Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 861: Ask a younger sister

Chapter 861 asks for a sister

"Liu Yi, you really came."

I forgot to come over and see the figure of Liu Yi, and I was a little surprised.

"You can let Mo Mou wait."

Since the last time, the days are not short. I don’t think I can see Liu Yi in a few days. Who can think of it for so long.

It seems that the invitation letter, this buddy has already sent out a lot.

"I want to come, but I don't welcome me here."

Liu Yi smiled helplessly.

"What kind of jokes, Liu Yi Liu real people come to visit, how can I not like Ruyi Zhuang."

I forgot to say, looked at the people next to me coldly.

The few disciples suddenly became scared.

"If it's welcome, of course it's best."

Liu Yi was too lazy to care about the few people. He waved his hand and said casually. "Since I am here, I will take you to meet the people who have the final say. I have to give you a wish letter." The other sects are all finished."

"Liu Zhenren is really anxious."

I forgot to say with some regrets, "I still want to stay with the real person for a few days to entertain."

"This can't be done, I am still rushing back to the New Year."

Liu Yi smiled. "I want to go home for a good year, too."

"This is also..."

The unforgettable look is a bit stunned. "But you still have a home. I don't have this blessing."

Liu Yi probably understands what he has forgotten. This is why he forgot to break into the Mozong in his early years and turned his back on the world.

Now I don’t forget that the world’s mountains and villages are not allowed to go home. It’s definitely not possible to go home for the New Year.

"Because it is not easy, we must cherish it."

There is something in Liu Yi’s words. "But these are all words. Mo predecessors still took me to see your lord."

"Speaking, this is really unfortunate."

Don't forget to put your hands together in the cuffs and say, "Recently, I have a guest who seems to be very honorable. Our lord is currently receiving him."


If there is such a magic sect, there will be outsiders to see him.

It’s weird... Could it be that the chick sent another person.

No... No, the chick will not be that kind of person.

Liu Yi thought for a moment and asked again.

"The lord of the Lord has not seen anyone else."

"It is not."

Don't forget to laugh, "Liu Zhenren will come with me, first come to my wishful sit, let me go and tell the lord first."

"That's good, please come with Liu Zhenren."

I forgot to say, walked up in front.

A black smoke flew out of the gourd around his waist, and then fell to the feet of Mo forget and Liu Yi.

Two people stepped on the dark clouds that were forgotten, and flew toward the depths of Ruyi.

This volcano is not big inside. Liu Yi saw that Mo did not lead himself to the Golden Temple and could not help but ask.

"We are not going to Ruyi, this is where we are going."

"Haha, don't look at the golden temples, those are fake, no one lives."

I forgot to laugh, "Our true sage, can't be in this smoky place."

As he said, he reached for a finger and pointed to a landscape painting hanging on the volcanic wall.

He waved his hand, and the black smoke wrapped the two together, then instantly turned black into two people and entered the painting.

In front of a flower, Liu Yiyi saw that there was another place in the blink of an eye.

There is water in the mountains and beautiful scenery, which is really a good place.

If you don't know where it is, who can guess that this is the location of the demon.

To say that Lijiang Feng Shui, it should be just that.

When Liu Yi was in the first place, he couldn’t help but look a little fascinated.

"Liu Zhenren, how is the scenery here?"

I forgot to be a little proud, and asked.

"It's not bad, I want to stay here again."

Liu Yi said very directly, but there is nothing to hide.

"Yeah, the style here is beautiful. The most important thing is that people's personality is very obvious. We are happy to be happy, anger is anger, definitely not like the so-called famous decents, the surface set, the back set I am laughing at you today, I will marry you tomorrow."

Don't forget to speak very straightforward.

"well said."

Liu Yi nodded and experienced so many things, many of his famous faces, he also saw it.

"However, not all famous roads are like this. For example, Kunlun Mountain, I feel good."

“Well, Kunlun Mountain is also a rare place.”

This is not forgotten.

"It’s just that there is less and less decent like this."

"Well, the right thing, I have to talk to your lord afterwards."

Before leaving the daughter country, Liu Yi had already talked with Princess Long Lotus, and later joined together to deal with the Qin Palace.

Now the alliance of Liu Yi has Kunlun Mountain, daughter country, and a capital city.

It’s just that when the capital city is critical, whether it can be turned into a wall grass is still unknown, so Liu Yi has some protection against them.

"I have heard about this matter."

I forgot to say, "I have heard that you have traveled to various sects these days. In addition to giving them invitations, they are still spreading a message, right."

"Yes, it is the thing of the Qin Palace."

Liu Yi nodded. "The Qin Palace is deliberate and wants to rejuvenate. This is not a trivial matter."

"Well, if the Qin Palace really wants to be successful, I am afraid that the whole world is theirs."

I have forgotten how much I have heard about the Qin Palace.

"Yes, when the Qin Palace once again came to the world, this world is afraid that there is no end."

Liu Yi said, "So I hope that Ruyi Zong can stand on my side and fight against Qin Palace."

"To tell the truth, Mo Mou also hopes so, but what is the plan of the Sovereign Master, Mo Mou does not know."

I forgot to shrug my shoulders, "especially this time..."

Seeing the unforgettable look is not quite right, Liu Yi immediately had some doubts.

"Is it wrong... what happened."

"Say it... it’s really something wrong."

I forgot to see a strange look in my eyes. "Let's look for something for our lord to talk about. It looks like a man named Ding."


Liu Yi suddenly became shocked, Nima, isn't that the Qin Palace?

Suddenly he understood what he was in his heart. Ding found Ruyi Zong, fearing that he was planning himself with himself.

They want to win over Ruyi.

Ruyi Zong and the world are different, they are a branch of independence, and their strength is not weak.

After all, it can be developed to the present in the face of so many decents, and the bigger and bigger, the strength must be stronger than those who are famous.

Although it is impossible to add up more than all the sects, it is more appropriate than just a few decent ones.

"This can't be done. Mo predecessors, you must take me to see your lord, and it is better to be the present. Otherwise, if your lord is tempted by the Qin Palace, it will be terrible."

"This thing... haha..."

Liu Yi looks a little anxious.

"You want to see my lord now... it doesn't work."

Don't forget to put your hands together in the sleeves, it seems to be selling off.

"Mo seniors, there is nothing to say."

"Before I say this, I have to ask you one thing first."

I forgot the original look of the waves, suddenly a little more look.

"Oh, what do you want to ask the seniors."

"This is actually very simple."

I forgot to say, "The one thing I want to ask is one, as long as you answer it truthfully."

"Mr. Moss asks."

"Well, I ask you, what is your relationship with my sister Moran?"

"Ah, this..."

With such a question, I really asked Liu Yi.

I forgot to ask such a thing... Although he knows that Mo is an uncompromising sister, he does not know how to answer this question...

Because of my relationship with Moran... there is indeed a little bit of ambiguity.

Said to be an ordinary friend, she seems to have some feelings for herself, and she may not feel that she is not.

But if it is a lover, it seems that it has not yet reached this point.

The two have been keeping a little bit of embarrassment, but they have never crossed the thunder pool.

Liu Yiyi is a master of immortality, and Moran is also taking the rise of the world under the mountain as his own responsibility. He wants to re-make the world's villas and become one of the best sects in the immortal world.

So... what is the relationship between the two sides?

"This... Mo senior..."

"You have to answer it truthfully."

I forgot to care about this matter. "If you can tell Mo Mou truthfully, Mo Mou will take you to see our sovereign."

"Actually... we two of us... can be said to be a very good friend relationship."

Liu Yi thought about it and could only answer it like this.


Don't forget to be shocked, then the look became a little angry.

"Liu Yi, I respect you young, but the mana is profound, it is a personal talent, but I did not expect you to be such a thin and ignorant person, you slept my sister, even said that it is just your ordinary friend, you are really shameless Mo Mou misunderstood you."


Liu Yi stunned. "Mo predecessors, rice can be eaten indiscriminately. If you can't talk about it, when did I sleep with your sister?"

"Your two feelings are so good, my sister is sticking to you, with her temper, not being sleeping, or what."

Don't forget to bite your teeth. "You slept my lovely sister. I don't even think about it. I don't even recognize it. Good boy, even if you have a name, Mo Mou will fight with you."

Saying, I forgot to snarl, and the clothes on my body flew.

The black smoke flew out of the gourd on his waist, and then turned into a huge palm, and grabbed Liu Yi.

This is the magical magic of Ruyi Zong, also known as the wishful mind, quenching a cloud of smoke, moving with his own ideas, very powerful.

The black palm grabbed Liu Yi, and Liu Yi quickly stepped on a step, and instantly appeared a few meters away.

"Mo senior, what are you doing?"

"What to do, exhale for my sister."

Forgot to forget the red eyes, roaring and launching the mind again.

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