My arm with my heel back, it grabbed.

The eyes over the glass were as strange as ever, filled with all the colors of this world.

That eye is about to complain about something.

And it hugged me with four pairs of arms.

Something came in with the feeling of a current running into my brain at that time.

It's a will.

Just a hunch of collapse and a feeling of not being able to go back and then.

When I woke up with cold skin, it was already dim.

Akan, I overslept......

But you haven't even spent that much time, or most of the others were still asleep.

Well, after what happened, and I can't help it.

I'd rather be asleep.

... Let's make something.

How many people are alive?

Should I make a large quantity of something good for digestion for now?

I was simmering porridge for the wounded and the birds came.

"Maido, are you okay?

"I hardly ever got hurt."

Precisely, I only work as much as I 'dismantled' the school.

"That's you, are you okay?

"Yeah. Because I've had quite a bit of backup going around. than the avant-garde."

Avant-garde, huh?

I hear Suzumoto still doesn't wake up. Torikai fell apart in abundance, the needle student's legs disappeared, and Hornsan, you're my pocket now. Still, Torikai and Needlework are pimped to the point now, so it's amazing.

Of course, the rear guard was good, but it's not.

Hanagasaki, you froze, the president is still my pocket, and I'm glad that Kabir was still satisfied with five birds, but Kaiya was hit in the right eye and right arm, and now I guess he's waking up with a duplicate MP run out.

"Not really, don't push it"

"Boomerang Boomerang"

For some reason, you're all too impotent.

No, I know, though.

If you can do that, you should.

And our position is that the senior said 'Nobles Obrigue' before is similar.

"But what am I going to do with this? The dead are brought back to life, the injured are cured... and the poor living may be the most troublesome"

"I could blame you."

Honestly, we have our doubts.

Can you seriously go home with this? and.

"In the first place, as a goddess book, I'm starting to think you don't want me to go back to the original world."

'Cause the otherworlds are a mass of magic, and they say this world collapses when magic is gone.

Then... no, but I still feel different.

If I hadn't, I wouldn't hate the temple.

But there's nothing else you can do.

"You're in the fog."

Ah, yabe, the porridge blows!

Hurry to weaken the fire and stir the other soup pot.

"In the meantime, the president needs to be brought back to life."

"Well, I can't help it."

I can see how the president has pulled us off so far.

... but we've been together for quite some time, so I can say this.

"But if I were president, it would be a matter of decision to bring people back to life, to cure them, so I think I'll think ahead."

I mean, how do you beat that monster, you know?

In the meantime, when I handed out the soup I could, there was someone who looked at me with resentment and someone who appreciated it.

Yeah, it would be good to know that you care about resentment because at least you see things ahead of soup.

... Oh, no, is it possible that I only saw it before soup...

"Mr. Maido."

And then came Mr. Hagiwara, who cried his eyes out.

"Why would you do that? Because of you, Mitsubishi."

"You're alive."

Miki, you're alive. I saw it earlier when I went to the porridge distribution.

I was pimped to the point. I was able to wake him up on my own, so it won't be a problem.

"That's not the problem! Take responsibility! A lot of people died because of you!

Well, that's true. A lot of people died.

But I don't know! Don't find my responsibility there.

If Mr. Hagiwara is the victim, am I the perpetrator? That's not true.

I'm not the one who killed him. It's an accident, an accident, though they might say you killed him indirectly.

I have no guilt whatsoever.

We don't even think it's Mijinko's fault!

...... yeah. If you insist, seriously, the root is me talking to Goddess Book, is that the responsibility?

If you say the ultimate thing about this one, it's your own fault!

You had the freedom to ride this story, the freedom not to ride it!

... Especially since I can't help saying that. I'm not even going to tell you.

I know what you're talking about. I know that.

You just want to hit eight.

... So I'm sure I should let you hit eight.

I guess that's okay.

Sorry! Awkward, I'm not that nostalgic!

"It's okay. 'Cause we're all still willing to go back to our original world."

"That's the problem...!

"So how do I feel about it? You want me to take responsibility and chop you up or something?

Of course I won't. It's not a problem like that because the guy who gets me out of my way is asleep.

It's a situation where the healer doesn't seem to have enough hands, and 'Naruto Ashes' may be enough subtle.

It's too wasteful to bother scratching your stomach at that time!

So you can hit me as much as you want! Nothing like that.

I'm not the kind of personable person who's Christ the Buddha who can let someone who doesn't even like me hit eight.

If he punches you in the right cheek, it's straight to the left.

"Bring them all back to life. Heal them all. Anyway, I can help people with trauma organize their memories. So, we all go back to our original world. Those who don't want to fight don't have to. A new set of gear for those who fight. So what?"

Mr. Hagiwara looked distracted and hardened.

I tried to stay here and go back, and there was something behind me too.

"Hey, it's your fault, isn't it, this"

There are two or three people in the Family Medicine Department.

"What are you doing to me?!

And he put a kick in me. Ouch. Ouch. Don't aim for the legs, the legs. It's tough to avoid, the legs.

Anyway, I thought I'd pay my feet to escape because I was unmotivated to become a sandbag for these people who didn't even fight.

"Don't wait! It's strange to blame Mr. Maido!

... Something, again, came out...

"Sure, even Maido is hurt, although a lot of people may have been hurt!

Oh, no. I'm not. I'm not hurt anything else, even if I was hurt, I shouldn't even consider that one thing at a time, but I know it's hard to correct, so forget it...

"Besides, if you kick a girl, you're pathetic!

This one's very misaligned, but no. I don't care anymore at this time.

"What? Aren't we just saying what we deserve?

The female target in the Family Medicine Department shifted from me to Fukuyama, so I let her get out.

... Fukuyama seemed to be slowly pushing people in the Family Medicine Department in a nonmeshing discourse with that mystery theory.

I look at it with the eyes of Mr. Tsuhara.

... All right. Thirty-six, don't let them escape! Goodbye!

When I was handing out soup, I discovered Senior Mitsugawa was surrounded by a variety of people.

... but I'm not particularly blamed, I don't know, like... I support it, I mean, I'm admired, like...

I asked him later, and at first, he blamed me for that.

I mean, a lot of seniors brought you here, right? Here.

Because half the gym people make up, half of them have been led by Senior Itsushikawa, he said.

And since it was also seniors who welcomed the brass club people, only demon kings or seniors can resent the brass club people.

So, well, it seems like it was about to get pretty obvious... well, skills, you use them. Because it's about that senior.

People are hesitant to use their skills, not if they say so. Yeah.

Yeah. Anyway, unexpectedly, less than two-thirds of these students have become cooperative with us...

It was truly impressive that the senior had thumbed me up with a very proud face.

And it seems that the women of the Family Medicine Department have lost their roots in Fukuyama's mysterious theory.

At least, there's been nothing more to say in person.

I wonder what you did with the poison...

Should I thank Fukuyama later?

... No, okay. I went there to tell you. It's going to be trouble again...

All the students fell asleep again after eating a meal they didn't know if it was lunch or dinner.

The people I slept with earlier are sleeping too, so I guess they're all tired.

Kaiya, who had an MP run out, and Suzumoto, who apparently wasn't nearly seriously injured, still woke up.

"Thinking about it, aren't I pretty awesome?

Birdsea is normally up and moving now, despite having to have conversations like, "This is Birdsea," and "Oh, yeah, I think that's Birdsea," somehow.

Wow. This is super awesome.

"In the meantime, Mr. President, if we don't bring him back to life, I don't feel like we can move on"

So right now, Hanagasaki-kun is making psychotropic drugs by himself.

Fortunately, if we were to go back to the original world, the "Ashes of Naruto" of the original killer's share, which we erased, was worth it.

Each time you erase the culprit, you also increase the amount of "Ashes of Naruto". Perhaps this will be enough.

If only the flesh could be managed with a spirit medicine, then all you have to do is "Abyss Stone", which Mr. Shreira has set the direction for you.

Life, see. Because I can produce indefinitely, that would save money, right?

Hanagasaki, you've been a mess, but I think it's better than more people staying dead.

... Yes. The goal now is, for now, to bring the dead back to life.

Find and erase the remaining culprits for this purpose, turn them into 'Ashes of Narrow', and then make a spirit medicine and, if necessary, a life, and bring them back to life.

...... There is a great chance that 'Ashes of Naruto' is not enough.

That's why, like this, we have to save money all the time.

Now, I'm going to wake up Suzumoto by the time I can get the medicine.

My life doesn't increase more than a certain amount.

Then, if you don't reduce it, it won't increase, and you won't be in the meantime.

So he wants to divide it into Suzumoto.

... Well, I don't want to admit it, but it's time to admit it.

I'm a resource. For now, it's the only time I can divide my life into others.

I need to use what I can use.

I don't like it, I'm finally dying.

"I'm coming in."

Suzumoto had been put to bed with a futon in the lab.

I guess it was easy to find out from a few gems, the lab. It must have looked familiar.

"You're dying a lot too."

This is the third time, so I don't have any particular problems getting lost, so I get to the glass.

The smooth glass only left a little, scarlet liquid on the bottom. It's so little, it even looks thin red with clear colors.

'Death' is not filled. I guess I could have turned it off with healing magic. I mean, he's still alive.

Separate the contents of your glass appropriately and leave. I'm sorry, but I'm sure I'll split another two soon after this, so I let this guy, who's not even a recovery officer, split it a little less. Excuse me.

... Well, all I have to do is wake you up with 'sharing'.

Just wake me up, what... anyway, you'll wake up tomorrow morning even if you're alone. Yeah.

I feel so restless and sleepy, so I thought I'd take the day off first...

Isn't that nice? Yeah, that's good, right? Yeah, yeah.

All right, good night!

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