Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 912: When your master can't do it.

Chapter 912, when your master can't do it.

"Black eye."

Liu Yi raised an eyebrow.

"How, I heard the name of this uncle, I am afraid."

Black-eyed hands squatted, laughing, his face was proud.

"Have not heard."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, and his black eyes almost flashed.

However, Liu Yixin knows that in some places in the human world, it is indeed a few monsters.

These monsters have a strong sense of territory. When outsiders inadvertently violate their territory, they will jump out.

When Liu Yi was still working in the Hunter Center, he once solved a wolf named Black Wind. His site is the one on the outskirts of Beilong City.

Zhao Yali has just received the Holy Power and still does not know how to converge. Therefore, during the flight, the attention of this crow is attracted.

Liu Yi has a real eye and can easily see the other person's true body.

"Damn, dare to tease this uncle, just right, today, this uncle has sucked the spirit of both of you, and become the nourishment of this uncle."

He said, he grabbed a lot of feathers in his hand and lost it to Liu Yi.

Looking at Liu Yi, the crow's feathers contain his unique demon power.

However, the strength of the seven stars of this buddy is really weak, just use him to try his own dreams.

Liu Yi reached out to the palm of his hand and placed it in front of him.

The black feathers were suddenly controlled by his dreams, and all suspended in front of him.


The black eyed eyeball almost didn't come out, what is the situation.

"Little monsters, dare to call the king to dominate."

Liu Yi snorted. "It’s a bad idea to call the king a hegemony. I dare to come out and harm the name. Today, I can’t help you.”

Liu Yi said, palms and then lifted.

The black feathers were suddenly taken to the side, and then the black-eyed right arm suddenly slammed and twisted directly upwards, and the painful man screamed.

Liu Yi used the moon dream method to control the black-eyed right arm and distorted it according to his own intentions. This effect was achieved.

Sure enough, the ability to control the dream of the moon does not know how many times higher than the holy force.

The movement of the object by the Holy Spirit relies on the power of the mind, which is the spiritual power of the saying.

The dream of the moon is to wrap the object with invisible mana, thus achieving the concept of remote control.

The Holy Spirit is the heart to move at will, and the dream of the moon is the heart to move with force.

How strong is Liu Yi’s current mana and how big the object can move.

And even if the angel is even more powerful, even if it is the king of God, it can't be moved to the mountains.

But Liu Yi can, through powerful mana, can do all this.

So now break the arm of a small crow, it is simply a pediatrics.

"You, who are you?"

The crow has a hint of fear in his eyes. He is not a fool. Now he finally finds the difference in strength between himself and the man in front of him.

"You can call me the sword emperor."

Liu Yi smiled and said.

"Sword sword sword...Sword Emperor."

For each demon, the name of the sword is equal to a nightmare.

The crow was almost scared of urine, and wanted to escape with a shot of his wings.

Liu Yi's two hands went out, and the pair of wings that had just opened behind the crows were directly torn apart and scattered on one side.

He screamed and squatted on the ground.

"Forgive, forgive."


Liu Yi’s eyes are sharp, “Whoever is harmed by you, who can save them.”

As he said, his hand swayed, and a fire blaze suddenly flew out of the void, directly turned into red light, and then penetrated the body of the crow, and slammed into the back wall.

The body of the crow was immediately burned into coke, and fell to the ground and turned into fly ash.

Zhao Yali was lying there, with cold sweat on her forehead.

"How are you feeling terrible?"

Liu Yi came over and kneeled on the ground and extended his hand to Zhao Yali.

Zhao Yali took Liu Yi, and then he was shocked to stand up.

"Just...just what..."

Zhao Yali looked at the black fly ash on the ground and asked with horror.

"This is a monster."

Liu Yi reached out and said, "It is to cultivate into a fine, a crow."

"Demon, monster... there are really monsters in the world..."

Zhao Yali is somewhat curious, "A lot of it."

"There are not many monsters in the human world."

Liu Yi shook his head. "Most of the monsters live in the demon world. The human world is only a small part, and the east is hiding in Tibet, for fear of being discovered by the immortals."

He thought of the right way in the world, it was a sneer. "After all, the immortals are all quick after the demon evil, whether it is good or evil, as long as it is not my family, its heart will be different."

This is somewhat the same as the god.

"This world is terrible..."

Zhao Yali’s heart was awkward, and she finally opened the door to the world, but found the world... dangerous.

"The world of cultivation is more cruel and ruthless than the world of mortals."

Liu Yizheng said, "The world of cultivation, the weak meat, the strong is the respect, if you are weak, then you can only be swallowed, and no one protects you."

"You, don't scare me... I am not scared."

Zhao Yali's face is not very good-looking, she looked around with some anxiety.

"These weeks... there won't be other monsters..."

"Reassure, the monster's territory is very strong. This piece is the site of the crow, and others won't come in casually."

"Oh, the monsters are bad people, necrotic."

Zhao Yali couldn’t help but lick her mouth and said.


Liu Yi has two coughs. "You can't say this. There are also good people in the monster. It's just a bad monster that attacks you. It's like human beings. Humans don't have good or evil. Sometimes, humans. It’s much more terrible than a monster.

"This... is also said..."

Zhao Yali nodded thoughtfully. "What should I do now, will it be very dangerous?"

"I will give you how to hide your breath."

Liu Yi comforted. "After learning, you will not attract other monsters anymore."

"That's okay... teach me to teach me."

Zhao Yali hurriedly pulled the hand of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi nodded and told Zhao Yali the trick of convergence.

This Zhao Yali's comprehension ability is really a strong hair, Liu Yi a little bit, she will understand.

Within five minutes, the breath of Zhao Yali disappeared.

Mom... This woman is a genius.

Liu Yizhen couldn’t help but admire some hatred.

"That... you taught me so much... I don't know your name yet..."

Zhao Yali suddenly became a little shy, and gently pulled up the hand of Liu Yi and asked.

"Can you tell me your name... I listen to them all call you blood emperor... but this is definitely not your real name."


Liu Yi nodded. "My name is Liu Yi."

"Liu Yi...Liu Yi...I remember..."

"You can't call me Liu Yi."

Liu Yi looked positive and said.

"Ah, why."

"You have to call me Master."

"I... I don't want to be your apprentice..."

Zhao Yali raised her mouth and was very cute.


Liu Yi is head-to-head and somewhat puzzled. "At the time of the last separation, you and I were not agreed. If you have a chance to meet again, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

"That, it was too impulsive at the time..."

Zhao Yali was anxious, "I will learn now that I should learn... you don't have to be my master."

"Hey, aren't you typical of unloading and killing, amount..."

Liu Yi felt that he seemed to have plunged himself into it.

Sure enough, Zhao Yali smiled and said, "Well, we can't be a mentor now."

Zhao Yali said that the feelings of Liu Yi are obvious, and they want to limit the relationship between the two people by the status of mentoring.

Oh, there are no doors.

I am not stupid, I will not marry his wish.

"If you act like this in ancient times, it would be a big rebellion."

Liu Yi took this gimmick helpless.

"It's a pity that it is modern."

Zhao Yali is like a female hooligan, with one hand hooking the chin of Liu Yi. "Grandpa, you have been from the chick."

When Liu Yi heard this, he immediately sank and shook Zhao Yali subconsciously.

"what happened to you."

Zhao Yali was a little scared. It felt that Liu Yi seemed to be particularly cold in a moment and became very far away from herself.

She was just asking for a question, and the phone was ringing at an inappropriate time.

Zhao Yali wore her mobile phone in her shirt pocket. Because of her work, she used to carry her mobile phone with her.


She apologized to Liu Yidao, then took out her cell phone to see it, and immediately her face became very unattractive.

She quickly hid to the side and took the call.

"Why call me at this time..."

Liu Yi’s voice was not quite right when he heard Zhao Yali’s voice, so he subconsciously raised his ears.

"I don't want to go back..."

Zhao Yali’s voice became stiff.

"I know I know, I will go, hang up."

Zhao Yali hung up the phone, then came over and barely gave Liu Yi a smile.

"I wanted to have a good time with you in Shanghai tomorrow... but it was a little urgent, I couldn't go."

Some of her eyes are dim, "I will go back first... you are free..."

After that, Zhao Yali flew out of the gap and quickly disappeared into the sight of Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi was a little surprised, this woman turned his face really like the book.

What happened to the phone just now.

"Small, let me check, who Zhao Yali’s phone was just called."

He let Xiao Xiao get into the communication system.

"Master, Zhao Yali's call is to a Hong Kong user, and the head of the household is Zhao Delai."

Zhao Delai, it seems that it should be Zhao Yali's father.

"Tune the record and see what the two people talked about."

Liu Yi knows that these calls will be backed up in the call center.

With the ability of Xiao Yan, Liu Yi easily found out what two people had talked about.

It turned out that Zhao Delai came to find her daughter to let her return to Hong Kong.

If she does not return, she will have to meet with a rich family named Shen Yunyun.

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