While the chatter and more are pinched, lunch in the warm air is over, and GO with the president to the flower gardens of Naruto!

After all, it looks like this flower garden is the one where 'Ashes of Narrow' falls.

Is that what this is all about?

"How's it going, boss?

When asked by the president, who is quickly recovering 'Naruto's Ashes'.

No, it's not enough.

... No! Shit!

"... so we still need to erase the culprits"

When the president reported, you all got eyes like dead fish.

"I'm sure he'll grow up again..."

Kaiya is a healing clerk, so more work is inevitable when the damage increases.

Besides, in this case, the vast majority of them… somehow, this is the job of looking directly at gross images.

The sword has become available lately, so the workload must be tremendous.

"Yeah, well, you can't help it"

Now they're going to plant flowers on the culprit after the bird fills up with energy beforehand.

That way, at least one shot, it's super powerful.

I think this kind of strategy is important.

At least we can decide when to start fighting them, so we should try to work it out.

"Do you want to ask the Demon King once? There may be an effective way to fight. For once, the culprit has disappeared, and I don't think there's a problem going to see him."

That's what Suzumoto said, which made it possible for the situation to open up.

Look, 'cause he's the demon king who created it!

If so, it is not strange to know one or two simple ways to erase them.

"That would be the most effective so far."

With the President's ink on it, I decided to go interrupt the Demon King's house.

... Now I've got the right tea treats!

So here we are. Nara is in front of the demon king's house.

As always, it is a home with a spicy atmosphere.

Knocking on the door, "Go ahead," he replied casually, as he had done last time.

Sounds like the same. Yeah.

"I'm sorry to bother you"

So, like last time, I'm sorry to bother you!

"Oh, are you here? How's the tail?

When I opened the door, the Demon King was still on his way to the luxurious crystal finishing chessboard.

... Don't you ever get tired of it?

"I've erased three of the culprits."

As always, I made tea from the hand of the Demon King, and I'm drinking it and picking up the tea treats I brought.

"That was fast. It will be hard to find. Was your daughter's family helpful?

Family, it's going to piss me off when I say it the way it is (mainly by Mr. Ketrami).

Mr. Ketrami, Glida, Malvero, and mainly Mr. Terra and... newly arrived Mr. Sura.

Everyone is helping. Yes.

"Do, what do you want to hear,?

The Demon King prompts me to ask this question with a little joy.

Thank you. I'd like to solve the problem as soon as possible.

"The monster that comes out when you erase the culprit is getting bigger and bigger."

... but.

"Wait. A monster? What are you talking about?"

... Huh?

The Demon King only looks like he is deeply bewildered. If you're shiitake, you're a big actor.

"After planting and blooming The Seeds of the Big Sky, a mysterious creature... something like that, comes out. At first, it was small, but the third time, it was about 2m in size."

Suzumoto also explained in confusion that the Demon King had thought of it.

... Yep...

"... I'm sorry, but I didn't make it that way when I made The Ball of the Void.... if something is coming out... I think something has changed..."

... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wouldn't that suck!?

The demon king doesn't know who he made it, which is pretty... shit, isn't it?

"In the first place, what did you make 'Balls of the Void' for?

Maybe I'll know something when I know where it is, so I asked.

... I asked,... suddenly, the look on the face of the Demon King, I don't know... I suddenly became human, I mean... my emotions appeared on the table.

"... to revive the goddess."

Let's recall the nature of the culprit.

The nature of the culprit is known to suck even magic. This is what the Temple knows.

So, "Ashes of Narrow" falling into Narrow when you erase it has the nature to anchor the magic. I guess that means it's sucking.

And the goddess.

The goddess... gave man magic so that when man in this world opened the doors and dots of Naruto, man could confront the demons that came from Naruto, and... instead, it became a book.

I mean... Hmm, the capacity that fits into the book, I don't know if the goddess will become a book if she scales it down.

"The Ball of the Void was created to restore the lost magic of the Goddess"

In other words, the culprit was sucking on magic to replenish the magic of the goddess.

"If that's what this rotten world is all about, it's doomed."

I feel like if you look at the temple, the goddess gives you magic and man gets magic, and as a result... he's corrupted.

... Most importantly, the temple's teachings that are passed down today are that the demon king is evil, and the goddess destroyed it, what the hell is going on?

Perhaps the world didn't move in the direction the goddess wanted.

So that's what the Demon King thinks, and I don't think it's... a story I'm not convinced of.

"But Fiana didn't allow it. He was a goddess, be it a book."

The demon king exhaled deeply, with a lost voice of colour, and continued.

"He chose the world over himself."

... yourself, is that about the goddess or what?

A little, the silence filled the place and only the hard and clear sound of the cup touching the saucer sounded small.

"'Balls of the Void' was supposed to shed magic toward Fiana, but because Fiana refused to do so, it ended up just sucking magic. In that sense, it was, in a way, me and Fiana who made the 'Ball of the Void'"

"So the goddess made it a monster when she erased The Ball of the Void," he said?

I wonder if I have to go to Goddess Book after this...

"... it may be the finely crafted part of Fiana that becomes a monster..."

Hmmm...... I figured I'd have to ask.

"Excuse me. I need to ask you something."

The president raised his hand. What is it?

When the Demon King urged him, the president said, breathing a little and then taking a breath.

"When an old generation of high priests came to Nara, there was already 'Ashes of Nara', wasn't there? So you're saying that 'Ball of the Void' was already erased?

... blind spot!

"Oh, right. But it wasn't the High Priest who turned it off. It's Fiana.... soon after I made it, it was largely erased. … the number made will not fall below a thousand, but the number remaining will fall below a hundred"

... Oh, yeah, that's the thing.

You wanted to bring the goddess back to life.

"Because you gave the High Priest the first 'seed of the sky' at that time, it was only after that that that man could erase the 'balls of the void'"

Ho... Oh, yeah. That's right.

Brave summons, we're not the first.

I mean, some of the culprits must have already been erased.

... Still, well, it's still there, you know...?

... and because the Temple describes the culprit as "defeated," I think that the culprit is a monster.

And the president noticed.

to the strange part of this problem.

"... wait. When we first erased the Ball of the Void, it was a small, quickly disappearing monster. And with every number, the monster is getting bigger and stronger.... If this were a legalistic thing, by the time the Temple began to erase the 'Ball of the Void'... Mijinko or less it would be sized. Would you say, 'knock it down'?

... Is this what you can think of?

"If the person who planted" The Seeds of the Biscuit "changes, it could become a soccer ball size again"

So far, the president has done everything to blossom into the culprit.

This could change if people change.

"… seems irresponsible, but if it was made by me and Fiana, there must be regularity"

The demon king cares about his intelligence, he's intelligent, and the goddess is a goddess, and he cares a lot about the intellect he got by that demon king. Yeah.

... Hey, I remember.

That's what Mr. Ariane said.

Sure, you said something like, "The Demon King created the culprit to unite people".

... suppose that wasn't out of the truth... after all, the goddess did it.

Was it the purpose of the goddess to make enemies common to men?

If so, I know it's going to be a monster... I don't know the legality...

Then we talked a little bit, and we were supposed to be free.

In the meantime, move from Naruto to 2F South.

"So, in the meantime, why don't we do it with the proposal Maido just said? Another stage, you probably won't struggle that far."

In other words, someone other than the president blooms on the culprit, he says.

"Well, I'll go."

Kaiya puts' Seeds of the Big Sky 'on the culprit and puts in a temper. Oh, no, it's magic. Yes.

... and then again, the sky or the sea is flooded with similar colored light, burning your eyes...

... A little over 4m, big, monstrous, came out.

Who is it? When I changed people, I said I'd go back to my little soccer ball size!

... Me!

"'Extinct EX'!

And the monster evaporated with the surrounding ground.

"You're back on the hook."

"In the meantime, I'm going to ask the goddess book..."

I'm complaining about taking responsibility for what I made myself...

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