Because of the president's dialogue, the venue was noisy.

That's right, if the prize that was the highlight of this gladiator's tournament was fake, it involves the prestige of this tournament itself.

"I'm exotic. Use 'Lost Benefits' and you'll know if that's a fake.... This is a fake. It's not an exotic magic room."

I leave this place to one of the often spoken presidents, and the rest are all in a bystander position.

Not everyone gets hit badly either.

"Hey, what do you say?"

On the other hand, the person on the organizer's side is a little pathetic. But, boss, I won't condone it. Nannon.

"If this is real, why don't we just prove it here and show it to you? You can't, can you? Then this is a fake."

The organizers are not the only ones in the middle of chaos.

"Is that true?

Nine of the Nona winners are also parties.

One of them took off his helmet and showed it to me.

"... Oh, Alai, it was you!

"Long time no see, Suzumoto"

He seems to have some knowledge of Suzumoto. If I knew him, I would have liked to know him by his last name.

"So... who is it?"

It's Tsubaki.

"Is it true what Tsuge is saying?"

"True. Guarantee."

When Suzumoto said, Nona's people, they all looked like trouble.

"We are now enslaved by an aristocrat, but he promised to free us if we won this tournament and bring home the exotic magic room and the doings."

Ho, I mean, if they fake grabbed you, you wouldn't get out of slavery, would you?

Even if you gave up a hundred steps and didn't know if it was fake or not, it would be difficult to deceive the nobility because the president has said it here and now.

But, Alai, did you have a guarantee that you would keep that promise properly? Probably not. You all right, buddy?

"At the very least, we have to take home something we can bargain with that nobleman, or we'll remain slaves."

This is the woman who just screamed and let this side all go down.

You're out of MP already - it's early.

But you can do anything about her. Even as we are, these nine people are not where I want them to be.

... Hmm. But here, well, there's a good drop.

"Organizer, if we don't have a prize magic room, why don't we compromise on fulfilling these people's wishes?"


"If you give these nine people the right to stop enslaving as a prize, they won't complain."

In this case, the nobility who bought these nine is a huge loss, but vice versa, the only remedy there solves this problem. You can do anything to that extent.

So, the organizer side will lose a lot of money again to make up for it, but it has the advantage of not having to crush the face, so it should also be a thankful offer from the organizer side.

After that, the president talked to the organizers and shut them up by sticking his hand in his nostalgia when he saw the other side, which ended up being what the president thought.

Nine were set free from slavery, and the nobles who bought those nine were to be awarded a grace, he said.

One case settled on this.

... Oh, no, about Rosemary's theft... I don't have to, I have to.

So we had an indescribable large circle, but for now we went back to the 2F Northeast area.

Since it's a corner, Sora, the winner of Nona's club (now she reads Alai. Somehow you can see that Suzumoto didn't come up with it all the time) Yeah, the 9 people, including Sora, are with us. The purpose is to exchange the information that the 9 people have and the information that we have, and because it's a corner, let's all have dinner.

Today's menu is a Japanese table-like menu featuring miso soup for rice, stock rolled eggs, green vegetable sesame, ginger grilled, and more.

Look, the nine of us weren't in a situation where we could eat miso or anything, and then I went on a menu like this because I wanted to miss Sasa Japanese food.

"It's delicious! Where were you selling miso or something?

Hanamura-san, the first-year girl remains thrilled with the rice from earlier.

It's so cute that a pretty girl eats stock rolled eggs and stuff. Ugh, heh.

"You made miso and soy sauce, because you want to eat it but you don't have it in this world."

"What, Mr. Dahlia is from this world...?

Oh, I forgot to go back.

When I rushed to the mirror and solved the 'disguise', Hanamura seemed convinced too.

"Making it, you make it fermented or something, how did you do it?

"That's skill!

"What, did you have that skill!? Awesome! Um, what's your occupation? Were you using strange magic or slashing a sword with a spear!? Are you a magic warrior or something?

Hanamura-san brightens her eyes and asks me.

Ha-ha-ha, then let me know and move on!


"... eh"

"It's a maid."

"Uh, that."

"You see that? Go ahead."

When I showed him the dog tag, he gave me an indescribable look.

Stop it, why do you all look like that every time you say you're a maid?

The rice was also popular, and this was also popular once I served the fruit cake I had put to sleep as a dessert. Mostly to women.

No, you run out of made-to-measure profits, at all.

"That's why we're gathering classrooms."

Also, I think I've handed over the information on this side while I'm preparing dessert or something.

I don't like organizing and communicating the contents of my head, so it would be very helpful to have something like Suzumoto. Oh, in my case it sucks. Should I drool my memory with 'sharing'? It's not fuel efficient though.

"Um, well. Then I think we can work together. Now there's an exotic magic room out there among the nobles. We've been slaves to all kinds of aristocracy for a long time, so I'm familiar with the aristocratic situation in this world."

And Sora happy information from you. Now you know where the new classroom is.

They've been enslaved for a long time. Though I think it was very hard for them, it can be useful enough information.

We don't know anything about this world.

So it's very comforting to say that there are people familiar with this world.

"But... you don't have any money. Not very much, but I can't help 100 white gold coins... Oh, you guys know the gold account in this world?

"I know. I mean, 100 pieces of white gold, 1000 pieces of gold, 10,000 pieces of silver, right?

I mean, the amount you get when you sell 20 dresses at Osama's at the pawn shop in Deiche Mall. Ah.

Pretty good forehead.

"Can I buy a classroom as long as I have the money?

"No, they're going to be at an underground auction soon, that's the rumor. The lowest bid price is 30 white gold coins. So... Which one of us is the problem? If you're not noble, they can't get out of that auction. So, they need a minimum of 70 white gold coins to become a nobleman..."

Auction, huh? I mean, probably, or absolutely, 30 white gold coins. Then it's impossible to win a bid. Where I want to keep at least 10 times that.

But you don't have to be a nobleman. Because this time, everyone except me, is a nobleman.

"Well, then there's no problem. For once, we were nobles."

"That's weird again, you guys..."

Yeah, I think so, even over here.

"Even in the worst case scenario, I have Ate who can handle about 100 white gold coins. I think we can handle the auction. Sora and the others will join the Intelligence Office/Newspaper Club to get 3F under control, or they can find a buddy for sale in Wang Du or Deiche Mall."

I wonder if we'll be the latter, Sing River.

"Yeah, some of my friends. Maybe they're enslaved. I want to help you quickly."

"What about the others?

Where Sora asked the remaining seven people, well there was no objection, they were to use their experience and knowledge to become slave rescue squads.

"So, who's Sora next?"

"Oh, not much information either... First of all, me and Singkawa, Hanamura were bought at the same nobleman's place"

Speaking of which, that's what the old man at the pawn shop at Deutsche Mall said.

"So, it's been a long day. You used your skills. I was covered for food and clothing, but I was treated badly."

"It's terrible! Me and Senior Sing Kawa almost let the nobleman accompany us at night!

... Oh, I almost let you, does that mean I couldn't let you? I don't know what to do here, it's very hard to hear.

"Oh, it's okay. I hit him once when he was about to make me, because he treated me like he was going to touch a tumor ever since!

Oh, that's good.

...... yeah. Oh, my God, I see the treatment of exotic slaves in this world.

I mean, that's it.

Once I possess it, and I'm a slave... if I touch it badly, I could die.

But the value gained by it… that is, the value of the skill, is priceless.

Do you mean they were treated as such a bomb?

"I mean, why didn't you guys escape?

Oh, that was questionable. If you're a nobleman who punches and grows up, shouldn't you have punched and let him go another couple of times?

"Oh, that's easy. Slaves are fitted with anti-escape collars. I hear you're able to explode when you're outside the boundaries set by the nobles."

Hopefully, if there was such a handy collar, it wouldn't have been weird to be worn when I was caught.

Well, I'm sure it's very expensive, and it's a little too risky to have a chip around your neck that you have to bet to make sure it's true.

"That's why it's out to defy you, too, isn't it? I hear Hanamura-san accidentally beat him up, but he doesn't know when he'll blow him up. I was skilled enough to stiffen it every time."

Because of this, Mr. Singkawa is the kid who used that skill that was the reason we lost in Nona's department.

Her profession is' The Singing Princess'. The skill "Demonic Voice" is that you can put your will on your voice and work as a force on your opponent.

In the battle in Nona's ministry, he pronounced himself on board with the will to 'become incapable of fighting', so it turned out like that.

Now I know why the MP spilled when I first skydived.

I mean, I said to Ketrami then, 'Yes, come on! It was with the will to activate the' demonic voice 'of the choker.

Cheng Cheng, Ketrami arrived so fast on the street.

"We didn't have to be killed because we had something to make the nobles think it was a shame to kill. If that nobleman had been short tempered, our necks would have already flown."

Hmm, what a snake story that is.

As a nobleman, I don't want to kill a priceless slave I bought because I want to.

But if the value of the slave is outweighed by the detriment of the slave, it's not strange when he was killed.

There's a big downside to killing, but it's not like you can't, is it?

This, after all, needs a quick rescue, right?

"Me, Songkawa and Hanamura were bought by the same nobleman, but all the others were bought by another nobleman in bulk. But in advance of the gladiators' tournament, it seems that me and the noblemen who bought Singkawa and Hanamura bought Imano and Hachi and the vertebrae from other nobles, and Tochigi, Kaino and Ikeda bought a new one that was flowing into the market. So we got all nine of them... well, it was really this morning that we got caught up with each other."

They were going to release slaves to the market again as soon as they won that nobleman, Nona's department.

For that matter, possession of multiple exotic slaves is considered risky.

Hmm, that was a lot of information I needed to get around, for what it's worth.

But...... yeah. Those who were enslaved didn't see it that badly, they could resist it if they were about to see it badly, which is... awesome, salvation.

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