I slept and woke up. Good morning.

I need to go buy some family medicine today......

However, if I bought it, this time the struggle between the grown-up children and the exotic women is likely to get worse again.

Perhaps these two species should be separated. Supposedly divided into gymnasium and information room groups.

Well, breakfast is a classic menu of grilled fish in miso soup pickles for rice.

Pickles are shallow pickles. That was part of yesterday.

Grilled fish will be cooked with salt.

Personally, I like pickles and marinades, but fish like mackerel and mackerel with a bit of fat on them are really better, and how about that from the morning? So it's a salt grill of kanji white fish like pale, less greasy salmon.

... The smell caught you when you were baking and you all woke up is a good place for baked goods. Yeah.

Take a little extra money after breakfast and we'll all move to the town of Kukurtz.

And wait at the place where I met you, Homura.

They wait there for about 15 minutes.

Homura-kun, who came late, is with you.

...... It's the same tension. You seem to be doing well in the morning, most importantly. And we leave it behind.

"Ok! Going to the mine fast?

"No, we're not going. Yes, money."

Homura, when I gave you a bag with money in it, naturally I was confused.

"Ha!? Oh, why!? Why not?

...... Don't forget. There are women in the Department of Family Medicine who quit although they were in the Department of Chemistry in the past.

Undoubtedly, the children are alien species, which means that they are currently in the mines in a progressive fashion.

Why don't we just accidentally go buy those kids? "What are you going to buy us as slaves!? You're going to ramble on us! I can see you standing up for nothing." I don't do anything like porn peers, but the communication I try to make you understand that is kind of far away.

In other words, it would be useless for anyone who is in a state of suspicion even if it is not us, and at this time, I decided that I should take the poison and leave it to you, Homura, with the nori of.

Homura, you probably have a level of toxin to detoxify people in a suspected dark state. Oh, no, I mean, poison, I don't know, paint it over ink, like. That's right.

'Cause we go and we just talk.'

"Er!? But, after all, is Maido-san in the cab?

Oh, yeah. Right.

I think the gymnasium is the safest place right now, but if it is, we can 'transfer' there. We have to get involved anyway, right? Yeah.

"No, because the whole body armored bird sea should do it. So"


Oh, he looked so nasty! You don't even know who you are if you wear a helmet! You can pretend to be NPC for anything!

"... what, you don't like the kids in the family department or something?

"I mean, we hate each other... we're happier not to be involved..."

If someone doesn't fit a human, a horse, the smartest option is to stay out of it.

I learned.

"Uh... well, we're gonna go, okay?


And so, I left it to you, Homura, to buy the people from the Family Medicine Department. Congratulations.

... but it didn't go.

Homura told me about Homura when we were all chilling the store looking for your gear.

"Oh my God! Could that person be able to write letters about this world?

...... yeah.

"I can write. What's the matter with you?

"I have to write a contract. I can't read and write letters in this world."

… OH.

Or so you've lived well before. Hey! I guess you had the ability to communicate to make up for that!

'So write on behalf of someone...? Seriously, please.'

Seriously, I'm begging you, what are you gonna do?

"Well, I'll send someone, so wait a minute"

Once 'communication' is cut, it is an emergency meeting over here.

"Homura, I hear you can't write, but you have to write a contract."

"Is there a contract in this town for the exchange of slaves? You have a conscience."

President, no. That's not where we should react.

"So someone's got to go."

... Of course, the candidate is me and Birdsea.

I'm very uncomfortable being these two just because I can hide my face... I can't help it.

"Are you coming with me? If I were you, I'd have enough force, but wouldn't it be more convenient for you to have a 'sleeping cocoon' or something?

Yeah, right......

I personally think, 'Let's all stand up when there are only eight people but there are only five chairs' theory is that I don't like it, which means that misfortune shouldn't be equal to everyone, but should be kept at the very least, but in this case I'm a no-can because being two people is expected to improve the situation.

"Then I'll write and come back..."

"I'm coming..."

You should look for your sword, Horn Three. Yeah...... oh, and now I want you to buy a ruoba too if you find one......

So I did it. Before the mine.

It was a strange sight there.

Yeah, unexpected for better or worse.

Homura junta with head. I'm glad you got the money, but the guy from the mine is in trouble because the customer can't write. And seven women who are somehow completely unprecedented.

... In the meantime, let's write it down.

"Excuse me, Mr. Homla. I came to the proxy."

When I appealed to Homura that he was someone else, he accepted it.

Yeah. I'm glad you got the hang of it.

There came a typewritable spokesperson, so I could see that the mine people were relieved. Excuse me. Hey, I'm from another world.

"Oral please because I'm going to be proxy"

Homura, let me read the text and tell you what to write and I'll write it.

Yeah. I managed to fill out the paperwork within that.

All right.

"Then we're done."

"No, no, no, no, no, wait a minute."

I wrote it, so Homura caught me when I wanted to go home.

"You know, aren't those kids a little weird?

"That's weird."

I mean, I feel a little more angry, I think.

"... something, a mine, a haunt? They're out."

... Hey, that story, it's gonna be long?

"... so the mine's haunting is stealing people's hearts."

You were just glad this last sentence was all you had! I heard a long, thankful story about you, Homura of Kanji.

In other words, seven of these Families Department alien species were stolen from their hearts by the "haunted" in the mine, he said.

What, did you fall in love with that? If I think about it, seriously...... I mean, the irregularities in consciousness, the emotions, that kind of thing is totally falling out.

... This is... as a human being, isn't it a good idea?

"So, as far as I'm concerned, I want to steal these kids' hearts back."

Yeah, well, you will. I agree with that even as far as I'm concerned. Even if it makes these kids very nasty.

"So please! Can't you ask these kids over there!?

... I can't solve it!

Homura, you didn't come to this town to help these kids in the first place.

Homura, your purpose is and always has been to "help your friends and return to their original world". Only, if there's a street, you can't abandon it, that's all.

And Homura, your friend, seems to be in a plant-human state at the moment.

So, Homura-kun wants to go to Argis, the alchemy developed town, and find a way to fix it.

I know how that feels very well.

And there's nothing particularly wrong with us solving these kids' problems.

I mean, I'm free. We are.

... No, if possible, if it's also a way for us to go to Argis and alchemize our lives, I want to find it and get the choir people back.

But the choir people and the family department people, in the end, have the same priority if we take it.

On the other hand, Homura, if you're in charge of your life, is it the hearts and minds of the people in the Department of Family Medicine? It's also very reasonable for us to be driven out by the rescue of

... Yeah, well, I mean.

We're going to dive into the mine.

The mine haunt, it seems, is one of the legends that has been in this town since ancient times.

I mean, there's a haunted nest somewhere in this mine, and haunts don't usually come out of it, but if this one goes into that haunted nest, they steal my heart, like.

In the end, this seems like a lesson like, "Don't dive too greedy and deep," but it seems that phenomena like it's actually the work of haunting have happened a few times in the past.

... This world is fantastic, so seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if it was haunted.

Maybe the identity of the haunted is not haunted...

I couldn't help it if this happened, so I rewrote the paperwork I just wrote and transferred ownership of the seven girls to me.

Homura says you're traveling to Argis today. [M]

Then, it was us who took care of these children, and in that case, it was very troublesome for Homura to have ownership.

... I would like you to say this before you write the documents.

"Are you okay?"

I speak to one of the seven, but I just look at this one with a vain eye.

"Stand up for a moment, all of you"

Saying, all seven, suddenly, stood up.

"Yes, march"

When signaled, walk in the direction indicated.

"Stop! Stop!"

If you signal again, it stops.

... This is seriously bad. Aren't you an abandoned man? You haven't thought about it.

... No. As a matter of fact, I also thought about returning these people's hearts and minds to their original world while they were stolen. Just a little bit.

Because we're in a position to do it, and we have the ability to do it.

But it's not good. After all. Whatever that direction is, it should be better than a blurry abolitionist who can't think back at all.

I feel like a human being and think about it. I don't know.

Even if that was anger, hatred, or negative emotion when I did it, I don't feel anything... or in this case, you don't feel it, I don't know if what you feel doesn't come up on the table, but let me identify with you because what you don't communicate is nothing or the same for the outside majority, well, you think it's better than nothing. Yeah.

... No, maybe these people don't want to "think or feel anything!" Though you might think.

The way I said it earlier, we're in a position to put these people back together, and we have the ability to do so.

Even if I don't like it, I'll put it back. I do not accept objections.

"I've taken it upon myself to..."

The Hundred News didn't work out at first sight, so when I took seven people back to your place, they figured it out in one shot.

Yeah. This anomaly at a glance.

It's easy to understand and thank you.

"... if you've taken it on, you have no choice. I finished shopping here, too. Why don't you go do it with that mine?"

I'm sorry I brought you in with all the trouble. I'll annoy you again. Sorry.

... It was a different direction from what I imagined.

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