I'll make an array that I wanted to eat when I got something potato but didn't make before. Yes, it's croquette. You have to use oil and bread flour and other pretty precious things, and the heating process is a super-fuel-eating dish that has three levels: fry meat, sprinkle potatoes, fry, etc.

But now you get most of the ingredients, and the fuel is my MP, so you don't have a problem.

So I'll even turn it into a machine that produces croquettes and make croquettes.

When it comes to making croquettes alone, it's tough.

It is easy to divide the work between people who shave, flour, egg, or bread.

So even mobilize the maids puppets. I hope I have manpower at times like this. I mean, it's a doll.

No, it's like all the maids and dolls got dog tag miniatures and got one skill for each of them, but they're all magic, aren't they? All the quick stories are Katakana.

The most common is the 'heel'. This is the magic of healing injuries.

The next most common is' Petite Wind '. I'm just not sure that normal strength winds blow within a limited range of skills, but the light-bodied maids seem to be able to fly faster on this.

There are other "petite fires," or "petite ice creams," or there's all that petite kanji magic.

... Nothing, I don't think I have to be so petite. I knew it had to be small?

The croquettes will only be fried afterwards, so everyone returns.

"Welcome home. I'm croquet today."

"I'm home. It could've been a little rough."

... ho?

"Well, no, that's for dinner, okay? I talked to Alive Grimoire a little bit too, so I got some info."

That's fine, so let's just fry the croquette.

Croquet was well received. You're gonna want to eat something periodically, aren't you, Croquet?

And to listen to your reports over dinner.

"I found the brass club. If it's Ketrami south of here, it's a short distance. We got there in less than 10 minutes."

... well.

"I was showing plenty of unity before. So, I hear three choir people came in there, and they chased me back. So, I found three of them and three of the jewels."

The president softly put it out on his desk, wrapped in cloth from nostalgia.

"So, I also talked about classroom gathering... they don't cooperate. I won't even give you the multi-purpose hall.... or they don't know that they can move the classroom. He didn't ask me, so I didn't tell him."

Wow, I don't know what that is... Yeah, actually, me, hey, I was expecting that.

"I don't know, we'd better work together here and just get it together so we can go home soon. I didn't really get it there, that exclusive air. What?

"Oh, that's what I thought, too. It was like an army, wasn't it, the brass club?"

... you guys don't seem to understand, but yeah, I can imagine. Somehow I can tell.

Our high school brass club has a lot of people. There seems to be a level of audition that determines who's going to be in Part A of the brass competition, so it's over 60 members.

So, they, in order to unite in that number, are amazing... somehow, uh, a unique air, or a unique rule, you set up something like that, and you're united in that.

So, if that... becomes a very harsh situation to say this other world... in what direction does that air work... Exclusive.

It would be a fortitude that would not allow other follow-ups as a way of solidarity. Exclusive.

Only, after doing that, the choir people died.... Yeah, tentatively, yeah.

Of course, I can't tell you to help someone else under these circumstances.

Unless we've been hostile from the beginning, we're just following Kanji's policy, and (except for me) that's why we can say that because we're capable of doing something about it.

...... but. If you don't have the ability.

"Hey, check it out. Did the brass guys have skills?

"That's a good guess. I had it, but most of them had no more than three good things. Sounds like a very small correction. Only the department manager and part leader seem to have double-digit skills and a lot of correction."

Let's remember here.

First of all, it's Horn Three.

Horizon, you were a 'knight' from the moment you were dropped into this world.

This was probably a start from a very user-friendly room, either as a toilet by itself or as a residence, so there was some bonus attached to it for that matter, it was about recognition.

Next, I don't want to remind you, Fukuyama. Maybe he was a 'knight' or something like that, too.

Alone, hallway...... I mean, start from the river. I think this will help support the hypothesis that this is also a start from an unfavourable situation with a bonus.

What can be said from these two cases is that the strength and weakness of the correction and the occupation have probably changed depending on the number of people at the starting point and the starting point.

Bye. With more than 60 people, I wonder if they, starting from a very wide and sturdy hall, will have the opposite correction to Horizon or Fukuyama.

I mean, weakening, and. No, I think it's a little weird to say. If we were to use the standard as our original, it would probably be enhanced, but to a very low degree.

... This is a different world. Seems like I've said it many times, but it's a different world.

I can use magic, and I'm not sure. It's a different world where laws are walking wide and monsters are crappy.

Each and every one of them is not that strong, but the number of them is huge. The only survival strategy they can take is' solidarity '.

And I don't think you can blame them for trying to exclude people from the choir because of the "solidarity" they put on their survival.

Not to mention, if the choir folks were disastrous, wouldn't that rather be the subject of fear?

Classmates in the same position as ourselves, but overwhelmingly different in power.

And this is a different world. I don't know what they'll do. If there is an overwhelming difference in power, it may be possible to treat more than 60 people like slaves.

Then... even if you kicked me out, and as a result, you're dead... emergency evacuation, that's the intention... and it's hard to say that you have a decent judgment under such circumstances in the first place...

Yeah. Well, that's the thing.

I mean, you can't blame them, can you? That sort of thing.

"So. You can see that we're much stronger than the directors. No, the group attacked us, and the president built a dirt wall for now... so he ran away."

Yeah, let's say it again.

Unless we're hostile from the beginning, let's help. That's Kanji's policy. Unless you're hostile.

... Yeah, well, they don't want to get involved with each other either, and this time, unlike when Mr. Tsuhara used to be, we need to defeat the other separately. I don't know if we should go no-touch each other because the danger is over here, or something like that. Of course, if it's going to be a chase or something, I'll think about it then.

"So, I guess it's me, next time"

Explain what you heard from Alive Grimoire. Somehow my interpretation is mixed up, so that part is annotated each time.

"... so? Are you trying to do something to me or Suzumoto to bring the choir people back to life?

Hanagasaki looks disgusted. [M] Yeah, it's been a lot of trouble for you.

"No, I don't think I'm human enough to get there for someone who doesn't even know his face on a boulder.... No, you know, it's weird to say, but you kind of thought about it like a fundraiser."

I mean, if there's anybody else I can 'share' with, you know, work with that person and get a little bit of life split up from a bunch of people, so I guess I should pour it out a little bit for one, you know?

"Hey, hey, I don't know, is life that simple?

I have a little needle head, but I don't know.

"I don't know, but it seems so in this world, thank you."

Well, this world is different, and I think this can happen. I mean, if you don't, you're gonna have to.

"So you mean the immense magic and the means to clean vessels filled with foreign objects and, if there is life, to live again?

"Alive Grimoire."

I think it's for credibility. I'm still not sure what that book is.

... No, really, that book. What is it? Next time I'm going to talk to you, I'll ask you that, too. I care too much.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, my profession has changed." Samurai. "

And suddenly it is the proclamation of this Suzumoto. I thought I'd blow tea. Don't do this!

"I've changed too... he says he's a 'mad scientist'"

The president is... crazy, at last.

"Me, Ninja!

Needle students go from Assassin to Ninja.... you, you sneak?

So. Plus the birds combined. Four people transferred for the second time? So I've always been a maid...... hmm?

Is that it?

Ah, ah... uh, okay. This is probably a dream.

"By the way! My face!

When I asked him, he immediately flew in and shook me hard with his fluffy hands. Yeah, it doesn't hurt much, but I'm starting to feel like it's not a dream.

"... oh, good for you, Maido"

Suzumoto glancing at the dog tag is grinning bitterly. Others peek and look like "uh, I knew it" too.

Yeah.... yeah. Uh, right. To the dog tag, one more character.

"Maid" became "Maid Length".

... Yay! I'm "Maid Chief"! Happy Maid Escape Me!

Something to do with the fact that the maids all miniatured dog tags.

Hehe, but now I must be up for battle too! 'Cause it's' long ', isn't it? "Long". That must be something changing. Then it's experimentation!

"Suzumoto! Straight to the right, please! You'll avoid it magnificently!

"Well, don't hesitate, then"

Don't hesitate, he was beaten the second he heard.

... No, I can't see. I can't see.

I might check the dog tags...... I don't have any particular skills gained.

... Uh, me, I changed jobs, didn't I?

In conclusion, although I became a 'made-to-measure', my own performance, especially, seemed unusual and lacking. No offense, no defense, no paper, no agility.

How did this happen? Give me back my joy!

... I just didn't change my own performance, but there were two, obviously, unusual skills.

The first is, 'Sharing'. This, I think, was originally this kind of skill. I've been using it strangely.

This is something that the maids can share with the puppets, whether they haven't touched it or stayed away, visual hearing will memories, and so on.

Using this method means that I can be the command tower of the maids.

In other words, this skill, maybe, was a skill to bring together the 'maids' as' maid lengths'.

...... then you can keep it 'made-to-measure' sooner, Mr. Dogtag. Whoa!

Leave that out, second.

This is... 'Cleaning'. Obviously, the consumption MP decreased and the range of effects widened.

Now I'm done with three regular sized hataki swings to clean Mr. Ketrami's entire body.

But as always, the image of the object to be erased is difficult, and I eat a lot of MP when it's like not just cleaning the ground, but erasing it.

I mean, I don't know if it's the mass or volume of the object to be erased, but it doesn't seem to change that it's a proportional MP consumption. Still pretty much reduced, I think.

If I were to fight in the future, I wonder if the key would be to work with the 'cleaning' and maid dolls with this extended range of effects.

Even so, the maids themselves have all the fighting power...

I thought I should strengthen the maid doll, so I had the maid make armor for the doll on the bird with a thin metal plate, but the moment I equipped her, she came off the realm of the 'maid', and she stopped moving. Even if I let him carry a weapon.

... Well, if you think you can still get eyes and ears far away, I think that's fine!

From now on, I'll be useful, maybe... Yeah. Maybe. Maeby.

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