The battle began with the shelling of the mobile fortress proud of the Iron Blood Division.


The canvases settled on the walls of the moving castle shot various shells at Martin Bregas’ camp.


The shells of the Iron Blood Knights have a secret technique that is strictly managed within the Iron Blood Knights.


A technique for embedding scrolls with time differences in shells.


With the technology, the Iron Blood Corps shell has the exquisite merit of a double attack that falls on enemy lines, inflicts a primary blow, inherent scrolling, and a secondary strike.


The strength of the second strike is, of course, determined by the power of the spell contained in the inherent scroll.


When the Iron Blood Knights were stiff, they could hire many wizards and possessed a lot of powerful shells, but as the Iron Blood Knights declined, their skills were forgiven. I gained more power.


A whirl of flames appeared from where the shells fell and burned the area.


In another bomb, a fierce explosion that caused the axis to shake, and in another place, sharp debris made of ice with icy cold enough to kill flesh, ruthlessly killed a nearby horse.


The shell contains a powerful scroll that seals the powerful magic of the demons.


The average rank is four to five ranks.


Some shells even contained sixth-grade destruction magic.


“What’s the taste? Dogs of a changeback! ”


“Did you believe that the iron-blooded knight could devour such a spot of blood?”


“Now there will be a storm!”


Iron blood knights were forced to crush the Bregas army by chaos.


Martin Bregas, who was stuck in the barracks, came out of the barracks, noticing that things were going bad.


After three days of eating and drinking, his complexion looked bleak and sick.


But he is a champion of reversals.


I was shocked by my body and spirit by an unexpected shock, but it did not collapse completely.


He immediately wanted a stimulant by arranging a healer and a witch.


Healers and witches each offered stimulants made from their recipes.


Martin Bregas tried both stimulants and chose the witch’s stimulant.


“After a day, side effects will occur.”


The witch glanced and said.


He took two bottles of stimulant and headed to a chaotic front line.


At the forefront, Parim Dagat was commanding with all his power.


The clothes were already soiled with dirt, and sweat drops around the forehead.


Martin Bregas wiped his sweat on his son’s forehead and said with a loving look.


“I suffered. I’ll take over from now on. You deal with the rear threat. ”


Parim Dagat smiled brightly, but hesitated at the end.


Martin Bregas said softly, knocking on Parim Dagat’s shoulder.


“You may call me your father now. Do not be conscious of others’ eyes anymore. ”


Parim Dagatt, who had darkened for a while, brightened again.


Women, of course, was cool and cheerful smile enough to shake the hearts of men.


‘My choice was not wrong’


Martin Bregas, heading to the front, refined his mind.


Lieutenants were waiting for him.


No matter what, the commander in chief of the Devil’s Front is Martin Bregas himself.


At the end of the year, he has mediated strong elves, dwarves, and summoners for the last eight years, defending the front lines of the Devil’s Front and stabilizing the front lines.


No one can do such a task.


“Contact Admiral Minamoto immediately. We are in battle now and need support. ”


There is nothing more to lose.


Therefore I will not be greedy.


Martin Bregas felt calm.


‘The desire has led me so far, but the desire has burned me. I will no longer dwell on desire. ‘


I will retire after this battle.


Martin Bregas meditated and shook his line as if he had vowed to him.


Daisuke Minamoto of the human empire arrived in a timely manner.


He dashed forward, leaving behind a fleet of intense bombardment and digging into the lines of the Iron Blood Knights.




Yodo Kamaitachi was pulled out of the sheath.


Bloody red dosin scattered around the living life.


“I am Tetsujin…. ! ”


Minamoto, madly mad, began to dance to death.


Wherever his sword touched, blood winds arose and death followed.


Before the overwhelming dance of Minamoto, the Iron-Blood Knights Division was helpless.


The eyes of Kim Seong-cheol, who watched this figure from afar, cooled down.


‘Kim Taek Soo. I finally gave him a seat. ‘


Before the beginning of the human empire, there was an era called Luteginia.


It was a dark age, when the upheavals and the transgressions struck, and underneath corruption and corruption.


Summoners vowed to end this terrible time and united one against great evil.


The sacred Luteginea kingdom, however, was powerful, and the summoners had to fight the struggle.


Traitors appeared in the process.


Kim Taek-soo. Now known as Minamoto Daisuke, he is a mean traitor who sold his fellow summoners only for his own benefit.


Bertelgia awakened to Kim Sung-chul’s vague consciousness.


She brought several pictures in between the bookshelves.


When I picked up, I had as many as six pictures.


“Huh? So fast? ”


It’s an incredible speed, even with your eyes.


Bertelira shrugged and shrugged.


“Ethem! It’s the power of Bertelgia’s new expression. When I look back on myself calmly, I’m not human now Then do we need to draw like humans? I ran into a question. Unlike ordinary humans, I can record the memory itself and…


Kim Sungchul Closed her ears from the middle and placed pictures on the specimens that appear to have been copied with six copies.


Six pictures disappear as if melting snow, creating their own characters.


Kim Sungchul did not read any of the letters.


‘When I’m older, I never do or don’t see things I don’t want to see.’


“I think the rest of the picture can be completed in an hour! According to this great technique of Bertelgia’s expression. ”


“Really good. Bertelgia. ”


Kim Sung-chul, stingy in praise, praised Bertelgia for a long time.


Bertelgia was even more desperate, soaring high in the sky and heading down to the next drawing site.


“Let’s finish quickly and get out of this battle. I’m just tired of war! ”


Bertelgia apparently had another reason to rush.


Kim Sungchul nodded and turned back to the battlefield.


Iron blood knights, who once pushed Martin Bregas hard, were now run by both sides and destroyed.


The elite troops led by Minamoto Daisuke smashed behind the Iron Blood Division, while the elite troops commanded by Martin Bregas carried out the iron wall and defended them. The aerial fleet was smashing and smashing the fort of the Iron Blood Division.


The fight is over soon.


Perhaps at the end of the fight, Martin Bregas would break through the fortress and come this way.


But the picture is already complete.


Time is attracted enough, and primitive light is near.


However, unexpected variables appeared on the battlefield.


Something gigantic appeared in the back of Martin Bregas’s army.


Its identity was Ilya Bregas.


“Who dares to fight bravely on my estate?”


Ilya Bregas, crouched inside the fort, shouted in an uncomfortable voice and ran back to the vulnerable Trowin Vigilante.


In addition to the small number of guards guarding the entrance, a devastating disaster occurred when a mighty demon invaded the rear zone of wounded soldiers, healers, and non-combat magicians.


With a few guards, countless wounded soldiers and support troops were torn to the claws of the great devil for help.


Few wizards attacked Ilya Bregas with flimsy assault magic, but only made his anger.


“The Master Has Been Lost!”


“My family is ruined!”


Homunculus, who had been tide around the deadly torn mage’s body, trembled in Busan.


Meanwhile, the news that Ilya Bregas appeared was soon in the ears of Martin Bregas in the face of victory.


“What? Did he come out of the fortress? ”


Martin Bregas’s pupils shook wildly but did not feel as shocked as before.


he spoke steadily.


“I will go. Remove some elite troops and block them. ”


“The message that Farim Dagatt is already heading there.”


“Farrim? No, don’t send him Tell him to return immediately. ”


At that time, a lion-like posenaris emerged from the front, and a knight had been furious toward this side.


Martin Bregas could recognize the face from a distance.


Iron Blood Knight Commander Cho Sung-Taek.


The strong man of the age that now engraved the devil’s stigma on his forehead is now making the final outbreak.


Martin Bregas pulled his sword off against him.


The sword and the sword hit.


A fierce eye with burning eyes shot Martin Bregas’s face.


“Martin Bregas! Son of this fread! Even if I die, I must see your bitch fall. ”


“There is a proverb in Korean. You die and let me die. ”


“I’m sorry but I have no intention of dying here.”


The fierce gladiation between the Iron Knights and the altered back unfolded.


The momentum was much higher for Cho Sung-taek, but the total sum of absolute basics and stats was above by Martin Bregas.


After several decisive conflicts, the victory was quickly divided.


Cho Seong-taek was holding the left arm with his right arm cut off with a low smile.


Red blood was dripping under the cut.


Martin Bregas, looking far away, made the final blow.


The sword pierced the heart of Cho Seong-taek at once.


Cho Sung-taek’s new type was shaken once.


However, Sung-taek’s left arm suddenly grabbed the blade through his heart, grabbed it tightly, and pulled his body in front of Martin Bregas.


Cho Sung-taek said, bleeding from the mouth.


Martin Bregas stared in contemptuous eyes, but did not respond.


Cho Seong-taek laughed.


Then I slowly dropped my head and murmured with a low voice.


“You feel it too. How does it feel to have a pampering offspring? . ”


Cho Sung-taek’s breathing stopped.


Ominous foreboding, Martin Bregas kicked the body of Cho Seong-taek on the sword and looked back immediately.


Ilya Bregas, his son, grabbed another son, Parim Dagat, torn in half.


Kim Sungchul sighed while listening to the scream coming from far away.


‘That is causal retribution.’


Martin Bregas is over.


A dead body is a quick wilting.


Probably never stand up again.


Bertelgia, who was printing the picture quickly, stopped and replied.


“How long do you think it will take?”


“About 10 minutes?”


“Okay. I keep doing it. ”


“Wait down there for a while.”


The traitor, renamed Daisuke Minamoto, was attacking Ilya Bregas.


Compassion was not given to those who turned into great devils, but they could not get it.


The body of a poor woman hung behind him.


And there was another purpose.


‘Kim Taek Soo. You appeared again before me without fear. ‘


Kim Sungchul sprinted down the slopes, remembering the faces of his former associates who had been killed by the traitor.


His view from afar was like a storm.


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