Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 633: Come on

Chapter 633, come on.

Liu Yi did not know that the threat behind it had shifted. He was packing up with Liu Hongxian at this time to prepare to go home from school.

Both of them live in the dorms arranged by the organization, like the old-fashioned apartment-style dormitories in anime.

The two of them just live next door, which is more convenient to exchange information.

Even if you don't see each other, you can pass the message by knocking on the wall. I don’t dare to use the network and electronic communication here, otherwise it will be a failure if it is intercepted by the island nation.

Just as the two of them packed up their good things to leave, the teachers in the office came round.

"Oh, two teachers, don't rush. You are here on the first day, we want to open a welcome party for you!"

Dajing patted his chest and laughed. "Let you see the amount of wine from our islanders, hahaha."

"You don't want to take the opportunity to get drunk and get a teacher?"

On the side of the field, Changchun looked coldly at Dajing.

"Fart, this kind of idea will only be your dark guy!"

"Hey, I am very respectful to Teacher A."

"You? You have a bad stomach! And how do you still call someone's name? Hey!"

The two men got up again, and other teachers chose to ignore them. Several female teachers were surrounded by Liu Hongxian and enthusiastically pulled her arm.

"Mr. Liu, don't see it outside. Every time we come to a new teacher, we will open a welcome party."

"Yeah, yeah, come together."

"Ah, this..."

Liu Hongxian was hesitant, and Liu Yi’s heart was a little surprised. I didn’t expect the people here to really reject the Chinese people, but they were very enthusiastic.

Although there are reasons for Liu Hongxian's beauty... but the enthusiasm in the bones is not false.

In this place of the island country, the people are indeed divided into several types. One is pro-China, one is a neutral party, and the other is the Qiuzhong Party.

"Let's go together, let's have a few drinks, so there won't be any gaps between them... hahaha..."

The director also touched his bald head and laughed.

"If that's the case, then go."

Liu Yi secretly pulled Liu Hongxian a hand, and had a good relationship with these people, and there was no harm to the task. On the contrary, if it seems too isolated, it will cause other people's doubts.

"Okay, but I am very poor..."

"It doesn't matter, everyone is happy!"

Seeing that two people finally agreed, the office was full of joy.

At this time, a discordant voice suddenly flew out of the corner.

"Hey, what kind of intimacy with the two people, and welcome, you just lost the face of the big and the nation."

When everyone heard this, they immediately got a little upset.

Liu Yi, they turned their heads and looked around, only to see an inch-headed man sitting aside, holding his arms and looking at them with cold eyes.

This person Liu Yi knows that before entering this school, Liu Yi they did these homework.

The name is Ye Shanghong, the son of a major shareholder of the school. Now he is a karate consultant at school. It belongs to the second generation of the rich, not often to the school, is a standard right wing.

"That... the young master in the wild... you say a little too much..."

The director thought that the atmosphere was too embarrassing, so he touched his forehead and said, "That again, they are the teachers of our school."

“It’s ridiculous to say it. It’s ridiculous that I’m a big man and a nation need to learn the language of Zhina.”

Yehshiro sneered, and the atmosphere in the office was even stiffer.

"If you say so, your country has already followed our Chinese learning culture more than a thousand years ago."

Without waiting for Liu Yi to open, Liu Hongxian had already held his arm first and responded to the wild macro.

"Is this your insult to your ancestors?"

"You are a woman, but it is a sharp tooth!"

Norihiro Hiroshi did not expect Liu Hongxian to quit his mouth, and he was a little angry.

"Oh, it’s your own face."

Liu Hongxian held his arm and continued to say rudely. "Although we Chinese people came to the island, we can still feel the enthusiasm of many people here. But for those who are not welcoming us, we will naturally not polite."

"Oh oh yeah... don't bother with it...we still go to the bar together!"

The director of the school quickly made a round trip.

Norihiro, who had been refused before, did not know why, this time he picked up his clothes and stood up.

"Well, I will go with you."

"The young masters in the wild also go? That's great, hahaha, I said, what contradictions do you have to resolve? It's all colleagues, you have to be friendly in the future!"

The atmosphere in the office was better, but Liu Yi saw a chill from the eyes of the wild.

"Be careful, he is not good."

Liu Yi went to Liu Hongxian and lowered the voice.

"Ok, I know."

Liu Hongxian nodded. "Don't look too small for me. The name of my Sanda champion is not white."

"Well, the Sanda champion who was sprayed down by the anti-wolf spray."

"Damn, you dare to laugh at me!"

Liu Hongxian couldn't help but stunned Liu Yi.

"Cough, I am telling the truth..."

"Do you not spit the dead stars?"

"Yes, I have been lurking in the earth for a long time."

"Second time..."

Both of them are talking in Chinese, so others in their conversations don't understand, but the intimacy between the two is to make a lot of male colleagues jealous.

"Da Bosang, you two are very close."

Dajingkou said sourly, "Are you a couple with Teacher Liu?"

"And him? Couple? Just kidding!"

Liu Hongxian suddenly turned a blind eye. "Even if men are dead, I will not be with him!"

"Yeah, yes, we are just colleagues."

Liu Yi also explained, "It’s all Chinese people, and naturally they will feel close."

Absolutely can not flow out and Liu Hongxian's gossip, otherwise the school is so big, if it is passed to the ear of Yin Qianxi, it can be abandoned.

"In fact, Da Po Sang is also very good. I introduce my sister to you in the next day, hahaha."

I heard that there was nothing between the two people. Many male colleagues immediately sighed and enthusiasm for Liu Yi.

Liu Yixin said, I rely on, really a group of wolves!

This difference is too serious!

After the group packed up in the office, they came to a tavern near the school.

The table is full of Japanese food, and it seems that the price is not very cheap.

Liu Yi took a sip of this shochu, only to feel that there was no degree, and it was completely incomparable with Huaxia's liquor.

Now that I have practiced the swordsmanship, Liu Yi can start drinking again.

Otherwise, it’s awful to drink too much of your sister’s paper here...

And Liu Hongxian also confessed, eating a deficit. If you are with other female teachers... 30 years old... My God, I can't imagine!

Those male colleagues have toasted Liu Hongxian, and it seems that Liu Hongxian is drunk.

Liu Yi’s heart sneer, just because of you, I want to get Liu Hongxian drunk?

As a special agent of the 12th Bureau of Intelligence, she specially exercised the amount of alcohol!

It can be said that her amount of alcohol is not much worse than herself.

And Liu Hongxian is also embarrassed, she said that she is a girl, not suitable for wine, so I set the rules with those men. She has a drink and men must drink two glasses.

The trade-offs, the men who started drinking quickly began to circle, and they all spoke up.

Dajingkou took off his coat, and with a stick, he lit a scorpion, and laughed.

"Auntie teacher, you don't know, because of that island some time ago, it is said that your hundred warships have come over and almost scared me!"

He took a shochu and continued, "To be honest, we don't want to fight, the military is not good!"

"Yeah, I want to see it, don't fight in both countries. It's better to sing a song to you than the uncle. Can you listen to it after a smile?"

The director did not drink too much, the bald head was red, and said with a big tongue.

Liu Yi sat there and did not say anything.

I had a drink with these people for a long time, and they heard a lot of them and they understood it. Ordinary people do not want to fight, but there are always some people who still want to target China. Whether it is to protect China, or to protect the small happiness of these people, they must also crush the terrible plan!

"Come here, Uncle will sing to you!"

The director of the school drank a lot, and came up with it, picked up two chopsticks, and knocked on the plate bowl while preparing for the opening.

At this time, Ye Shanghong, who had been sitting next to him and had never had a drink, finally got a move.

He snorted and slammed the table.

"It’s ridiculous, it’s all because of the guys with these cartilage heads, we will fail! These people, they are all our enemies!"

On the wild, Hiroshi opened his mouth and the lively dinner was stiff.

Liu Yi saw it, and this buddy is purely to destroy the atmosphere.

"To tell you the truth, we don't welcome you here. If you think about your own safety, it's better to get out of here and get back to your support. Otherwise, I will see you once and hit you once. Oh, yes, that. The woman can stay, if you are willing to be jealous of me, maybe I can let you continue to work here, hehehe..."

"The young master of the wild, this is too much!"

"Yeah, yeah, how can you say this..."

Many people immediately protested, but no one dared to really fight against Norihiro. After all, he would be karate, and the old man was a shareholder of the school.

"How, if you want to come to me, chances are only once!"

Ye Shanghong looked at Liu Hongxian’s pale face and laughed more proudly.

"Before this, let me respect the young master."

Liu Hongxian laughed, picked up the glass and walked toward the wild.

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