Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 851: Damn 癞蛤蟆

Chapter 851 **** 癞蛤蟆

A moonlight shone immediately and hit the body that had been split into two halves.

"I want to escape."

This time, Liu Yi has already prepared well enough to let these Qin Palace people escape again.

"Sword protector."

He released six swords, and the six swords appeared on the top of the body.

The Excalibur actually blocked the moonlight technique for a while, so that the moonlight could not shine on the body of the B.

"Return to the spirit."

Liu Yi also displayed the demon sword technique, grabbed the soul of the B, and earned his own hands.

"What, me, my soul."

B found that he did not escape smoothly, but was arrested by Liu Yi, and suddenly he was so horrified that he was scattered.

Moonlight is their last escape, and it is now ineffective.

"Here is a circle here, now I want to escape."

Liu Yi looked at the little soul in his hand and sneered.

At this time, B's body seemed to be compressed into a small villain, standing on his palm.

"What do you want to do to me, let me go, or Qin Palace can't spare you."

"Is it true that the Qin Palace was my old one?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but laugh. "Don't be funny, there must be a battle between me and the Qin Palace, killing you, but it also solved an enemy."

"I will not die, you can't kill me."

"This can be without you."

Liu Yi said, returning to the spirit.

He had nothing to search for the soul's spells, so he had to send this guy into the little Tai Chi and sacrificed to the little Tai Chi.

"Don't... don't kill me."

B found that the seemingly flat sword had a terrible sucking force on it. It seemed to be consuming its own soul. It immediately scared the soul.

"Don't kill me, I, I don't want to die."

B kept pleading.

"If you don't want to die, then you should give me everything I want."

Liu Yi’s eyes were sharp and scared.

Although this B is proud, it seems to be very afraid of death.

If you can take advantage of this, you may be able to put out what you want.

But now is not the time to ask questions, Liu Yi took out the ghost ring, B scared directly to tremble.

"Ghosts ring... This is why this ring is in your hands."

"Oh, you actually know this ring."

Liu Yi couldn't help but smile.

"How, how can you not know... this is a sly ring."

B couldn't help but tremble. "Hey **** guy... betrayed Qin Huang and stole the ghost ring of Qin Huang. You, you really killed him."

"It is his own death."

"What do you do with this ring..."

"Give you a place to find a safe place first."

Liu Yi feels that his smile is a bit gloomy.

However, in order to hit the Qin Palace, it doesn't matter like a bad person.

"Don't let me in, don't."

B shook his head again and again, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Go in and say hello to the ghosts of your Qin Palace."

Liu Yi said, stuffing B into the ghost ring.

At the same time, the sub-professor who had become a **** man was scared to cry.

Nima, even their master was killed.

This Liu Yi, how is this so savvy.

Master’s so overbearing character has now turned into a dead soul.

"Okay, now it's your turn, the big monk."

Liu Yi wears a ghost ring and turns to look at the Master. "You see that you are all like this. People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts. What do you mean by living? Let's go back and be your beast." ”

"Hugh thinking."

Master Yu Hong’s feet vacated and turned to escape.

"Where to go."

Liu Yiha laughed, and a chain flew out behind him, wrapped around the master of the Master.


Master Yu Hong was returned to the ground by Liu Yizhen and took out a big pit.

"Damn stinky monk, where are you going."

"The people of the Scorpio can't go."

The female warriors of the daughter country gathered around and surrounded the sub-Mr. and the Scorpio.

"Princess, how to dispose of them, please order."

Qiu Yi let these Queen Guards hold the Scorpio, lest they escape.

"Kill these guys."

Yue Qinger said with some anger, "These people are good at ignoring their daughter country, ruining my nine-day god's stick, and invading my daughter's country people, and sin is unforgivable."

"Yes, kill them."

"Kill them."

The beautiful women of the daughter country shouted, and the eyes of the Tianzhu faction were full of badness.

I am afraid that these sister papers, people who hate the Scorpio Palace, hate to die.

"Sure enough, the Scorpio people don't have a good thing."

Qiu Yu held the sword in his hand and put it on the neck of a Scorpio man. "Just take the knife first."

"Who dares to move me to the Scorpio."

At this time, I didn’t know where to fly and where to go, and ran back.

I ate Liu Yiyi's palm. At this time, my nose was swollen and my face was swollen.

"You can't keep it yourself, and you are worried about your Scorpio."

Qiu Yu asked coldly.

"In short... the Lord is here, you are not allowed to move."

He is not a heavy loyalty. He knows that the Scorpio is his everything.

If there is no Scorpio, then the Qin Palace will abandon him...

Without the Qin Palace to give antidote, he swallowed the goose sooner or later.

"That's good, then send you on the road first."

Qiu Yi took the sword and cut a sword toward his head.

"No, no."

At this time, a woman rushed out and stopped in front of Qiu Jun.

"Wang Fang, what are you doing?"

Qiu Wei saw her and was shocked and asked.

"Bold, you forgot your identity."

"Elder Qiu, yes, sorry..."

The woman cried with tears in her face. "I, I am already his person... Life is his person, death is his ghost, can't watch him die..."

"You, you are not contentious, have you forgotten the national training of our daughter country?"

"I, I have never forgotten... I am sorry for you, sorry princess..."

Wang Fang was on the ground and cried into tears.

"If you want to kill, kill me first..."

"You, you are not contentious."

Qiu’s temper trembling.

"I will hand over the Queen's real stone immediately."

At this time, the long gondola was taken forward, and a handful of mahogany swords were caught in the hand and placed on Wang Fang’s neck.

"Otherwise, I killed her."

"Chong, Chong brother..."

Wang Fang looked at him and his eyes were shocked.

"You, you are treating me like this..."

"Ha ha ha, stupid woman, do you think that Dad really loves you?"

I laughed and kept on my face.

"Dao Ye is just playing with you, but you stupid woman still believes in love, it is ridiculous."

"you you……"

Wang Fang trembled and his tears fell down.

She did not expect that the only man he trusted had turned back to harm her.

"Oh, you are too shameless."

Qiu Yan’s eyes were round and round.

"Damn stinky man, kill."

Yue Qinger squatted with two swords, intertwined, and the sword was superficial.

The people in the daughter country are all mad, so this is simply too odious.

"Then you come to kill the lord, come."

I am fearless, "As long as you dare to move, I will kill this woman."

"You, you are too shameless."

"Hey, let us go, Wang Fang."

The soldiers of the daughter country are all angry, and the anger can burn half the sky.

"Let her, dream, you don't hand over the Queen's real stone, she will only die."

Liu Yi saw all this and couldn't help but sigh.

"Wang Fang, do you still love this man now?"


Wang Fang’s eyes suddenly burst into tears. “I really love this man...but... I love the wrong person.”

She said, slowly turning her head and looking at it with a bit of a dismay.

"Chong brother...we can't live together... then die together..."

After Wang Fang finished, he suddenly grabbed the sword and then stabbed himself into his chest.

The sword penetrated her chest and then pierced into her body.

"Wang Fang."

"Wang Fang, you are crazy."

The people in the daughter country suddenly became shocked and then cried.

The cockroach is bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes are shocked.

"You... you dare to kill the grandfather."

"Let's die together... hope the next world... we can be good people together..."

Wang Fang bleeds in the mouth and slowly falls down.

"Damn... **** it."

Although he was stabbed with a sword, he still didn't die. He seemed to know that the big thing was not good. He turned around and wanted to escape.

"Whoever let you escape."

Liu Yiyi smashed his hand, and the sky suddenly fell into a sacred fire sword, directly penetrating the sly body and nailing him to the ground.


This squirted a blood, and then pulled out the sword of the gods on his back and climbed and wanted to leave.

Who does not want to survive, at this time, the long-distance heart of the geese has a strong psychological survival.

"Swallow the goose, you committed such a crime, still want to go."

Liu Yixin is also annoyed, this man, the kill.

"Who can kill the lord."

With a roar, suddenly the body turned into a huge green light.

In the blink of an eye, he reappeared his true body and turned into a dark green cockroach.

This became a real embarrassment, this guy is more than ten meters in size, and there is a stench on his body, so that the girls present are holding their noses.

"Ah... so stinky..."

"God... why is it so stinky."

Liu Yi couldn't help but vomit, Nima, this guy is awkward, or a bug.


The giant cockroach opened his mouth and a black tongue flew straight out of the mouth and rolled over to the princess.

The female soldiers suddenly became shocked.

Who is the princess, the daughter of the country of the daughter country, but lost all the mana because of an accident.

She can't cope with the embarrassing attack.


Fortunately, Liu Yi was still at her side, his palm fell, and a golden **** fire sword fell into the sky again, nailed to his tongue.


The giant screaming grotesque, and the pustules behind it split open, shot a few venoms, and went to the princess again.

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