Yes, it's a coliseum.

Yesterday... Isn't that another yesterday? Yeah, you've got a lot fewer people than you saw yesterday.

Or, first of all, different types of people.

I had a bunch of muscle owners wandering around yesterday who seem to be replacing me with wall beaters, but now there's a lot of kids and kappoo.

There are fountains, flower beds, benches, and stalls selling drinks and snacks around the coliseum, making it worthy of a relaxing place.

That's why this staffing isn't weird.

Or maybe it was before the gladiators' tournament, so yesterday was crazy. Maybe.

Put that aside, we have to serve our purpose quickly.

The reason I came before this colloquium is because there is nothing to block it the most, and it is in the middle of King's Capital and Castle Town.

I mean, during this king's capital, your voice is the easiest to reach.

And then, because we want height, let's start by looking for shades that don't stick to people.

Hmm, the shade of another unpopular dead fountain in the unpopular corner looks just right.

All right. All right. Walk out there and burn it firmly in your eyes. This is my lifeline.

And look up at the sky.

... the sky is beautiful. Yeah. Keep a good eye on this one.

Then all you have to do is be brave! So take a deep breath.

All right. Then hurry up. Yes, I'll go. "Metastasis".

The destination is… GO around 300 m above.

My vision is suddenly dyed blue and the town looks far down. Oh, that's beautiful.

But that too, well, for a moment, the fall begins immediately.

Ababa, I'm more scared than I expected. This! It's not like my butt is squirming. This!

I wanted to 'transfer' to the back of an earlier fountain on the ground immediately, but if we don't do it here, it's a waste of 'transfer' MP! All right, breathe heavily! Come on, come on!


I'll scream! And I'll call you! The voice echoed loudly. Where are you in Wang Du, you heard me.

Only, the problem is... now that I screamed something, I felt an MP spill... yes, no, I'm fine. Look, it's got 'reduced mobile magic consumption MP' on the long pannier, and there's more MP, and it's okay, right? There's not enough MP or anything, right?

Okay, well, I'm just going to 'transfer' to the ground. Huh!

Now we're good! This should be okay!

... activate, do not.

It should have been enough, but for some reason it looks like it's out of MP.

...... lying.

The ground is getting closer and closer.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Hey, seriously, you're gonna die for this. This!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Damn it! I'm taking the apron off now! I was taking it off!

Oh, hey, if we don't manage to find a way to survive this, and the earth is looming while we circle our thoughts.

And inadvertently, a beautiful blunt color plundered from the edge of my sight.


Along with a reliable voice, an invisible wall… or supported by a cushion.

Then I landed on a soggy, fuzzy one. The impact was mostly killed by the cushion, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Are you stupid or Temeye is! You bothered to call people in and throw yourself to death!?

... Apparently, one hair at a time, Ketrami helped me in time.

"Hey, no sukichi"

"It's not a nice catch, Temee, if I hadn't come and done it, I'd be dead!?

So, right? Really, I can't get my head up for Dr. Ketrami, yes.

Wow, my heart is still bugging me. I saw the horse lantern.

Yeah, me again, I'm not 'transferring' over the sky...

I didn't want to stand out, but at the same time I was exposed to a huge number of gazes.

That's right, what the hell, Mr. Ketrami?

If all of a sudden such a big wolf flies out, then we'll all see.

Well, I don't have time to worry about that.

"Ketrami, do you know where you are now?

"I know, I don't know... until just now I was with them."

In the meantime, it's just going to get noticed even if you're here, so I'll have you headed that way.

Of course, it's not far from a full-blown disease, but I still think it's pretty fast.

"What's going on there? I shouldn't?

"What... uh... I'm sorry, I don't know. but... maybe if you go, everything will be settled, I mean... '

Oh, it's rare for Mr. Ketrami to have a bad tooth cut. What's wrong with you?

"Maybe it's just you who can stop them."

...... hmm? Well, that's... what do you mean?

Mr. Ketrami flushed and ran (still I was desperately clinging and finally!) Finally I arrive where you are.

It was a port that ran southwest of the Coliseum.

Outside that harbor, the lonely impression. Um, it's a hangout. I feel like it.

And due to Mr. Ketrami's consideration, he stopped at quite a distance.

You know, from here on out, it's not like I'm gonna be able to tell if you're okay to look at me.

"Are you that gross? Or are you horny?

"I don't really understand the situation. I've only seen it on the way."

Well, then you can't help it, and it might be hard for Mr. Ketrami the Wolf to understand human circumstances.

"So there's something about you, far-sighted moves, you know. Use it to see and judge. '

Oh, speaking of which, you got that. I forgot.

Okay, well... 'Farsighted'.

At once the view in the distance became well visible to be magnified... and there it was... a hell of a painting.

What got into my eyes was Suzumoto waving a knife with a horribly cold look on his blood.

Slashed all over with a knife is a man handcuffed to the back of his hand.

And next to Suzumoto is Kaiya, who heals the slashed from one end. This one has no expression until horrible.

Oh, you're talking about something.

And another flash. The man was mercilessly scratched in the chest.

The wound is relentless and healed by the pruning valley.

Talk about something again, another flash. Now my arm is severed. The screams echo and the whole place is spreading with cancer blood.

And Suzumoto can be applied to blood even if it is returned with blood.

Mowing valley to heal pale.

Uh, this, that one? Torture. Ah.

... Awesome Hell Pictures!

And a little further away, he was put in an ice case, and he was watered down there and blamed for it, and Hanagasaki-kun, who blames it on the water. This one is also faceless.

Further next door, the president is alternating between the contents of the two flasks with a deranged grin. Maybe that's one poison, one antidote or a restorative.

And away from there, those bound with ropes and bitten with monkeys are watched by Hornsan-kun, Needlework, Toriko, and Toriko Sea. Uh, I guess I'm waiting for the order of those 'sealed handcuffs'......

Sure, I'll fix this in one shot when I get out. Maybe.

At least I feel like that madness of yours will stop.

So I'm walking fast to hell.

When I walked in hard, people on watch noticed, but people who torture me don't.

But for now, I'll gesture to have you keep your mouth shut on the lookout.

Go further and gently pull the sleeve of the bloody Suzumoto from behind for now. Hey, notice.

The moment I pulled it, I accidentally took a step back because I was turned around with a great kill.

And Suzumoto, though he looked surprised for a moment when he looked at me, immediately noticed that he stopped being a killer and got an indescribable look.

I hear Kaiya noticed me, too. The expression was soothing.

Well, because you can't make a setting without saying it from this side before they say something.

"Hi there. Don't worry, Marie's been helping."

Oh, my God, I am now a lady with brown hair and green eyes, especially not white, and not even a maid of honor, so I have trouble being accidentally called Marie or something.

You shouldn't know that Marie was able to escape on her own.

The unexpected is strong. That felt so real in the course of the escape.

Maybe I can't beat those Osama's if it wasn't accidental.

So it's a little bad to say that Marie was able to escape on her own here.

A person in this world who is very weak and incompetent and dumb to the point of eating rice without realizing even if it is served with medication.

That setting makes it very easy to do it in the future.

Because if you think you're weak, you still have a chance.

"Oh, that helps. How much do I have to pay?"

Suzumoto will talk to you for now, so let's go with this one.

"Hey, that doesn't have to be anything in shape, does it? For example, information about what happened to Marie before I helped her."

In the meantime, you want to know what's going on. Why are you such a hell of a painting, or something?

"Oh, right, first of all... Yeah, I know you've heard from Marie, but she drugged me at that inn, right?

Yes, I know. It was delicious.

"We were put to sleep by that, too, and when I woke up, it was yesterday afternoon."

Uh, me, I woke up, it was this morning... Is this part of your correction? Early Wake Up Correction?

"Then I realized there was no Marie or the store owner, and I split up and looked for them. I met you in the process."

Oh, yeah. That's the setting, yes, I understand.

"So I asked you for Marie's figure. Then, at night...... these guys sent me a letter man-made. Instead of handing Marie over, give someone inside of us as a slave."

... Uh, I could read it, I could read it, ahead.

"With disarmed and handcuffed and restrained from using magic on his arms, come here, as instructed, and I'm going to leave and ambush everyone else in the gap that will be in exchange for Marie's physique... Marie can't give it to me, it's when, everyone who was hiding is well, beautiful"

Ooh... I just wanted to see that. All of you who have fallen apart would have been as capable of fighting as the gods.

"I got Ketrami to bring me a knife later, so I joined the fight... because it came with a piece in a few minutes, and then, well, if I wanted to do the guy I was just doing and make Marie throw up... you came,"

Yeah. Understood. I understand until I can paint a hell of a picture.

I also understand that exotic men are probably more valuable than women in this world. Naturally.

And then, yeah. Though this may be the most troublesome thing... to the extent that others think you won't hate being enslaved for one slave... I'm being treated like a non-slave, I also understand.

... measures, I have to think about it.

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