"This world is a volatile world that has always conceived of the danger of collapse"


"The spill of magic, the decline prevents the shape of the world from being preserved, and sooner or later it will collapse if left alone"

I'm starting to get confused at the point where magic keeps the shape of the world, but no.

"And to stop its collapse, the Temple decided to summon the 'brave' from another world."

"The culprit of the loss of magic," he said. I wonder if it's to defeat it. "

And if we take it down, we can go back to the original world, huh?

"If you erase the culprit of magic loss, you've never crossed it... but more than that, the otherworlds have high magic. If you are there, that alone compensates for the magic of the world '

... That thing's getting suspicious, isn't it?

"At the beginning it was still intended only to summon a small number of brave men, to be given and given weapons by the goddess, and to erase the culprits.... That's what the Temple guys... '

Oh, yeah, I know what it is.

"The otherworlds, if they are there, will be wedges that, as far as possible, prevent the world from collapsing. So, so... so I don't like the temple! They are relentlessly dropping otherworlds into this world and stopping the world from collapsing with their otherworldly magic!

... I mean, that's it, right? You mean you can work, but you don't have to work to get more life support than you need to, and you're playing rough, right?

... There's no need for Alive Grimoire to hate the temple.

"So the word 'brave' is a generic name for us people of different worlds?

'I used to be, but now I'm not.... this is also an angry story, but would you have fallen into this world in pieces?

Yeah. Very. It took me 10 days to get the whole crew together.

"That's when I make him who has occasionally fallen into the temple a 'brave man'. Other than that, it's just 'exotic'.... Satoshi, you know what I mean?

"My goodness! I'm sorry about the chest shit! You wanted slaves, didn't you?

'Correct.... Right. Was it just then that slavery was created in this world?'

It's a pretty deep-rooted story. That.

"The" Temple "doesn't seem like a... what, just a facility to summon the brave?"

"Hmm, the temple is supposed to be there to hear the voice of the goddess. All things in the temple were originally able to hear the goddess... but now only the high priest hears the goddess' voice '

"Fukuyama said that the goddess put his trust in the brave, but that means the corruption of the temple, that is, the corruption of the goddess?

Rotten goddess.... Oh, no, no, that's not what I meant. Never in the sense of BL.

'I don't know that.... If there was only one person listening to the Goddess, how could that be?

"Uh, maybe she's tampering with the voice of the goddess."

This is tricky.

"Originally, after the creation of this world, the goddess became the one who guided this world. Perhaps it is hard to say that the corruption of the temple is not due to the goddess... '

"Can we hear that trust?

"If you go to the temple, you might get a trust from the High Priest. For once, in nominal terms, the summons of the otherworlds is the summons of the brave, that is, they are all more brave than summoned.... Are you going to the temple?

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to go anyway. I'll discuss it with you."

"Hmm, I don't recommend it? If you have time to go over there, it's better if you sleep."

Oh, you hate it so much. Ah, the temple.

Well, I hate it when I hear what you're saying.

... Well, it's dangerous to judge a lot just by stories from one person (though one book). There's something quite subtle about whether this Alive Grimoire guy can really be trusted.

... Yeah, but I knew it was that one. Going to the temple is something I'd like to put on hold for the time being.

There is no smoke without fire.

Or that, there was something more important than that.

"But once you get rid of the culprit and the killer, you can go back to the original world, right? The temple could have been summoned, so you could have returned it, maybe."

"Um, I wish I could do the opposite of summoning... um"

That, the letters stopped.

"What's up?

"Uhm... there will be more familiar people around. Ask him. It's a little heavy for me to talk about."

What, are you talking about heavy loads?

"Who is he? Someone I know, right?"

"Hmm, have you noticed yet?... You didn't think it was weird?

"... what is it?"

"Um, then I guess it's nice to wait till you realize, come back when you know the answer."

Oh, hey, wait, wait! Come on! It's glowing, but aren't you trying to get home? We're not done talking yet! Don't leave me!

'The tip is... well, maybe it's something you don't like. You like The Law of Mass Preservation, don't you?


Yes, they're back. "Alive Grimoire" is a great pleasure.

That's it, you must be content to have an intelligent exchange.

And you're putting out intelligent problems, and you're happy, this guy.

... It would be impeccable to 'share'. All right, here's one, think about it, but I'm sleepy now before then, so I'm going to bed.

Good night.

"I was talking about..."

Yes, it's morning. It's breakfast. Today I baked miso soup eyeballs for rice, and it feels like it.

And while eating, I told her what I talked to Alive Grimoire about last night. Guys, that's fast and helpful.

"Uh, I mean... are we supposed to take down the culprit?

What's the culprit in the first place?

"Fukuyama said you'd take it down, but Alive Grimoire said you'd turn it off. You don't even know what the culprit looks like."

Maybe I'm talking about that book, and I'd be tempted to pay attention to these details.

"Well, should we go to the temple, us?"

He said he wouldn't recommend that book.

You may simply like or dislike that book.

"... Whatever it is, it's coming from that book here, isn't it?" Someone familiar with the answer to the question: Will the temple return us to the original world when we erase the culprits? "... and the tip is, 'People who like the law of mass preservation don't like it'"

So, guys, they thought about the same thing.

"Uh... Mr. Tsukimori, is that it?"

Oh, right, her, it's 'Copywich', isn't it?

You're ignoring the law of mass preservation to annihilate tea, aren't you?

Well, I've come to this world and it's like, shitty or fucked up, so I feel even more now, but she's the one who's fighting and selling to the law of mass preservation straight from the top.

"Whatever it is, I want you to copy the bracelet of" Communication, "and it's no different going to see Mr. Tsukimori."

Hmm, I guess I'll just have to make money on my feet for now.

So we decided to go around 3f northeast.

Of course, 'metastasis' took place after I 'shared' your memories. 'Cause I've never been, 3F.

And from there, we'll look for the information room and newspaper club again at Ketramiliding.

"Well, always"

So, again.

... except for the president/needle student who has already ridden and the bird sea, which Mr. Ketrami does not want to put on.

So, I was brought into another advanced psychological battle, and after 12 extensions, Kaiya finally lost, so after I 'shared' my sight, I took a trip on Ketrami.

... Meanwhile, we were lightning up around there because we were free.

No, 3F is full of rice. Why.

I thought it was time to save up and harvest it here.

Then they found me in a dozen minutes, so I quickly 'metastasized'.

Mr. Ketrami is fast after all. But the recoil was killing Kaiya.

Good luck.

"Are you guys free?

"Is Mr. Tsukimori free like that?

"I'm a futon guard."

"I envy that"

Well, it's not even been that long with the intelligence room/newspaper club, but I haven't seen him in a long time.

Life rhythms are somewhat slower than ours, and they seem to be breakfast from now on.

And Mr. Tsukimori is still sleeping. Envy.

"So it's also something to copy?

And guess what. Excellent.

"Yeah, this is it"

So after explaining the effect, I quickly decided to have the 'communication' bracelet 'replicated'.

"'Duplicate'.... Huh?

But something a little strange happened here.

"Why two?"

... in one 'replication', two more.

"... No way, I did two at the same time...? Now we'll split it into one."

So again.

"'Duplicate'.... Yeah, one now"

So I was given three bracelets.... but it's a little crazy.

"Was that the bracelet stone, the water color?

"No, orange"

Yes, two bracelets… the stone was water-colored.

"... is this the guy who could have done two things at the same time?... Mmm, 'Duplicate'"

Mr. Tsukimori now only 'replicated' one of those water colors.

"Yeah, it's water, isn't it?... Then, 'Duplicate'"

And now two at the same time.... If I did, now I have two red stone bracelets.

... well, what do you mean...?

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