Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 541: Party

Chapter 541 Evening

The speed at which this kind of thing goes is very fast, especially the gossip of the little celebrities of the school like Liu Yi.

That night was at the entrance of the University of Science and Technology campus. Although there were not many people who came in and out at night, Liu Yi and Ke Da Qingbei’s two school schools had a love triangle, and overnight, they were already in two schools. Everyone knows.

The school's BBS, post it, everyone is talking about it almost online. Especially in the forum, a big post is placed there.

"The size of the prince is on two boats, and the two big school flowers fall into a triangle."

The content of the post basically restored the situation of the day, and it was said that it was painted and painted, just like the scene reproduction. After the post broke out, Liu Yi was no longer in the limelight. The people who follow the posts are divided into four types. One is to insult Liu Yitai, and one Wang Yuzhen is not enough, but also to make another Murong butterfly!

The other is gloating, it is estimated that all kinds of envy and hatred, and now began to laugh at Liu Yi finally can not get anything.

There is also a kind of support for Liu Yi, saying that men should be like this, soaking up the school flowers!

The last one seems to be mostly female, saying that it is necessary to take the opportunity. After all, Liu Yi’s previous strength and financial strength are enough to attract a lot of girls to send their arms.

"Boss, you are really burning now."

Chen Cai sat in the big classroom and flipped through the various messages displayed on the phone.

"Look, there is an art school girl who wants to associate with you, and still has her contact information! Hehe... It seems that the photos are quite open, and there is a ditch..."

Chen Cai drooled while watching, and Liu Yi sat next to him and never spoke.

"To the boss, I am looking for someone to help you inquire about it. Wang Yuzhen is basically staying in the dormitory every day, even the library is not going. What is the classmates in the bedroom to help her get back. Only class and go to the red star When the company is training, she will go out."

"I know."

Liu Yi smiled bitterly. He and Chen Dahai asked about it. It was not very good to know that Wang Yuzheng of the company training was in a good state. Once, Wang Yuzhen even wanted to resign with the person in charge, and finally was persuaded by the person in charge who was eloquent.

He once stood on the top of the building and sneaked a look at Wang Yuzhen. The current Wang Yuzheng, pale face, the whole person's mental state is very poor, but also a lot of thin, which makes Liu Yi some distressed.

He called Wang Yuzhen anyway, and Wang Yuzhen did not pick up. This makes Liu Yi a little crazy, sometimes wants to swear.

The situation at Murong Butterfly is not very good. Wang Lele said that her little butterfly sister is now suffering from a great loss of appetite and has become silent.

"Boss, look at the opening. According to your conditions, what kind of goddess can't find it!"

Chen Cai did not know how to comfort Liu Yi. He could only pat him on the shoulder and said, "There is one more thing, the boss... Recently, the HKUST lab has to be relocated. I am afraid you don't know?"


Liu Yi faintly responded, suddenly woke up and looked at Chen Cai.

"What do you say? The HKUST lab is going to be relocated? When is it?"


Chen Cai said, "The day after tomorrow, there is a friendship between Keda University and Qingbei, and members of both student unions are required to participate. There will be a party at that time, Xiaoya is still screaming for you to star in!"

"let me?"

Liu Yi shook his head. "What can I play?"

"Singing, boss!"

Chen Cai said, "The last time you sang a love song to Wang Yuzhen is still circulating in the school's post! Xiaoya is now the minister of the Student Union Propaganda Department. Her face and the big brother's face invite you to sing. You said that you can't sing?"

"Student meeting..."

Liu Yi faintly thought about it, Wang Yuzhen seems to be a member of the student union learning department.

And Murong Butterfly, is the person of the Outreach Department of the Qingbei Student Union... Under this, do you have to meet again?

To be honest, at that moment, Liu Yi was a little cringe, and seemed to be afraid to see two people at the same time.

"Boss, this evening is quite important."

Chen Cai finally said the key point, "This relocation is a top priority. The above meaning is to attract everyone's attention through the party, and then secretly withdraw the laboratory from HKUST."

"So important things, why didn't you inform me?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but be a bit strange.

"Boss, you haven't been in the lab for a few days."

Chen Cai said quietly, "Ma Rong is looking for you to be crazy, and finally I can only let you know."

"Oh, this way... that's why I am not right."

Liu Yi sighed, and his state of the battle was really not good. Two girls, Wang Yuzhen and Murongdie, have long been part of their lives, and they are too awkward to influence themselves.

Emotional debts, I did not expect that this kind of diao silk one day can still carry a love debt, I thought that even Ma Yiyi could not look at himself.

It’s really different.

It’s time to be grateful, or should you feel sad.

"I will go to this party, you can help me and Xiaoya."

Liu Yi thought it. If you want to solve the problem, then escaping is not the way. This way to escape, I am afraid that Mu Rongdie is hurting Wang Yuzhen.

"Well, well, I will tell him. Boss, you can sing with peace of mind, and the matter at the lab will be handed over to me. I will help you peg."

"Well, since this is a confidential plan, there should be no big problems."

Liu Yi thought for a moment and said, "Who is the dragon group?"

"The Zodiac is basically there."

Chen Cai immediately said, "And the dragon, one dragon, two dragons and three will come, and the three groups of people are almost secretly transferred back."

"Well, since they are all there, it is even more foolproof."

Liu Yi thought of the strength of Long Yi, and his heart was much more stable.

"Well, this is the route map for the shipment."

Chen Cai took out his mobile phone and called up a picture for Liu Yi.

"How, still passing the school auditorium?"

"It's underground."

Chen Caixi smiled. "There are more than one underground passage in the laboratory. One of them is here, coming out from the laboratory, passing through the auditorium, and then coming out of the experimental building behind the auditorium. Our people are arranged in the laboratory and In the experimental building, as long as we hold the two sides, there is no problem. Let’s say that all the machines in the laboratory are sophisticated, especially the breeding pot of the genetic beast. Whoever has him, basically I have a genetic map."

"Well, then please come to you."

Liu Yi is somewhat embarrassed that he cannot directly participate in this task.

"Don't care, boss, as a love, I understand you."

Chen Cai, a pair of expressions that I understand, said, "What do you need to help the brothers, boss, though you are open."

"You? How is your snake girl?"

"Cough, what, boss, what song do you want to sing this time?"

"talk later……"

Liu Yi waved his hand. He has not considered these issues. Anyway, there are two days of preparation for today and tomorrow.

"Okay... I will talk to Xiaoya."

After Chen Cai finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Xiaoya.

Xiaoya, who was sitting in the corner of the left hand side and the big brother in the bedroom, was excited directly after seeing this message.

When she turned to the teacher and turned to her lecture, she directly abandoned her boyfriend and sneaked over and sat on the right hand side of Liu Yi.

"I am going, how come you come directly?"

Liu Yi saw that Xiaoya actually slipped over during class, and suddenly she was taken aback. This girl is too daring.

This moment, let Liu Yi could not help but think of Murong Butterfly.

Suddenly, I couldn’t stop feeling sad in my heart.

"The old lady is anxious to find you!"

Xiaoya is a northeast girl, and she speaks straight and goes straight. "The old lady wants you to come to the show!"

"Let me come to the finale... you can see me too much."

"What are you kidding!"

Xiaoyabai had a look at Liu Yi. "You don't know how high your click rate on your singing video is? It has always been the highest! If you didn't post a post on two boats... Ah, sorry... ”

Xiaoya saw that Liu Yi was pale and he realized that he had made a mistake and rushed to apologize.

"It's ok……"

Liu Yi smiled again and again, it seems that he will not be able to get rid of this demons for a while.

"Then you want to sing a song, I will arrange it for you!"

Xiaoya quickly opened the topic.

"You let me think about it... I will tell you at night."

Liu Yi will really not know what to sing for a while, and he has been confused in his mind these days.

"Yes... you grab it, the day after tomorrow is the party! I believe in your strength, but you have to give our students a little preparation time."

Xiaoya urged the road.

"Well, I will, will not make you hard to do."

Liu Yi nodded and said that he would try his best to do it.

"This is the best, then everything is pleased! Can you let Qingbei take a look at our high school, just look at this time! I heard that they invited a female star who graduated from Qingbei to come back and sing, hehe, I Xiaoya want to tell them what is the real star, and is still a college student!"

This girl is quite strong!

Liu Yi thought of Wang Yuzhen again and sighed deeply.

"What, you have no confidence?"

Xiaoya looked at Liu Yi with some surprise. If he didn't have confidence, it would be a little overdone.

"No, not without confidence...but..."

Liu Yi did not know how to explain, and Xiaoya Bingxue was smart and immediately understood.

"Oh, you don't have to say it, I understand. But when performing, don't let your emotions affect you. After all, this is our entire HKUST."


"Well, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, come to the small auditorium rehearsal."

Xiaoya told me, "Tell me in advance, I will help you prepare for the accompaniment."


After Liu Yi nodded, he squatted on the table and no longer snorted.

Looking at his somewhat sluggish eyes, Xiaoya couldn't help but sigh.

I am looking for Liu Yi to help me this time. Is this really the right choice?

Eh! Everything looks at the rehearsal tomorrow!


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ Today is three tomorrows~

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