

"Dare to ask the girl, is this the first in the world really so important?"

"You manage it! Do you know where the game is, ah, hurry and honestly!"

"I can't see it like this."

Liu Yi’s eyes turned, and he said with humility and insultment, “Your faction told me to come, I will tell you where Liu Yi is, how?”

"Okay, give you some color, you really started to dye the room!"

Zhang Jiashuang Liu Mei was vertical, and the beauty was angry.

The three brothers named Zhao Yu also sneered. "I still dare to talk to me about Penglai Island. I think you are really looking for..."

"All live."

The master brother Gong Zhenlin screamed, "How did you say it before you came out, did you forget it?"

Zhao Yu and Zhang Jiashuang are not snoring, but they still have contempt and disappointment.

"Liu Zhenren laughed."

Gong Zhenlin arched his hand. "In fact, we are coming this time, in addition to surrendering the monster, or for the ‘flooding lanterns’ in his hands.”

"Turning the sea lantern!"

Lin Biao heard the name and exclaimed, "Is this fairy really exists?"


"Yes... this thing should have been in the legend... I heard that whoever holds the sea lanterns will be able to unite the Four Seas Dragon Palace and become the master of the sea..."

"I am going to go, no, how can there be such a thing against the sky?"

"But if it doesn't exist, why the Penglai Island of the cabinet will come here thousands of miles... Big fool... I think this time, it is not so simple to attack the monsters."

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