Good morning.

It's morning but I don't feel like it's morning at all. Nara quality.

'Cause all 24 hours this thin brightness, or dimness, is what it is. If I stayed here the whole time, my internal clock would sound crazy.

There is a theory that humans are bathing in the morning and resetting their internal clocks. Perhaps I could 'transfer' to the ground once just to worship the morning sun.

Terra peered through the window where she was doing her breakfast.

"Oh, Terra, hello"


Mr. Terra squeaks. Cute.

Seems to sound like a proper language to you, Horizon, but I have no idea what you're talking about because there's no path between me and Mr. Terra.

"I'll think about Terra's dinner later via Kakusa-kun."


Yeah, I really don't know what you're talking about.

Well, no. Maybe Mr. Ketrami will do something about it if it really comes down to it.

... No, why was Mr. Ketrami connected to Glida and Pass?

Do Unique Monsters have something like Unique Monster Liaison Network? I don't think it's strange to have one.

It's breakfast because you're all up.

Terra went out for dinner on her own when she got permission from Horizon.

Mr. Ketrami has been gone for a long time. I've never been given permission or anything. Yeah, that's what I like about you.

"Well, I'm sorry for you and Terra today, but good luck with that."


Even today, Horizon is flying to explore Nara, while the others are free.

"What are we doing today?


You're willing to play, no, that's fine.

"It's a corner, so I'll make it today if there's anything missing from the gear. Some cloth came out of the temple."

Glida's yarn is too brilliant and sumptuous, but there were cloths and clothes that were once laid out in the temple.

"Gear, is it"

"Well, if you can make a dark-resistant piece of equipment, that's what I want."

This place is Naruto.

Monsters, too, seem to come out with the corresponding monsters.

I mean, he said he was going to do a dark system attack. If that's magic, it's fine because it's 'magic null', especially when you can do it without magic. He's very troublesome.

... What would a dark system attack look like? I know if it's fire or water, but I seriously don't know if it's darkness or anything.

Well, that's the thing, so we're going to create and repair gear today, while we wait for Kakusan's accomplishments. Yeah.

... I think there was something like that in the cloth that came out of the temple.

The cloth, with its white and strange gloss, had "Dark Resistance" and "Cradle of Light" on it. "Light Cradle" has nothing to do with anything but Kaiya, but "Dark Resistance" seems pretty useful, and I'd like to use it to get there.

Then, clothes. The one with the literature woven into a white cloth, a cape with a hood or a cape, one of those things. This is called "Dark Resistance" and "Holy Blessing".

Other guys like coats with the same effect.

And there are two decorative bands for 'Jizhi'.

... Hmm. Okay, I'm going to do it fast.

There is no fire in Naruto. If you think there's a fire, it's pretty much something dark related.

So you don't need the effect of "heat disabling" or anything like that.

The gear for "Thermal Disabled" basically switches to "Dark Resistance". I mean, Horn Three, you and Bird Sea cape.

The other 'heat deactivated' parts have been largely lined, so that's a little hard to replace.

So I'll recreate any joint ventures around there.... hassle, but I can't help it!

However, there is something like a cape and a coat, so if you distribute it to Kaiya and Hanagasaki respectively, you won't have to make these two pieces.... Oh, no, wait, then the 'magic void' ingredient...

...... make the 'magic void' inner! All right!

Oh, I'm busy! Fun! I'm dying!

So, at lunch, Horizon had lunch once you were back, and when Horizon was leaving again, I did some hasty gear hemming and finishing up, equipping him, and then sending him out.

... Overall, it has become white, so even this Nara stands out!

And the others seem to have started making things all over again.

The armor and the most powerful equipment remained the Devil King's Army gear. Yeah. This is an opportunity, and maybe we can rebuild a set.

But...... yeah. Making gear, that's fast. I think so myself. If it had been before, it would have taken me a day to make this.

Somehow, the speed of your sewing relationship has increased for the most part... I don't just sew it, but I think it might have gotten faster if I measured it.

Don't even look at it busily. It can be perfect for waiting needles, so sometimes I look at it twice myself. I fall in love with you!

Then, just look at a person's shape and you'll know the size.

This must have helped me when I made Mr. Singkawa's dress.

... Yeah, just for a second, I don't know if it's an invasion of privacy or anything. Yeah.

And then, originally, I was good at this, but I might have been better at assembling the plane in 3D in my head. Maybe it's easier with patterning.

... I think once again that the effect of "Maid Length" is good for you.

So we also got gear for everyone.... but do you want to explore Naruto any more?

"I don't know what was going on in the basement, but it doesn't necessarily mean we didn't have the classroom and the equipment to count in the basement. Keep exploring the streets. I'm looking for something that I don't know if there is, so it's like demon proof."

... right.

Sure, yeah.

If what counts as a classroom was in this Naruto, I have to take that.

I don't know if I have that, but I just have to look for more than I can say I don't.

Mm-hmm. Proof of the devil.

"So we'll be exploring Nara for a while."

... I suggest you go back to the ground once a day and worship the heavenly ways?

"I found something, so come here for a second."

If it was even a machine like that, Kakusan contacted me, so we'd all head there.

"... ooh"

"Wow, what's going on with this?

... there was this, blue sky that couldn't have been in the rock-covered Nara.

"... Oh, isn't it empty? Surprised. The light that's coming out of these flowers is reflecting on the ceiling and it's visible in the sky."

If you look closely, it wasn't the sky, it was simply the light emitted by the blue flowers reflecting on the lower ceiling.

Maybe if it just seemed empty for a moment because I've suddenly been 'transferring' here, and I came here making sure this corner of the ceiling was properly low, I wouldn't have had an illusion.

But that's the first time I've seen such a strong light source since I came to Naruto, and it was so powerful that I saw it as the sky.

It's beautiful.

The blurry, blue glowing sight was so beautiful that it seemed like it was worth coming to Nara alone.

Everyone who has always had a subtle lack of something called flair seemed to have to fall in love with this, watching the blue flowers and fake skies for a while.

... and more than that.

"Found it"

When the president looks at the person pointing to him, there is a corner where the light shines when the various colors are mixed to look white.

… where the powder that wrapped up the light of a colour that I didn't quite understand, was pouring down just a little bit.

"It's Ashes of Naruto."

The president will put "Ashes of Naruto" in a test tube removed from the pocket.

"Now you can make psychic drugs."

... Finally?

It's been a long time, fine. But now the choir guy, maybe.

... No, I still have a pile of challenges.

In the meantime, I think we can break through with this.

"... Nevertheless, where does this come from"

"Ashes of Naruto" suddenly looks like it's falling zero out of the void.

Try touching that original part, it just cuts the sky and nothing. What the hell is going on?

"What worries me more than that is this flower. This flower is probably a flower that grows from the Seeds of the Big Sky."

... Um, withered in a flash?

I'll make a good observation, but there's no way I remember those dead flowers in that instant, so I don't know.

But for now, these flowers are blue, clear, and somehow beautiful. Yeah. I just feel like I deserve the name 'Biku'.

"It's a corner, so shall we plant it? Everything is an experiment."

That's what the president said, taking out the 'Bi Sky Seeds' and burying them in the dirt.


"It won't grow."


But flowers, not blooms! On the contrary, it doesn't even bud!

"Maybe there's some kind of condition."


... Well, now it's more than flowers, it's a spiritual drug.

It would be a lot harder if there was a psychotropic drug... about life (physics).

... but I also feel like I'm wasting my time thinking about this area already...

The Psychotropic Medicine Manufacturing Squad began to make Psychotropic Medicine.

At a time like this, chemical laboratories are great establishments.

... Yes. Psychotropic drugs are made of beakers and flasks and stuff!

"... hey, is that good enough to make a psychic drug"

"What are you talking about? Isn't that the best equipment!

"Yes, then dragon blood 5ml"

"Hall pipette, where were you?

...... oh, the otherworld-chick vibe 0. The letter 'Spirit' on the psychic medicine appears thinner.

Will people come back to life after fulfilling this?

... First of all, experiment, hey...

...... yeah.

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