Yes. I'm up. Good morning. I live as I deserve.

My neck is connected. As expected. I guess Kaiya cured me right away.

And once I let go of my neck, it worked, so I could move freely from my neck down. This is a delightful miscalculation.

... No, because. Even if one arm disappears, you can restore it in an instant, right?

People with lower body carbonization, extinction, usually come back to life without any sequelae, right?

It's gone, but it's not weird, is it? What, are you crazy?

If you're going to come back to life, that's not fatal or anything. I know it didn't taste good when I left it alone, but I guess I've already talked to Kaiya about it, beyond what Suzumoto looked like.

Nevertheless, Suzumoto's arm was more than expected. Maybe it's called "pain tolerance," but no pain whatsoever.

No, you were right to ask me to.

"... hey"

When I saw it, Suzumoto looked rather sinister and looked at me.

"Morning. Sorry about earlier."

"Try killing someone once, too. I hate you so much."

"Yeah, sorry"

When I get up, it's a little anaemic, but there's no abnormality to it. Looks like they really just treated me.

"Thank you, Hanagasaki, and Kaiya later."

"Well, of course. By the way, what's the status of the war?

... Looking in the direction Suzumoto pointed at, a glass spider with a large twist in his torso was squatting on the ground.

Well, you were manipulating me, so you were doing something pretty strong that was close to 'sharing'.

So, if the subject's neck suddenly flies, what do you say?

You won't be able to move properly for a moment at all. Maybe as a glass spider, it felt like my neck had suddenly flown.

I'm glad I lost consciousness as soon as I was slashed. It wouldn't have happened if you were conscious, I'm sure.

Glass spiders don't even look like they're talking about anything, but they lift their heads and stare at me.

... I don't know what that's all about.

It is the same without words that cannot be delivered. Tell him to tell me if he wants to.

And Raw Hate, I have decided to say this when the defeated monster gets up and looks at this one!

"Will you be one of us?

The glass spider seemed surprised, and the glass body rattled, shaking.

I heard the bird sea blow up in the back, but I don't care.

"Look, answer no. There you go."

"Ah, you, sane!?

Oh, I talked. The voice was a spider who looked fine for being in it.

"Sanity. That said, you'll need to talk to my people, too"

"Hey, I don't like it! I don't know what's so sad about being one of those little people!

"Mr. Maido! I don't mind!

See, that's what the president says. He's alive. You're making fun of me.

... I think it's poison and acid!

"Well, mostly, you know, why don't we just keep company with the guy who killed each other?"

"... where we are, the monster that knocked us out gets up and sees this one, so don't be one of us."

Torikai's having trouble breathing, but I don't know.

"How dare you..."

"So, you don't like it?

When I asked, for a while the glass spider thought of a sentence, finally talking.

'I have terms. Just split your magic. "

"I don't mind. I don't know how."

Admittedly, the glass spider was so... delighted. The momentum is that flowers will bloom around.

"Really whoa!? Liar whoa!? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, really good. Whoa!?

Ooh, ooh? Is it bad if I give you that much?

... well, okay.

"Yeah, well, a little bit"

"There it is! Oh, I can't do this anymore. Well, let's just make a deal. '

"... contract?

It's a contract.

"... what is it...?

'... what?

So all of this, I made a formal, "contract" with this glass spider regardless of my skills.

Hi, this' contract ', it sounds strange if it's not even supposed to be with Mr. Ketrami or Huntle.

Apparently... Mr. Ketrami said, 'I made the right decision,' and Huntle did it with 'Hmm, I don't care'.

I mean, well, yeah... in all the cases I've had, it seems that the decision was made not by me, but by Ketrami, but by Huntle.

I have a lot to say from here about Mr. Ketrami, but, well, as for Huntle... I convinced him that when a maid 'babysits', the child is better than the maid, etc.

But in this case, that's not a good idea, so Ketrami said a lot to me. Thanks for your help.

First, glass spiders basically listen to me. Then protect us from anything that harms us. It will not harm us. If you harm us, the glass spider dies.

Instead, I'll give the glass spider a little split of magic.

Says Ketrami. "You're not good enough for a guy like you. That's a good deal. Even if you have magic, you won't be able to use it. '

Well, magic, what is it? So, Ketrami taught me, and to sum it up, this is pretty much it.

... suppose people have generators.

Suppose the electricity generated by the generator is' magic power '. We're working on that magic.

So, for example, suppose you use some kind of skill.

At that time, we're putting together a circuit, spreading magic on that street to activate our skills, apparently.

What you need to assemble that circuit is the so-called MP. Not so far. Well, I get it.

… so.

I... generate electricity or not... the circuit, it seems, cannot be assembled.

For example, a circuit of body strengthening. I mean, the so-called 'correction' thing... that circuit doesn't exist, so no matter how much power is generated in vain, it's useless.

I don't use it for nothing, so I'm going to be in a 'highly magical' state.

So there's no point in dividing that excess into glass spiders. Rather efficient and very wonderful.

I talked to all of you, of course.

You've all agreed to be nice.

This spider is pretty stiff. So it's going to be a lot easier when you're on my side, right?

And then, it's big. This spider, anyway.

It's luxurious and transparent, so there's no pressure there.

So well, it helps. Definitely.

And I think the decision was made because I knew how to take it down.

It was the needle raw that put the knife in this spider's torso.

This spider is pretty strong for a blow, but it takes a lot of force on the very small dots...... I mean, eating a strong spike moro seems to crack and crush it as soon as possible.

... so it won't be that much more of a problem than figuring out how to defeat it.

Later...... the president was awesome and said, "You can pick all the poison and acid you want!" That's a big response.

How far is the president going to go? You'll never come back. No, is it already there?

So I signed with a glass spider.

At that time.... the dog tag glowed. I even looked at it while I had a slight bad feeling, 'shopping', yes.

... Uh, maybe I bought a mercenary for magic, this.

... This is terrible, no matter how much?

"Yes, how are you?

With the contract and the path being tied directly, I can hear the glass spider more clearly.

"Yeah, sensitive"

Isn't that right? So, I'd like to have it for you, quickly?

Hmm. Then let's imagine what Mr. Ketrami taught us quickly.

I managed to do it with an image of magic, magic, and sending something through the path to the glass spider... and gradually the glass spider's body turned translucent milky white, like water mixed with milk.

"Ghaaaaaa! cloudy aahhhhhhhh!

"Ahhhhhh! It's colored. Wow, oh!

"Hey is that okay!? Are you all right?

"Hey, it's not up to you! Oh, hey, hey!

I wouldn't let the injury move around just the injury, but this, if I could move, I'd have run around.

"In the meantime, this is the end of the contract, so please keep it up. Uh... what's your name"

"Name? Nothing in particular, so call me whatever you want."

Monsters, I wonder if they all have names. Individual identification. How do you do that?

"Uh, bye."

Glass spider. Glass spider. Spider... Spider-Man... Flesh... Oh, why not.

"On Glida"

Yeah, I mean Gras Supaider.

"Oh. Then you're a clam, Glida. Nice to meet you, Maido '

"Nice to meet you"

... I wasn't even just a little lost with 'Peter'.

Glida was treated by Kaiya and is currently asleep.

You can treat glass, too. I was surprised when I saw the glass leg grow back a little bit. Well, then it stopped raining, and I guess I'll have a late breakfast with the theater guys.

Bacon's about to settle down.

The moment I opened the door, I fell down about a tackle on Akashi.

"By Maido! Why are you beheading me!

Akashi stuck to me and cried out, so I couldn't move while falling to the ground.

Hi, I hear you've been looking through the window.

"No, 'cause if you stick around, I'll go back"

"'Cause it definitely hurts Maido!

Oh, come on, don't wipe your face with people's aprons!

"No, Suzumoto has good arms, no pain, no refreshment."

"Oh, oh, oh, don't tell me. Yeah, yeah! Because my neck hurts. Ahhh!


... Akashi kept crying as he did and it took him a little over 5 minutes to calm down. You'll be surprised by the apron tears and runny nose of your maid's clothes.... No, because my blood and stuff are sticking together, not quite...

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