Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 551: Law enforcement officer

Chapter 551 Law Enforcement Officer

"What must I solve first?"

Liu Yi said, "What is more important than killing the murderer!"

"No hurry."

Wang Jianguo waved his hand. "His car is behind us, and he can't run him. As long as the matter is solved, the rest will be done by you."

"What the **** is it?"

Liu Yi’s heart is awkward, how can this old man like to sell it!

"I just want to ask you, do you want to kill the beginning of the star?"

Wang Jianguo annihilated the cigarette butt.

"Of course! He can carry a lot of blood debts on his body."

Liu Yi squeezed his fist. "It is estimated that the law wants to judge him too difficult, then give me this kind of person to solve it."

"Have you ever thought about whether you have the right to kill?"

"of course not."

Liu Yi suddenly smiled. "But if they are not human, then I have the right to kill."

"No, no, you don't understand."

Wang Jianguo went on to say, "You have killed a lot of wicked people before, but you are the name of the blood emperor, no one supports you, you are all alone. So, you have been on the country's wanted list. And at the end, even the identity of Huaxia was lost."

"Speaking, it's not because of Zhang Xingchu's old dog!"

Liu Yi suddenly hated his teeth and couldn't wait to kill the guy now.

"So, you still have enough rights."

Wang Jianguo finally talked about the topic, "In this country, there is a department, an organization, and its rights are higher than the dragon group!"

"Oh? Is there such an organization in China?"

"of course."

Wang Jianguo nodded. "Actually, this organization originally left another department called 'Seventh Section'. But then because the two masters of the Seventh Division left, the department was completely yellow. Until now, it was re-established by the country. Proposed to be reorganized."

"Seventh Section?"

Liu Yixin said that the name is too strange, listening to the department that specializes in dealing with aliens.

"Well, this department is still called the seventh section."

Wang Jianguo flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. "And you will be the first member of this department, the first law enforcement officer!"

"The law enforcement officer?"

Liu Yi didn't know why, and when he heard the name, he felt a little hot.

"Yes, it is the law enforcement officer."

Wang Jianguo’s smile is always a bit embarrassing. “After becoming a law enforcement officer, your rights are higher than any official and you are directly responsible to the chairman. As long as you have sufficient crimes, you can directly punished that person. Of course, the national interest is above all else. Sometimes, you have to perform some tasks for the country."

“It sounds like a senior wage earner.”

Liu Yi swears, "It's still not good."

"Do you still want to be the chairman?"

Wang Jianguo stunned Liu Yi. "And even if it is the chairman, don't you want to do anything, what are you doing? If we go to this level or above, every move, there are many things to consider! In contrast, you are more free than us. More!"

"Then, wouldn't I kill anyone who wants to kill?"

"Don't mess around, the reason why you choose to be a law enforcement officer is because you value the sense of national justice in your body."

Wang Jianguo hurriedly said, "Do you think that the position of the law enforcement officer is a play? Although many officials are not clean under the butt, do you think that you really want to kill? Liu Yi, you only know big meaning, but you don't understand politics. I don't know how to be an official."

He re-ignited a cigarette and said, "The so-called official mouth has two mouths, one mouth above, one mouth below. You don't feed the mouth above, what do you want to feed the mouth below?"

"I still don't understand."

Liu Yi shook his head. "Why are there so many corrupt officials? Why don't you kill them cleanly, is it not good to keep the official?"

When Wang Jianguo heard the words of Liu Yi, he smiled. "Sure enough, young, come, I will tell you a story. Once upon a time, someone asked the king at the time. He said that I am a wise man, but why do you want to raise it? So many corrupt officials? The king said that this is the way of the king. I have raised so many corrupt officials, their interests are tied to me, if I fall, they will follow them. So, for their own benefit. I will desperately maintain and consolidate my political power. Secondly, when the day is angry, as long as I kill a corrupt official, the people will be happy. So, you understand, Liu Yi?"


Liu Yi was silent.

“Governing a country is not as easy as it is supposed to be.”

When Wang Jianguo smoked, he said quietly, "Let's take these people now. Everyone is clamoring to punish corrupt officials. They all say that officials are bullying. But you look at how many people are trying to test civil servants every year. And those who are eunuchs on weekdays, once they become officials, are mostly greedy than the previous ones. This is human nature, and no one can do anything."

He spit out a cigarette and watched Liu Yi, who had been silent after listening to his own speech.

"How, this law enforcement officer, do you want to do it? Remember, you have done this law enforcement officer, you have more than just rights, you have a greater responsibility! Old beauty is not a film called a pig Man's..."


"Oh, yes, that is, there is no sentence in the insect man. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"The law enforcement officer..."

Liu Yi smiled bitterly. "I feel like I was cheated into a pit..."


Wang Jianguo blinked his eyes. "I tell you what to do! You don't do it, don't do it, pull it down!"

"No, I do."

Liu Yi took a deep breath. "This position has been given to others. I am not at ease."

As he said, he glanced out the window. "Maybe from the moment I killed the American cockroach, I have already taken this responsibility."

"Oh, don't say it is so heavy."

Wang Jianguo laughed again. "You have become a law enforcement officer. There are many benefits. The privilege is so big that everything you do will be restored, including the identity of your college students..."

"No, I will not go back to HKUST for a while. I have to do something more important first."

Liu Yi waved his hand and he had to visit the wine sword fairy first.

"It's worth it, but after this toss, the lab failed to move, still in the HKUST."

Wang Jianguo reminded, "There are no serious people sitting here in the city. You should pay more attention to it."

"Reassured, there is Chen Cai, no one can move here."

Liu Yi waved his hand, "Chen Cai's strength is enough to protect."

As long as the immortal world does not move even more powerful guys, with those foreign spies, it is not Chen Cai’s opponent.

"I hope so, this genetic map is too important for us."

Wang Jianguo sighed. "I didn't expect it, because of this thing, it has set off such a terrible storm. I hope that after this incident, all countries can stop. Your blood name is now spread all over the world." ""

"They won't know my identity?"

Liu Yi hurriedly asked.

"Reassure, regarding your identity, we have completely blocked it and will not be known by outsiders."

Wang Jianguo appeased, "And, the name of your blood emperor has been washed from today. Since then, the blood emperor is no longer a wanted criminal, but my Chinese law enforcement officer! Mr. Law enforcement officer, to complete your first Let's have a mission."

He said, pulling out a black wanted list with a familiar head.


"The first mission, I will finish very beautiful."

Liu Yi took the pass and laughed. "Thank you, Grandpa."

When he finished, he opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Wang Jianguo sat in the car and stayed a little.

"He just... is it called my grandfather?"

"Yes, the head."

Sitting in the cab and turning to the driver's phantom nodded.

"Haha, hahahaha..."

The old man couldn’t help but laugh, and the phantom of laughter was inexplicable.

I wouldn’t have called you a grandfather, how excited?

At this time, Liu Yi had already got off the bus and walked toward Zhang Xingchu’s car listening to the back.

"The dog who lost the family, what are you doing back?"

Zhang Xingchu saw Liu Yi's face smile and walked toward himself. I don't know why it was a bit numb behind.

"You two, protect me!"

He told the members of the two dragon group two groups that followed the car.

The two men nodded quite helplessly, saying that if people really want to kill you, we two of them are enough to take a slap in the face.

"Zhang Xingchu, I am here to announce your death sentence."

Liu Yi said, he walked to the front of the Audi car and lifted the **** wanted list in his hand.

"Zhang Xingchu, born in May and August, is currently the highest person in charge of the National Dragon Group. Although it is ostensibly the leader of the most special institution in the country, but privately, it has been done with American Pitt, the red-haired American who was executed by me that day. Well, the transaction. You received his deposit of 200 million US dollars, and then proposed to relocate the lab. Then he deliberately leaked the route and time to the other party. He took the most of the dragon group and stayed in the lab building, waiting to be The gossip mirror that has been ambushed there has been sealed. Why do you want to save him, just because Pete put pressure on you beforehand, and once he has an accident, your 200 million dollar account will be frozen, right? ”

"You, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Xingchu's face was a stiff, and he quickly yelled.

"He is planting me, planting a loyal party member! You are still doing what you are doing, stopping the sinner's nonsense and arresting him!"

"Zhang Xingchu, don't play."

Liu Yi snorted, and the two dragon groups saw him and did not dare to do it.

Nima, who dares to go with the blood! They don't have this ability!

"Do you think I am looking for you? Tell you, this is the evidence given to me by the state. Now I am not a sinner in your mouth, I am a law enforcement officer, the law enforcement officer of the seventh division."

"What, you, how would you be a law enforcement officer?"

After hearing these three words, Zhang Xingchu’s face finally whitened.

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