Kim Seong-cheol and Bertelgia were watching a small golem.


The little golem walked on the stone grapes of the ruins and removed the small debris that fell on the grapes.


The strength of the body compared to the weight of the heavy stone was lifted lightly, and the stone seemed to have been moved by magic.


Golem worked for 50 minutes without rest and left the ruins and headed somewhere.


Kim Seong-cheol and Bertelgia followed Kolem.


The place where the golem arrived was a secret garden hidden in the jungle.


Colorful flowers bloomed around small fountains with crystal clear water, and colorful butterflies flying around the flowers were flying around.


The golem stood in the corner of the garden and gazed at the garden for a while.


“Wow, this is a pretty place. Isn’t it? ”


Bertelgia flew happily over the flower garden with butterflies, feeling better.


Kim’s mood was not so bad.


‘It’s a nice place. I’d like to show it to him someday. ‘


Butterflies with light purple wings settled gently on Kim’s hem, spreading their wings and resting.


Kim Sungchul Slowly folded, spreading the name of the butterfly wings to see the unknown, relaxed the mind.


The clouds were flowing fast over the dense bush.


It will rain soon.


At that time, the little golem who had a rest was maneuvered again.


Kim Sung-chul and his party also finished the interlude and followed the golem.


The small golem resumed its work.


The simple and arduous work of removing and moving broken debris was constantly repeated.


Kim Sungchul felt the question.


‘He looks like a golem with ego.’


Fortunately, there is Bertelgia next to Kim Sung Chul.


Kim Sungchul immediately threw a question.


“Bertelgia. That golem. What do you think? ”


“Hmm. I’m sure you have an ego. The soul stone that put the carbuncle’s soul is used as the core and the brain. But certainly that golem’s behavior is weird. Because they have a self-like behavior similar to a golem that has no self. ”


“What do you think the reason is?”


“Well. Is it not because of my personality? ”


“Smart guys in carbunks are on people’s heads. But I’m not so diligent about animal subjects. Did you mix the ant’s soul? No, that’s impossible. ”


“Well… That’s it. ”


The important thing is to get acquainted with that golem.


According to Zamoras, the key to the multisword is to build a deep bond with the carbuncle, which will become the second magic firearm.


‘But why is that golem not doing it in the cloak of the lioness and doing it?’


Kim Sungchul revived the explanation of the lioness that he saw in the ruins.


Kim Sungchul nodded soon.


Among the words left by Zarathus was this.


[But keep in mind. Even if you put it in the Soulstone, if it doesn’t get the heart of King Carbunk, it can be useless like a guy who rolls out. ]


The outward rolling man described by Zacharith must have been referring to this little golem.


If that is true, that golem has been guarding this ruins alone for thousands of years from the plagues of earlier times.


Kim Sungchul Suddenly I felt deep compassion for the small, stupid golem.


‘Did you keep the ruins here alone for thousands of years? What a lonely and lonely destiny? ‘


It is impossible to enter into the soul stone by arbitrary.


The souls were forcibly taken out, confined to the soulstone, and mobilized to meaningless labor when they were useless.


Kim Sungchul I thought to watch a little more time and watch the behavior of the little golem.


A small golem continued to clear the debris that had fallen on the grapes, roaming around the ruins.


Even if the endless meaningless work.


Meanwhile, the little golem met a great challenge.


It is faced with huge debris that can not be lifted by the power of the arm or magic.


For the first time a sound came from a small golem.


Golem’s distinctive rumbling sound, but I felt a cute corner somewhere.


“Look at that. I’m sorry. ”


Bertelgia stared quietly and suddenly stabbed Kim’s shoulder into the corner of the book.


“Hey, uncle. How about helping a good golem? You don’t have to be good at catching people, are you good at it? ”


“I’m good at cooking, too?”


Kim Sungchul walked toward the little golem.


A huge debris was blocking the front so that you could not see the end until you lifted your head vertically.


This huge debris, which seemed to be barely able to mobilize hundreds of horses, was moved by the power of a single man.


Kim Sungchul Feeling divine power flowing through his body, he threw huge rubble over it.


‘Well, how is this happening at this age?’


Kim Sungchul stared at the little golem, feeling his back slightly stiff.


For the first time, a small golem seemed to be interested in Kim Seong-chul.


But the Golem resumed work for a while.


Kim Sungchul, who was watching her work for a while, felt hungry and headed to the river.


In the great rivers across the great jungle, there were many fish.


Kim Sungchul I enjoy eating freshwater fish, but today I wanted to eat something different.


I looked around and saw a marsh connected to the river.


Wetlands were sparsely populated with cotton grown as tall as a person.


Kim Sungchul found a large crab that crawls under cotton.


Several mud crabs ripened red on the fire by the river.


Other seasonings did not use spices.


It’s a natural way of cooking, just burning and baking.


Kim Sungchul I pulled the ripe tongs and pulled the bottom of the tongs straight.


The full white flesh rustles Kim and seduces Kim’s stomach.


There is no one piece of heaven on earth.


[Score for this dish… 22 points! ]


To get this score from raw materials alone means that the ingredients are good.


‘It’s not bad near the blade scream mountains.’


Bertelgia, who had no interest in Kim’s cooking, wandered around Kim for some reason.


“I like you.”


“That’s too bad.”


Kim Sungchul spoke dryly and predated another claw.


Bertelgia gandered around Kim Seong-cheol, sighing as if he had lost interest for a while, and opened his mouth as if thinking something.


“Oh yes. Can we afford this? Do you have to go get the lioness to the lioness? ”


“The side to be found is not us, but the lion’s side.”


“Because of that weapon?”


Bertelgia asked, “I don’t know.”


Kim Sungchul nodded.


Bertelgia asked again, looking at Kim Seong-cheol’s complexion.


“That’s… Where did you get it… ? ”


“It is unknown.”


Kim Seong-chul said the cut.


“Yes. like that! I wasn’t really curious about it! ”


When Bertelgia was silent, Kim Sungchul went on silently.


All the mud crabs filled with eggs were left on the ground with only their shells left.


Kim Sungchul As I traveled through the jungle, I took a bite of the fruit and headed for a small golem.


The little golem was still doing silent work that would never end.


However, unlike before, there was a difference.


The path was a small golem.


It was not only about cleaning the surrounding area, but it was also heading for a point in the ruins of the ruins.


There was a small road in the area where the golem passed.


The golem appeared to be trying to pierce the path.


“How do you help? I must have eaten. It also reduces time and improves likelihood. ”


Bertelgia said.


Kim Sungchul walked towards the small golem, thinking it wasn’t bad.


A small golem glanced at Kim Sung-chul and continued his work.


When Kim Sung-cheol added to his work, the speed of work increased dramatically.


‘It’s been a long time. Doing these things. ‘


How much work did you do.


The small golem stopped moving.


A familiar statue stood tall in front of Kim Sung-chul and the little golem.


This is the same model that I saw in Eckhart’s room before being attacked by Lioness.


A small golem was carefully arranged around the model.


After the cleaning, the small golem looked at Kim Sung Chul.


It was meant to touch the statue once.


Kim Sungchul reached out slowly to reach Eckhart’s model.


Then a faint string appeared in front of me.


The destruction of the ruins disrupted the liquor, and lost some of the characters, but some remained in operation.


Kim Sungchul Raised his eyes and read the string.


[. With only Bertelgia built around the world, we will be able to lightly repel the threats of fishers and fishermen who threaten the world, as well as deal with deep sea priests. But it’s better to leave Deep Sea Lord’s disposal to Brother Lioness and Vestiare’s sister. ]


“Do you see Bertelgia?”


Bertelgia shook his body.


“Huh? What are you talking about? ”


“Take your body with this model once.”


As Kim Sung-cheol said, Bertelgia was dubious and brought the edge of the book to Golem’s model.


It was finally seen by Bertelgia.


The letters continued.


[If you are an alchemist class, you can spread your shoulders and act proudly. Alchemists can’t create something out of nothing like gods, but they can create hope out of despair! ]


“Daddy’s left?”


Bertelgia trembled lightly.


Kim Sungchul nods his head and the last sentence comes to mind.


[If you see Kabung walking around outside, please treat him well. It’s a very nice guy. I should have dried it when I put it in the Soulstone. Anyway, he is a good guy so I want you to take good care of me. Do you know? Does he open up to you? ]


The letter ended with it.


Kim Sungchul looked up at the little golem standing by himself.


A small golem made a sound while looking down at Kim Seong-chul with eyes made of glass beads.


‘You brought me here to show you this.’


Bertelgia was standing on the shoulder of a small golem and talking in a gentle voice.


“Your name is Kabung.”


The small golem nodded.


“Daddy’s naming sensation. But is it better than this man? ”


Bertelgia turned to Kim Seong-chul.


“Are you dissatisfied with my naming sense?”


“You’re going to put something else again.”


“Fabre is great.”


A great change occurred in the body of the little golem when he was so ecstatic.


The fuselage-wrapped body opens itself and reveals the soulstone hidden in it.


Kim Seong-cheol and Bertelgia, both shut up and watched the sudden action of the little golem.


Kabung was speaking in action.


“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Do you think you’ve already got Kabang’s heart? That’s impossible. ”


Bertelgia said.


Kim Sung-chul had a similar idea.


Because his charm is the same 28 as luck.


The street cats in the neighborhood are also attractive figures.


But somehow Kim Sungchul seemed to know the heart of the little golem.


‘You were lonely. I would have been alone for thousands of years. ‘


Kim Sung-chul also spent nearly 10 years in solitude.


Kim Sungchul knows better than anyone how heavy it is to spend all these years alone.


Kim Seong-chul, who spent only 10 years alone, may not have been this little Golem, who would have spent more than a thousand years alone.


Kim Sungchul reached out and took the white Soulstone inside the golem.


Then a luminous character appeared before his eyes.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


Merkit Carbunk (Soulstone)


A new category has been opened in the status window.


‘Also Bertelgia is not a workhorse.’


The fact that it was an independent entity was true, but it became clear with this.


There was another amazing thing. The workhorse in Soulstone has conveyed the meaning directly to Kim’s ritual.


Kim Sungchul, looking at the soul stone, opened his mouth in a low voice.


“What? Ask me to make a golem to clean it up for you? ”


The Soulstone glowed dimly as affirmation.


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