Cabin of cozy collusion.


Sarasa came out.


The aroma of tea from the tea cup is not unusual.


It is a luxury product made by carefully treating expensive varieties. The furniture and appliances in the cabin were also expensive.


Kim Sungchul was thinking about where to talk in the strange space.


Kim Sungchul threw a word at the end of Django.


“What happened?”


Shortly after learning the heavenly light in Erfurt, Kim Sungchul left the front line of the world, and Altugius and Sarasa, who passed on the vision of the astronomers, left behind Erfurt, which had been ravaged by the invasion of demons, and settled on a wandering path.


Kim Sungchul I wanted them to hide in a quiet and peaceful place unrelated to the chaos of the world.


However, the reunion of the Altusius family was completely beyond Kim’s expectations.


“We don’t know where to talk from.”


Altusius’ face, which had been fairly corrected, was old enough to die tomorrow.


The torturing I had suffered since leaving school was inscribed on the wrinkled face.


Sarah, on the other hand, seemed to have grown internally since leaving school.


Her masked half-warmed face was covered with silver masks, and she was buried with embarrassment, leisure, and even grace.


It was an unbelievable change to be the same person as an ironless girl who lived alone in a dormitory where no one was present.


However, sitting in front of Kim Seong-chul, she threw away a piece of clothing that was dressed like a messy clothes and went back to a girl without iron as before.


“I suffered a lot. Ain’t no tracers sticking up. I was almost killed when I was attacked by a bounty hunter. ”


Sarasa rolled up her sleeve and showed a deep scar on her arm that twisted like a corpse.


Bertelgia in his pocket made a strange noise. Bertelgia did not like the undead.


Sarasa glanced at Kim Seong-cheol’s pocket, but continued to talk without much concern.


“Then I was lucky to meet a man called your servant.”


At the question of Kim Seong-chul, Sarasa nodded and smiled brightly.


“Counter Schnellmerker. Do you remember? ”


“Schnell Merker? Who is it? Oh, are you referring to Fritz? ”


Kim Sungchul Reminded me of the man’s face in the tall, compliant blond wall.


A summoner from East Germany who first met as an enemy.


Defeat by Kim Sung-chul in a close battle, he came under Kim Sung-chul’s flag with his summoning motives.


Schnellmerker was a weak wizard in all-out war, but he was a talented wizard with an extraordinary role in assisting combat.


He served as a lieutenant of the death brigade under the command of Kim Seong-chul, who helped lead many victorious battles to victory. After the creation of the human empire, he retired from the military and managed to play a fertile land in the south. Chose.


Since then, there has been no other traffic, but according to Sarasa, Schnellmerker was very repulsed by his boss Kim Seong-cheol as the world’s enemy and secretly contacted another person in the shade for his life. It is said to have created the forces of.


That is the apocalypse.


It is an emerging religion settled like a fashion in the back alleys and underground of LaGranje, the capital of the human empire.


And the apocalyptic denomination worships the world’s enemy, Kim Seong-chul.


When Kim Seong-chul defeated the 100,000 demon soldiers alone at the front line of the Makai, the ties began to expand, and even rumors that Kim had solved the first plague were spreading out of control.


“…. Something ridiculous has happened. ”


I have hives all over my body.


By nature Kim Sungchul didn’t like to support anyone. There is a group that worships them collectively.


Rather, the thought that the enemy of the world might be better was passed through.


Sarasa saw Kim Seong-cheol, who had a complicated expression, and opened her mouth.


“I don’t take it too seriously. You are our symbol. Hold on to your worries because no one prays to you seriously. ”


Sarasa, who no longer eats human food, laughed at spraying, absorbing magic crystals as a meal substitute.


Kim Sungchul who saw her face found Sarasa’s face to be much more humane than before, and her protective order on her body was more refined and systematically reorganized.


‘You are well maintained. Corruption was hardly progressed, but rather, it felt like it was found. ‘


Sarasa Zero, after absorbing all the magic crystals, continued the story in a rough tone.


“The Earl of Schnellmerker, and those who are with him, are the organizations that have risen in response to the World Council, that is, the vested interests that move the world. They are disappointed by the series of actions the summoner emperor claimed to be the human liberator, and have presented you as another enemy of the emperor who stood against him. ”


“That’s like a damn thing.”


But it does not make sense.


The vested interests of the present age represented by the thirty-three continents and the World Congress clearly brought order to the world, but the repulsion was not easy. The rebels only showed that the vested power was too strong. The moment you are stigmatized by vested interests, you will be driven by another world like Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul did not like the name of the new group. It was particularly annoying that the group with the word “end” was associated with him.


Kim Sungchul immediately pointed out that.


“But why is your name apocalyptic? It’s not a good thing for the parties to drag me in and have no affair with me. ”


“Apocalypse is short. The official name is a secret meeting of the true ones who are trying to stop the end, and it is so long that from now on you too will be called the end denomination. ”


But Kim Sungchul did not ask any more questions.


Ask Sarasa, not the founder of the Apocalypse, for more details, because the answers he wants are hard to find.


‘I’ll have to visit Schnellmerker someday.’


So the question of Kim Sungchul Doomsday has now been overturned.


There is something more important for him now.


“But why are you here?”


The story was written sideways for a moment, but this is the point. Kim Sungchul Even though the opponents were old friends Altusius and Sarasa, they had no intention of going through it.


Kim Sung-cheol’s eyes changed, and Altusius and Sarasa noticed the changes inside Kim Seong-chul.


The two faced each other and exchanged their eyes with each other, and Sarasa then opened her mouth, touching the mask.


“I’m rough and I’ll tell you the conclusion. We came here to burn the Book of Catastrophes. ”


Kim Sungchul doubted his ears at the moment.


‘These people. You’ve been freaking out from me before. ‘


When he stared at the face with an incomprehensible face, Sarasa nodded and continued the story in a clear voice.


“The old wise men say that the truth is hidden in places you never thought of? It’s just a disaster. Until now, people around the world treated the book of disaster as a prophetic book that just described the coming disaster, but we considered the book of disaster from a slightly different perspective. In the process we came up with it. Perhaps the book of disasters itself is a disaster-inducing thing. ”


“A ridiculous sound.”


Kim Sungchul dismissed Sarasa’s claim as if he had just cut it.


“It’s just a book.”


“But not just a book. It is written by God by the power of God. ”


Sarasa responded in a calm tone, as if she had expected Kim’s response.


“It is only a prophetic book. It is foolish to think that calling the prophetic book will not make the future written there. What’s the difference between telling children to close the night when they close their eyes? ”


“What you say is a general view of the book of disaster. The book of disaster is just a prophetic book, and we assemble the story. ”


“Let’s see at a different time. Put aside the clever idea that the book of disaster is a prophetic book. Do you see something different? ”


“I don’t see anything?”


“…. We look like this. The Book of Catastrophes is in itself a source of catastrophes, in which God’s will is written, and thus the fateful force that arises as written there. ”


From the middle, Kim Sungchul lost interest in Sarasa and was unable to concentrate. The difference in opinion was so great that there was a crack between them that was too big to narrow.


So even after hearing the shocking conclusions, Kim Sungchul showed no response.


Instead he asked a question.


“So have you brought bloody mercenaries and weapons to this quiet and peaceful land?”


Sarasa and Althuss’s faces were hardened.


I was embarrassed.


“We’ve met again for a long time, why are you so stiff?”


Sarasa asked with a stiff face.


“Do you know how much I expected to see you again?”


When Sarasa’s voice began to rise, a door opened and a stranger came into the room.


He was a wizard wearing a robe made of cloth woven in the shape of a yellow star on a blue background, in his mid-30s.


“I’m sorry for being late. I have so much to prepare. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes pointed at his face.


A glimpse of the memory of the rebels and the empire of the rebels did not bring a congruent face.


The wizard shook his back politely with an awkward smile as Kim Seong-cheol’s gaze rested on his face.


“See you for the first time. My name is Peony, and I am a wizard from Invant. I’m a bit shy, but I’m a pastor of the Apocalypse. ”


He looked carefully at Kim Seong-cheol and Sarasa, saying as if he felt an unusual air flow in the room.


When Kim Sung-chul said nothing, he naturally sat down to his seat and continued to speak.


“I heard my story outside for a while. Yes. Yes. We admit that our ideas are hard to accept. Honestly, as a pastor of the denomination, it is hard for me to believe that the burning of the book of the end will end the plague. ”


Upon hearing the word, Sarasa shouted in protest, staring at Peony.


Pioneer looked back at Kim Sung-cheol after showing his palms to calm down with a smile on Sarasa.


“In fact, the real purpose of this operation is to raise an event.”


“It causes an event?”


Kim Sungchul She leaned back with arms folded, throwing an uncomfortable gaze.


The Pioneer wizard nodded.


“The eastern and northern parts of the continent are being trampled under the feet of the giants for helplessness, but the World Congress and Continental thirteenth are not taking any action. I neglected my duty. Despite dissatisfaction with this, the powerful people are in a hurry. That was just before the explosion. Do you know why? ”


Kim Sungchul shook her head.


Then Peony said in earnest voice as if he had waited.


“Because of your recent activity in Panchuria and the atrocities of empires in opposition to him.”


“…. Would the empire have overturned sin on me? ”


Kim Sungchul Recalled the scene of Panchuria that had turned to ashes. The governor of Panchuria was dead under Kim Sung Chul’s name.


“When justice was alive in the human empire, it might have been eaten. But no more. Public sentiment has long been shaken. People are just waiting for someone to light it. ”


“Did you choose the tower of the hermit?”


“A tower of the hermit is a neutral force?”


“So it’s worth it. The world council and the thirty-three-year-old continent can maintain power on a paradoxically because of the existence of disaster. How many sacrifices have they made to other small nations in the name of preventing disasters? The attack on the Tower of the Hermit, the source of the disaster, would greatly undermine the authority of the powers of the earth and further doubt its worth. ”


Peony finished off the horse with a smooth, flawless speech without any watery appearance.


Kim Sungchul did not find anything to refute.


I didn’t feel the reason.


What Kim felt was simple.


‘You look alike. Then 20 years ago. ‘


Kim Seong-cheol felt it was a sense of delusion.


In front of Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes, he had to squeeze his head from the dark basement to squeeze his unreturned head to overcome the absolute thirteen. .


At the center was the present emperor. His head was bright and he had the power to lead the people. He didn’t ignore any extraordinary thoughts and struggled to find a merit with him.


That man was now the target of overthrow.


“Do you have anything to say?”


Peony asked carefully, looking at Kim Sung-cheol, who was reminisced.


Kim Sungchul looked up and looked quiet at Pioneer and the rest of the characters.


“I will not allow an attack on the tower of the hermit.”


Kim Sungchul said with all his heart.


“Or if you want to attack the Hermit’s Tower and the town before him, you will have to deal with me first.”


Kim Sungchul said so and got up.


Sarasa got up and tried to say something, but Altusius restrained.


On the other hand, Peony was a casual face.


He spoke softly.


“I would appreciate it if you could explain why. We are also in the position to be instructed above, so if this happens we should report it above. ”


Kim Sungchul walked to the door, said in a calm tone.


“Come to Schnellmerker. I will visit you in the near future. The reason will then be revealed in my own mouth. ”


Kim Sungchul opened the door.


Numerous people stood at the door, watching Kim Sung-cheol in praise and worship.


Kim Sungchul felt nauseous in that blind eye.


Peony’s voice came from behind.


“If so, I will believe your words, cancel my plan, and slash the common good.”


“It’s a wise choice.”


“It is a word of praise. And there is one thing I want you to know. ”


“You are not alone. I want you to know that there are thousands of people who believe and support you in the shade. ”


His words were so tender, but Kim Sungchul felt an uncomfortable feeling somewhere.


As promised, Ko-seon, who had stayed in the refugee camp, left the tower of the hermit with the weapons and mercenaries unloaded.


Kim Sungchul Visually confirmed the end of the denomination’s collusion on the lower ridges.


His expression was not very bright.


“Why are you doing that? I’m on your side. Huh? I noticed that a pretty girl is missing from you. It’s undead! ”


Bertelgia opened his mouth with his head in his pocket.


“Bertelgia. I have no memory of those on my side. ”


Kim Sungchul Speaking assertively, turned around and left.


“Better than Bertelgia. It’s time to pay for a long time. ”


A long chipger to open the Soulstone was waiting in front of the group.


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