Hang tight... this is the culprit ah... I'm sure this isn't a 'knock down' thing. Because it's just a ball.

"What will you do, Hanagasaki-kun? If Maido-san had it, it wouldn't hurt us, so we could take it home."

"Why don't you just take it home? I'm sorry I've been here the whole time to protect you."

... Yeah, well, it's not that cozy of an island, is it, here?

"Then I'll 'metastasize' you."

Return, with the mysterious ball revamping culprit.

"Welcome home, how was it?

Back by the lake, you all ate fast, so I take my hand off the ball I was holding in my hand.

"It's like this."

As soon as I get my hands off the ball, I'm visibly losing all your energy. Hmm, I knew you guys, it's hung full of corrections.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. So when I grip the ball again, I see you all back in good health. Yeah, this is a little fun.

"I think this is the culprit. If you are floating, work around to correct it, and if someone is touching it, do you significantly or completely peel it off?"

"Cheng Cheng, then you shouldn't touch anything other than Maido"


... Hey, it's the second time, but I wonder if I can cry...

In the meantime, it turns out that the mystery ball of the original killer can be touched anywhere in the body as long as it is touched, so I asked the bird to make a bracelet that can fit the mystery ball well.

Shall I wear this on both arms? For everyone else.

"So, the culprit got it. If it's the duty of the brave to 'erase' this, then we're already demons."

Right.... ah.

"Speaking of which," Alive Grimoire "said," If you want to work with the Temple, come talk to me properly, can I talk to you for a second?

"Right. Then we'll go to Mr. George in the meantime and explain to Sora that it's up to him."

Yeah. You'd be a little surprised if your classmates suddenly became demon kings. It's hard to solve misunderstandings if you get badly hostile with it, and you've never gone over rooting before.

"I will contact Mitsube and Homura at last, so lend me the bracelet of" Communication. "


Remove the "Communication" bracelet on your wrist and release it to Suzumoto. One is "Communication" with the Information Office/Newspaper Club and the other is "Communication" with Homura and you.

Now that you've all gone with the two bracelets, would you like me to go and report them as well? You're already familiar with the head punch. Yeah. 'Sharing'.

'... Hmm, looks like you've got the culprit in your hand. I'll do it.'

All of a sudden I'm somewhat happy with this book.

"And the fact that you bear the culprit... is hostile to the Temple, right?

"Yeah. Uh, so, yeah. Now I'm going to make a name for myself as the Demon King."

In the meantime, reporting, "Alive Grimoire" solidifies for a moment, and the next instant page is torn apart and fussy.... sounds like a good way to laugh at this book.

"Cheng Cheng! Demon king, demon king! Did your people think of that?


"Demon King, I will raise my name as Demon King... Hmm, good job. It's not good! There's irony inside!

It won't puff the page, you won't be able to read it though. I know what you want to do.

"Are you the one to raise your name as the Demon King?"

"No, maybe I said, 'Ha-ha-ha! I am the weakest of the Four Heavens! I was wondering if it would help."

"No, you call yourself the Demon King."

... what?

"Could you change your appearance? Then there will be some crushing. Besides, there's still room for forgiveness if you're a beautiful girl when the Demon King finds out someone else named Demon King has appeared besides you... try to be named an obnoxious man, as the Demon King, it's hard to forgive?

... what?

"No offense, you name yourself the Demon King."

Uh... the way I put it... there really is a demon king...

"Uh, well, if you touch the anger of a real demon king... isn't that a bad idea?

And it is a great laugh on every page.

'It doesn't extend to that! Is it to rival the temple? I'd hate to lend you one or two of the Demon King's names. "

Oh, yeah?... Yeah, well, I think it would be a loss to have to do it because I have so many interesting things to do too. Yeah.

"All right, I got a stomach ache. I call myself the Demon King!

"Uhm, that's good! Don't even talk to me about acting like a demon king, I'm just coming to report it. Shape first? Then it's still a coat. Go flashy like this. If you embroidered the shield, it would be yours, wouldn't it?

"Yeah, well"

"I guess the color of the night darkness is good after all! Being a demon king!

"Oh, wow."

'And then again, isn't that apron good either?

"No, because if I take this off, my identity as made-up will collapse"

"Ugh, yeah? Then in that respect...... '

Thus this book's "Demon-King-like Course of Pretty Good" went on quite a bit. He likes these stories for what they're worth. He talked a lot about gear and stuff, and he gave me quite a lot of mouth about your gear as well as mine, so fine...... no, that was pretty helpful. It's a story, this book.

... but it is nonetheless this book, Norinoli.

Why don't you change your name to "Alive Cosplay Guidebook" or something?

"So, huh? I've heard before that this culprit is something to erase, but the brave man erases it."

And gossip in a delimited place.

I feel like I can't help but show the book to them, but I'm going to show them the bracelet they're wearing on their arms for a bit.


"I wonder if you're erasing the culprits, other than the temple."

"There's nothing you can't do, but the temple keeps it secret."

...... yeah?

"Uh, why again? If it were a global crisis, it would be more efficient to work with other institutions as well as the temple. Is that also why you can't?

Oh, shit.

I've been trying to ask questions that don't take the form of scattered 'questions' before, but I think I've asked moro questions.

'Ask that?... Hmm, well, I'll try to get you to think about it a little bit. You know what a temple is, don't you?

Oh, but, Mr. Alive Grimoire, you're a little nosy, aren't you?

"... worship the goddess?

I think Mr. George said something like that.

'Mm-hmm. Correct. The temple is dedicated to the goddess. So why would an institution dedicated to that goddess do anything to erase the culprit?

... no. Something... uh, yeah...

"The temple also works to keep this world from collapsing... no, because the goddess doesn't want this world to collapse?

Right, the goddess, not the temple.

... no? So, can the goddess let this world collapse? But the temple is dedicated to the goddess, which seems to be correct. … then.

"The goddess is separate from the goddess the temple worships?

"Something else, huh? You can take that in a way. Hmm. So where are the temple thoughts?

Where, … is the reason why the Temple holds information…… power, perhaps?

No, but isn't it inefficient?

'... so why don't we talk about it again the next time we come from here? The next time you come, you'll be dressed like a demon king!

Oh, shit, it's mysteriously glowing. Forced repatriation! Uh, uh, there's still something I want to ask you, but no!

"... Welcome home, hey, what's up, Maido"

I tried to get you out of the book, and you all had already returned. Whoa, that was a pretty long story.

"Yeah, all the time... Yeah, this book, come on Norrinoli..."

"... right"

Yeah, it is.

He said, "I'm the demon king."

"Oh, that's what we thought, too. You'd crush it."

... Hi, 'Ha ha! I am the weakest of the Four Heavens!' seems to have been another dream of dreams.

Looking out the window, the sun was already setting pretty good, so I'm going to get ready for dinner.

In the meantime, what are you guys doing, making gear?

The bird can now be 'dyed'. But 'dyed' can only dye cloth or paper or something. So it's like this time I got a new skill called 'painting'.

And I'm using it to make new protective gear.... a disastrous guy.

Already. There are so many of you out there. Torikai, who is good at that kind of thing, designed it, and the president and Hanagasaki said something about structural problems and so on, tried prototyping it with Torikai and Kabir, tried it on, and then this time it helps to "grant" Kaiya.

"Granted" is a great skill that can make you have all sorts of skills and magic effects, and you think you can combine it with "gemstoning" or something to make it look good?

And the extreme was made with the application of 'light magic', a magic mirror completely mirrored from one side and completely transparent from the other.

... They seem to be going to hide their faces. Well, yeah. Face it and call yourself Demon King. It's a bit of a punishment game, isn't it? Yeah.

... uh, what about me?

Dinner is served with a spare rib with a baked guy and steamed vegetable salad and corn soup.

Corn soup was the hardest thing to make. Yeah.

And the folks at the English department lab were slowly eating corn soup, bread and soft steamed vegetables on their own. Yeah, we're still gonna stop eating meat.

"Maido-san, try it on for a second."

Yes, and the birds gave it to me.

"… OH"

Metal apron.... That's it, Breast Armor and Kazuko, right?

I'll just wear it, too.

"... heavy"

Move, move!

"Uh, I guess not... hmm, but if you want to make it any lighter, you're really going to be a paper metal plate"

I hear you're thinking too much of a shield for me, but it's hard. Why do I have no correction? How thin and light a regular high school girl can move around with armor!

"Worst case scenario, if you thread it, I'll make it look like a cloth and apron."

"Um, I knew it would happen, yeah. Then I'll think about head gear next."

Since you guys are in gear production again for nasty sakes, shall I help you build gear too?

Not as good as I am, but you and the president have a thin correction about physical abilities, too. So it's not like these two can wear heavy armor or anything.... I can't compare to anything else! But, well, it seems to be limited to parts of the breast plate or something like that, so their equipment is basically cloth products.

They're all already the strongest black and red gear in "The Big Black Snake Scale" and "The Dragon Scale," but they don't have time and the embroidery isn't perfect. So, physical defenses are thin, especially when it comes to these two people, if they don't get gutted with embroidery.

So currently, embroidery is exclusively in progress.

Or they are collecting equipment for all distributed products and are admirably embroidered.

That's it. Suzumoto's phoenix will be embroidered in your gear at a level that will make it less noticeable!

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