Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 874: Angel door

Chapter 874 Angels come to the door

Today, on the second day of the new year, Chen Dahai could not afford to be idle.

As the front star boss of the Red Star, he is busy with his feet every day.

I can't take it for the New Year, but I have to talk about business.

Today is to talk to the boss and several managers of Red Star Real Estate in Beilong City.

However, when I talked about business in the Chinese New Year, I didn't want to talk to the company any more. Several people ran outside the coffee shop and enjoyed the atmosphere of enjoying the New Year.

After the talk, Chen Dahai led them down and went downstairs.

While going downstairs, several managers were still around Chen Dahai, and they were flattering.

Chen Dahai did not stop, and did not care, the left ear listened to the right ear.

These people, you stop them, it will make them feel embarrassed, and will not be able to come and go in the future.

You should pay attention to it, then take their flattering seriously, then you can really see nothing.

It doesn't matter if you go downstairs. When you are on the floor, Chen Dahai suddenly surprises.

I wiped it, this is not Liu Yi Liu commander.

I didn't expect that I hadn't returned home since I was a Chinese New Year. I ran to this and my sister paper coffee.

One of the managers’ eyes also fell on them, and suddenly they were white.

"President, please wait for me... I met an acquaintance."

When the manager finished, he went straight down the stairs and then walked gloomyly to the front of Liu Yi and Wang Jing.

"Wang Jing, what are you doing?"

Wang Jingyi listened to the sound and suddenly changed his face.

"Ah, war, manager."

She stood up in a panic and hurriedly followed the man in his forties, who had bald into the Mediterranean.

"I, I see a friend..."

"See a friend, see a friend in this coffee shop."

The manager snorted. "I really have a leisurely mood. I said that I am looking for you today. How do you say something, and it’s about this little white face."

Liu Yi listened almost understand.

Hey, I thought that Wang Jing was so mixed, and the feelings were for the family to be a junior.

It is also a way to exchange money for youth.

", you really misunderstood..."

Wang Jing desperately explained, "This is my old classmate. I came back after the New Year. I came out to see you and said two sentences."

"Say two words and leave."

The manager sneered, "Today our president is here, Xiaolang hoof, I don't care about you, you wait for it."

Wang Jing's face was white and he sat down and didn't say anything.

"It's you, you give me some caution."

The manager turned to look at Liu Yi. "You kid gives me a little bit of it. In this world, not a woman is what you can touch. At least this woman, don’t say it, you can’t think about it, otherwise This Beilong City, I can't eat you."

"The current world has changed. Even the managers of real estate companies can be so mad."

Liu Yi, while slowly drinking coffee, said, "You know that you are a manager. I don't know if you are the mayor."

"You kid really doesn't know how to be tall."

The manager roared. "It seems that today I will not teach you lessons. You don't know who can provoke anyone to provoke."

"I don't dare to provoke the underworld. You are a triad."

Liu Yi looked at the manager with a squint.

"I am not a triad, but I can understand the underworld."

The manager sneered, "Do you know what company I am, tell you, Red Star Group, know what the background of the Red Star Group is, tell you that it is the Red Scarf Army."

The manager stood up with a thumb. "Do you know that the Red Scarf Army is killing you? It is a matter of minutes."

"Yes, is the Red Scarf Army so powerful?"

Liu Yi asked the bubble of the mouth and asked.

"Of course, in Beilong City... Oh no, throughout the summer, who is not afraid of the Red Scarf Army."

"If you really want to ask this... then I can really tell you one."

Liu Yi erected a finger.

"Oh, who, I want to hear."

The manager snorted and asked.

"Just look here."

Liu Yi said, pointing to his own body with his finger.

"You, it depends on you."

The manager suddenly couldn't help but laugh. "As far as you are worthy, I see you are alive and kicking."

He said, returning a request, "Seeing no, that is the president of our Red Star, the big boss, he said, put you to death."

While talking, the big boss of the Red Star had ran over and sighed and said respectfully to Liu Yi.

"Boss, how are you here, don't you say that I am going to give you tea?"

In a word, the manager and Wang Jing were both scared.

"The sea, you have mixed up very well recently."

While Liu Ding was drinking coffee, he smiled. "There is a lot of bulls - it's hard to see. These ones are very good. The threats are threatening to come in the coffee shop."

"Well, whoever dare to threaten my boss."

Chen Dahai suddenly took a shot at the table, and the manager directly gave Liu Yi Chen the sea.

"Total, president..."

This manager's face, a cold sweat on his face.

Offended by myself... turned out to be the boss of Chen Dahai.

Then, isn't that the boss of the Red Star?

The manager was scared to pee at this time.

He really wants to die now, and he can't make it to the grass. He understands the true meaning of this sentence now.

"Mal Gobi is you."

Chen Dahai grabbed the manager's collar. "You a little manager still wants to turn over the sky."

"I, I... the president, you are alive..."

Although Chen Haihai is the president of the Red Star Group, he is the boss of the Red Scarf Army.

He wants to get himself, his own little manager is not dead, not even a single voice.

Wang Jing is also sitting there staring at it all, what the **** is going on... How did his junior high school classmate become a boss of the underworld?

"Rain, hehe..."

Chen Dahai sneered two times. "This is the case, let's go with the prince."


The manager was so scared that he couldn’t say anything in one sentence.

"Forget it, the sea."

Liu Yi put down the coffee cup and said slowly, "Don't care, the Red Scarf Army is not a murderous madman. If you don't move, you will call and kill."

"Yes, boss."

Chen Dahai just let go of the manager’s collar. “Hurry to resign and get out of the company. Our group doesn’t need you like this.”

"I will roll this, and it will roll."

The manager ran out of the coffee shop with a roll of climbing, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Boss, I will give you a cup of tea."

Chen Dahai said with a smile.

"You can pull it down, this is the coffee shop, where is the tea."

Liu Yi waved his hand. "I still have something to do today. Let’s go to tea next time, and ah, red star will collect people. Look at it. This is the first few. You can’t accept people, don’t look at people. Ah, otherwise, our Hongxing Group’s reputation will be stinking sooner or later."

"Yes, yes, the boss is teaching that in the future, we will definitely close the red star."

"This is the best, busy with your go."

"Yes, yes, the sea is going, the boss is playing with you, hehe..."

Chen took a look at Wang Jing, then turned and left.

That look is self-evident, Liu Yi heart secretly, hey, this Chen Dahai, where to think of it.

They should also go, Liu Yi wants to pay, the waiter quickly waved.

"Sir, this money has just been helped by the guest."

"This sea is still clever."

Liu Yi smiled and stood up.

"Old classmates, I am here today, you drink slowly, I am leaving."

"Ah, don't, don't."

Wang Jing hurriedly grabbed the sleeves of Liu Yi and said, "Hey, this blind date is not finished yet..."


Liu Yi looked at Wang Jing with surprise. "Don't we all come over and go through the game?"

"It was just a joke with the old classmates... Just kidding."

Wang Jingjiao said in a drop, "You see that you are unmarried, I am not married... I have to continue to kiss each other."

"I still have a blind date."

Liu Yi can't smile. "I don't have money, I don't have a car, I don't have a house, and I don't know what to do with you."

"Oh, you see what you said."

Wang Jingxiao smiled. "No, let's make it slowly. We are still young, and there will be one day sooner or later, right?"

"I can't afford even the bag."

"No, you can't buy it, and you see that I have so much, and I don't have to add new ones."

"The poor couples are sorrowful."

"It is true love when you start from scratch."

Liu Yi is speechless, and this girl can really say anything.


"Oh, you don't have a girlfriend anyway, you can see if we can talk about it..."

Wang Jing is bent on relying on Liu Yi as a big family.

No money, no car, no room.

The boss of Red Star, there is nothing, who believes.

Liu Yiyi wanted to go, but Wang Jing took Liu Yi’s hand and refused to let him go.

But at this time, the door of the cafe was pushed away.

A woman came in from the outside, and suddenly it was like a sun shining into the coffee shop.

For a time, all men’s eyes were attracted to this woman.

The man’s sight is full of love, and the woman’s sight is full of embarrassment.

A man holding a coffee in his hand, was pouring into his mouth. After seeing the woman, he forgot to drink it for a while. The coffee was scattered on the crotch, and he was so hot that he screamed.

I have to say that this woman is beautiful.

This beautiful woman came straight up and pulled the hand of Liu Yi.

"Come with me."

Wang Jing is a bit stupid, who is this beautiful woman, how to look at some familiar.

Without waiting for her reaction, Liu Yi has been taken away.

"Hey, Liu Yi, Liu Yi, my Liu Yi."

Wang Jing rushed out to chase, but when he went out, the street was clean. There were fewer people who had been out of the country, and the street was more calm.

Where else is there?

These two people are flying away.

Wang Jing thought it was true. At this time, the woman had pulled Liu Yi and appeared in the top of the building in a blink of an eye.

"An Qi, it is you."

Liu Yi looked at the familiar female angel in front of him. "How did you find me?"

"I have told you long ago that our angels are always a bit special."

An Qi’s face is a bit nervous. “But these are not important, important... you are very dangerous now.”


The Five Spirits Conference will soon begin~ The chick is finally coming to the show~

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