Last reveal.

When I placed my order on the book that I wanted to be strong to the point where I never pulled my leg, they refused to understand.

Why don't you understand? That's what I don't understand.

Is that so weird!? Is that strange to the extent that I don't understand it!?

Hey, I'm gonna cry.

... for now, I've become a no-can.

That means there are four left.

Yeah... a maid spends her hopes on living like a maid...

If it's Nocan who wants to be strong, maybe the equivalent skills and corrections will also be invalid with Nocan treatment.

Ma, once.

"Tell me more about the corrections that seem to hang on people from other worlds than me."

"That is given only to those who have a purpose, as a means, when the other realm crosses into this world. not given to those whose purpose is power '

Oh, Cheng Cheng, I just want to be strong, then, I can't. If you mean you want to do something, you want to be strong for it, then you can be strong.

Except that, apparently, was decided when it blew up into this world.

In other words, it is currently unalterable.

Me, stay uncorrected.

... stay weak, decision.

But you don't really remember what happened when you blew up into this world.

I don't know what you wanted.

Looks like everyone but me has a correction hanging on them, but I guess that's what you were all about.

Or what was my purpose? I'm worried about you.

A lot of people are getting corrected and making me say "buoy buoy," and now I'm doing it without correction... Was my purpose force?

Because purpose is power, and that means something else is given to you, or something?

... um, I do want muscle, something like this... it doesn't stick...

Um, no. Barren. It's no use thinking. Let's go next, next.

"If we were to come into contact with the inhabitants of this world, how would we behave then?

'Lay low that thou art of the other kingdom. Women's servants are often stolen. Especially with those of different worlds, there will be many who will be after them. Thou shalt change thyself, and blend into this world.

Ho. Now I don't think I have any more worries right now.

Encount with residents as soon as you get to 1F, or maybe something.

Right, I could be stolen... stolen? Huh?

Oh, well, you had slavery.

Are people from different worlds susceptible to being stolen ah......

... The girl who was in 1F when she was blown away by this world, will she be okay?

I can't help but worry. Let's go next.

"As it stands, tell me how to build the strongest equipment I can make."

"Rongupa? Why don't we just make clothes out of cloth and embroider them and reinforce them?

Ah, embroidery. Cheng Cheng. I didn't think of that.

All right, we'll try it when we get home.

Okay. It's the last one.

The last question is settled. Yeah. I could have been the first to do anything about this, but come on.

"Tell me how to get home from here"

Yes, I, I couldn't figure out the exit.

Because there's no point in breaking up like this if you can't go home.

The book remained silent for a while, and then finally, it represented the letters.

"If you want to go home, you can go home."

"Go home, then."

"The number of things I've already fulfilled my hopes has passed"

Whoa, this, could you possibly go home? Isn't that bad, this?

"This isn't a contract or anything, it's just a favor."

"Then no."


One, I can't connect.

Is that it, the grudge of Gale's panties?

"I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you again."

A string written on a new page with some kind of puzzling text is strangely adorable.

Oh well. Do you miss the person you're talking to?

"Is it only once that you could possibly come here?

"The next time you come here, hope will not come true."

Something's off, this book.

Maybe you don't come here if you can't get what you want, do you?

About to come and talk to me for a minute, I can.

"No, you can't come here anymore, not just talk about n points per person?

"There is no precedent. No one's been here twice."

Oh, that's what people have been like before.

Then I wonder if I can help it if I don't want to go home.

But I have to go home. It's time for all of you to worry.

"Then let me try to reach the frontier where I was before. So give it back."

"That's what I'm going to say and never come again."

... This guy won't listen to anything you say?

Damn, you're getting angry, aren't you? What is it? You're not listening to people? This guy?

I can't help it, then, let me stir it up fully.

"Is there no intellectual curiosity in that, even if it carries out intellectual activities? Don't you want to prove that you can come here twice? Your intelligence's gonna cry, huh?

"Gu Tu"

intelligence, I tried stirring it up while emphasizing the word, and it was more puffy than I expected.

Oh, the book, not the letters. The letters are plump.

I'm getting a little pathetic, so let's shake some more.

"Because we have intelligence, you think we can build something called trust. What do you say?"

"Because I'm intelligent"

"Because I'm intelligent"

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

And finally, when the page turned, there was mysterious luminescence around me.

Apparently, he's returning me.

'I have decided to bet on your intelligence and trust you. It's bound to happen again. "

How adorable was the reply written in tiny letters at the end of the page.

"Yeah. Hi. I'll be back."

Where I waved, my consciousness was distant.

The feeling of leaving the usual 'sharing' feels like a longer stretch.

"Hey, hey! Maido! Reply!

"Say yes or no!

... When he regained consciousness, he seemed to have returned from the book. And noisy.


I tried to respond to your wishes and they made me look indescribable.

of reassuring half, frightening quarter, angry quarter, or so.

"Why do you choose to reply that way? In other words, that was the Aya of the Word."

They're the ones who don't make sense.

When I woke up, I was surrounded by all of you.

That, Dejav. Oh, this is what happened when you were melted by a snake.

"Remember? You suddenly collapsed?

Speaking of which, I, you're lying down. You stood up and poked your head at the book.

"The book won't come off at all, and I was really worried about it."

The needle student was flipping with the book in his arms, as the saying goes.

That's it. Maybe I pulled the book off so suddenly that I fell over momentum.

I'm sorry about that.

"I thought it might be because the book suddenly left... but I'm glad you're okay."

I'll take the book from the needlework and roll the page.

"Oh, why the letters?"

There were letters there, letters that could normally be read.

When I read it, it seemed to sum up what I asked the book.

Hmm, this is an unfortunate memory. The book kept it for me, right?

No, that would help.

Especially around the money, it's very convenient.

This is going to help in the future.

I will work in embroidery while you all do the spinning reading of books.

In the meantime, I decided to try to embroider it with inconspicuous coloured yarn on the apron.

I mean, I got more skills called 'embroidery'. Yeah. Really.

This also looks like a skill and allows the needle to be moved and embroidered at an unlikely speed.

And after all...... this' embroidery 'also seems to be a mountain-like skill to experiment with.

Yeah, I was thinking that.

Gentlemen, it looks like you've finished reading the book.

"There's a lot of ambiguity, but now you know we have to do it. We have to collect the Shards of the World and restore them to their original form. By the way, shards of the world, what?

"I don't."

... Really, I should have heard that.

I was surprised.

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