Kim Seong-cheol’s ability is unknown.


One thing to know is that it was Kim Taek-soo’s own power that prevented Kim’s death and reestablished him.


Kim Sungchul I thought about one possibility.


‘Is it a soul imprint?’


As the name imprints on the soul, it engraves the protection created by the god or God-like being in the user’s soul itself.


Each care is extremely difficult to obtain but gives the user a very powerful power if it can be obtained.


Frequently used truth eyes and soul sheds are also the abilities given by Soul Imprint.


Souls are often known to be inherent and a priori and cannot be tailored to human cognition, but at least there are differences in soul size in the realm of soul imprinting.


It is the number of spirits that an individual can have.


A vacant place in the soul that can be carved into the soul is called a slot.


The ordinary have no one or one slot.


The higher the stat, the greater the influence on people, the greater the slot number of the Soul Stamp.


Extraordinary people, commonly called superman, have three slots.


The transcendental is known to have between about four and five slots.


Kim Sungchul has six slots.


His engraved souls are difficult to obtain and are invaluable only after passing through extreme trials.


The three most important of them.


First, the soul harvester.


Legendary Soul Mark that restores health as much as the damage done to an opponent. This ability to regenerate every time you kill an enemy makes you immortal when fighting an army other than Kim Sungchul.


Imprinted with a terrifying effect that reduces half of all magic damage, and immunity to all sub- legendary mental attacks. The grade is legendary.


Considering that it is more than a new class that can inflict more than a legendary mental attack, there can be no existence in the world that can attack a mental attack on Kim Sung-chul.


The most frequently used legendary spirit imprints can invalidate all illusions below Epic, as well as appraise items, monsters, and skills.


It is indispensable to Kim Sung-chul, who turned most of the world into enemies.


In order to equip these three spirits, Kim Sungchul had to travel secretly around the world, passing through life, sometimes soul-tried trials.


Over and over again, the crisis of death had to be turned over and faced with terrible pain and despair beyond words.


After such hard work, Kim Sungchul collected all the engraved spirits called Kim Sungchul into his soul.


However, the change in Minamoto’s body is not caused by Kim Seong-Chul, but seems to be caused by a formidable spirit imprint.


“Kikiki…. You’re strong. High school garbage bitch…


A broken spine stuck to itself and heard a squeeze.


Kim Sungchul I saw Minamoto’s eyes.


His body was recovering, but his spirit still seemed to be wandering somewhere else in the world.


Minamoto was ashamed of gasping and breathing.


“What? The enemy of the world? Not even a horn… I know what you were doing before you came here. Rotting in the window, 14 days later than others, the only pride of high school graduates? Emperor William Quinton Marlborough as well as you. I know it’s the son of a whore. ”


Minamoto actually laughed at what was so funny.


“The prostitute son who dances and dances at the strip bar is the emperor! Hi! There’s no seed of the queen, but that’s not it? ”


Kim Sungchul did not say anything.


Minamoto’s words are mostly based on the truth.


It was a fabulous autumn night with a bright full moon.


The summoners who entered this world had a stated time to talk about their lives before sitting in the burning house of their own.


Men who became emperors, men who were assassins, and those who died or left the world now would tell their stories with distant eyes.


Perhaps Kim Taek-soo was there.


Kim Sungchul I don’t remember whether Kim Taek-soo was there or not.


At that time, Kim Taek-soo was an inconspicuous man who had few words, no number, and no ability.


But there was one thing I wanted to ask.


“Why did the emperor accept you?”


The superficial reason was that Kim Taek-soo has been the same summoner since then, and has a strong fighting power, which is helpful in the future.


Kim Sungchul believed that at the time.


No doubt.


At that time as the sword of the emperor, it was unimaginable to question the emperor’s thoughts.


But now I can ask.


“I will ask again. Why did the emperor accept you? ”


Minamoto laughed and shook his body.


“I know you don’t know. The fact that your emperor did not tell you. ”


“Yes. Of course, I have nothing to tell you, but I’ve met so far, so let me tell you a funny fact. ”


With Kim Sung-cheol’s silence, Minamoto whispered to Kim Seong-cheol with a very small voice with a smile.


“The Wandering King had the power to beat you in the battle.”


“Yes. The proof is right. Daisuke Minamoto was reborn with the power of forbidden magic. Kiki Kiki! ”


Unclean energy came out of Minamoto’s eyes.


It is similar to what raised him from the dead.


Kim Sungchul In the light of all his own experience, he found a match with the unclean energy.


The most similar thing is the energy of sticky and sultry ancient gods.


“Yodo Kamaitachi!”


Minamoto, covered with unclean energy, ran towards Kim Sung-chul, spreading the blood mist.


Like a demon devil.


“I am Tetsujin… Tetsu… ! ”


However, the difference in power between the two is obvious.


Minaramoto’s new model was scattered like dust when the arm karazu moved.


“Techayaaaaaah !!!”


As a result of his wielding properly.


The unfaithful energy, whether it is a stamp of soul or something else, attempts to catch Minamoto’s fragments, but soon disappears with the scattered flesh.


‘Your secret is good.’


The lazy scheme already tired.


Stop smashing with arm garaz who decorates what.


It is the divine power obtained for that.


Kim Sungchul turned his head sideways.


On one side was Ilya Bregas, who was lying down and gasping for breath.


He turned to the other side.


There was Martin Bregas sitting on his knees as if the soul had escaped.


Kim Sungchul Lifted the body of a slightly more skewed woman toward Ilya, midway between them.


Although long after his death, the appearance of Sofia Bregas has not changed at all.


The Eye of Truth was triggered and discovered the many elaborate and magical spells on Sofia’s body.


“Where are you going?”


Ilya Bregas said.


“I can’t see anything. hurt… . cold… . ”


His life was at stake.


Minamoto’s workmanship.


His hand was so long that he died slowly in despair and suffering.


Kim Sungchul left him and walked forward.


Ilya’s voice came from behind.


“Dad. Where are you? ”


Ilya Bregas reached out to anxiously, looking for a dad that no longer exists.


Martin Bregas, who provided the cause of all of this, was short of breath and cold.


It was too ridiculous and insignificant for the end of Poon Yuna who climbed the continental girdle.


Kim Sungchul walked forward unsuspecting Sophia’s body.


There were thousands of soldiers on the battlefield, but no one ever thought of following him.


A coarse rock tomb was formed on a sunny hill.


Bertelgia asked a bookshelf for a white flower where he got it and offered it in front of the new tomb.


“Let us escape from the harsh world and embrace in the warm arms of God!”


Kim Sungchul was sitting on a rock and reading a book.


This is the vision of the blue sky, primitive light, which was obtained after a lot of hard work in Erfurt.


When the bookshelf was opened, infinite horizons, incomprehensible figures and letters spread out before his eyes, and many of the objects were arranged in some form that could be understood.


‘This is the light of primitive. It’s difficult enough to explain in words, and it’s a mystery. ‘


Intuition 500 is not something anyone achieves.


Even if it is called the best magic school, will one or two people come to this level?


It is possible to receive the title of the university.


The intuition thus achieved told Kim Seong-chul, the secret of the world that human heads could never understand.


After a long story that seemed to be long and boring, but not audible, Kim Sungchul felt.


The source of life filled with unthinkable light, the end of which is situated before you.


‘This is… Is it the light of the primitive. ‘


Kim Sungchul felt a new power in his body in the blinding light.


[You have read through the ultimate vision of primitive science, Light of Retribution. ]


[The knowledge of heaven and the universe is full in you. ]


Reward: Magic “Starlight”


“What are you doing? Without silence. ”


Bertelgia struck behind Kim Sung-cheol and stabbed him with a book edge.


It would be unbelievable if it used to be, but because of the strong voice and position of painting the portrait of Vestiare.


Kim Sungchul I grabbed a clinging Bertelgia and put it in my pocket and looked at the northern sky.


The dark thunderclouds that always covered the world were thickly discharged and splattered red lightning down.


Kim Sungchul raised his finger to the northern sky.


The instinct that the finger alone is impossible, rushed past.


‘It’s different from Glare.’


I felt uncomfortable just to write Meteor.


It’s a primitive light that is the ultimate magic of the blue sky.


Kim Sungchul I removed a cane from the Soul Warehouse.


Old oak sticks that were old and burned a lot.


Kim Sungchul After pulling out the cane, he stared at it for a long time.


‘You’re gonna write this.’


Feeling filled with indifferent eyes.


Bertelgia was curious about the cane he had never seen before.


“Smells like a woman? Who is it? ”


Kim Sungchul Bertelgia was placed deep inside his pocket and pointed to the north with a cane.


A colorful magic circle floated around the cane and his body.


But shorter than Meteor.


Kim Sungchul Thinking so, he spit out a magical starter that fills his insides.


At the end of the staff a magic circle spread out like a machine.


At the same time, a huge pillar of light spewed out to the end of the circle of magic.


There is a huge pillar of pure light that can not be compared to Glare.


The pillar broke the sky and struck a thunderstorm over the north.


After the pillar of light disappeared, clear gaps were engraved between the thunderclouds that covered the northern sky.


The trajectory of the most powerful magical starlight.


The trajectory he created soon separated the clouds in half.


Kim Sungchul’s exultation was felt in the emptiness that the mana of the whole body escaped more than half in an instant.


‘You can do this!’


There is no need to experiment with deep seahorses.


Primitive light was real and the best solution.


“Wow. Is that your magic? It’s like seeing the magic of the Seven Heroes. ”


Is it because of the aftermath of primitive light?


The air that was pushed by the pillar of light contracted and swept around in the form of a strong airflow.


Bertelgia’s flower on Sophia’s tomb was blown over the air and sucked up into the sky.


As soon as Bertelgia screamed, Kim’s hand caught the flower.


He gave the flower to Sofia’s temple, fastened it with stones, and walked north.


Toward the thundercloud he split in half.


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