It was too many people I met earlier that I 'metastasized'.

"This is terrible"

I thought I was awesome in a way.

Extracurricular learning buildings have very little stuff.

Really, there are desks, chairs, blackboards, and a disconnected PC... Poor says there's a room without even a curtain.

So I thought you'd need ideas to live there. So, that would be possible enough for the theatre guys, right?

I thought so, but I didn't think this was happening.

Yet its style, the natives.

It's bad to say, but I knew clothes and clothes were overwhelmingly lacking.

And so they seemed to be having dinner from now on, searing some kind of big boned meat with a bonfire as it were.

... Actually, in a way, it's more fantastic than this!

"Ohhhhh! Hello! What if the maid there goes to Maido!?

Shortly after being frightened by a sudden call, one person like the natives dashed.... It's a war!

"Who, you!

I don't know any natives like you. [M]

"I won't make you say you forgot. Yikes! We had lunch break together.

"... 'Cleaning'"


No questions asked, all the mud, dirt, grease and blood returned fell off beautifully and refreshed, and the dark hair that was stiffening also became clean, and it rested on my shoulder.

"Oh, it's beautiful!? Why!?"

She is the director of the theatre department...... I didn't really fit my taste, but I got along because of the value and everything, she is one of the few friends of mine.

... Unfortunately beautiful girl, Chihiro Akashi is talking about this guy!

I grabbed the natives and 'cleaned' them from one end and it was neat, I would observe Akashi.

Akashi is like a monster princess.

Although the fur coat is the one that stands out, the clothes you are wearing are really simple. And what stands out is a dagger that looks like it's made of bone.

It's more a substitute for poking than slashing, this.

"Wow, wow! That's super fantastic!

"Not as much as a purple vine on a boulder."

Birdsea is talking to an excited man. Sounds like they're friends, too.... the freak population and the freak population are different kinds of freak populations. It's no different... I think the wavelengths will fit. Department of Chemistry and Theatre.

Well, that's you, Purple Vine, but you must have been the deputy director of the theatre department.

Looks...... 'Sherman'. I could wear it like an animal skull and carry it like a wand made of bones... in a way, this one, in a way, then, it's really fantastic, isn't it? Yeah.

... Well. Everyone in the theatre department is like this.

Awesome unity! Why are you so united! Is vocation so unified!? Even the newspaper department had less than half a newspaper relationship! The chemistry department is just the president of chemistry!

"Hey, Maido is a profession 'maid'?

"Yeah. Uh, Akashi is"


... Not mistakes like Princess Mono or Native people?

"I mean, most of our people are like that. At first, hey, they were all 'magicians' and 'swordsmen', but they've all grown this way within a changing profession."

... Akashi said.

Akashi was a 'dancer' at first. He said the attack due to his gorgeous figure and speed and the special attack due to his diverse dancing tasted good. You're similar to Mr. Sing Kawa's "The Princess of Singing."

The others, well, they were in a normal profession, and they lived with it.

As mentioned, this is a building with little material. Life is of course difficult.

And Akashi and the others are in the theatre department. He couldn't help but play it. That, by bringing in such 'theatre' in this troubled life, they endured this life, and will be able to do so.

I mean, well, the result... is an imitation of the natives.

... If that's what I was doing, it was the first time I just tried it for a bit, but I really started putting a lot of heat on it, and the result is... it seems that more than half of the members have horrible things like 'actresses' and 'actors'!

The rest, by the way, are 'acousticians' and 'lighters' and 'screenwriters'.

Awesome thoroughness. I can't imitate this.

But out of the question, this profession, it seems like something foolish can't do.

I mean, their pinnacle is' playing '. They can be anything if they play, it seems.

Plus, that's the whole crew. Throughout the department, they make the battle one 'play'.

... I asked Akashi to demonstrate it even though it didn't come up with any image at all, and I gave it a refreshing note.

"So - suddenly! The title is' Scene in which the most powerful swordsman killed his lover by a dragon stabs a stop in the dragon '!

Nori's good theatre department members cheer for Akashi's declaration.

"'That's it...!

The moment Akashi's dialogue was released, the air changed. Oh, wow. It's completely different from the atmosphere I just had.

Akashi's unfortunate girlie lurks into the fold and wraps a tingling air around her replacement. What's cool about this?

"'My revenge, your life!

Akashi set up an earlier dagger in his hand, jumping to an unlikely height with a shouting dialogue.

"'Whoa, whoa!

And I thought I could roar, with that dagger... with a dagger that obviously didn't seem to have any shards of cut, and cut more rocks than the blade crossing that was beside it, Akashi landed lightly.

From what I heard later, this already made the dagger play the long sword, or something like that. That's omnipotent! This skill!

"'... the enemy has taken, Laura'... Yes, over! Thanks for watching!

And again, applause and cheer.

...... yeah. This, seriously enough, deserves a round of applause.

What do you say! I fully applauded Akashi for smiling and chesting all the time.

Then the whole roasted example boned meat and the potov I made and the large amount of cooked rice made it dinner.

"It's a maid."

"You're a maid."

"Wow, you're really a maid of honor"

"It's not a show! Scatter! Scatter!

And I was even observed. You want to prepare rice or serve dishes?

... They need a clear image to 'act', so, to enrich it, what is it?... Ugh, to be honest! Really, these are a bunch of freaks! In a good or a bad way!

As such, after dinner, which is about 10 times noisier than ours, we will share information and rub awareness with them.

Of course, it's not my job, but the clever president and Suzumoto do it, and I even sew futons while listening to it.

"... so we're gathering classrooms. There's about three other groups of people running to collect classrooms."

"Oh well.... It's very different from us, Department of Chemistry. We've just been survivors here the whole time, and you've been doing a lot of things, haven't you?

Perhaps Horn Three is a great feat for this.

People in the theatre department didn't know the classroom could carry it, so it was perfectly natural that they couldn't leave the base. I don't suppose I can come to the conclusion that if I don't need to rendezvous with someone immediately, I'll move.

"If we can move the classroom, we can work together. Where do I collect them?

"I think we'll be asking for 4F South when this building is finished. I haven't been to 4F yet, so I'm not sure, but the way the classrooms are arranged will be somewhat constant, and I don't think the south wing is that tight because there are no strange terrain or climate."

... right. It seems strange that the North Wing is a lava zone or a desert. I wonder why. Well, as far as rice is concerned, it's not just a bad thing because there are places like that.

And after such an exchange, I decided to ask the people in the theatre department to take charge of 4F South.

For once, I'm used to being around there. I think we're going to do a staircase attack (us, I mean, everyone but me), see how 4F is doing, and then we're going to 'transfer' the people in the theater department.

One paragraph of the story, and the futon stitched up, so now we're all going to bed!

... The classrooms in the extracurricular learning building were also quite dirty, so I 'cleaned' them all once. I didn't know that giant hataki would still be useful here.

I decided to sleep in the same room as the Akashi and enjoyed the pillow talk (physics) until late.


"Don't throw it for real, Gwart!

... Yeah, I mean, it's a pillow thrower.

All these guys, the correction is hanging in vain, so I'm the only one full of creativity. I can't solve it.

From then on, it is a classic story in the futon.

Not just a status report or something, but a long time ago? I wonder if it's close to a school trip or something.

"Is Maido not willing to come over here?

"I don't think so. We can all be 'maids' now, can't we?

That's all you've been observing, so I'm sure the people in the theater department can already play 'Maid'.

"I don't know...... It's a pretty hard thing to do, Maido. But, you know, it's not perfect, I think you can do it at the imitation level, right?

Hmm. Then there's not much merit in me coming this way, after all.

"Why don't you come over to the chemistry department? I'm not saying Akashi."

"Yeah, 'cause if we're missing even one member, come on, we're running out of actors. No more acoustics or anything."

... Theatre Department combat styles don't work well for anyone who lacks them, and I wonder who doesn't work well for more. That's the kind of group they are, too.

"Good luck with each other. - Whoa. Hey?"

Hmm? and I accidentally catch Akashi's head leaning and grinning at his little neck. Yeah. I still hope the wavelength fits.

I was tired of talking and sleeping, but I woke up a little early. I felt like someone woke me up... I wonder if I even dreamed of that. If I want to see it anyway, I want to dream about eating something delicious.

Because of this, the dream I see is mostly the dream of doing housework as usual, or the dream of myself dying. Both extremes!

No, you haven't dreamed much since you came to this world. I wonder if he sleeps well.

I didn't even feel like sleeping twice somehow, so I went outside and for the first time in this world, it was raining.

... No, it's been sunny and cloudy for a long time, even though we're already in this world for about February. It's gonna rain, too, you know, this world.

... When I was listening to the sound of rain, I noticed a mix of different sounds in it.

Or I haven't noticed it before, all over the sound of rain, which is correct. This darkness and the deterioration in vision caused by the rain are also responsible.

Shh, and the slightly audible sound is certainly footsteps. Nor is it ever human, nor Ketrami's that you could ask.

From beyond the rain wall, something is certainly approaching.

Use 'Farsightedness' to gaze. It's still dark. It's raining and my vision is bad. Nothing good, but if I stared and concentrated, I could see the outline of it being struck by the rain and exposed.

It's a giant spider. Besides, it was a transparent spider as if it were made of glass or something.

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