... and the horse won't stop, so keep going, me, to be taken... not be.



I thought I heard the birds relaxing, flashing for a second, out of balance, horses, sliding.

... all four legs were gone. Hiya.

I didn't have to fall off the horse I was supposed to slide on my torso because the armored man who tried to carry me on the horse held me. Hi!

... Well, I guess I'm stabbing horses today.


He is currently being interrogated in an alley off the middle of a round trip, surrounded by a man with armor who was made to sit on the front and a horse who had his legs healed in Kaiya. The horse has healed, so don't stab the horse. Mindless.

"I mean, you tried to grab a young woman on your employer's orders, right?

"That's right. Gather young, good-looking women from your husband."

I hear the otherworlds have been corrected. Hmmm......

"But which way this woman was to be freed soon! Forgive me!

No, that reasoning is strange. Returning the product is a discount.

"Why is that?

"Because this woman had dark hair and black eyes"

... ho?

"My husband told me to bring a good looking woman, but not a woman with dark hair and black eyes. Because it was good if it was just one of them, I couldn't confirm the color of my eyes, so for now..."

Well, running from the horse to the color of your eyes is hard to tell.

Actually, I've already seen some of the people in this world who have dark hair and their eyes are not black, if that's the case.

If he had rugged blue eyes on his dark hair or something, he would certainly look black in the distance.

Especially if it would have been shady near sundown, and if you can't tell this from there, for now, I don't know what that means.

... but the master of this armored man is avoiding other worlds. People from different worlds have beauty corrections, especially if they are beautiful.

... I mean, this, this is the kind of conclusion I get.

"... I mean, your husband is exotic, right?

When the president said so, he trembled at the armored man who had been even silent about his husband's identity until now.

... I can think of things like not wanting a woman stronger than me, but, well, maybe you will.

Well. I'm currently having dinner with someone armored.

For what reason? It's part of the bribe. And the person you had dinner with would be hard to betray, he said.

The menu is made up of roasted meat, chopped into zucchini rings and cooked in the oven on cheese alongside bacon, and plenty of vegetable milk soup and rice.

Argis was full of dairy, too. This is the kind of menu I got.

The armored person was also a normal person when he took off his armor. It was funny even if it was empty like some wandering armor.

"Is this...?

The armored man is suspicious of some rice.

"Rice. Rice is a staple where we lived."

No, I've never seen rice in the 1F area. I guess it's only in 4F, that one.

"Hmm... that's some strange texture, hmm"

Because it's sticky. Um, I might have been kinder to bread when I thought about having someone armored.

Worried, the armored man liked the rice for what it cost. Good.

So by the time the rice was done and the baked pudding was served for dessert and the tea brewed, the armored person had completely blended in.

Boulder rice power.

"... well. Well, let's get down to business."

All right.

And the armored man shall make his abode right.

"As much as possible, I'd like to hear about your husband"

"... you want me to sell my husband?

Armored people, it seems this is hard to talk to boulders.

"No, it's not like we're hostile to your husband in the first place. Instead, I don't think we're going to be enemies. I just have no idea what you're doing or what kind of guy you are. So I don't know how to move this way. If possible, I'd like to make contact and talk to you in person, is that possible?

When they talked to me all at once, they stuck to my head as an armored person.

"Oh, no... my husband, you know, I probably won't see you"

"Why is that?

"My husband seems to be avoiding exotics."

... No, I know that.

"Is your relationship with your husband simply about being hired for money?

"Oh, right.... As soon as we met, I was attracted to the charm my husband had and hired me as a subordinate... but now it's just a recognition that I'm hired somewhere.... where the hell am I attracted to such a guy... ah"

... My mouth slipped, that's what I meant, but I listened closely. Yeah, you don't have to look so awkward.

"If you don't want to, why don't you quit your job?

"Hmmm... I always think so, but I have to quit, when I go to see him... like this, I lose my temper to quit..."

That kind of reply came back when the needle student retired after following someone with armor who seemed uncomfortable.

"Somehow, when I see you, I'm attracted to you, I knew it"

... is there any skill being used? You all right, buddy?

"So, why are you collecting women, that guy?"

Hanagasaki, when you heard it, the armored man wandered his gaze like it was really hard to say.

"That's, hey... uh..."

Well, I don't want to tell you if you're going to be a bad mouth for your employer.

"... I'm gathering beauties to let them serve me. Why the hell would a guy with just that face... I knew it was a face or a face... haha... hey, that would be stupid, okay?


"Shall I make some tea?"

"I'll serve sweets."

Somehow, there's something I think... it doesn't seem like someone else. Yeah, uh, yeah.

... Even when I heard about the stupidity of this armored man, the otherworldly men gather beauties and let them live in their own mansion, and the beauties feed them.

Some men have been hired, including Mr. Leolick, the armored man again, but it is also insignificant, and the majority of people in your mansion are beautiful women.

And Mr. Leolick says, this guy, he can't do anything. I don't work, I'm not strong enough, and I guess I can't live without a beautiful woman to feed me.

... Well, yeah, it's a different world around the corner.

There are so many beauties in this world. If you look at the town, they are all cute or beautiful. Cross-world quality of boulders.

Moreover, in this world, it comes when the handsome correction is multiplied. Oh, my God, they say I'm in the "good looking" category.

... or, yeah, well, I get the feeling you've achieved a man's romance.

Well, it's nourished, I mean... I don't know if it's a good idea if they're happy. Yeah.

I don't think they're building a harem for breeding purposes.... maybe.

... Happy!

That doesn't make sense, so Mr. Leolick held me and I'm riding again.

No matter how happy you are in this world, you may be able to return to the original world for once, and that information is not unfair if you don't give it to me.

We can do it, and if we can, we should. I have no intention of overturning this policy.

So, I decided to infiltrate in this way because there seems to be a good chance that they won't let me in even if I go from the front.

That's why I'm turning into Mr. Rosemary.

Look, you should be able to appeal to me right away that I'm not from the other world.

"But are you sure?

"Yeah, because I'm good at infiltrating and meeting your husband and handing you your resignation form."

When this guy goes to see him in person, it's definitely going to take some kind of skill again. It's going to be a pain in the ass, so I decided to give him a resignation instead.

... When my skills hang on me, I deal with needle students and maid dolls.

If something goes wrong, ask the needlework to come out of the shadows and strangle and drop them even at the neck. If the needle students also seemed useless, Mr. Maid, ask them to call someone else on the doll network. Alternatively, have the maid put on the doll something that the president keeps to restore the condition abnormality.

The maids are perfectly motivated and waiting in their skirts holding a small bottle deposited by the president. Yeah. I'll ask you if I have to.

So we got there. Mansion.

... This is the capital of Wang for once. So, there's a royal castle, but there's a mansion a little high away from that royal castle... it's like you're fighting and selling to the royal castle. Big and splendid. The fact that the Imperial Castle looks good means it looks good from the Imperial Castle, right? Are you okay with this?

"Then when you get inside from there and climb the stairs that turn right, you go to your left and there's a door. I wonder who it would be if I put it in there. After that, you can tell me you've been brought here and you'll be fine."

All right. Go right. Go left. Understood. Understood.

"Then I'll go"

"Be careful!

I open the door that looks like the back door of your mansion as I wave to Mr. Leolick and go inside. Then let's come.

As soon as you open the door and get inside, turn right and proceed as you were told.

… Hmm, the interior is a fantastic mansion. The fuzzy carpet is about to sink in the leg. It seems that the wall is fitted with a candlestick that uses that kind of ore to keep it bright.

But if the carpet is so fuzzy, it's hard to make footsteps with an intruder. Are you okay, this mansion?

After a while, I ran into the stairs, so I climbed, and then I proceeded to my left.

... Oh, I saw the door.

Softly, I opened the door and took a peek, and no one was there.

... that? That's crazy, wasn't there someone there?

"Hey, what are you doing there!

And they found it there, and they rang me from behind.

... Oh, here we go.

One dark-haired, dark-eyed boy stood there surrounded by beautiful sisters.

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