"Sounds real..."
"Something... no"
I came to the conclusion that 'Katakana is a Magic Theory' was true or something close to it, but it was something of a disapproval.
Mostly to Hanagasaki and Kakusan.
But you can't help it, that's how it's done.
Okay, well. Speaking of skills, some of this stuff happened.
"I got this from the kidnapper, so whoever you want, go ahead."
I just put my outfit back in made-up style and took it off when I went back to Mr. Rosemary and stuck it in my bag, and I forgot.
Yes. It's a 'thunderous' brooch and a 'hidden' bracelet.
"Kakusan and I can use Lightning, but what difference does it make in the first place?"
Um, 'thunder' and 'lightning'.
... It just sounds, I guess, 'thunderous' or something.
I'm not sure about this either, and I'm scared to try that, so I've been deposited with Hanagasaki-kun for now. Think again when you know more about the effects.
"Maybe it was me when I tried to get a 'hidden shape', but I can do it on my own now."
Yes. Assassin needle students, who would have needed it most, have already acquired their skills on their own.
"If I were to erase the signs, it would be me or the president... oh Maido, even you"
Wait a minute, what are you gonna do when I get out of sight!
"That'll make you a little less conspicuous."
... Sure, yeah, I stand out, I wonder why.
"But I think it's more practical than that to make the signs harder to read and reduce the bullet rate in Suzumoto"
It would save the recoverer MP, reduce the burden on Suzumoto in the first place, and maybe increase his attack hit rate.
So this one went to Suzumoto.
Okay. Tentative way to distinguish between magic and skill. Okay, as.
This is the emergence of the most suddenly needed problem I have discovered.
Yes. My treatment is not slave-like, so I've been feeding you all.
So I want you all to make an effort to treat me more like a slave, because I need you to.
When I told you all about…, you looked very disgusted.
"Honestly, it's hard to treat you like a slave."
I've heard that before.
"Hmm, so why don't we just buy slaves from this world?
"You can't buy a woman, can you?
There's no way you can buy women's slaves and treat them badly.
"I don't care if you buy a man - he seems sorry if you buy an older slave, and if you buy a younger one, that would be bad aftertaste..."
Slaves, for once we've already seen them in this town... but what a tough muscle mashi-mashi man to see collared... it's unbearable.
Or, when little boys are the same, that's unbearable.
"No, go ahead and buy a woman, if you take it to Maido and the forbidden garden!
"That won't be a fundamental solution. In the end, the problem is that we can't treat slaves like slaves, not the existence of slaves. Unfortunately, if we bought a slave, we would definitely have feelings. If they take us hostage, we end up doing the same thing over and over again."
As soon as Kaiya said something, the president disputed it.
... Yeah, that's right.
In the end, all we need is a 'slave without love'... and that's not possible.
Maybe we can't treat slaves like slaves.
"Then I guess other than Mr. Maido should be slaves"
"No, that's not going to happen. Remember carefully, gentlemen! Why I'm a slave!
"Why... because if we don't, we risk being enslaved to us, right?
Half correct, but half unanswered.
"Have you forgotten? The slaves of the otherworlds are quite high in this world. That's why they're so easy to target, and that's why I'm the slave who can 'disguise' you."
If I accidentally enslave someone within you,
Maybe they'll steal it at the speed of light.
There's going to be a huge crowd coming. Because you're a slave to the other world.
When I said that, you all shut up.
And this is what came out after the silence.
"Maido, why are you so popular with the guys in this world when you're 'disguised'?
"I like blue-eyes white humans, I'm sure. Aren't you guys?
"It's not, it's not, it's not, what I'm trying to say"
"No, I don't like western things that much."
"Oh, I understand. I understand. I don't know what I'm talking about."
"That's not what they're asking me!?
"I prefer dragons to humans if I'm blue-eyes white."
"You shut the fuck up!
"I prefer Maido's hair, black. Matching. '
"Eh... honestly, I don't care..."
When I said it, there was some dispute about the meeting place.
I'm sorry about that.
Let's get back to it.
Yes, excuse me.
"I don't know what to say, but you're... you're never bad, but you're never the most beautiful woman in the world."
I don't care if it's ever bad, but yeah, I think so myself.
"Suddenly they're asking me to sell it... isn't that strange?"
Yeah, I think so, too. No, I don't know what to say, I would never solve this, because there's slavery, or just for that reason.
"That's why blonde blue eyes are so popular in this world."
"So, your idea is that if you weren't a blonde, you wouldn't suddenly be told to sell me like before, would you?
"On the contrary, that's all I can think about."
"Ok.... I have a lot of gladiator tournaments to go to anyway. Let's take a break and let's experiment and spill it."
Don't forget, what we're here for is a bunch of friends. It was a group of kids who loved experiments.
But first, let's have dinner because I'm hungry.
I hear you guys have been eating snacks I bought at the street, and I'm telling you, I haven't eaten anything since last night.
No, I was almost asleep.
So my MP recovered, and I moved to the area where the lab was originally located in Metastasis.
Note that Ketrami didn't bring the inn because the inn will crumble when he 'transfers' to the inn in the first place.
Perhaps you're eating dinner outside Wang Du.
Well, when we get there, we'll expand the classroom and have dinner.
I have the rest of the bear meat and venison, so I'll cook it up big.
Cook vegetables as well as meat!
Yes, so-called barbecue. The sauce is prepared with a flavored sauce based on onion salt and a sweet and spicy sauce-based sauce.
Plus, if you cook plenty of rice, it's ready.
And between dinner preparation and dinner time, the maids are working for the dolls.
Make plenty of fiber first, then spin it later, and have it woven.
My little maids are so cute that the dolls are scratching me.
I mean, 'dyeing' and 'embroidery' is a big deal because I can make and eat rice while moving 20 bodies at once with independent thinking.
I just prepared, and later you all cooked and ate yourselves, so I just finished the meal, dyed and cut the cloth I could from one end and sewed it, and made a few clothes for men that looked like 'excavations'.
The model is the one the president is wearing right now. Yes. This, for sale.
No, no matter how many, if it's the dress again, it's bad for Osama the pawnshop.
Seems like you've all finished your dinner, so 'metastasis' again. Move near the pawn shop at Deiche Mall and ask Sakura to sell it to Birdsea.
This makes 1,800 silver coins. 180 sheets of gold coins and 18 sheets of white gold coins.
No, I'm scared of making too much money.
Well, now that we've got the military funding, we're starting experiments.
The experimental venue is this Deiche Mall. The experimental methods are as follows:
1, Change your look with 'disguise' and wear the normal women's clothes and collars that you sell in this world, and shop a little off the main street, the source of your stalking.
Measure how many times you almost got caught in a couple of minutes.
3, Change your outfit for each measurement and come to the experiment.
Yeah. I'll take care of it, but at the point where your stalking came from, you're fine. Extremely good!
So it's a shopping let's go with 30 pieces of silver coins.
... No, I figured, it comes out missing stuff, so I wanted to buy more because it's a corner.
Mainly, bottles and other containers and, also, oil! Because the salad oil has finally run out! I want to buy oil! Or all I've ever done is cook to save oil. It's time for some fried food.
And then I want to buy salt and stuff. I also want spices.
If there's any other rare food, I'll buy it.
First buy 3 clothes for the experiment!
Is that what we're gonna do here? So I changed at the store and started experimenting.
Let's start with the blonde blue-eyed, intact.
But experiments, too. Shopping, shopping.
If you look at the market, it's interesting that there are quite a few different ingredients for sale.
There seems to be a variety of spices. All right, it's really the first purchase I've made since I've come to another world. Let's stick it out.
"Yes, after 30 minutes"
Oh, my God, I usually end up buying edible oils and spices, not especially if I can speak to anyone or get caught by anyone.
Oh, that?... I can't help it, so I'll go next.
Next, brown hair and green eyes.
This is the type of "disguise" you were doing earlier.
And salt.
Salt is also used to make miso and soy sauce, so it's about to run out.
Buy plenty at this time.
Yes, it's been half an hour.
Oh, that? Once again, nothing's over?
Yeah... it's not gonna be an experiment. Hey, are you okay? This.
At the end of the day, I decided by the Ami lottery, it's a docile outfit called Red Eyes on Pink Hair.
And it's a bottle.
The president uses bottles all the time to make poison, so we're out of bottles to keep seasonings and stuff.
I can't help it, so I'll buy it.
"Yes, End"
Oh, my God, this is over.
It's not gonna be an experiment!
In the meantime, I want to put away what I bought, so I 'transferred' to 2F Northeast before expanding the classroom.
"Results Presentation ~"
Somehow the bird sea of Norinoli writes letters on the blackboard.
"First Time: 6 Second Time: 5 Third Time: 5"
"So we didn't see any significant difference, so it all turned out the same."
"Whoa, that's awesome, this. We're out of perverts about once every five minutes. hahaha."
Ma, wait, wait, wait! Yes, when!
"No, it would be dangerous if you were counting where you got caught one at a time, and half an hour wouldn't be long. So I made it look like it, because I counted and I caught it."
Oh, my God, that's what it looks like!
"By the way, I'm the one who worked for the Lord! Eh."
Was it the Assassin needle student who worked after all? Scary. Scary.
"So you didn't get it after all."
Although I am satisfied because I could buy salt, oil, spices and bottles.
"But if you don't know, there's no cure for this."
"Right. Leave this guy alone, he'll catch you at a pace every five minutes, this guy."
Great numbers again. Once every five minutes. Ah.
But in the end, I don't know what caused it.
"... why don't we just ask the local residents?
If you can do that, you won't have a hard time.
What, you tell someone who goes to town, "Me, beautiful? ♪ Can you ask around? ♪ Oh, that's something else.
That's how you ask, "Pommerd! Pommerd!" or will it end? No, does an urban legend exist in this world?
No, no, no, but maybe we could have a suspicious conversation.
There is also a theory that even a mouth ripper is a book about three bills when it was originally made. But Pomard is in this world.
"Hey, Maido, are you listening?"
"Yeah, I don't think Pommerd's in this world"
"Okay, you weren't listening. I need you to 'disguise' Rosemary and then 'transfer' me in front of the pawn shop at Daiche Mall."
... Oh, I didn't hear that, but I get it.
From Osama the pawn shop, you buy information for money, right?
So 'metastasis'.
"Welcome... Whoa, it's not a very big place. What, is something happening again?
"I want to buy information. I'll give you a piece of gold."
Suzumoto put the gold coin on the counter.
"Thank you for always behaving like a big deal. So, what is this information you want to buy?"
Osama says no, Suzumoto grabbed me by the collar and pulled me out in front of Osama.
"Is this guy that beautiful?
... something, you didn't have any more. You're mine, too. What should I look like, me?
"You're a beauty, a beauty."
Well, you know, from earlier on, I don't know what to look like!
"Right. Then what's this guy like?"
Avoid me, and the next person to be pulled out was Hanagasaki-kun. Nannon.
"You're a beautiful boy."
"So what about this guy?
... so when I asked Osama about the facial deviation of everyone, something... returned an over-estimated rating.
"You've got all the beautiful men and women, I envy you. What, are you harassing me? Ahem? '.
For once. For once, let me explain.
I don't think you guys are all that beautiful.
No, it's never bad, but... I don't know, I mean, it's about to question Osama's assessment.
But why did this Osama make such a crazy decision?
"You flatter me... oh, you're still here"
When Suzumoto took out the beautiful vial, Osama panicked.
"Asshole! I'm telling you the truth! Don't use Shizuku of Truth in this place! No body! Do you dislike, dislike, or dislike! You guys!"
Oh, that's the Shizuku of Truth, isn't it? And Osama doesn't even feel like he's lying, he said.
...... yeah. Well, it's best if I ask.
"Um, are all exotic people just beautiful like this?
"Oh, some exotic people have all their beauty shapes. That's why exotic women get traded for high prices like assholes. Especially since the Lost Benefits of the Exotic are more important than that."
All right, all right.
I hear you all guessed something.
So the thank-you also retreated there.
Return to the 2F Northeast area with 'Metastases'.
"Correction, I suppose."
"Correction Unexpected"
"If it's going to be corrected, it's easier for him to understand. What is this?"
Conclusion, thanks for the correction.
People from different worlds probably have the "It looks so beautiful from the local population" correction.
Or something like that mysterious power is working, or the aesthetic sensation of the local residents is crazy, well, whatever.
...... yeah. Something... I can't do it. Awesome.
"Well, then the question that remains is Maido's fighting power."
Okay, here's the deal.
"... what about Maido's fighting power... can you handle it?
Horizon, you're gonna be the exact one choosing my wound!
"If we don't do something, we have to do something, because we're stuffed."
The president won't look me in the eye!
"Shouldn't you have no expectations?
Hanagasaki, your gaze is irresistibly cold!
... No, it's not your fault... but...
"After all, isn't practice the best?
"We've actually fought and fought better, and I wonder if there's anything we can do with skill and knowledge, even if we're less capable."
Oh, that, dubious clouds, huh?
"... All right, Maido. Show yourself when you're armed."
... Oh, I knew it?
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