48. Voice of Disaster (1)


Kim Sungchul steadily collected information about the environment surrounding the tower of hermit for one week.


Among his most intriguing interests was the eerie sighting of Aquiroa’s flagship, Procrustes.


The rumors, mainly spread by the mouths of other collaborative crews, say that procruste’s decks sometimes circulate like humans but not humans.


They are as sensible as their strange appearance, so they notice them as soon as they are discovered by other crew members and hide themselves like ghosts, and every time witnesses hear creeping whisperes they have never heard.


There was a lot of speculation and delusion about the identity of the killer, but no one was close to the truth.


At least in the ears of Kim Sung-chul, who knew the identity of the killer, it sounded so.


I once tried bold reconnaissance.


He walked around the mole on the ship’s berth and walked around the pro-Crustus to the ground, and he measured the distance between the device and the company to build a path to the ship on the day of his death. .


One particular thing was that a number of werewolves were riding on the Aquiro’s line.


A group of roughly four to five members walked around the tower of the hermit on a daily basis and eagerly searched for something.


Of course, curious Kim Sungchul was able to overhear the werewolves’ conversations after a persistent pursuit.


“How? Have you found a dragon? ”


“No. I couldn’t find it at all. It’s obvious that it’s not in the tower, but look for something to find. ”


“Isn’t that because humans are urged from above? Let’s have a meal. ”


Next to the werewolf there was a corpse of a young woman whose blood had not yet gone.


He was seen as a refugee in shabby clothing, but he seemed to have fallen prey to a wolf’s prey, wandering alone in the forest.


It is not wise to cause trouble in the present situation.


In addition, their cubic orientation gave them the information they wanted.


‘It’s a dragon. There can only be one being called a dragon here. ‘


The anti-human carnes. The strongest hermit.


I don’t know why, but Aquiro is looking for Kenneth.


Not seeking with good intentions.


Kim Sungchul stepped out of his seat silently.


There was nothing special about it.


Although the conflict between the town of Toporo and the refugees was deeper than expected, it did not seem to lead to a conflict at once.


There are rumors that the gods who broke the refugee’s homeland are going to other areas, and the hermits of the tower were faithfully deterring.


Kim Sungchul was able to spend a leisurely life in a beautiful village.


The worse Bertelgia uttered a word, but could not be pointed out by Kim Seong-chul.


“Now you come and study nothing different.”


If you enter the tower anyway, the future will be solved by the sun.


Kim Sungchul, who had a firm belief in himself, was a no-frills review itself.


So test day has come forward.


Before and after the test, the village was crowded with summoners from all over the continent.


Kim Sungchul After a long time, I could hear the names of the forgotten countries such as Greece, England, India, and Japan.


A man from Japan pretended to be close to Kim Sung-chul. The black hair was thought to be Japanese.


However, when Kim Sung-chul said he was not a hometown bluntly, the Japanese attitude changed markedly.


“Oh, you were Korean? I didn’t know that a large summoning would happen in an underdeveloped place like Korea. Excuse me. ”


Kim Sungchul did not care.


Instead, they listened to the summoners from the outside.


There, Kim Sungchul discovered that the destruction by the giants had caused a tremendous impact on the continent beyond imagination.


Large nations, such as the human empire, have minimized the damage by agile coping, but there are no houses left in the southeastern plains where small kingdoms are concentrated.


It’s a good time to go to fall, but the winter will soon add tribulation.


After hearing that, Kim Sungchul said, but decided in advance the next destination.


‘I’m going to have to deal with the giants until I know the whereabouts of the remaining seven heroes.’


When the sun came up at noon, the hermits of the tower guided the candidates to the tower.


As soon as he entered the tower, he was going to perform a big deal, so Kim Sungchul confirmed the position of Prucrustes and relaxed quietly.


But a sudden situation occurred.


“The test site is here.”


The place where the hermit guided was not the inside of the tower but the wooden building behind the tower.


Kim’s plan was shattered from the start.


“I will study a little bit like that.”


Bertelgia did pinzan but did not enter his ear.


The test process flowed in advance, regardless of Kim’s psychological state.


“From now on you will be tested here. Test questions are from previous summoners. ”


A man who appeared to be a slave issued a test paper.


As soon as I saw the test question, Kim Sungchul felt the whiteness of my head.


In a multiple choice, one might try gambling to walk everything into luck, but at the end of the day all the questions were short-term, scoring both process and conclusion.


‘One also… I do not know… ! ‘


It was when Kim Sung-cheol was considering the final option of breaking through.


The hermit supervisor spoke in a soft voice.


“Tests are taken in an open book with the summoners in mind. I’m not sure, but according to the cus- tomers, it’s mostly a problem that can’t be solved even if you look at the book anyway. ”


The supervisor pointed to the bookshelf on the wall and encouraged them to use them freely if they had any reference.


Kim Sungchul I felt the blood boil lightly after a long time.


There is a possibility.


There was a roaring voice here and there.


Kim Sungchul took a break and told Bertelgia in a low voice.


“Yeah? Really? Do it? ”


“Please. Bertelgia. ”


When the atmosphere became loud, the supervisor applauded everyone’s attention.


“Tests will be given freely, but please do not copy the answers of others.”


As the supervisor said, it was a good environment to cheat.


Test takers sit in line or face to face at a large dining table rather than a personal desk.


It was an environment in which you could copy it face to face with heart.


The supervisor added, concerned.


“The eye of the transparent watcher is watching you behind each candidate. Cheating will immediately result in punishment for dismissal and resentment. Please refrain from condemnation. ”


The supervisor’s words were plausible, but the eye of the watcher was captured by Kim Seong-chul’s eye of truth.


It’s kind of bluff.


Other test takers who were unaware of this were nervous. This is because the weight of the punishment was significant.


At least, in severe cases, death would result.


Sighs sprang from the mouths of the candidates who had cheating in mind.


“Then start the test. 2 hours. Please fill in the best possible answers. ”


The hermits finished and went out.


Hermit, who seems to have the lowest office, took over as overseer.


Twenty summoners brought all the books they needed at the same time.


Kim Sungchul was still there.


Someone seemed to be deeply struggling to solve the problem.


However, Kim’s thinking is not a problem that can be solved. He sought out the most well-studied human beings gathered here.


Two people stood out.


It was a Japanese man who pretended to be close to Kim Seong-chul, a dark-skinned man who appears to be Indian.


In particular, the Japanese sat right next to Kim Seong-chul, and as soon as the test began, they laughed at him.


“It’s been about five years since I came here, but it’s a plain problem. Don’t you think so? ”


Kim Seong-cheol said nothing, and the man began to solve the problem by muttering in unspeakable Japanese.


He did not refer to the books on the bookshelf without any doubt as to whether he really was, and he wrote his answer sheet without hesitation.


‘This guy looks more talented.’


When Kim Seong-cheol stared at him, the Japanese smiled and actually covered the test paper with their arms and tilted their upper body to completely cover the answer sheet from Kim’s eyes.


‘Did you see these dogs?’


Kim Sungchul immediately got up from his seat and went to the bookshelf where he picked up several books.


“Bertelgia. It’s your turn. ”


Kim Sungchul intercepted Bertelgia in his book.


“Okay. Trust me only! ”


Kim Sungchul came back to his seat with a pile of books. The Japanese who covered the answer sheet blindly to Kim Seong-cheol and solved the problem happily glanced at the book Kim Seong-cheol brought and murmured as if to listen with a smile.


“Why do you bring books that have nothing to do with problem solving? Do you really know anything? ”


Kim Sungchul He piled up a pile of books he brought next to the Japanese. The thick book served as a proper divider between Kim Sung-cheol and the Japanese.


The Japanese summoner, who saw it, pouted and raised his eyebrows.


“The Korean inch high is conscientious.”


He loosened his answer sheet and began to solve the problem in a relaxed position.


Kim Sungchul, meanwhile, was sitting in a vacant seat and looking at the problem paper near the blank. If you don’t know it, it seems like you are doing it.


But Kim does not do anything.


Bertelgia was hiding between the partitions made of books.


‘I feel like doing strange things lately. I’m definitely a guide for the creator, and it’s used as a cheat tool. I’ll have a good time later! ‘


She was recording the answer sheet of the Japanese being filled right next to her blank space.


Bertelgia shook briefly as the Japanese drew the answer sheet first and stretched it.


Kim Sungchul immediately reached into the cubicle and took Bertelgia. The Japanese overturned the answer sheet, fearing that Kim would cheat at all, and overlaid it with the book that Kim had brought.


“I’ll borrow only one. No complaints? ”


Kim Sungchul did not respond.


No time to respond.


Bertelgia was busy writing down the answer sheets that the Japanese had copied.


Although it was awkward to hold a pen for a long time, Kim Sungchul was able to complete a near-perfect answer sheet.


Two hours passed quickly.


“Test is here. Please submit all answers in the future. ”


With the sound of groaning all over the place, the Japanese whistled lightly as they glanced at the answer sheet on Kim’s side.


“Oh. Did you manage to fill it in? ”


I should have done nothing.


The moment he came back to taunt Kim Sung-cheol, Kim seized his Japanese test paper hidden under the book as soon as he could not see it.


The Japanese, who had no idea of ​​the fact, were shocked and found shocking facts when they checked their answer sheets hidden under the book.


“Oh no! My answer sheet is … No answer sheet! ”


His answer sheet has long been powdered in Kim’s hands.


Kim Sungchul woke up from his seat staring intently at the man.


“I should have studied a bit like that.”


Kim Sungchul Leave behind the man who screamed his head and screamed and submitted the answer sheet.


The results came a day later.


It was a pass.


The door of the tower of the hermit opened wide toward Kim Sung Chul.


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