Mai Kitsune Waifu

: No. 689 Let's go clubbing together

The 689th bubble

That photo did irritate Liu Yi, so that his heart could not settle down.

In the past, Yin Qianxi, who was obedient and obedient, would have been dyed with other men.

Such a thing... Liu Yi is somewhat unbelievable and hard to accept!

"How, this photo is not fake."

Xianhe Chunshui saw Liu Yi’s eyes panic, and his heart became more proud. He knew that he was looking for the direction of the Raiders and then slowly said.

"This photo was taken not long ago. I also got it by chance. Although it will not come to the island country, I have to say that Yin Qianxi's favorite man is not you."

"Before I saw Yin Qianxi, I wouldn’t think about it, and I wouldn’t guess it."

Liu Yi took a deep breath and his mind was in the mind.

The relic color is empty, and the empty color is color. These are just some of the appearances, and you can be confused by these!

Liu Yi calmed his state and let his heart settle down.

"Can you still stand it?"

When Xianhe Chunshui saw that Liu Yi was slowly calming, he finally began to be surprised. "Are you too tolerant?"

"The basis for two people to be together is mutual trust."

Liu Yi said without hesitation, "I admit that I was in a hurry at the beginning, but I am willing to believe in Yin Qianxi. When I talk to her in person, it is not too late to make a final decision."

"Hey, you are so upset."

Seeing Liu Yi, Xianhe Chunshui suddenly felt that he was looking for an overly powerful opponent.

At this point the plane has slowly slipped into the runway and then accelerated to take off.

"I just keep my mind."

Liu Yi smiled lightly. "The loss of reason will only make the enemy succeed."

"Do you think I am your enemy?"

Xianhe Chunshui could not hold his breath, and said with Liu Yi, "Don't forget, we are two grasshoppers tied to a rope after all! We all want to find Yin Qianda, you don't cooperate with me, right. You have no benefit in yourself!"

"I will cooperate with you if I cooperate."

Liu Yi holds his arm. "But you also want to leave me and Yin Qianxi."

"Hey, you are too tall to see yourself!"

The crane spring snorted and held his arm and stopped talking.

Liu Yi is not snoring, sitting there, closing his eyes and raising his spirits.

It is not a cranky thought, but it is a little bit more. If the photo is true, why should Yin Qiang take advantage of himself? Her own past for her will not be pursued. But Yin Qianxi said that she is her first love...

"Oh, the good thing on the mouth is actually very concerned about it?"

This woman is very powerful in the spring of the crane, and she has poked the careful thought of Liu Yi.

"In fact, don't say it is you, even me, I always feel that my 'daughter' is weird."

"How to say?"

Liu Yi frowned slightly and waited for the answer to the spring crane.

"I have been married to the Yin Qian family for two years."

Xianhe Chunshui gently rubbed the crystal cup with his fingernails and said, "In the past two years, the previous year and the following year, Yin Qianxi is like two people. The personality has changed a lot. However, I also contacted her. Not a lot, maybe she is a two-faced personality."

Double personality?

Liu Yi couldn't help but think of a woman in memory, the demon emperor Zhang Wei.

She is a typical dual character, one is a prostitute, the other is... oh.

I have also had a double personality, and now the character is the fusion of two personalities.

Therefore, Yin Qianxi has a double personality... It seems not very strange. However, there is really no clue that you can’t see it...

"So, don't think that you know more about women. If a woman wants to lie, it's too easy, especially to fool you guys."

"First of all, I don't think Yin Qianxi has lied to me. Secondly, I am not a stupid man."

Liu Yi reminded Xianhe Chunshui, "This matter will be discussed here."

"Well, then don't talk."

Xianhe Chunshui seems to not want to entangle this problem again. At this time, the beautiful female flight attendant came over and looked at the two people.

"Two distinguished guests, the plane has entered the level of flight, and is free to move."


Xianhe Chunshui waved his hand and said to Liu Yi. "You are all wet, go take a bath, then change your clothes. I have already placed the clothes for the change."

A private luxury small plane, which is equivalent to a five-star hotel facility.

Even if the bathroom is bathed, Liu Yi is not polite, untie the seat belt and stand up and walk towards the bathroom.

He pulled the door of the bathroom, inside is a large soup pool, the water inside has been put away, taking the heat.

Liu Yi lifted his clothes and slowly soaked them inside.

He needs to relax now, so he enjoys the hug of hot water.

"You are enjoying it."

An Qi didn't know when to stand on one side and looked at Liu Yi, who was soaking in the bath. He said, "Do humans pretend that nothing is going to confuse themselves?"

"By your sister, you are abnormal!"

Liu Yi almost jumped up. "You look at Laozi’s bath, do you agree with men and women?”

"In the realm of the gods, there has never been a difference between men and women. What you said, I can't understand."


Liu Yi is completely speechless. He is sulking. "Forget it, look at it, and I will not suffer from it anyway."

"You really don't worry at all?"

An Qi squinted her head and said, "If you need it, I can help you. Find someone, it is not difficult for us to be a holy angel."

“Free help?”

"of course not."

An Qi shook his head. "Nature is going to pay a price. There is never a favor."

"That's a big deal, I don't want to trade with you."

Liu Yicai will not rely on this angel... Of course, if it is not possible at the end, she is also a means of ace.

There is never a white lunch in this world. If you want to have enough food, then try your best to make money.

Long time ago, Liu Yi knew this truth.


An Qi just wanted to say something more, and suddenly her brow wrinkled, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Liu Yi also frowned, because a beautiful woman was pulling the door of the bathroom and did not walk in.

This woman is not someone else, it is the crane spring water.

"Big sister... Do you have to wash with me?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but vomit.

"How long do you think it will take to get to Tokyo here?"

Xianhe Chunshui was white with a look at Liu Yi. "Catch a time, let alone the soup pool is big enough, soaking down."

"This is not a question of size?"

Liu Yi said quickly.

"We have been together for a long time, what's there!"

Chun Shui snorted, "Smelly man, got cheap and sold."


Liu Yi suddenly did not know how to refute it. It seems that this is indeed the case.

But... why do you feel so embarrassed? It seems to be forced to go to the last bath!

This woman is not reasonable!

Forget it, which woman is reasonable.

Liu Yi licks his mouth, simply puts a dumb, and honestly soaks in the water without snoring.

And the crane spring came over very generously, sat down opposite Liu Yi, and made a kitten-like comfortable sound in his mouth, making Liu Yi fire.

Mom, take a hot bath, what do you want?

Liu Yizhen really wants to take this woman out of the soup pool, but I think it is a private jet of people, or forget it.

Let's continue to soak up... just don't know anything!

Liu Yi took a bath and was silent.

The spring water of the crane is like a person taking a bath alone. How about how to do it. Finally, I will straighten my legs and lie on it.

Nima, isn't this seduce me to sin?

I really have to make a mistake, and who is it?

Liu Yi turned his head and turned on Xiaoyan to bring up the novel to start watching.

It’s not a bad thing to watch, it’s good to not watch it!

As a result, the novel is exactly the content of a section of H, and Liu Yikou’s mouth is dry.


Liu Yixin said that this is too much of his skill, whether you should be so arrogant and lying!

Liu Yi rushed to change a channel, let Xiao Xiao bring up an animation.

Or "Machine Cat" cured... Liu Yi finally began to relax.

"There is no need to be so nervous."

Xianhe Chunshui found that the muscles in Liu Yi’s body were tight and couldn’t help but laugh. “I will not eat people.”

"You don't eat people above, it doesn't mean you won't eat people below."

Liu Yi, while watching anime, pretended to speak carelessly.


Xianhe Chunshui wanted to understand it in an instant, and his face was red and snarled.

"I thought you were a good man, and it was a rogue!"

"How do I run?"

Liu Yi blinked his eyes. "Under the next, don't understand, please show it!"

"Get out of the way!"

Xianhe Chunshui didn't want to explain such a rogue problem. She gave Liu Yi a big white eye, then looked up and looked at the waterproof clock hanging on the wall.

"The time is almost the same, go out and change clothes, go to a cocktail party with me tonight, don't give me a shame."

"I am just your bodyguard?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but curiously ask, "Do you still wear a bodyguard?"

“Do you think I will attend a high-end reception with a bodyguard?”

When the crane spring wiped his body, he glanced at Liu Yi. "That is the reception of the upper class. How many people want to go there and get to know some nobles and nobles, you have to cherish the opportunity."

"I have met the aristocrats, and I only want Yin Qianda!"

"I know that Uncle is a heavy taste. There are many important members of the island country at that reception. Maybe you can find some news about Yin Qianda from them."

Xianhe Chunshui threw a wink at Liu Yi. "Don't you want to know about it?"

"Well, then, in what capacity did I attend the reception?"

Liu Yi had to ask.

"Well, it's not a complicated identity... it's actually very simple..."

"Say it!"

"I am the fiance of my crane spring water."

"The trough! Xianhe Chunshui, your uncle!"

Liu Yi and his little friend were shocked at the time.


Um... I wish the single wools a happy holiday...

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