“Then there are some similarities.”


Material and size resemble somewhere.


The leather-covered suit was almost similar to Bertelgia.


“Why don’t you pick that book? I think that’s the key to moving the giant. ”


Kim Sungchul Reached for the blue book.


However, when Kim Seong-cheol’s hand touched the book, an intangible barrier appeared to block the approach, and at the same time a shining letter appeared before Kim Seong-chul.


[An unauthorized person cannot extract the key of knowledge. ]


[The list of authorized persons is as follows. ]


[Chil Young-woong and Creationist Eckhart]


Naturally, Kim Sungchul was not on the list.


He always tried to grab the book by force.


A little strength broke the intangible barrier.


Another character came to mind before Kim Sung-chul.


[Warning. If the key of knowledge is taken without authority, the Colossus will cause a runaway. ]


Kim Sungchul, who saw the phrase, immediately raised his hand.


‘This is difficult.’


Fortunately, the string is not finished yet.


Kim Sungchul slowly read the newly emerged characters.


[If you are a later man, and if you must have a reason to stop this cohort, answer the question below. ]


[Are you an alchemist? ]


Kim Sungchul nodded.


Then, a lamp made of luminescent stone popped out of a hidden gap in the dark cockpit and lit up the entire cockpit.


As soon as the letter came to mind, a box of ice was placed on the table from the ceiling.


The ice disappeared, leaving only a rare gas instead of water, and a glass jar containing various reagents, various minerals, grass and insects remained in the place where the ice melted.


[Eckhart’s Last Problem # 3]


[There will be alchemy items that can be made from the alchemy material here. Make it and put it on the front altar. This colossus will then stop maneuvering. ]


[Addendum. Any tool can be used. ]


This is the Eckhartdown spell.


Kim Sungchul stared at the pension material on the table.


Many eyes were familiar, but there were samples, ores, and specimens that were first seen.


But what are you going to make with them?


Kim Sungchul I felt a big question.


More than 60 kinds of materials are placed on the table.


It is also a unique material that is hard to find any contact intuitively.


‘This is an almost impossible spell.’


Fluke is difficult to expect once.


Moreover, just once for each bottle of ingredients.


A single failure is a test that will not be tolerated.


And even at this moment the Colossus is moving.


There was a crystal ball in front of the cockpit that was visible through the golem’s eyes.


The great gods are now destroying Panchuria as they travel up the river.


‘Out of my ability’


Don’t hold on to long-term attention.


Kim Sungchul stared straight at Bertelgia.


Bertelgia was already on the desk, looking at the ingredients.


The bookshelves seemed to be sorely thought, as the bookshelves were not fluttering but still as still.


Kim Sungchul believed Bertelgia and waited for her reply.


One minute, one minute, another one minute.


The time went slowly.


There was a faint sound of something breaking in the distance. The cockpit shook weakly.


Bertelgia opened his mouth in silence.


Expectant Kim Seong-chul turned to Bertelgia.


“It’s a joke. joke. Please do not look with such a scary face. I’m working on it now! ”


Bertelgia returned to Django.


No matter how Bertelgia, the ingredients on the table were hard to figure out.


“Hmm, still. I think there’s some useless stuff mixed up. ”


Bertelgia moved to remove the reagent in the third row.


“Aren’t we all using it?”


Kim Sung-chul opened his mouth.


“I thought so at first, but it’s not like that.”


Bertelgia carried the next third material to the bookshelf and carried it to the side.


“Don’t look but help me.”


Kim Sungchul Pushed the third of the listed ingredients in one place as Bertelgia asked.


After the cleanup, Bertelgia fluttered down on the table and looked down at the ingredients.


No progress yet.


It was about time to drink a cup of tea.


Kim Seong-cheol stared at Bertelgia with less expected eyes.


“You look pretty?”


Bertelgia spoke in a hilarious voice.


“What do you see?”


When Sung-cheol asked, Bertelgia’s body suddenly glowed red.


Unusual auspicious light.


“Look. Look. Try to unseal pages not in the index! ”


Bertelgia’s bookshelf unfolded in splendor, and a page soon appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


It was one of the recipes I always saw.


But it is not an ordinary recipe.


Ingredients: Millennium Feather, Golden Sap, Comet Powder, Near Perfect Gold, Sludge’s Sludge.


Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes.


“A Level 7 pension item?”


I’ve never made a level 6 pension item, but it’s a level 7 pension item.


“What is this?”


Kim Seong-chul stared at the recipe and opened his mouth.


“You see, it’s a level 7 pension item. It’s also non-proposal. I was surprised too. I have something like this in me. ”


“Is it an unindexed page?”


“Yes. Maybe it’s sealed for some reason. If you play it as a human, At first glance, it seems to me, but it doesn’t come close. ”


Kim Sungchul Stared at the end of his jaw, staring at the vast array of materials. I couldn’t figure out how to start.


“Once, let’s make it together.”


Bertelgia flew strong and flew over the table.


She picked up some of the ingredients on her bookshelf and colonized Kim Sung-chul.


“I have nothing to worry about because I have a recipe?”


“Maybe it is.”


Kim Sungchul He was handed over by Bertelgia, and he began to trim it with delicacy and discretion.


During the trimming of the materials, Kim Sungchul had already discovered that these materials once passed through the hands of a great alchemist.


‘This is a perfectly prepared ingredient.’


Apparently left unattended, each material was preserved with great workmanship to ensure the full effectiveness of the material.


Kim Sungchul I couldn’t help but praise the skill of each one. I have never seen Eckhart in person, but if he was in front of him, Kim Sungchul would be willing to praise the great alchemist.


“Bertelgia. It is unlikely that material care will be needed. ”


“Huh? Yes? Then shall we make one? ”


Kim Sungchul I looked around and found a space enough to hold a pension kiln by the table, and I took out Eckhart’s portable pension kiln.


Surprisingly, Eckhart’s portable pension kilns fit into the space as if they had fit into the space.


Kim Sungchul I started alchemy with the ingredients given, feeling the pleasure of the perfect match.


The best materials already perfectly trimmed have been reborn as the best pension items simply by touching Kim Sung-chul.


The quality of the pension item that will be made the material is what S +. Kim Seong-chul had never stepped on.


Kim Sungchul Eckhart’s warm consideration was felt in the process.


‘This task is to eat without knowing the recipe.’


Ingredients prepared so that even the most immature can be soft. Stable formulation, carefully arranged to minimize failure.


Kim Sungchul I could feel this fact every time I made a pension item made of material.


Kim Sungchul All the items made of material were softened, leaving only the softness of the last wizard’s stone.


“Good good. Let’s go to the end with this momentum! ”


Kim Sungchul I suddenly stared at the cheering Bertelgia.


One thought flashed over my head.


‘Maybe this task could be solved on the premise that this guy is there.’


In my eyes, the report showed that even the most experienced alchemist would not have been able to solve the task, under the pressure of enormous inventory and unsuccessful attempts.


Kim Sungchul At first, the vague idea came slowly to form, combining the pension items and forming a wizard’s stone.


As the best ingredients made so far went into the pension kiln, a glimmer lit up the kiln and stirred it gently and carefully with a Kim Sungchul pensioner.


Every time the kiln was stirred, it felt quite a lot of mana.


Level 7 pension item down mana consumption.


Kim Seong-chul of the past would have to take a break and softness for a considerable amount of time, but the current Kim Sungchul wizard’s criterion reached a very high level of 600 horsepower.


He constantly squeezed the spatula and waited for the items in the kiln to be completed.


How much time has passed.


Kim Seong-chul’s massive horsepower was also nearing the bottom.


In the kiln where the dim light stayed, suddenly a dazzling light flowed down like a waterfall and dazzled.


Kim Sungchul was waiting for a text to appear soon, feeling the pounding before Kim Sungchul.


The result appeared soon.


Kim Seong-cheol’s mouth was quite clear smile.


“Wow! I did it! I did it! ”


As Bertelgia fluttered around, a stone emerged in the alchemy kiln, with a clear outline.


The size of a child’s head.


The surface was covered with bizarre shapes and indecipherable characters shining blue.


Kim Sungchul took the stone by hand.


Effect: Collect five other stones. And the way of truth will open before you.


Kim Sungchul took the wizard’s stone to the altar.


As the sorcerer’s stone climbed the altar, suddenly the lights in the cockpit lost their light and recovered.


The vibrations, which felt fine, stopped and a dark silence came in the cockpit.


The colossus that destroyed Panchuria stopped.


In silence, a letter appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


[Excellent. You have completed the Sorcerer’s Stone. ]


[I will bless you if you are with my daughter; ]


The light disappeared from the book in the center of the cockpit.


Bertelgia found it first and said.


“That book over there. It seems that the enchantment has disappeared? ”


Before even Sung-cheol’s hand pulled out, Bertelgia rushes in and beats the book.


Surprisingly, it lost its power and rolled down the altar like an ordinary book.


Bertelgia was cheering.


Kim Sungchul Casually looking at the home where the book was located.


“Go into this.”


“There seems to be something. Left by your father. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s words were mostly unheard of Bertelgia, but when her father came out, she flew to the pines and closed the bookshelf and pushed herself into it.


At first there was no reaction.


But after some time, the whole body of Bertelgia began to turn blue.


Kim Sung-chul urgently asked.


“Yes. OK. I just feel warm. And … wait a minute. ”


Bertelgia was suddenly silent.


Kim Sungchul Watched Jako Bertelgia.


“I know. About this golem. I don’t know why, but I think I can give this golem a command! ”


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