Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 863: negotiation?

Chapter 863 negotiations.

The bamboo house in the bamboo forest is elegant and chic, so that Liu Yi couldn’t help but think of the bamboo house in the Swordsman River, Ren Yingying and Zhu Lin Weng. This is probably the case.

"This is where our lord lives."

I forgot to refer to this bamboo house and said.

"It's very chic."

Liu Yi snorted. "If I want to live in seclusion in the future, I would like to get a bamboo house like this. Your lord seems to enjoy it."

"That is of course, the Sovereign is a very tasteful man."

I forgot to laugh, "This place is suitable for our lord to live in. You see, the crane that is raised on the roof is the pet of our lord."

Also raise the crane.

Good guy, is this really the boss of the Mozong?

Even so, the sacred bones.

Just as two people had just entered the bamboo house, there was a thunderous sound in the bamboo house.

"Who is close to me to raise my heart."

"Returning to the lord is me."

I forgot to stand in front of the bamboo house and say, "I have a hand."

"It’s a shame to bother the Sovereign adults. But there are important things to do."

"Oh, it’s Mo Law."

The voice inside was sighed, and then said, "Since it is Mo-protection, then you don't need to be so polite, come in."

Said, the bamboo door of the bamboo house, opened itself.

The figures of the two men sat in it.

One of the figures held a teacup in his hand, and he was about to taste tea. Suddenly he saw Liu Yi outside the door and suddenly stood up.

"Yu Yi."

"In the next Liu Yi, I saw the sovereign."

Liu Yiming knew that the man was a member of the Qin Palace, but did not pay attention to it, but first bowed to the owner of Ruyi Zong.

"Well, hehe, but it is the name of Liu Zhenren for a long time. I saw it today, and it really is a young hero."

The sovereign also put down the teacup in his hand and smiled at Liu.

Liu Yi suddenly felt that this guy is not good to deal with... The more people are facing you, the deeper the heart of Tibet in the Middle East.

This old guy, Liu Yi can't see it at all, whether he is good or evil to himself.

It is an enemy or a friend, and it remains to be seen.

However, Liu Yi’s heart is full of doubts, but the face is still quiet. “The sovereign has won the prize. It’s not a good name at this point. It’s better than the master’s name.”

"Ha ha ha, those things have never been in my heart."

The lord laughed twice. "There are more people in the world who are famous for their reputation. This seat is not in it."

This old fox, still wants to play detached.

"Qiu Zongzhu."

The man sitting across from him, put away the anger that had just happened for a moment, and then asked, "Today, we are very happy, why do we have such a superfluous person."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ding, tea, why only between you and me, how many people, not the same."

This is the embarrassing lord of the Yizong, Liu Yi saw that he does not want to stand in the team.

After all, he does not understand the strength of both sides. It is difficult for him to choose a team like this.

"Qiu Zongzhu, this is a different story."

Ding's face is not shocked, and he slowly said, "The so-called different roads are different. You and I have the same path. The others are not worthy to talk to us. The return of the Qin Palace is now. Just around the corner, it has become a foregone conclusion, no matter who it is, can't change, Qiu Zongzhu, you are a smart person, naturally know what to do."

"Mr. Ding, in this case, it seems to have a little threat."

Qiu Jiqing, the owner of the Yizong Zong, slowly took a cup of tea in the cup, and then looked at the eyes without looking at it.

"This is not a threat, but an advisory."

Ding played with the tea cup in front of him. "Qiu Zongzhu is a smart person, and naturally he will figure out the joints."

"Is it."

Qiu Jiqing said with a smile, "I can feel that if I cooperate with Liu Zhenren, it is a choice."

"Just with him, Qiu Zongzhu really looked at him."

Ding quite said disdainfully.

"This seems to be wrong."

Liu Yi finally interjected. "Your so-called Qin Palace, it seems that four people have died in my hands. I dare to ask you, ten days, and there are still a few people left."

"You kid is going to be crazy."

Ding Yinyang said strangely, "I thought that defeating a few Qin Palace soldiers is invincible in the world, telling you that the real power of the Qin Palace, you have not seen the tip of the iceberg, we are just the dead souls who have died once, When the Qin Emperor wakes up, it is the day of your death."

"That seems I can live a little longer."

Liu Yi moved a little bit of bones and bones. "I can't find you in the Qin Palace. Now you are on my side. It's just a gift from God. On my list, the fifth Qin Palace." The name is up."

"I want to start."

Ding’s eyes turned, “Liu Yi, don’t be too arrogant, here is Ruyi, not a place where you can just come around.”

"Liu Zhenren, maybe you and the Qin Palace have deep hatred, but here, please bear with me."

Sure enough, Qiu Jiqing said.

After all, here is his wishful sect. If Liu Yi and the people of Qin Palace are played here, the reputation of his wishfulness is not good.

At that time, his Qiu Jiqing's reputation is not much discounted.

"The people of Qin Palace, I have seen it, I will not let it go."

Liu Yi’s attitude this time is very firm. “Qiu Zongzhu, please also give me a handy convenience.”

"Liu Yi, don't mess around..."

I forgot to rush to discourage, and said that Liu Yi’s words are not the same as the face of Qiu Jiqing’s slap in the face.

Sure enough, Qiu Jiqing listened to this and was a bit unhappy.

"Liu Zhenren, this seat respects you as a young hero, but you don't even put this seat in your eyes."

Qiu Jiqing’s eyes flashed a stern color, and the middle-aged uncle who had just been awkward seemed to have disappeared instantly.

This old devil... is acting like a real image, which one is his true face.

"This is a different story."

Liu Yi waved his hand. "I have always admired Qiu Zongzhu, and I believe that Qiu Zongzhu is a good partner who can cooperate, but now it has changed its impression, because Qiu Zongzhu is not only irrational, but also makes things very disappointing, and Qin. The talks in the palace are tantamount to trying to hide with the tiger."

"How do you want to be in this seat, and you will not be able to take care of this outsider."

Qiu Jiqing screamed.

"I don't want to take care of it, I don't care."

Liu Yiyi arched his hand. "But, under the circumstance, I have the final say."

After that, his gaze fell on Ding’s body.

Dington took a nap, Nima, saying that it is impossible to be afraid of Liu Yi.

This game of Liu Yi, used by the Qin Palace as a chess piece, was later used by the guy. It was not only out of the control of the Qin Palace, but even killed the Qin Palace for ten days.

Such things, Ding feels that it should only appear in myths.

But now this is the fact, the fact that Ding can't believe.

He was a Zhizhi in the Qin Palace, and even the strong man like Geng died in his hands... that is a hairy one.

"Qiu Zongzhu, he did not put you in the eye."

Ding immediately shifted the contradiction out and tried to provoke a war between Liu Yi and Ruyi Zong.

"Liu Zhenren, this place is the most hateful of violence."

Qiu Zongzhu continued to pretend that "it is better to sit down and have a drink. If there is anything, it is better if we talk about it."

"If this is the case, then give Qiu Zongzhu a face and talk about it."

Liu Yi suddenly turned his eyes and sat down.

Ding Xinzhong was shocked. He did not expect this kid to actually agree to the negotiations.

He wanted to use the persistence of Liu Yi, let him fight with Ruyi, and he would take advantage of the fishermen.

I didn't expect... Nima, this guy didn't follow the routine.

"How does this make..."

Ding seems to want to oppose, but Qiu Jiqing took him back in a sentence.

"Mr. Ding, you will not give me a little face."

If you don't give it, then I am afraid that Ruyi Zong will really stand up to Liu Yi.

The Qin Palace is still re-emerging and cannot be enemies on all sides.

When the Qin Emperor is resurrected, there is no one in the world who dares to rise and fall.

By that time, everyone will be the slave of Qin Huang.

For that moment, why do you forbear now for a moment?

"Okay, then let's talk about it."

Ding touched his teacup. "We Qin Palace also hopes to have more allies and fewer enemies. If Liu Zhenren can cooperate with us, I think, that's best."


Liu Yi sneered aloud, and with the Qin Palace, I can accommodate my eyes.

This Dingcheng government is good, it seems not very good to deal with.

However, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. No matter how dark the Ding is, he has to find a way to deal with it.

"Our Qin Palace has come to Yizong this time, just want to form an alliance with Ruyi."

Ding sat there and slowly threw out his own bait. "Qiu Zongzhu, Ruyi Zongming is so powerful, but it is still subject to the restraint of the famous and the small people. Why, my Qin Palace, I am very optimistic about Qiu Zongzhu. And Qiu Zongzhu’s Ruyi Zong, if we cooperate, wait for the Qin Emperor to ascend the throne, and seal the Qiu Zongzhu as the guardian of the Qin Palace. At that time, Qiu Zongzhu is one person and 10,000 people."

"This condition sounds very good."

Qiu Jiqing sat there, not arbitrarily, and he did not forget to stand behind him, licking his mouth, apparently some disdain.

"The Qin Palace will return to the mortal world sooner or later. At that time, not only the mortal world, but the entire six worlds and even the nine heavens will be ours. Qiu Zongzhu, is your ambition limited to this little Ruyi?"

In the heart of Liu Yi’s heart, the secret is very powerful. This Ding’s words are poked on the heart of Qiu Jiqing’s heart. This Qiu Jiqing will be heart-wrenching when he is not good. He really cooperates with Qin Palace.

This... is not good for our alliance.

Liu Yi’s eyes turned, raised the teacup and interrupted.

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