Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 812: Great Hotel

Chapter 812 Human World Hotel

"What is the command of the husband, even if it is said!"

Yang Mian Mian Biaoba eyes, asked.

"Well... I have stayed here for a while, and I can't delay any more."

Liu Yi counted the days and said, "I still have four places to run, I have to get up quickly."

"Ah? Is this going to leave? Do you still have the responsibility of your wife?"

Yang Mianmian exclaimed, and then some unwillingly pulled the arm of Liu Yi. "After staying for a few more days... Otherwise, I will send a letter with the husband! Anyway, the family is already a husband, and the husband goes. Where are the people going?..."

"When a man goes out to work, how can he always stay with her?"

Liu Yi brows a wrinkle, "Anxiously waiting for me in Kunlun Mountain, right now Qin Palace is engaged in conspiracy, I don't know if Qinhuang will recover. If so, Kunlun Mountain should be fully prepared! You are this Kunlun Mountain The doorkeeper must arrange everything!"

"But... people want to be with Fojun...not a word, called a husband and wife..."

"It is not the time, we are all practitioners, we must not forget our responsibility."

Liu Yi reached out and stroked Yang Mian's hair. "I can't let myself immerse myself in the gentle township, otherwise I will lose the motivation to move forward. If you listen to me, you should do your best in Kunlun Mountain." And don't do this beforehand. Anyway, the first thing is also in your bag. It doesn't make sense. It's better to leave time to strengthen the disciple."

"Well, everyone listens to the husband."

Yang Mian Mian nodded, "Where is the next stop for Nafjun..."


Liu Yi thought about it and said.

"Where... I am afraid it is not a good place..."

Yang Mianmian is slightly worried. "Although they are all cabinets, the operation of the capital city has always been weird... I heard that people who have entered the capital city have come back. If you go in, you will eventually become a soul."

"It’s not so easy to make you husband and me become a dead soul."

Liu Yi laughed. "In any case, I have to go."

"Well... everyone listens to the husband. But the capital city is not like Kunlun Mountain. The capital is very large. It is basically a huge city. It is hard to find the right person there. But if you are a husband, If you go there, you can find an old ghost called Qing Yi. He owed my father a favor in his early years and should be able to help the husband!"

"Oh? See me all, how can I say?"

When I heard that I could have an acquaintance to help, Liu Yi felt that it was quite good.

"There is a piece of jade here that can represent my identity."

Yang Mianmian stuffed a piece of jade into the hands of Liu Yi. "When you get there, you can find a clear color. The husband will show him this jade."

"Then how can I find this one?"

Liu Yi continued to ask.

"If you want to enter the capital city, you must first go to the 'Human Inn' outside the capital. When you get there, the husband finds the store owner. The guy is a financial fan. As long as the husband spends some money, he can even hand over his mother! Fujun and he inquired about the all-in-one news!"

"Okay, then I know, thank you, cotton."

Liu Yi carefully took the jade Jane, and then kissed the cheeks of Yang.

Although the feelings are not particularly deep, but this girl is now following her heart, Liu Yi is naturally not too bad for her.

Anyway, feelings can be cultivated.

Liu Yi made up his mind and was ready to leave.

Yang Mianmian and his Yiyi farewell, when the time left, the eyes were red.

Until Liu Yi did not see the figure, Yang Mian Mian was not willing to leave the hole, has been standing there, wiping tears.

"The doorman...he has gone far..."

"Yeah... we haven't eaten in one day... can we open a meal..."

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain finally couldn’t help but ask.


Yang Mianmian immediately turned around, wiped away the tears, and immediately roared.

"I didn't see the old lady being in a bad mood today! Eat mom's rice! Give me hungry! Hungry for three days!"


All the Kunlun disciples have been saddened by the departure of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi did not know that his departure brought a terrible disaster to the Kunlun disciples. At this time, he was flying to the capital city in the direction of Meng Xi.

In reality, there is also a capital city, which is now Fengdu County in Chongqing!

However, there is no real capital city, no one has ever seen it. Some people have seen it, but after they have finished, they are all dead.

However, Liu Yi still came to Fengdu County, because according to Meng Xi, the capital city is hidden here.

Because of the banner of the ghost town, Fengdu County, as a tourist city, has developed rapidly in the past two years.

The various high-rise buildings in the county town are very prosperous.

At this time, the sky is white, the cars on the street come and go, so lively.

It is said to be a ghost town, but there is no enchanting atmosphere, but it is full of the vitality of the modern city.

“Is this really the entrance to the capital city?”

Liu Yi looked at the steel city and asked some doubts.

"Of course it is here...but when the slaves came here, it was all a thousand years ago..."

Meng Xi looked at this modern city, and it was a bit stunned. "The human inn of that year... I don't know where to find it now..."

"I rely! This is not teasing me!"

Liu Yizhen rounded his eyes. "Where should I go to find it! Xiao Yan, help me locate the human inn!"


Xiao Yan immediately scanned and quickly got the results.

"Master... no result..."

"Can't try a car."

Lin Biao suggested, "A taxi driver should know more about this city?"

"Okay, it can only be like this..."

Liu Yi had no choice but to stand on the street and reached for a taxi.

When I got on the bus, the driver had a Chongqing dialect and listened to Liu’s head.

"That... I am sorry, I am a foreigner..."

"Oh, people from other places..."

The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties. Hearing this, nodded. "Where is the gentleman going?"

"Master, do you know the human inn?"

Liu Yi held the attitude of trying it out and asked the driver.

The driver immediately cast a sly look. "Mr. said that it is not a local, very familiar!"

"That... I also listened to my friends... Is there such an inn?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Yes, of course!"

The driver laughed. "I have been renting here for five or six years. I don't know where! I sat down, let's get there soon! Mr. is a good taste, hahaha!"

Liu Yi listened to the clouds in the fog, what good taste?

Isn't that inn still a local feature? Speaking of this is also the ghost culture, the human inn and the like, the insurance is not the name of the Ghost Inn in the name of the mask to cover yourself, but also to attract tourists to earn extra money, how good!

Thinking of this, Liu Yi is also a lot of peace of mind, can find a place!

The taxi was all the way, and it didn't take long for it to come to the legendary human inn!

"Man, come, twenty!"

When Liu Yiqian got off the bus, when he was in the door of the department, he smiled.

"Man, be careful!"

Finished, one step on the gas pedal, go away.

Liu Yi is so strange, beware of the body? Be careful about what body?

Looking for an inn, you have to be careful?

Liu Yi was puzzled. He turned and looked at it. There was a big hotel behind him. There were seven floors. There was a giant fountain in front of the hotel.

There are several big characters hanging above the hotel, "The Great Hotel!"

I rub!

The one that I want to go is obviously a human inn! When do you want to come to this big hotel? The driver is wrong!

"Engong... It seems to be really here."

Meng Xi’s voice suddenly floated out. “Although it has changed a lot... but there are some familiar feelings...”

"you sure?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but vomit, this luxury hotel would be the gateway to the capital city?

"Well... Grace, do you see three flags in front of this hotel?"

"Well, I saw it, what?"

"This is arranged by the unique Feng Shui method. In fact, it is the three tribute of the year, used to pay homage to the dead."

Meng Xi’s words made Liu Yi feel a bit creepy.


It’s time for this, and Liu Yi has no choice but to move his legs into the hotel.

The hotel lobby is very bright, people come and go, it seems that the source of the source is quite a lot! Business is not bad!

A waiter enthusiastically led Liu Yi to the front desk. Three beautiful front desk ladies were standing there, frequently attracting the attention of the guests.

I have to admit that this sister's paper is good, temperament and face!

"Hello, sir, welcome to the hotel, what kind of room do you need?"

A sister paper asked softly.

"This... is this a human inn?"

Liu Yi asked a little embarrassedly.

The sister paper suddenly smiled, then reached for the elevator next to it.

"Seventh floor, sir."

The seventh floor? Is this what it means to get yourself on the seventh floor?

Liu Yi was inexplicably made by this hotel, Grandma’s legs, what a bird place!

But here is the only way to the capital of Skudai, and you can only take a step by step!

Liu Yi took the elevator to the seventh floor. When the stairs opened, the eyes suddenly became a little dim.

Unlike the bright lobby, the seven-story lighting is very dim, letting Liu Yi’s heart glimpse.

That's right, it should be here! This kind of atmosphere is like the door to ghosts!

A very young man greeted him and asked passionately.

"Sir, let's play alone."

"Yeah... is this a human inn?"

Liu Yi glanced at the young man, his face with two big dark circles, his face pale, skinny and incomparable, and the long one was no different from the ghost.

Looks like, it seems that it really came to the right place.

"Must be! Mr. Come with me!"

The young man smiled mysteriously and then began to lead the way.

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