Well. I broke up with the information room and newspaper club, and it's been a long time since I've had a small dinner.

Baked fish today. And miso soup, stewed, simmered, rice.

from fried and barbecued so I made it an excellent meal for my stomach.

And during dinner, we report on progress appropriately and come up with future policies.

"For now, don't be a special training for the gladiator tournament"

"So, Maido said, even if the first round of things can be worked out with that, what about Tori and Nona?

"Nona sucks, even if she can handle it 9-for-8, Tori would be tough if she didn't have any fighting power at all"

That's right.

If you decide on a combo like the one-shot artist called Stagnation & 'Lullaby', you can handle the first round of the Things section, but that's where you reveal your hand, so you can't use it in the Tri Nona section.

In the worst case scenario, you might be able to manage to hide thoroughly from escape and defense in Nona's department, but in Tori's... it's a little, no, it's pretty bad, I'm sure.

"Even if it sucks, I'm in trouble if you don't get me to dodge it. Honestly, I don't think I can afford to crack your recovery."

Suzumoto and Hanagasaki-kun are the ones I organize in Tori's department.

I'm not the type to attract and fight.

Instead, it's structured into an amusement position called Mr. Dahlia.

I'm a little uncomfortable leaving the avant-garde to Suzumoto alone. Originally, Suzumoto is in the position of half a guerrilla.

Then it would be a little too unbalanced if I didn't even have to go as far as avant-garde, but I couldn't do as much as a martial arts act.

But I have limited means of attack possible.

One is an operation called deploying a doll and having it tick with a needle or something.

However, only two types of dolls can I operate: wolf, maid.

If the maid accidentally lets the doll hold a sword or something, she will be judged not to be the earliest maid at that point, and she won't be able to move it.

So, Mr. Maid, the doll is armed to the extent of knives, tweezers, and needles.

... This is terrible.

The other is that if I bomb myself from an air war, I won't go along the right lines.

This one... maybe it will be a way to fight sprinkling even poison while continuing to 'metastasize' over the sky?

This is terrible, too.

Hmmm... anything else... oh yeah. I am the best in terms of resistance.

Poison and acid are almost ineffective, and they are resistant to pain. The recovery rate is also fast.

Hmm, so, why don't you just let me play shield?

I said something like that and it was immediately rejected.

Because if he dies from a single blow, he cannot recover.

Yeah, especially you.

Defense and HP were the paper, even if they were resistant.

"In the meantime, you can have some practice to avoid"

"Can we just practice with swords and fists? I'll do the sword with my staff, Suzumoto, please."


Somehow two pathetic people teaming up with me made up their minds, so I became the feather of horrible and harsh practice the next day.

Yes, good morning.

Long time no see. Slippery, fuzzy, moist.

When I greeted Ketrami and Huntle, the hell and one went out for breakfast. There you go.

Well, I'm ready for breakfast, too.

I'm having bread today. It's the usual pattern: broiled bread and thinly sliced smoked meat, vegetable soup, fruit jam.

So in the meantime, all of you woke up and had breakfast.

And the special training that starts!

"Well, I'll hit you now, so avoid it."

Hanagasaki-kun, he shook his wand down and hit me in the head with that kind of nasty and awesome speed.


I told you to avoid it.

"No, I can't, I can't! I can't see it. Just now!

Seriously, it's fast! I can't see! Avoid the invisible!? I can't!

"... well, good luck until you see it, yes, next"

Next time I came from the side and was beaten.


Diagonally up next.

"… Next"

Bottom left next.

"... Um, come on"

"But no more... Maido's life is 0..."

"'Fresh Flow'. Look, you recovered your life. I'll be right there."

Oh, you ghost!

But no matter how unreasonable, if you're doing it, it could be a skill, and you have to try to start.

In the meantime, I will try to move to the right in Kang while I observe Hanagasaki.

... came from the right and clinched.

"... a few more times and we'll figure it out, maybe"

Yeah, I really hope so.

But practice is great.

If I had practiced for about 2 hours, I'd be able to avoid it about once every 10 times.

Even if not, Clin Hit has become avoidable.

But this is only in the case of the Enchantress Hangasaki. Besides, he should be considerably less considerate.

I guess the main swordsman will be launching a faster and sharper attack.

Uh, scary scary.

But there's no way I'm getting away. As far as possible, I think that Suzumoto will destroy one person at a time if I can avoid even one.

... that a third of the opponent's power will be drawn to me... let's not think about it.

"Then it's fisting next, I think it's easier to read than a sword, but for that matter it's coming in a row"

"It's so tiny!

Now Suzumoto and special training.

Even fists rolled out and sometimes try to avoid kicking, or be able to guard.

Wow, I know it's pretty awkward, but it's still awkward, this!

But Hanagasaki and I seem to have definitely achieved the results of our special training, and after practicing for about two hours this one managed to avoid about 30% if we keep a close eye on the movement.

Hmm.... but it doesn't make me a skill.

That's all you do and you don't become a skill, so this, you don't become a skill, maybe.

I can't help it, so I just have to hone my player skills. Chickshaw.

Make lunch, eat it, feed it, and then the special training goes on again.

Now Suzumoto hits me with a sheath of knives.

This one doesn't even have to watch the movement. also, if you want to avoid it, you are hitting it.

It kills momentum with great divinity at the moment of hit, so it's not salvation that can be so damaging if you hit it.

Still, I got bruised and asked Hanagasaki-kun to heal me with 'fresh stream', while even doing what I would practice avoiding until the evening.

As a result of giving up skill encounters and even focusing on sharpening my own player skills, somehow, somehow, if I worked hard without distraction... Suzumoto's clueless sword would actually avoid about 60% of them.

... Humans have endless possibilities, really.

From then to the gladiators' tournament, he even gave special training.

Once it was avoidable, it became more fun, so it wasn't so bitter to save it.

I've eaten up all the damage, so I've got the skills to 'heal faster'. No, it's not. No, give me the skills I can avoid.

And then, even, ladies and gentlemen, we were practicing collaboration.

Though I had a pretty hard time finding the terms that you can incorporate me and fight efficiently, yeah. I found a good way to fight for it.

It's "cleaning." It would be perfect if you erased the other weapon's blade or something!

… However, if you start fighting with a hatchet and do the 'cleaning', you will find out that you are a different person.

I can tell you about this for the first round of the lullaby operation in the Ministry of Things, but I've solved this.

Yes. I hope they don't suspect me. I mean, 'That wasn't a skill, it was a magic or just an attack!' 'Nah, what!?' I hope so, don't you?

If you're in a lullaby operation, it's easy. If only I could take my cane and leave.

You think if you wave the wizard, sing a little and put him to sleep, you'll manage to delude him.

Oh, can't you delude me? That's the quality of the other world. It's "Lost Grace" on the cane if you have to, and you can escape.

And about the cleaning operation in Tori's department.

This is the bird adding made a great one and gave it to me!

It's a spear, made of wonder metal that's so light.

Spears. Very spears. However, its essence is not in the spear.

The spear, the tip of the ear... is attached to the ornament.

Yes. You can already tell.

I use this as a hatchet. Perfect range as a camouflage.

Plus, it's easy to 'clean' because of the long reach Hathaki!

And this spear, it's a Partisan type spear with a blade tip.

So even if all of a sudden the target's weapon disappears, he says, "I slashed it and flew it!" I think I can... "Yeah.

And by the gladiator tournament, I was also used to handling this spear hataki, and I also made moveable clothes for Tori's department.

As for this garment, it is a garment that has already become specialized in defense.

Easy-moving jacket and shirt, and skinny trousers. I turned my shoes into boots under my knees.

And they are gold embroidered on a bright white fabric.

This golden yarn was made with knowledge gained by the skills of the 'mixer'.

What can I say by 'blending' 'prayer songs' while spinning yarns. Sparkling, spawning fibers in glowing golden yarn!

... What's the status of conditioning a song! Let's just say it's a good idea because I have wonder clothes that are very, very defensive because of what I thought.

The effect is' guardianship ', I guess.

My defense when I equipped this, what a 3rd place alongside the cladding geared Kaiya!!

Wow, that's amazing, otherworldly quality.

And when I put my hands on your gear, and everyone with new gear made it, the gladiator tournament day finally arrived.

... Will it be all right?

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