Well. I've tried to share and intent on life, but what shape does life take in the first place? Or can you share it in the first place? Or so I thought, for some reason, every time I was familiar, like when I 'shared' my consciousness to wake someone who was asleep, I got to the point where I said information fragment space or something.

But unlike before, this space is very narrow. And I have nothing. In a space of nothing, just one guy like a big glass of wine.

It's beautiful craftsmanship, and it's terribly luxurious. That's about to break it if you touch it poorly.

And against a guy like that glass, the ceiling (?) Something like mercury descends from the box and sinks into the glass.

If a clean clear liquid of a light water colour is overflowing that is extruded just for that amount, create a puddle at the foot of the glass.

Something like mercury accounts for more than three-quarters of the glass, and in its current progression... it's losing the speed of increasing, but even decreasing. Somehow, the 'fresh breeze' of birds is decreasing, I can tell. How do you know, wonder?

... As far as I can tell, does this luxurious glass or liquid mean life, mercury-like guy get hurt?

... um, maybe this is my imaginary something. If life were so simple to make, it would be a little too funny, I mean, impossible. A lot.

Well, simple is easier to do for something, isn't it? Here's to my simple image.

Well, then, I guess we should stop being like this swinging mercury.

They don't even work 'sharing' skills that far. Then I'll have to work after this. All right. Let's take it by hand for a second.

But when I tried to take it for some reason, it slipped through my hand and fell into the glass.

... Hmm? Don't touch this.

Uh, what do we do? But if this keeps coming down, you're gonna lose the contents of the glass.

Then I grabbed that luxurious glass softly and tried to move it softly, but the guy like mercury is homing, and he definitely falls into the glass with the same accuracy.

... Well, let's think here. Let's assume that this luxurious glass is Hanagasaki's life.

Otherwise, what the hell is going on here?

So. If life takes on this form, at least in this space... you should have my life, right?

I looked for it for a bit and it was right behind me. I knew it was like a glass. Or it suddenly appeared when I was conscious, or maybe closer.

... some kind of glass with a solid design. Glass or glass, round... Yukata...?

Somehow, there's not enough luxury added or subtracted overall. Hanagasaki-kun's are soothing, beautiful and luxurious. Well, let's put that aside.

Guy like that mercury slipped through my hand, but he got in the glass. I mean, Glass... if it's life, I was wondering if I could take it.

Well, if you have time to think, let's move. Lift the corny glass and wait on the luxurious glass.

And then, just as I was aiming to wait, like the mercury I've been shaking went into my glass without sound.

For that matter, when the bright white liquid that was in my glass zeroes, something runs in the back of my chest, and at the same time, something like fear springs up. What are you scared of?

... Well, what. I suppose this, on the contrary, would also support our previous hypotheses? Yeah, let's think positive.

Um, it's still coming down like mercury. I feel like I would if I leaked any more liquid from your glass, so I have no choice but to take it solemnly with me.

Well, up to about a quarter of a minute ago under my glass, he became like mercury.

There was zero liquid in it for that matter, and it was becoming less and less powerful.

I was wondering if this sucks, what am I going to do, out of nowhere, the pearl-colored liquid came floating around, and the ceiling (?) stuck to the part of the

Thank you. They're blocking me. What if this is about that 'psychotropic' thing? Hmm, Cheng Cheng, looks like it's working for me. Good. Good.

And then guys like mercury stop shaking, and I see the 'fresh breeze' of the birds, little by little, getting rid of guys like mercury in a luxurious glass.

... That's okay. Yeah. Guys like this mercury should be reduced. I don't mind... but the amount of liquid that was originally in it has decreased, so come on... it doesn't increase.

After watching Shiraku, he finally ran out of guys like mercury in a luxurious glass.

And there's a light water liquid in the glass up to the bottom fifth, but... isn't this enough?

This is something absolutely different from blood, but if it's human blood, I want at least half of it. I mean, don't you want any more of this?... that before you think, something instinctively sucks about this! That's what I feel. Why not? Strange.

Even if you look closely, there is no way that the contents will ever increase. Oh, if you're a corny glass because of it, something's increasing. Guys like mercury are pushed out to seep into nature and the outside of the glass (what's going on with this glass of material?) There is a slight increase in the original white liquid.

Um, I guess that means I have room to recover on my own, but you don't have Hanagasaki. This recovery volume is likely to increase the amount of liquid.

... Yeah, okay. I've been a little concerned since earlier.

While accepting the mercury-like look in my glass, my glass was located over you, Hanagasaki. I mean, overflowing... I thought Hanagasaki was all in your glass.

Wouldn't that suck? And I thought... as far as I can tell, it's okay.

The contents of my glass are white liquid with 0% transparency, but the clear liquid with a light water color from Hanagasaki is still clear and free of cloudy shards.

... to try, let's put a drop of bright white liquid in your glass for a moment.


... Oh, wow. Even though it is bright white before entering, it becomes transparent water color the moment it is in the glass. Um, this, is the glass working something?

... Hmm. So, don't mix the contents of the glass. Does that mean it's not dangerous? Well, you're fine with mixing it up, aren't you? You don't get chlorine, do you? It's not bleach.

Yeah, okay! Get him out of here! Do it!

and pompous and pompous.

Yes, I'm putting the contents of my glass in yours, Hanagasaki.

But... Ugh, shit, this sucks! It sucks when the contents are reduced! This sucks! I'm not sure what sucks, but my instincts are issuing an alarm that 'sucks'! But I'm human! It's an organism that can move with reason! So I managed to earn my instincts and succeed in transferring the contents a little.

At the same time, I can see that luxurious glasses are returning to normal. Oh, he can increase the contents on his own. I can see a slight increase in light water coloured liquids on their own.

... but when the contents of my glass decreased, I became sleepy. I'd like to at least leave and see how you are, Hanagasaki... but I'm sleepy to the point where I can't do that, so I'm going to bed. Good night.

When I woke up, it was on the futon.

... That's a heavy body. It weighs like when you catch a cold.

I just moved my neck a little and looked around because waking up is a billionaire, and Suzumoto was asleep right next door.

... Speaking of which, he was dying, are you okay? I couldn't say a hundred million robberies or anything, so I got out of the futon and took a look, and I was breathing normally for the price.

... Uh, good.

I hear Suzumoto was worse than Hanagasaki... really, Kaiya is amazing.

On the other side of Suzumoto, Kaiya was asleep. I guess I'm out of MP. Good luck.

So, next to my opposite, Hanagasaki was asleep.

When I check, I usually have breath and pulse.

He was burned or some of it was gone, but that's what makes him beautiful like a lie.

Hanagasaki, next to your futon, the bird slept without even laying the futon. Oh, I did my best, this guy.

Good day, so I laid the futon I was using on the side, rolled it on top of it, and hung the duvet.

Outside the chemistry lecture room, Mr. Ketrami rushed to me first.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Hmm? Are you okay? Maybe it was out of MP."

"I asked Huntle, but he said you sucked for a while."

Oh, yeah, what? Looking at Ketrami, Huntle slipped his face out of between the hairs.

"Maido, it keeps flowing."

"With what?

Reaching out, Huntle conveyed his arm and tucked it around his shoulder.

"Uh, I'm gonna flow out, Maido."

... Uh, well, did Huntle figure it out?

"Well, I'm fine, so I'm fine. Uh, who else?

'Looks like the fallen guys were in the lecture room, so it was all there. Aren't the rest in the lab? I didn't know because I was going to dinner earlier.'

Just show him your face, so get to the lab.

"Grandpa Shima Su"

"Oh, Maido, are you okay now?

Only the needle students reacted, and the others... slept. If you look at the clock...... oh yeah. It's 2: 00 at night. Uh, uh, uh, yeah, I've been asleep a long time, me.

"I'm fine. What about you guys?

"The injury is fine because the maids healed me.... or because we weren't even that badly injured"

... I thought I heard a line that I shouldn't have listened to for a moment now, but that's in person later... or I decided to ask the book dolls.

"What happened while I wasn't watching?"

"Huh? A big lizard."

"I'm sorry to peek." Sharing ""

It is also troublesome to ask for explanations, so I decided to show my memories directly.

... Hmm, I just brought all the sleeping people out of the study room, and they came out of the lava stream like a big lizard, like a dinosaur weird.

So, when Suzumoto stabbed him with a knife because he was engaged well and finally stopped... the explosion flamed... and Suzumoto and Hanagasaki, who were beside him, said, "Oh.

So, of course it was Suzumoto who sucked worse, and you... Yeah, honestly, I regretted the memory peek.

It's a gross image. It's a gross image, this.

Hanagasaki-kun was pretty good, but this one's already at a level where I feel like I'm passing grossly or something.

... None. Belly to bottom. It also carbides from the belly to the top or something.

... You're alive!

Well, that's thanks to Kaiya, too, isn't it?

I hope I started to recover from the worst, but my existing skills didn't make it.

So, I got a new skill, and I used it... and now I'm out of MP and Kaiya is down.

So he wanted to add a little more recovery personnel, and he called me.

They all got hurt, but still, there were no deaths, so I just have to be relieved.

Really, it's a miracle they're all alive, this.

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