Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 820: Can't drink?

Chapter 820 is not enough?

Liu Yi was a bit surprised. He didn't think that if he said that he would pay back the money, that is, the soul value, this knife can be so active!

Sure enough, even if you die, this buddy is also a greedy ghost.

It’s a man’s death, a bird’s death, and the ancients don’t bully me!

"Let's say, little brother, who are you going to see, so go and pick him up!"

Knife and face with arms and sleeves, vowed to say.

"He is called a color."

Liu Yi said that Yang Mianmian told his name, and the opposite face of the knife was almost all over.

"Big brother, have you made any mistakes, you actually let me find one color!"

Knife and face face, "You might as well take my casino away!"

"What's wrong? Is the background clear?"

Liu Yi perceived what.

"Whether it is big? It’s my boss!"

Knife screaming and crying, "Big Brother, if you have anything to go directly to my boss to talk about it, why bother to find me! Have you ever seen a younger brother who took his boss out?"

"It turned out to be..."

Liu Yi suddenly realized that it seems that this is indeed a force in the capital city. It is no wonder that Yang Mianmian will let him find him.

"You go find me for him, tell him, I came from Kunlun, he will naturally see me."

Liu Yiyi was sitting on a chair next to the gambling table and waved.

"Well... I will help you find it!"

This knife looks like there is no other way to look at it, so I have to turn around to help Liu Yi find his boss.

The other younger brothers began to swear.

"Don't open the door today, let's go back, come back tomorrow!"

After all, it is inconvenient for outsiders to talk about things.

I have to say that they are still very efficient. The casino is full of people just now. They have gone clean in a few minutes, leaving only Liu Yi and several younger brothers in the casino.

Liu Yi looked around and saw that the younger brothers in these casinos were also starved to death. This made Liu Yi miss his own Red Scarf Army. The soldiers are strong and strong, and that is the real black power!

Just when Liu Yi was so bored, a door behind the casino was finally pushed open.

A young man who was wearing a pipa, dressed in a tunic suit and carrying his own goatee, walked out.

The old man’s height is not short, but there are some embarrassment. One hand is holding a goatee, the other hand is holding a big smoker. Those who don’t know, it is estimated that this old man should be regarded as a rogue in the Republic of China!

After he came in, his eyes swept directly on Liu Yi’s body.

"Anyone who ran to slap me all the way, is that you?"

"It is a younger generation."

After all, it was Yang Mianmian introduced people, so Liu Yi politely replied, "Before the predecessors of the predecessors, it is really sorry. Only after winning those soul values, the younger generation will return to the predecessors."

"This is almost the same."

The face is slightly slower. "You said that you are a Kunlun person. What is the proof?"

"This is it."

Liu Yi took out the jade slip that Yang Mianmian gave him, and gave it to the clear one.

“Kunlun Baoyu? It’s really a Kunlun person...”

I smacked a large smoker and spewed a smog.

It’s a ghost, and even smoking, it’s really impossible to understand.

In this city, there are too many things that make Liu Yi puzzled.

These residents in the capital city, in addition to not being able to die again, seem to have little difference with human beings.

Before that, Zheng Wuyin said to Huang Zixin that he could eat food. Is this like a ghost can do?

However, it seems reasonable to think about it. After all, the ancients sacrificed their ancestors or those who had already died, and they used some food. Modern people will also burn paper money, houses and the like.

It seems that there is also a life in the underworld, dedicated to those who are still unable to reincarnate.

"You kid, don't take it with you in Kunlun Mountain and go to the capital city to do what?"

I put the smoker on my foot and asked, and then asked.

"In fact, the younger generation is only a guest of Kunlun Mountain."

Liu Yi explained the intention of this time. "I came to the capital city to send letters to the cultivators of the capital city and invite them to participate in the five spirits conference held by our cabinet..."

Liu Yi, Barabala, said a bunch of things that seemed to understand and understand.

"That is, you are a messenger? Do you want to see the cabinet sect of this capital city?"


Liu Yi nodded.


Qing Yi seems to be thinking about something, and then when Liu Yi did not pay attention, gave the younger brother a look.

The younger nodded and quietly left.

"However, the younger generation came to this capital city and found it strange... The lifestyle here is very strange. It is not like the usual way of life in the underworld, and it has never seen any immortal. It is really quirky and strange. Oh..."

"Oh, the reason why there are no immortals is because they are trapped."

Qing Yi finally said something that shocked Liu Yi. When he saw the eyes of Liu Yi, he smiled and continued.

"Look at some of your origins with Kunlun, I tell you this is no problem. To say that this capital city, that millennium was indeed a world controlled by the immortals! At that time, there was not so much in this city. The soul, only those who cultivated the immortals, and the little devils they raised. The rest are the original inhabitants of the capital city, some souls who do not want to reincarnation. Only the capital city, they are willing to take them."

"What happened then? Why are the immortals trapped, and the capital city has become what it is now? Once the people in Fengdu County die, they will be caught here as a coolie. What is it for?" ”

"I don't know about these."

This old ghost screamed at the big smoker. "I don't know which day, this city has changed. The specific thing, I don't know. If you want to ask, you can only ask." Those sealed immortals!"

Those sealed immortals...

Liu Yi suddenly remembered the back of the biggest statue of Wu Shen!

It seems that there have been any unexpected incidents in the capital city, and the immortals have been imprisoned there!

Mom, how can I be so unlucky, let me run into such a **** event!

"The current capital of the capital is no more than that of the year. Even the cultivators of the capital city are trapped. You are a small doll in Kunlun Mountain, and you are afraid that you will not be able to ask anything."

Qing Yi spit a cigarette circle, "Look at the friendship with Kunlun, the old ghost I can help you a favor, help you leave this capital city, you never come again, how do you see? This drowning, not you Can you get it!"

"Thank you for your good intentions."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders. "It’s my responsibility to send a letter. I can’t get it to the buyer’s hand. I can’t do it with my boss! So all the seniors, if you can help, tell me that **** The behind-the-scenes masters lived there! I lost my job of sending letters, I can only take a walk and cook him."

"You kid, too much!"

There was some surprise in the Qing Dynasty. "Do you want to catch up with your work?"

"It is not necessary to kill, but also ask the seniors to help."

Liu Yi insisted.

"Okay, if that's the case, tell you nothing."

Then, after all, I took a smog and said slowly, "Now the highest power of the capital city is called the sea ghost king! It lives in the largest ghost palace in the center of the city!"

Sea ghost king?

Turtle? This name is really too many slots!

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Knowing this useful information, Liu Yixin has some bottoms, at least know what he should do next.

"Hahaha, come and come, I haven’t seen anyone outside for a long time, it’s really happy."

When one of the men walked in from the outside with a bottle of wine, the whole color immediately laughed happily twice.

"This is our good burning knife. Grandpa and two drink two cups, tell me about the outside, let the old ghost know that I know what the outside is!"

"Well, the seniors are so demanding, the younger generation is satisfied."

Liu Yi nodded and reached for the wine glass. The younger brother next to him immediately filled him with white wine.

A scent of wine was released, and several of the men couldn’t help but **** the nose and the mites were hooked out.

"Come a cup?"

Liu Yi looked at a younger brother who was swallowing his mouth and asked him to raise his glass.

The younger face changed a lot, and even the two waved their hands and stepped back two steps.

"They are all the people below, there are no countertops!"

Everyone rushed to the side and said, "Don't worry about them, let's drink!"

"Well, the younger generation will be the first to be respected."

Liu Yi raised his glass with both hands, and he poured it into the entrance.

"Ha ha ha, the little brother is really good!"

All of a sudden, I laughed happily.

"Predecessors have...had...over prizes..."

Liu Yi slammed and slammed on the table and knocked over the glass in his hand.

"Ha ha ha, this is a stupid boy!"

I almost touched my goatee and smiled smugly. "There is a weak soul in this wine. You have it in it. There is no power for three days and three nights. Let anyone be at the mercy! This guy is worth a lot of soul value. Carry it, go with me to the Ghost Hall!"

A few younger brothers immediately lifted up Liu Yi, and then went out with the door.

Going out to the car, Qing Yi is holding Liu Yi, all the way directly into the ghost palace.

The ghosts at the entrance of the Ghost Palace saw his car and let them go.

Finally, before they drove all the way to the main hall, several younger brothers could not continue to go in. The knife and face smashed Liu Yi like the anti-dead pig, and followed behind the all-in-one.

There are two rows of stagnation in the hall, and many Minotaurs are here.

This hall seems to have been repaired by slaves, and it is magnificent, giving people the illusion of coming to the Forbidden City.

"Hey, this kid is really bad today."

Knife licking his face and screaming at Liu Yi, standing beside the smoky ones, "I don't even know the relationship between the boss and the princes of the sea, and take the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Oh... this time, the ghost of the sea ghost does not reward me with a big official!"

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