Good morning. Have a good day today.

No, it's a wake-up call wrapped in muffins, I feel good!

"Ketrami, hello"

Ketrami went somewhere to find breakfast when she just left because she looked like, 'If you wake up, just back off'.

Sounds like it's really best to have dinner during the night, because you were my futon last night. Eat it all you want.

Well, suppose I make breakfast too.

Rice, vegetable soup, meat and fruit for breakfast!

It's rice, rice. No, I knew rice was good.

And then there's the luxury, which is a little too bad if you have miso, it's going to be miso soup.

I wonder if soybeans have fallen somewhere.

Oh, speaking of fermented foods, I wonder if they can be made with skills.

... Speaking of which, you had grapes. Pink.

That, can't you ferment alcohol?

Well, for now, let's have dinner. Rice. Rice.

They all woke up, so I hung them with a hatchet, and it was dinner.

I knew it was particularly popular with Torikai and Kaiya. Dinner. I'm glad you look delicious.

... I was just wondering. Fukuyama said that there are 6 students in the English Studies Laboratory, Torikai and Kaiya said that there are 17 students in the information room, but what are they doing with rice...

You're definitely not eating anything busy, are you? Can fire be used in the first place? No, you don't. Torikai and Kaiya set fire to it with dry batteries and steel wool, and they worked hard to keep that fire going.

... Yeah, but neither Fukuyama nor the guys in the information room who tried to kill Torikai and Kaiya are willing to help me on the rice side. We'll think about it again in about a week.

"Um, aren't you going out today?

"I just got home from a long exploration, and it's a holiday"

Oh, it makes sense that some of us are back in the futon. That's why I want to eat my sleep.

I didn't even apply for lunch today.

Right, right, holiday. Ah.

From what I can see, you're only doing something in the lab, except for the one who went to devour the indolence.

The needle students don't really know what it is. They make things out of trees, and the birds don't really know what it is. Is that it? Is that a crossbow?

What is the president... putting a lot of stuff in the flask and making toxic black and purple liquids... is that it? Is that poison? That's poison.

And Moya and Birdsea were making great things in the corner of the garden.


"What are you doing?

"Hmm? Yeah, there's something called 'metalworking' in the skills I remember. I need some metal, so I'm letting you make a kiln, okay?

"By the way, it's my 'stone processing' skills that make kilns! After this, they're going to make parts for the birds."

... well. Metal, stone, what?

"... here, you have the fangs of a monster. It looks like metal for some reason."

Gives teeth that are too small to be processed into a knife, of a mysterious pig whose fangs are blades.

There's a lot of it. I think I can do it.

"Pot, don't you want to make it?

When the number of people increases, there is not enough pan.

And one more thing.

"And, Ishimori, don't you want to make it?

It's time for flour and rice flour.

And lunch turned into pasta.

Fettuccine with tomato sauce. No, it feels like you've got rice levels all at once! You're all like, "What is this, a subspecies of mushroom noodles?" or something like that.

Well, it was well received.

If fermentation can be managed with skills well, I would definitely like to try bread or something.

Oh, in that case, I need you to make me an oven for food.

Well, the rice is over, and the president, who keeps making poison with a nibble, and everyone but the needlework, the birds and the mowing valley, who's making something extensively, seems to be having a post-meal nap and a sprinkle.

How many hours are you going to sleep? No, that's fine.

And I challenge you to make fermented foods.

Let's start with alcoholic fermentation.

Crush the pink grapes in a wooden barrel... uh, nothing.

... and try things for now. Alcohol fermentation! Try to remember.

Moments later, a mysterious luminescence familiar with the activation of skills occurred...... I glanced at the barrel and I was about to get drunk. Yeah, this, it's already alcoholic! It's fast!

... Yeah, but is this, seriously, properly alcoholic fermentation?

Can you do something toxic?

And he is the president of these times. I got an 'appraisal'.

"Oh, it looks fine." Wine (Rosé) "is out. Sounds like it's not poison."

Uh, is it rosé because I made it out of pink grapes? Ah.

... How do you make red?

He then succeeded in producing the bread with the fermentation of the East fungus-like, as well as the salted lactic acid fermentation of the radishes.

And if you look at the dog tag, there was an added skill called 'fermentation'.

Wow. I've got more skills again.

So tonight's dinner is venison stew.

The presence of flour and wine works.

Oh, because the staple food is rice. It's Japanese.

After all, an increase in the breadth of cereals means an increase in the breadth of rice.

Since there are more ingredients available, even simple, parallel combinations are increasing in number. No, it's good food and worth it.

"Well, it's time to review our skills and everything else."

Oh, yeah. I've been wanting to brag about my skills, too, haven't I?

That's a lot more, and for fuck's sake, it's "The Keeper Dog". Looks like Ketrami.

So we all got to see all the dog tags.

This is more or less the case.

Suzumoto "Wanderer"

"Slash," "One-Handed Swordsmanship," "Flying," "Cursive Arts," "Sword Dance," "Toxic Resistance," "Increased Recovery Speed," "Magic Sword," "Living Together"

"Disease Slash," "Swallow," "Emerald," "Flying Feather," "Mockingjay," "Eagle," "Cherry Blossom."

Hanagasaki "The Wizard"

"Water Magic," "Ice Magic," "Wind Magic," "Chant Omission," "Poison Resistance," "Warm Cold Resistance," "Light Magic."

Ice Bullet, Ice Coffin, Water Cutter, Fresh Stream, Windcutter, Tempest, Lens, Ice Shield, Ice Edge, Water Wall, Blizzard, Hurricane, Lightning


"Appraisal," "Soil Magic," "Mapping," "Civil Magic," "Emergency Avoidance," "Toxic Dictionary," "Exploration," "Farsighted"

"Earth Wall," "Earth Bullet," "Farming," "Muddy," "Poison Rain," "Poison Arrow," "Poison Marsh."

"Toxic Dictionary" = "Toxic Production" + "Toxic Resistance" + "Toxic Appraisal" + "Toxic Attack"

Horn Three "Knight"

"Swordsmanship," "Bravery," "Slash," "Shield," "Hungry," "Poison," "Flame," "Magic Sword."

"Clean Hit," "Shield Guard," "Air Slash," "Force Blade," "Fireguard," "Energy Sword," "Explode."

Kabir "Musketeer"

"Archery," "Sniping," "Wind Magic," "Mechanism Production," "Modification," "Toxic Resistance," "Increased Shooting Speed," "Metalworking," "Skilled," "Optical," "Perverted Skills," "Snipe"

"Needle Shot," "Wind Arrow," "Fresh Wind," "Windcutter," "Laser Shot."

Needle Raw 'Assassin'

"dagger technique," "duplicity," "eye-catching," "wood processing," "acrobat," "poison resistance," "flying," "dark vision," "hidden," "dark magic."

"Crosscutter," "Binary Slash," "Falcon," "Eagle," "Shadow Edge," "Shadow Crossing."

Birdsea 'Guardian'

"Swordsmanship," "Shieldsmanship," "Robust," "Metalworking," "Dismantling," "Dexterity," "Sensing."

"Clean Hit," "Shield Guard," "Big Defense," "Big Cut," "Float Shield"

Kaiya "Cleric"

"Caning," "Light Magic," "Holy Magic," "Stone Processing," "Appraisal"

"Purification," "Holy Light," "Laser Shot," "Light Sphere"

Maido 'Maid'

"Cleaning," "Aging," "Song Song," "Allowance," "Increased Recovery Speed," "Water Sprinkling," "Clothes Making," "Dyeing," "Keeper Dog," "Fermentation"

"Prayer Song" "Wish Song"

"Clothes Production" = Textile Alchemy + Yarn Spinning + Machine Weaving + Sewing

... as floating as ever.

And once again, some questions arise.

"Uh, Kaiya and I both remember 'Laser Shot'... but the process is totally different, this"

"I learned in 'Light Magic'...... is that the bird adding 'Optical Mechanism', maybe?

"Yeah, it's like that."

Apparently, you can get the same moves from very different skills.

Hmm, the process of acquiring skills can be separate, and, well, don't be so convinced.

However, these two 'laser shots', both the activation process and the effect, are something different.

If you're a bird additive, the laser device that said you made it out of the "optical mechanism"... Yeah, really, you used a bow until this time, didn't you? Yeah... well, that's the reality of the moves, too, where the rabbit attacks with a laser out of the laser device.

However, in Kaiya, he gathers light in his hands with "Light Magic" and releases it all at once, a move that feels like it.

... Something's wrong, huh? Isn't that strange? I wonder if it's strange, well, let's be convinced that it's of a different world quality.

Then, this one's a little important.

"Hey guys, I may have misremembered, but come on... profession, haven't you changed?

Horizon, everyone but you and me was changing their profession.

"... Torikai and Kaiya."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. He was a warrior and a monk, wasn't he? But when he found out, he said he was becoming a priest with the Guardian."

Oh, yeah. Right. Uh, then, you're Hornsan.

"Horizon, you haven't changed your profession in particular, have you?

"Oh, yeah."

"A buddy!

I'm not alone! There are others who haven't changed their profession! And I was just making a small leap.

"Uh, Maido, it's very hard to say, but I think Kakusan's already changed his profession once."

... Huh?

Oh, such a banana! If I thought so, I had an explanation.

"First of all, Horn Three, what was your starting point, remember?

"Toilet Start Me"

"Tortoise - and me..."

Somehow, Hornsan seems unhappy with you, but I'll let you through.

"Yes, I mean, at this point, Kakusan, you're much less likely to survive than we are."

That's right.

Force is a squared number of people. In other words, if the number of people is 1: 2, their battle power difference is 1: 4.

Before a simple number of acts of violence, Kakusa-san, there is no way to make it.

Besides, the bathroom is not suitable for rest inside, and I don't have supplies.

"Then you think it's okay to have a handful from the beginning, don't you?


Otherwise, you wouldn't give it a shot, would you?

"So, Horizon, you've been a 'knight' from the beginning, but I think this is probably a top position. Whatever you think, it's somewhat odd that 'warriors' and 'knights' line up. Then, Fukuyama, who said he was in the hallway and started in the river by himself, seemed to be a 'knight', which also matches the information."

Hmm, that makes sense. Achievement. If you start out on your own with harsh conditions, senior positions from the beginning.

Yeah. I guess we can balance it out.

No, no, no, no, no, it's not good. Not so good!

"And why am I still a maid of honor?

"... come on..."

It's a maid, but come on, isn't it okay if I can move to a sewer or a tutor or something?

What is it? I knew I was the only one hubbed from something legal in this world?

What is it? What is this?

Now that Ketrami's made a watchdog, I'm finally up for battle too! Or so I thought, this is it.

Is that it? Is that the system where you all grow up for that matter if I chase you down? What's this?

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