Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 810: The old lady came by herself.

Chapter 810 Lao Niang comes by himself

Liu Yi is a bit dumbfounded.

Have you made a mistake? How did you get married?

Yang Mianmian is doing something, isn’t it good to say that friendship is long?

Why is this friendship full of guns!

"Meng Xi, let me go!"

Liu Yi said, "The mana in my body doesn't know why it was sealed. It takes a certain amount of time to solve it!"

"No, the grace, the slave's mana is not enough to help you open the chain."

Meng Xi shook his head helplessly. "The slaves can do it now, just sit here and talk to you."

I rely on!

You talk to me with hair!

Laozi is now trying to get out!

This woman does not know what to ban for herself, it is very powerful!

The power of Liu Yi’s body can’t be raised at all. He can vaguely find out where the mystery that limits himself is. If he gives him some time, he can break through.

Just, it seems that time is not enough now...

Liu Yi was worried about this, so he asked Meng Xi’s help.

"That... the public, the level of slave chat is still very good..."

Meng Xi appeared to be somewhat wronged, as if he could not be used for his own.

"Meng Xi... You see where I am in the mood to chat now..."

Liu Yi’s heart is crying, just want to kill him.

I didn’t expect it to be overcast by a woman who looked arrogant and arrogant... his sister!

It is a shame to think about it!

"Engong...that, Yangmen is still very can’t go from her..."

Meng Xi said the thoughts in her heart.

"How can a person be so fucked!"

Liu Yi immediately said with awkwardness, "I am a bright and upright man. I want to give it to my loved ones! I want to be a festival for them. How can I casually take a woman I don't know?"

"The character of grace is to make slaves really admire."

Meng Xi is a bit embarrassed, and he seems to be a bit embarrassed.

"My Liu Yixing is going straight, I can't do anything that I am sorry for my woman!"

Liu Yizheng has a word, and this time a footstep came in from outside.

Meng Xi quickly turned into a small spider and jumped back into the hair of Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi also rushed to collect the sound, sit up and wait for the outside to enter.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

A wild beauty dressed in a clouded gauze came in from the outside.

At this time, Yang Mian cotton dress was different from before. She changed the previous leopard leather coat and put on a satin gauze. The whole person was wild and beautiful, and a pair of legs were exposed, full and attractive. The abdomen and fat **** are more attractive and attractive.

After Liu Yi saw it, it was a bit sluggish for a while.

"People, let me come tonight and love you!"

Yang Mianmian seems to have no less drinking, climbed directly to the bed, one hand on the bed, the other hand hooked Liu Yi's chin, said.


Liu Yi swallowed his mouth and looked at the chest that was exposed by Yang in front of him.

This girl’s chest is really big... and it’s full and plump, and the chest is beautiful, it’s really rare.

"That... I want to be above..."

Liu Yi said.


Meng Xi cried aloud.

"Cough... what... Yangmen, we can't do this..."

Liu Yi was able to cough twice and then said.

"What can't be done, you and I have already had love wine, and you have drunk so much... Hey, now I want to regret marriage, it's too late!"

"I rely on it, isn't that a long-lasting friendship?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but scream, "Why became a love wine!"

"Oh, Xiang Gong, you don't want to be so stubborn!"

Yang Mianmian put a pretty face in the ear of Liu Yi, exhaling like a blue, said.

"You don't want to get help from Kunlun... After you are with me, this Kunlun is equal to half of your home... At that time, it is not what you want, Kunlun is like?"


I have to say that Liu Yizhen really has some heartbeat.

But he only hesitated a little, and he shook his head and refused.

"Impossible, my Liu Yi is not a little white face."

"Why do you want to think about this?"

Yang Mian wrinkled his face. "You are too manly!"

"This is a matter of principle!"

Liu Yixin vowed to say.

Yang Mian Mian's brow picked it up, then suddenly came over and kissed Liu Yi directly.

Yang Mianmian's kiss, some oysters at first, but the more the girl kissed the more frenzied, and even took the initiative to **** the tongue of Liu Yi, the pro-sounding voice.

Was kissed...

This is the first thought of Liu Yi...

Shouldn't it resist?

This is the second thought of Liu Yi...

Said to fight, Liu Yi is still a bit reluctant.

This Yang Mianmian is indeed very good, beautiful, wild, passionate and active.

But this is unclearly married to others, and Liu Yizhen is really unacceptable.

Marriage is the result of the two people's love to the end. He and Yang Mianmian only met for the first time. They still can't talk about any feelings.


Yang Mian kissed for a long time, and finally deliberately left the mouth of Liu Yi, the two people's mouth is still connected with crystal silk.

"Look, you said that you don't want to talk about your mouth, but I still look forward to it?"

Yang Mianmiao smiled proudly, it seems that something has won!

"Yang Men, I hope you can understand one thing."

Liu Yi silently recited the Buddhist scriptures while calming himself down and said, "Love and **** - desire are two things, please don't confuse."

"Mom, are you insulting me?"

Yang Mianmian was a little unhappy when he heard this. "Is it so that you can't afford to be eager? Can't you enter the eyes of you?"

"This... of course not."

Liu Yi said very honestly, "You are very beautiful and very sexy. But if you get married, we still need to know more..."

"Tear off!"

Yang Mian Mian directly reached out and tore off her clothes to reveal her perfect body.

An impressive S-shaped curve is presented in front of Liu.

Liu Yi was shocked. What is this girl doing, and the overlord is **** the bow?

Elegant butterfly!

I am not mentally prepared yet!

"We all treat each other honestly, isn't that just getting to know each other?"

After that, Yang Mianmian reached out and pulled the ends of Liu Yi clothes, and then it was so!

Got it!

Liu Yi’s clothes were also declared suspend without any suspense!

This is good, everyone really frankly met!

This Yang Mian... It’s too embarrassing...

"When the aging mother conquered you, you are the aging mother! By that time, you will not have to get from it! They all say that you have to go from four virtues, you can't go against it, right?"

"I rely on ... three from the four Germans is a woman!"

"In the old lady, the masculinity doesn't work!"

Yang Mianmian said proudly, "I am honestly waiting for the old lady to pamper you!"

Said, Yang Mianmian reached out and pushed Liu Yiyi down on the bed.

"I, I will never let you succeed!"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"You guys are all set on the mouth, and one set below."

Yang Mianmian said, reaching out and grasping on Xiao Liu.

"Look, the guy below you is already very distracted and excited!"

"You...what did you learn so much!"

Liu Yi blushes and asks thickly.

"Online! A lot, learn to be really fast!"

Yang Mian Mian smiled very proudly, making Liu Yi quite helpless.

This girl... I don’t know what to learn, but I want to learn this!

And also use this to deal with yourself! It’s too damn!

Dare to be violent again!

Liu Yixin has a variety of spit.

"In short, today you are the aging mother... No... From then on, you are the old man!"

Yang Mian Mian smiled, "Do not worry, I will pamper you today!"

"Pamper your sister! Is the order reversed?"

Liu Yi went back two steps and avoided Yang’s “wolf hand”. “I don’t recognize this marriage! I definitely don’t admit it!”

"You have already loved the wine. If you don't let me take possession of you, your mana will not recover forever!"

Yang Mian cottoned his chest and said his chin. "Are you going to be an aging mother, or should you be a waste person for a lifetime?"

Can't restore mana for a lifetime?

Liu Yi smiled in the heart, this Yang Mianmian is miscalculated, and his mana can be restored with only a little time!

However, it is a bit difficult to keep your virginity during this time!

However, Liu Yi felt that he was very cold. After all, he was a bed of ice. He had no mana at this time. Some of them were chilling and he couldn’t help but start to tremble.

And Yang Mianmian's meat-body exudes a fiery energy, so that Liu Yi couldn't help but want to hug her, lingering in her arms...

Fortunately, my hands are tied up, otherwise I can't help it!

Yang Mianmian is afraid that she did not expect that she wants to tie herself up, but she has fulfilled herself!

But soon Liu Yi couldn't be happy, because Yang Mianmian had already bowed his head and opened the cherry mouth, which was contained above his little brother.

This stimulation is not a serious one!

Liu Yi trembled directly, no mana to protect the body, almost gave a gun!

I rely on... this girl... Why is it so embarrassing... Is it also learned online?

Nima...The action of the island country is not too shallow...

If the young man shoots in seconds, he will not be laughed at by this girl!

No, you must hold back!

Liu Yi can't go to other things, close his eyes, and begin to meditate on the Buddhist scriptures and relax the pressure below!

No pressure will be good! Amitabha Amitabha!

Liu Yiyi did not close his eyes, and soon felt the following cool, and then began to enter a warm place.

He suddenly became shocked and opened his eyes. He found that Yang Mianmian had taken the initiative to aim at the little brother!

Although it was a martial artist, Yang Mianmian was still intact, and a layer of obstacles blocked the deepening of Liu Yixiao's brother.


Yang Mianmian frowned, then his body sank.

Suddenly, the obstacle was broken, and Yang Mian Mian also clenched his mouth.

This is a female man!

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