"Just make sure. What was the name of the female priest you enlisted?"

"Maybe Ariane."

Suzumoto looks unusually drawn.

"So, the person has been penitent since yesterday, saying," I've fallen in love I shouldn't have, "

"No, wait, it's never the subject... you know, it's not always me!

"... You, when the Fire Dragon burns you, the roots of 'Temptation', what's up?

When I asked, I held my head.

"... I was equipped because there was still burning on the side of the knife..."

Yeah, I thought that was it.

For once. For once, yeah. A little reasoning.

Suzumoto was wearing that flashy kimono the first time he accidentally fell into the temple, wasn't he? Well, because I'm the strongest guard.

So, in that state, I encount with Ariane, the priest... maybe I'm activating 'Temptation' there.

And this demon king army unveiling. That was yesterday evening.

Even though Suzumoto was fox-faced at that time, he remained that de flashy kimono, didn't he? I can't help it because I'm the strongest gear.

... means. From the priest, Mr. Ariane. I can have a ceremony called "Suzumoto = D Flashy Kimono = Demon King Army Executive".

But, Mr. Ariane, by then, 'seduction' was already hanging, wasn't it? My penance for realizing that the person I fell in love with was a Demon King's Army executive was quite perfect.

So you're on the move, too.

"... it's pretty hard not to do anything and leave a message, but it's pretty hard too."

Well, I was laughing at the pieces. I want you to give up thinking the punishment's coming around.

"Let's have a scenario around the president."

"Hey, don't! If the president does it, they'll make it a really irrevocable level scenario!

"But it'll be the most sensible scenario, no doubt"

When I said that, Suzumoto didn't seem to make a sound either, and he shut up with a bitter face.

Yeah, maybe the president would be happy if I told him to think there. Yeah.

You think if you could pull the information from the priest, Mr. Ariane, you'd be one step closer to the chief priest. Are we going somewhere tonight?

After lunch, time for everyone to get out well and contact regularly.

"This is" Asagi ". I found out about Amulet. It seems to have been made by a brave man a long time ago. As you can guess, the effect is that the condition is abnormally invalid, but the former Knights leader who equipped it can no longer move with Mr. Singkawa's" demonic voice, "so isn't the hole somewhere? Above '

"Ha, Hanagasaki-kun finally got the line...!

"'Ayame', shut up! It's not over!... Honestly, what is it!? Seriously, what is it!?

Yeah, I'm really tired.

"Uh, this one's loud." Ayame. "When I spoke to the knight, I got the information that our colored man encounted in the temple that the female priest was in penance for 'falling in love you shouldn't have! That's it!'

Yeah, we saw it and heard it.

'Here... uh,' Micah '. The female knight in the example is unusual.... Just in case, don't ask me about the Knight Commander relationship.... Yeah, that's it'

Good luck, Horizon. It made me feel very sweet and sour. Pfft.

"This is Moegi. Uh, there are 10 priests now, and Mr. Mistiana, Mr. Neil, Mr. Berg, and Mr. Chase don't seem to be the chief priests. Uh, because I tried the pills I got for 'Sakura' and I normally fell asleep. '

... Oh, the president's Doya face is in the back of his brain again...

Kaiya used to serve medicine! Is this also due to the otherworld-looking correction? If so, it's too versatile, handsome correction.

Well, they're allowed to do most things only for handsome people, so I guess so.

"Uh, this is' Tokoyo '. As for me... I've even recently been told extensively about a popular romantic novel among women... wow, there are a lot of people reading that even though it's a temple here. I looked at the Temple's library and the corner was all romance novels...... Because it's a temple, I wonder if that's what you're hungry for... oh, that's it'

... what a good job that is. But that'll help a lot, maybe.

Oh, my God. Suzumoto says you have to roll that Ariane completely, so I thought I should excerpt popular situations and stuff from a popular romance novel for reference, but no, I can't stop laughing if I imagine! My abs! My abs!

"'Maid Length', are you okay?

"I'm sorry, I'm fine"

If I was laughing, the president would worry me. I'm sorry, I'm so fine.

'Well, this is Sakura. I gave' Moeggi 'a new drug. Then I've continued to plant scepticism about religion. It's going well. Some of us will break away when we have to go to total war, right? That's it.'

You seriously gather information! Don't preach!

"Yes. This is' Maid Length '. That's the real deal from here. Just now to our colored man."

"Don't do that."

"... Well, it turns out that it is very likely that 'temptation' hangs on Ariane, the priest in love, when he confirms to our Samurai Palace. Therefore, it is good to infiltrate our Samurai Palace, and to approach Mr. Ariane and have him fall! Feedback."

'Hahahahaha that sucks! That's bad! That's good, that's good!

"Objection. Shh!

"Me, too, without meaning."

'Wouldn't that be nice?

I was wondering if the Samurai Palace wouldn't work when we worked so hard.

"Uh... is that okay?... sounds fun though '

'I'll talk to' Tokoyo 'this afternoon to decide the scenario. I'll make a fashionable romance novel, a bright blue scenario, so be prepared.'

I got your endorsement, and as always, the president is quick to talk to. Thanks for your help.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."

'We'll do anything around here. Don't worry, play out the colored man. "

If the president cares about it, Suzumoto won't be able to escape anymore. Yeah. I looked next door and there was Suzumoto with his head. Come on, man!

"The scenario will be written on paper and passed to 'Minamo'. Anyone else have a report?... Well, good luck again until evening. Then dissolve. '

Suzumoto doesn't tighten, so the president tightens it and dissolves it.

Well, I guess I'll have lunch then.

Needlework contacted me, so I took a taxi, easily made lunch, ate, did a needlework taxi again, relaxed Suzumoto gear sewing, and while I was doing it, needlework contacted me.

"The president and Kabir worked hard for me, so I think I can already do it. I'll take it now, taxi. Say hello.

Oh, finally! There's only one thing that smells like a play called "Scenarios of dictating down female priests referring to romantic novels written by the president"!

When I "transferred" to the hill by the temple, a needlework was already there and he handed me the envelope with a full grin.

"I read it, too, but I couldn't stop laughing when I thought Suzumoto was going to do this. Hahahahahahahahahaha"

"Is that so funny?

"It's funny that Suzumoto does it, and that he wrote this with the president and the birds...... hahahahaha!

Stop it! Stop deepening my laughter any more!

"I'll pick you up again in the evening, so good luck with the needlework, hehe, hehe."

"Yeah, mainly Hanagasaki, your escort. Hahaha, because it would suck if I left that one alone"

Yeah, that's wise. Otherwise, it's time for Hanagasaki-kun to be in danger.

"I'm home. Yes."

When he came back again in "Transfer" and gave him the envelope, he received it and started reading it as Suzumoto looked very unpleasant.

At first, he just looked like he didn't like it.

As I continued to read it, my face gradually became interesting, and to finish reading it was like I had seen the end of the world.

"Was that so funny?

"... hey, did you read this?

"Not yet."

"Read it..."

Hmm, then I guess I'll read it too.

"The implementation is today at 21: 45. The place is the Temple Chapel. See enclosed map for details'

Hmm, if you look at the map, the chapel is a little further east than the middle of the temple. Does it feel close when you go from the courtyard?

"Needlework and Maido work together to break in."

Suzumoto doesn't possess any mobile skills... Or because the only people who possess mobile skills are me and Torikai, and the needle students who possess Shadow Crossing.

"In the chapel the moonlight is getting in, but if the clouds come out, Kabir, Hanagasaki will do something about it"

It's too thin, Miura-san. Because it should have been that Romeo "Weather Mage" or something!

"When it's time, Suzumoto breaks in, erases signs beside the door and waits. Ariane the Priest is scheduled to come to the chapel around 22: 00"

Oh, I used to identify you till time. Wow. Is this Birdsea's job? Good job.

"Being hidden from Ariane's entrance for a while. Hear the penance halfway and then leave. As Ariane notices. When you leave, you don't disappear."

Oh, it's a line from here.

"Suzumoto." Tonight. The moon is beautiful. "'

Sooo... Soo good!

Oh, well! Did I have to go out of my way to use wind magic to make you say this line and keep the moon out! President Boulder!

"The following is to be dealt with by Ariane's reaction.

"Ariane (Prediction)." You are! "" Where did you come from?!?

"Suzumoto:" I wanted to see you again before I attacked the temple "

"Ariane (Prediction)." You won't fool me! "Etc."

"Suzumoto:" I'm here to protect the temple... no, I'm here to protect you "(staring at Ariane with a serious look here)"

"Ariane will probably end up here. If you're going to say something, just hug me here and maybe shut up. '

"Suzumoto." Trust me. I'm from the Demon King's Army, but before that, I was a man. "'

"Suzumoto." I apologize for faking who I was when I first met you. But my feelings now are not lies!

"Ariane probably decides to get on with the story here. If you don't ride, do something with that face. '

... This is terrible!

"Suzumoto:" The Demon King is going to kill all the people of this temple now "

Naturally, I don't think so!

"Suzumoto." If you do that, a large number of innocent lives will be sacrificed. So I'm going to hang with the Demon King to at least have a ride with the High Priest to put things away. I don't think it will be very successful as it is now...... "'

"Success if Ariane comes here to show Suzumoto herself. If you want to be on the High Priest's side, add it and roll it. Purchase information after this with reference to the following dialogue:

... Terrible, terrible!

"Suzumoto." The Demon King is on the verge of cutting a paralysis to the archpriest who won't come out now. At least I'm going to be able to delay the invasion of the temple a bit more if I know where I am "'

"Suzumoto." I'll give you information about the Demon King so the High Priest can win when I bring him in for a ride with the High Priest and the Demon King. (say something appropriately) Does the High Priest have the means to nullify such an attack?

"Suzumoto." I can't stand the loss of my life for nothing. And more than that, you get involved "'

... and a line for gathering information like this continued, and then... it seems that Suzumoto was the cause of that look... followed by an example of a line for rolling Ariane... and this happened on the last line.

"* The above scenarios and line turns are based on trends found in all three popular romance novels. Please feel free to use it. The odds of winning are expected to be quite high if you make full use of that privileged look. Good luck.

… OH.

It is not a hydroxyl group. It's an exclamation mark.

But I don't care about hydroxyl groups anymore... I don't know, I don't know what to say anymore...

Raising her gaze, she said, 'What? There was a Suzumoto with a given up face like'.

... Yeah, this is... this is... this is terrible.

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