Just singing made me skilled. Then maybe. Maybe, it's something.

First, pull the Vaseline out of the drugstore. I have two large bottles and one medium bottle that I'm about to use, so I'm going to ask them to use it.

Then, plastic bags. There is a lot of this, so I would still be fine if I got about one.

Cut the plastic bag and leave it in sheet form.

And a knife.... No, that's exciting. Yeah.

I've never done anything like this before, no.

But I can't help but hesitate. Shit.

That makes a thin cut on the outside of the left forearm.

I cut it as thin and clean as possible so the wound should heal quickly.

It hurts, though.

So, apply some petrol to the cuts, cover them with vinyl and tie them with plastic strings from the top to secure them.

Keeping the air out of contact with the wound will relieve the pain considerably. If you have a thin cut position, you will feel no pain at all.

And it's healing fast. This is called moisture therapy, and some expensive bond cream also uses it.

Okay. If we repeat this later, we're gonna be skilled, right? That is.

Aim, meet recovery skills.

Strip the vinyl and wipe the Vaseline to do it again. And, the wound looks even thinner than it was earlier, but it must be my fault.

Take care of the knife one more time, increase the scratches, petrol applied, vinyl rolled and fixed, peeled off and wiped and take care of the knife again. The following loop.

And I had to notice.

... In the fourth appearance of the knife, the first wound had disappeared.

And in the eighth appearance of the knife, until the fifth wound.

In addition, for the 16th appearance of the knife, until the 13th wound.

I mean, you're healing faster! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Scary!

Adding to the waste of time getting better is the speed of healing on a strange level.

... That's how the dog tag glowed when I fastened the vinyl to the knife's 100th appearance wound.

When you look nervously,

"Increased Recovery Rate," "Pain Tolerance," "Allowance"

skills were growing.... would be a success once. Maybe.

It was after 5: 00 p.m. when you all returned.

And something, there were more.

"Welcome home, my lords! And Hornsan, long time no see!

"Wow... I'm really a maid of honor..."

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shrimp fried.

"I'm home. As you can see, Horn Three picked it up"

Kakusa-san is one of the members of the chemistry department, and rarely an excellent athletic nerve for the chemistry department.

Apparently he was going to the bathroom. The bathroom was next to the chemistry lab, so maybe it has something to do with that kind of distance.

That's... that's it. "Knight." I knew I was a knight when you actually showed me the dog tag.

Sword in armor. Buckler on left arm. And it's even equipped with headgear meshed helmets. Envy.

"For now, protein of the day"

The president and Hanagasaki brought:

"... deer"

It was a deer. Except for the corner. A unicorn. I don't suppose so, but is this guy like a monster?

"Can you dismantle it?

Looks like it's time for skills. But let's have something to do before that.

"Gentlemen, are you hurt?"

It's a corner 'allowance' skill! What if I don't use it!


It was an indicative answer, so I'll show you the dog tag and bring the Vaseline, plastic bag sheet and strings.

"I hope not, but I also got skills, so if you're hurt, tell me"

There really is, isn't there? And when I was about to hang the camel, they all scratched and cut, causing a burn-like appearance.

It's deeper and bigger than the scratches I made taking care of the knife.

I mean, I thought it was weird at that point that you and President Hanagasaki were the ones who brought the deer.

Suzumoto was the worst.

He seemed to be around just unable to guard with his armor, and had been nicely choosen on his flank.

I see meat. It hurts just to watch.

Until now, they've let you have it just by vanity. Impossible.

"What were you going to do about it?"

Let him take off his armor and inner and apply Vaseline.

Somewhat easier when I stopped touching the air.

"Hanagasaki, as soon as you could use magic, I was going to have it cured."

... They also have MP concepts in this world.

I mean, if you use too much magic, the limits come, and you can't use magic until you recover.

I hear Hanagasaki-kun's water magic was derived from a faint but healing magic.

They don't do that much good because brackets are water magic, but they can still heal deep cuts in 5 minutes, so I think it's a different world quality.

For that matter, MP efficiency doesn't seem very good though.

"I would have been injured before lunch."

"That was almost cured by Hanagasaki."

So the MP went out and Hanagasaki-kun couldn't cure his own injury?

When I finished taking care of Suzumoto and saw you Hanagasaki, the wound I saw at lunch remained intact.

"This would have happened since lunch."

"... there was, what"

Hanagasaki-kun sounds distracted and grumpy, probably because it's awkward.

"Nothing, nothing"

I'm sorry, I can't say.

I shouldn't apologize here, I'm going to take that into account.

So keep it thin without saying anything and just apply the Vaseline.

The president is a complete guard, so he's less injured for that matter. You think dirt magic is more often used in defense?

So I'll see you first, Kakusan.

"I'm not so hurt, I'm fine."

Horizon, you're right, I'm relieved you're not so hurt.

At least, there were no major injuries like Suzumoto.

"Gentlemen, please, if you're hurt, say you're hurt."

"There's nothing you can do about it."

Then don't bother me badly, don't tell me. That seems to have been the thing that was wrapped up between the three of us.

...... I regret being ruined. Yes.

It won't stay. What's wrong, it's not them, it's me. It's really bad.

But once I got my recovery skills, from now on, I was supposed to be able to get them to declare me if I was properly injured. Or so I did.

At the end of the allowance for all the injuries, the surface of the first Suzumoto wound I had handled had healed in those days. Competent while I'm skilled.

"When did you learn such skills?"

"While you guys are out there. Now, we have to take the deer."

I know it's ego, but I'm going to take the history of getting skills to the grave.

Since it's getting dark, I turn on about 3 "Delicious Looking Lamps" to work on. Still a little rough because it's dark.

I think he's probably a young deer, but still this size is huge. Bigger than a bird, and more complex in structure.

But is it because of skill that it only takes as much effort as a bird? You would have thrown this if you didn't have 'demolition' skills.

And then again, I mean, I got new skills.

The skill of 'maturation' is, well, intact.

Age meat with knives! Stiffness after death!

Freshly-dead meat is also transformed into mature meat that breaks down proteins and becomes reasonably amino acids!

... Yeah, what do you care, thank you so much.

Maturation, usually, is done at 4°C, so if you leave it alone, it rots normally.

More than that, we need the power of these skills to eat meat deliciously.

Thank you, thank you.

In the meantime, cut the meat all the way out and, ahead of time, just like yesterday, make it grilled chicken and start cooking.

All you have to do is potatoes. Cut potatoes appropriately too and start boiling in a snow flat pan.

They eat it from roasted meat, and I cut the rest of the meat and salt it. The rest is about half smoked again. Because it's big, I think I'll be able to eat it all over tomorrow or so.

"Hey, Maido, aren't you going to eat?

"Uh later. Because I'll do something about the meat first. Oh, potatoes, I boiled them. Eat. Eat."

Cut off the hot water and leave to serve every pan.... you don't have any dishes!

There were some paper dishes for once, but it looks like they are being washed and used.

Well, I'll do something about the meat. As he dismantled the meat as he sang, he subtly caught on to the judgment, with a light golden pattern at his feet.

"Ah! This!

Rarely, Kakusan, did you have a big voice, and I thought to myself, you guys would stop by and leave the meat and potatoes you were eating. What is it?

"This is what you were putting out."

Seeing, ladies and gentlemen... the same thin golden pattern floats at the feet of the four, including Horn Three.

"How are you getting this out? Does it come out with meat on it?

The president was about to misunderstand me, so I have to explain my skills. I mean, when you sing, you come out.

"... to the point of completion," Prayer Song "? Looks like it's going to boost your defense. Thanks."

If you ask me, they've been up for about half an hour since this pattern came up, with a slight defense.

And just then, Suzumoto got a shot on the flank.

... Oh, good. Oh! If it weren't for this, would it have been more decisive?

... Seriously, he could have died. If I thought so, I lost all my strength at once.

It's a funny story, isn't it? I'm not the one who actually hurts. Yet it's very painful. But when I say this is painful, I'm not too sorry for anything against them!

So I even decided to sneak a deer. All I can do now is snort a deer.

You all ate really well. Especially Horn Three.

"Me... I was in the bathroom, but when I realized it was this cool, and when I left the bathroom, it was the woods... There was a sword in the cleaning kit, so I equipped it, and it came out... without rice. There were fruits and stuff, but I don't like it if it's poisonous."

Oh, my God, he hasn't spoken of food since the wreck until he met the Suzumotos.

He only noticed the water and drank the river water though.

Speaking of which, we didn't have that much trouble with the rice because we had the president's 'appraisal'. I got fire and water.

But I was very fortunate to be able to start in such a privileged environment.

... How about starting in the bathroom? Shit, we don't have supplies, do we?

You've lived well enough, that's what I mean. I was already so pitiful that I even ate meat and potatoes.

"Speaking of which, I also found The Chemistry Laboratory.... but there was no one there."

The Chemistry Lab is the room next to the chemistry lab. The chemistry teachers resided in Heya. The president 'appraised' him from one end and collected all the information, but he couldn't find any sign of where he was. For once, he left a note.

"... If there are no people, why don't we carry them and bring them?

Horizon, you're saying something, but I don't know what you mean.

"A room... you can carry it."

... Huh?

Horizon, I followed your words and looked all over the lab and discovered something like an unfamiliar gem in the shelf. And when we all went outside with it, the room disappeared.

And when we put the gems at our feet, we had a room, and we were standing inside the lab....... lying.

Horizon brought me the 2F North Men's Toilet and the 2F North Women's Toilet, so I quickly co-located them.

... It's unnatural that there's just a toilet in the woods.

Oh, in his honor, Horizon said that you brought a ladies' bathroom, but it was an emergency in the first place, and if there are any girls inside, please don't be too hard on him because you broke in after you scattered your voice to make sure no one was there.

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