Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 909: Remember to wear a set

Chapter 909 Remember to wear a set

When I heard Zhao Yali’s question, Liu Yixin said, you want, I still want it.

With such a bit of power, I still slaughtered a lot of angels.

You can also open a cabinet or something, and you need more power to reach a higher level.

Zhao Yali wants the ability of an angel, I am afraid it is impossible.

"You still honestly do your good fortune."

Liu Yi struggled against Zhao Yali and wanted to dispel her carelessness.

"Hey, you don't teach me, how can I know if I can learn?"

Zhao Yali’s little nose wrinkled very cutely and stunned Liu Yi’s eyes.

This scene caused Liu Yi to be shocked. He seemed to recall the time when he first saw Gu Yu.

Gu Yu is just like himself, and he was like Zhao Yali now.

Mortal people can cultivate immortals.

The cultivators all expressed doubts, while the mortals were unwilling to die and die.

Liu Yi looked a little, then smiled. "Oh, then you try."

Said, he pointed to an ashtray on the table, said, "You are concentrating on the ashtray, thinking about how it moves in your mind. If it really moves a little, then I believe that you can have learning. The power of the Holy Spirit."

"Hey, give this lady."

Zhao Yali is gearing up. "This lady is very smart, and everything is learned."

This is really not Zhao Yali bragging, she was a small genius when she was a child.

Academics are not a problem, sports are superb, golf, swimming, equestrian... Any sport, she can learn at the fastest speed, and practice well.

If Zhao Yali’s family didn’t want her daughter to become a tomboy, it’s estimated that Zhao Yali now even has karate, and Taekwondo has taken black belts.

Zhao Yali's family tutor is very strict. She has received an extremely elite education since she was a child. However, Zhao Yali's father is an old man. Now she is not too young. She is free in some cases. Zhao Yali is free.

However, Zhao Yali also has hardships, because his father has been arranging for the blind date to give himself to himself, and he has evaded the business of other places, so he does not dare to return to Hong Kong.

But with the character of the father, I am sure that I will not give up. I am afraid that one day, one day, I will marry a stranger who I don’t like, and then I will live this life more alone.

If you want to reconcile everything in exchange for stability, then you would rather be bumpy in your life.

Looking at Liu Yi is encouraging himself, Zhao Yali is a chin.

"Not just moving an ashtray, I am sure."

As she said, she stared at the ashtray with her eyes, as if she could push the ashtray with her eyes.

"Oh... move... move..."

Zhao Yali squinted her head and clenched her fists. She did not know which strength she was trying to make.

"Awful... move."

Zhao Yali was in a hurry, but the ashtray was still quietly there, motionless.

"Ah, I gave up."

Just for more than ten minutes, Zhao Yali finally gave up.

She sat there with a look of dismay. Liu Yi smiled and sat at her feet, then lifted her jade feet and placed them on her lap.

"It is not something that ordinary people can master. It is a coincidence that I have this ability."

He said, while pouring safflower oil in his hand, and then gently pressed on Zhao Yali's somewhat swollen ankle.

Zhao Yali suddenly snorted.

"It hurts."

Liu Yixin said that he did not use much effort.

"The Lord... is mainly cool..."

Zhao Yali embarrassedly spit out her tongue. "I grew so big, it was the first time I sprained..."

"I have never been hurt before."

Liu Yi is a bit curious.

"Of course... I am very good... I can learn anything fast."

Zhao Yali proudly said, "When I was learning equestrian, I was riding for the first time. I was safe and sound. I didn't have anything. Even my equestrian teacher was very surprised. I said that I am a natural knight, hehe... ”

"This cultivation is different from what it is riding."

Liu Yi gently glared at Zhao Yali's wounds. "Cultivating immortals is a matter of chance, and it is still a big chance. This kind of thing is not the same when riding a horse. Anyone can go to school and anyone can do it."

"But there is a saying that is not said to be good, and there are people who have the will to succeed."

Zhao Yali is still somewhat convinced.

"That's not the same."

When I think of myself all the way to the present, Liu Yi couldn't help feeling. "If you have the fate of Xiu Xian, then you want to escape. You will also step into this path. It is yours, it is yours, not Yours, you are strong and can't ask for it..."

"Cut, it’s so deep..."

Zhao Yali squinted at her mouth, quite dissatisfied. "One day, Miss Ben will have to show you the fairy."

Unfortunately, you have no chance, not a five spirits.

Liu Yi left this sentence in his heart and did not continue to attack Zhao Yali.

He and Gu Yu can be different. Gu Yu’s girl is too rigid. She doesn’t want to be disheartened by Zhao Yali’s attack, or let her hold a little bit of it.

Liu Yi worried that the safflower oil could not be dissolved, so he secretly added a little strength into his hand to help open the drug.


Zhao Yali suddenly snorted and Liu Yi immediately looked up and looked at her.

"It's cold, it hurts."

"No, no..."

Zhao Yali shyly blushes and shakes her head again and again.

Yes, it’s too comfortable to be...

I don't know why, I was stunned by a man who should be considered a stranger... It would be so comfortable...

She was a little soft all over her body... It was a bit wet next...

It’s strange to die... How can you become like this?

Was it not that I was disgusted by the boys? Zhao Yali, Zhao Yali... You are broken.

Zhao Yali was ashamed of her heart, and Liu Yi apparently did not notice, and single-mindedly helped Zhao Yali to lame.

In order to prevent herself from being too out of order, Zhao Yali did not dare to look at Liu Yi, lying directly on the sofa and letting Liu Yi deal with it.

Liu Yizhen is indeed comfortable, Zhao Yali is not only physically relaxed, but soon the spirit is also relaxed.

Soon, she slept heavily.

Liu Yi took a look at Zhao Yali's wounds, and the edema had already dispersed a lot. It seems that she is still in place.

She put Zhao Yali's foot in place, then quietly stood up and prepared to leave.

At this time, the big parrot standing on the tree stalked and said.

"Remember to wear a set, remember to wear a set."

I rely on it.

I wear your sister's set.

Whose parrot is this? It’s too hooligan.

Which customer who lives here doesn't pay much attention to it, does this not break the parrot?

Liu Yi squats on his forehead, and can't take this parrot out of his breath, which is extremely depressed.

Zhao Yali in her sleep gently called.

"Don't go... don't go..."

Liu Yi turned his head and looked at Zhao Yali who was sleeping.

The scene of the scene instantly entered the mind of Liu Yi.

This ability is really difficult to control... Sometimes I don’t want to see it, but I still come in myself.

Peeping at other people's memories, Liu Yi always felt that it was an impolite behavior.

It is like looking directly at a person's naked body.

At this moment, Zhao Yali was completely displayed in front of Liu Yi.

A little girl, about six or seven years old, holding a doll in her hand, standing in a luxurious and quiet room.

"Dad, don't leave me, Dad..."

She eagerly stretched her hand against a back in the distance, but the back did not go back.

As soon as the picture turned, the little girl was twelve or three years old, staring blankly at the maid who was changing her clothes.

"Auntie...not that if you take a hundred percent, will Dad come to see me?"

"Yes, Miss... Maybe the lord is too busy... When he finishes his work, he will definitely come back to see the lady."

The look of the little girl is even more lonely.

The picture is another turn, Zhao Yali, who is reading high school, has become a beautiful big beauty.

She sneaked away from home and went to the playground for a day with a somewhat awkward, somewhat handsome male student.

Zhao Yali on this day has a satisfying smile on her face.

The next day, the male student never came to school again. Soon Zhao Yali learned that he had followed his family to other cities.

At this moment, Zhao Yali felt very lonely.

The memory that Liu Yi saw was here, and he couldn’t help feeling some emotion.

Sure enough, the children of the rich also have their sorrow, Zhao Yali this girl has passed, worse than Murong Butterfly.

Looking at Zhao Yali's somewhat desolate look, Liu Yiyi waved and turned a black chair next to the sofa, then sat on it and gently pulled her hand.

The restlessness on Zhao Yali’s face was all gone, and it became a little quiet, with a smile in her sleep.

It’s an easy-to-satisfy woman...

Liu Yi also closed his eyes and went directly into his own virtual reality.

After arriving here, Liu Yi directly opened the ghost ring, releasing the ten days of the Qin Palace inside, B.

Now B, no longer has the spirit of the moment.

His spirit floated in front of Liu Yi, the hair on his hair was also chaotic, his clothes were rotten, and the whole person was no different from a lonely ghost.

"You, you... you killed me."

B has been completely desperate. In the ghost ring, every day, the ghosts are bitten and swallowed. B is not only weak to the extreme, but also the spirit is facing the edge of collapse.

He thought of death more than once, but he was just a spirit and could not find death.

"As long as you tell me everything about the Qin Palace, I can send you to die."

Liu Yi put his hands in his coat pocket and looked at the opposite B.

"What do you want to know, you ask..."

B is bent on his death and does not want to hide any secrets.

"The fighting power of the Qin Palace is only for you for ten days."

Liu Yi’s heart was happy and he immediately asked.

"More than that."

B bitterly laughed, "The Qin Palace in that year, what kind of hugeness."

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