The book came out of a mysterious box that came out of the snake's belly.


I can't read it!

Instead of Japanese, I don't think it's probably any language on the planet.

Something like a postponed sentence in a letter I've never seen is a substitute for a headache just watching.

Well, since it's thick, it could be a pickle stone replacement.

That's a joke, and I think maybe you can do something with your skills.

So quickly 'appraisal'.


"* Unappraisable *"

... you bastard.

In this case, you may know if you ask the president or Kaiya who seems to have a higher level of 'appraisal' than I do, but we're both taking a nap!

If so, okay. I think I'll try to 'share'!

... No, let's not.

I don't care what you think. That only has a feeling about landmines.

It's not too late to at least wake everyone up and have the two of you appraise them.

Because it's not strange that anyone but me could read this book.

All right, cook lunch for the adults and wait.

So lunch is stir-fried rice and soup.

I also wanted to add dumplings in the mood, but the only raw meat I have right now is snake meat...

I would like to go with a pig or deer if possible.

You've all been awake, so I'm going to try to get out an earlier book while I have lunch.

"... so this is the book that came out of the box that came out of the snake's belly"

"Heh, will you take a look then?" Appraisal ""

Where the president tried to 'appraise' while eating stir-fried rice quickly.

"... uh, no. I don't think so. You only come out with" O O O O O O O O Grimoire. "

Grimoire...... the Book of Magic?

Hmm, looks like a book of magic for now, I know.

"Oh, then I'll try next." Appraisal ""

I also 'appraised' Kaiya.

"Oh, yeah. I wonder if you're lucky, I get it." Alive Grimoire. "

... a living magic book?

This smell is so suspicious.

That's how the rice ends. In the meantime, no one could read the book, so I put it away and let's go through the desert first.

Keep it up and you'll have raw meat... Oh, you guys don't seem to be able to resist eating snake meat, do you? I don't want variations.

Or staying in this temperature forever, or not being sane.

So we're marching through the desert again.

Yesterday to the boulder... or last night? It didn't come out like a snake in, well, while I kicked some grubby fish handling supplies, I went gunning.

Once you've moved on.

"... Hey Maido, where are you going, not that way"

Something's strangely going in the direction I want to go, and strangely I'm going to point my foot that way.

No, it's enough, Ketrami.

"Uh... I feel like something's happened over here"

"... a snake"

"Snakes, I guess."

"It must be a snake."

... Yeah, you probably think it's the after-effect of 'sharing' with that snake.

It's just a problem......

"I feel like I've been hiding something important there."

As a result of the meeting, I decided for now to try to go in the direction I somehow wanted to go.

It was good to be a group that loved stopping by.

"Ah, here."

In the middle of the desert, I found a big rock. And when I broke in through the crack that was on that rock, I discovered a big snake loose shell there. This would be bingo.

"It was important."

"Yeah. I feel like it was something very important and I love"

The crack in the rock is wide for the price, dark.

Only the light entering through the entrance cannot be seen to the back.

"Dark - I can't see"

"Oh, then I'll brighten it up. It's dazzling for a moment, so be careful."

A few spheres of light floated in the universe when I thought that Kaiya was a little more than anything.

"Light sphere," they say. So when the interior was illuminated, I finally saw the whole thing.

And the 'important stuff' the snake was hiding.

"... uh..."

"Yeah, this is... what do we do?

Both your confusion and your particular.

There was a snake child there.

Just like the parent snake, it's a black snake, and the only eyes are red as ruby.

I touched it unexpectedly, and it feels like it's going to be a habit with a strangely good touch.

Size is about 0.5m long. The thickness is about thumb. It's a two-handed size when the curtain is rolled.

Awesome...... cute.

"So, Maido, what do you do about it? Do you keep it?"

Would you like to keep it? I killed the parent snake.

But maybe we should leave it to the flow of nature.

But it's also irresponsible, and there's no reason why I should be responsible for keeping it.

Hmmm...... Oh, yeah.

"Er... shouldn't I ask a book snake who's not in person"

You were all reluctant, but you took your permission.

Well, that's going to be hard on you once.

This time, we'll make use of reflection and do it well.


Wrap the child snake around your arms well and stick your forehead around your head. Oh, I'm limping.

Okay, 'Sharing'.

... That's not so hard.

I haven't had much information since I was born, or what?

Or is it simple to make because you're a reptile, or something?

Well, no. Let's just call it in and find it.



... Responses are doomed and tearful fast.

That was a little unexpected.

I went to the person who replied and the little snake was frightened.


"Hello. Who?

Who?... Hmmm what should I explain.

"Uh, it's a stubborn maid. Your parents ate me last night and I'm dying."

"But he's alive."


"So your mother's dead?

"Yeah. Because I didn't want to die either. You can resent me."

"Oh well. It's okay. I knew someone would kill me one day."

Child snakes are not particularly angry or sad, they are just frightened.

Kind of like wearing a shoulder watermark.

"You killed my mother?

"I think I was the one making the decision."

Although it is a difficult question to answer, I honestly answered because I think you would be lying if you misled me here.

Sometimes it's easy to answer because this little snake is strangely dry.

"Yeah, well, then you're strong."

The suggestion is that the child snake does not say anything in particular, but simply leans his neck and says so.

You're dry. Yeah, it's dry.

"No, I'm weak."

"Weak, but you could beat your mother?

I have company.


The child snake wanted to talk to me for a reason, so, well, I was willing to stick with the story until I felt better, so I was talking.

Then the bomb dropped.

"... Speaking of which, you killed him, and you have a mother in you."


I sprinkled according to the child snake's gaze, hi, there he is. It's a big snake.

"... Hi"

Heart bug. Nice. Once I greeted him, he licked his face like 'yes yes'.

Oh, this is a sign of Ketrami and his kind.

"... why are you here"

Though you would have died.

... Oh, could this be a memory? It is said that the memory of the parent snake forms the appearance of the parent snake and is here.

"That sort of thing. What we have here is my mother's memory. Thanks for bringing it, Mom."

The child snake then climbed onto his shoulder as he wrapped it around my arm, stretching his body from it and poking the parent snake at the tip of his head.

When I poked him, the fluffy parent snake disappeared from there, and later the only thing left was the child snake.

"Mom, I got it, but it's good, right?

"Go ahead."

If you'd told me that, I certainly couldn't remember anything unnatural or personal in my head.

Now I think I can get out of the state of headache.

"… so. You little snake. What are you gonna do?

"What are we going to do?

"Are you coming with us? Or are you in the desert?

"Hmm... I'm coming with you. You look funny because you're different."

Oh, well. Don't flatter me like that, you can light me up, right?

... Forget it. Well, it's late, then, but it's an introduction.

"Bye, name. I'm Maido."

"Maido. Okay. Greetings."

"Child snake, what's your name?

"Nothing in particular. If you need it, Maido will put it on."

What, what, a monster basically doesn't have a name?

... I wonder how you're individually identifying...

"Well... All right, your name is Huntle"

It comes from a hammered tortoise snake.

I could even name it, so I left.

As soon as I left, Huntle and I met each other.

When I looked at him, Huntle came up his arms and settled down on my neck.

"Maido, what happened after all?"

Oh, excuse me. You guys left it behind. Excuse me. Excuse me.

"Yeah, I was supposed to go with something. Nice to meet you."

'Say hello!'

... talked... Is that it, or will you start talking when you 'share', these guys?

So we had one more buddy.

Make up for the stopover and quickly go south again.

I even kept walking. Finally, I could see the end of the desert.

It was also sundown in those days, so I expanded my room in a wasteland sandwiched by deserts and meadows.

You're staying here today.

In front of Huntle, I was hesitant to eat snake meat, so I would eat smoked meat for dinner.

As for snake meat, after consulting with you and Huntle, I decided to lay low.

The bones and scales were rather for me to use, so let me use them for something here.

I decided to let Mr. Ketrami futon because it seems like he probably won't get sandy after sleeping outside today.

Heaven is waiting for you to 'clean' quickly and then bury it in your belly.

Oh, happiness.

... and if you're happy and indulgent, something's cold about your neck.

I opened my eyes and the hunt was stuck.

That's crazy, I think I made you a bunk in the lab for you.

"I'll sleep with Maido too!

That's why I asked Mr. Ketrami once.

"Whatever you want, it won't change now that you have more disciples."

So from now on, I'm going to sleep alone with one head and one.

Collaboration between muddy fuzzy and limp slippery.

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